Dreaming of Moshiach

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Thursday, May 31, 2007

Shmita 5768

שְׁמִטָּה -- "[Year of] Remission" or Sabbatical Year

The same way that we are commanded to work for six days, and then have Shabbat for Hashem, Shmita is Shabbat for an entire year. We need to look forward to it, and treat the halachot just as we keep the halachot of Shabbat. Hashem gave us an opportunity to live such holy lives, that even the food we eat will be extra fortified in holiness!

Almost every Orthodox movement in Israel is currently sending representatives out to the fields, greenhouses and orchards. The reason is that the shmita (sabbatical) year - the final year in a seven-year agricultural cycle, during which the Land of Israel is supposed to lie fallow in accordance with a Biblical injunction - starts in four months, and religious officials are rushing to promise financial and spiritual renumeration, and possibly a place in the world to come.

Getting ready for the Great Shmita year of 5768...



An Open Letter To You

My Dear Fellow Jews,

B'H, HKB'H blessed me to be able to give Chizzuk and transcribe dreams of the Geulah thru the technology of the Internet. For those who have followed this blog, and have gotten to know me (however limited), have noticed that something changed in the past few weeks and I have been receiving many emails of concern, care, and curiosity...

I thank you all my cyber-friends for your support and worries but all I can say now is that we are all bestowed with nisyonot (tests) of all sorts. The closer one tries to get to our Father, the harder the Satan works. The Sitra Achra's work makes one very confused and no one is safe. That is why on Yom Kippur we pray, "הטהור טמאנו וטימאנו הטהור please forgive us for unknowingly changing the pure into impure and the impure to pure ".

This blog and all sites are exposed worldwide. It can give spiritual strength to some, while to others, it give information for self-gain, and be the messenger of the Sitra Achra, r'l....

The Sitra Achra got me despite my will to work only for HaShem. I was told thru a dream a warning message, "HaKol Kol Yaakov, Ve'HaYadaim Yedei Esav", "The Voice is the Voice of Yaakov but the Hands are the Hands of Esav", but at the time, didn't understand its meaning and was unable to connect it to anything logical...

The messenger of the Sitra Achra tried to kill me not only spiritually, but also physically. It was revealed to me that in the zchut of saying Alenu Leshabe'ach (a prayer of thanksgiving), at the exact moment he had permission to kill me, it saved me. Till then, I never understood the urge to say at 1:30 am, zman HaDin, by Kever Devorah HaNevia, a'h, alone (or so I thought) this precious Tefilla for no apparent reason... Much much later, after many tears and tefillot, it was revealed to me that he sent a mazikin dog thru sorcery to attack and kill me. In the zchut of saying Alenu Leshabe'ach, instead of getting killed, the mazikim dog bit this devil person furiously.

Chasdei HaShem, HKB'H also send me human messengers to warn me. I couldn't think straight, and was very very confused. Without going into details, thru Tefilot, Pidyon HaNefesh, many many tears, and spiritual cleansing, I was able to escape, chasdei HaShem, at the last moment.

But the klipa is strong and the negative influence damaged me a lot. Because of that, I was told thru a dream that there will not be any more dreams and revelations for a certain period of time. This is my punishment.

At that point, I didn't care. I didn't want any more dreams. All I wanted was when I go to sleep, to be able to wake up and bless HaShem for returning my soul. I want to live a normal life, and don't care if I don't know what is going on up there in Shamayim. My priorities changed. This harsh test humbled me and made me realize that it was reward enough to be a good wife, mother, and Oved HaShem, with, b'h, pure intentions and tremendeous innocence.

For a while after this hard nisayon, I didn't have much to post but it didn't matter. I needed to heal and get the chizuk. I thought if anything, I could always recycle posts or not update.

But this week, HKB'H blessed me to 'find' really interesting posts of chizzuk, something that didn't happen for a few weeks.

Why am I telling you all this? Because an anonymous wrote me an email that caused me tears of happiness:

"I am so sorry you went through such a horrible nightmare.

I see you are strong and I sincerely feel for you and pray that HaShem will protect you and all of us and draw us only to True Tzaddikim who are really the only match for SM.

How sad that we must never let our guard down, but HaShem has His Cession and I feel strongly that you will succeed in all challenges and how great they are!!!!

May HaShem Bless you and your children with only good forever'

I don't know this person and never discussed with him/her what happened, as I didn't discuss it with any of you. I don't know how they know. For all I know, this email could be directly from HKB'H.

I don't know my future and the one of this blog. I don't know if HaShem will allow me to be able to find good article of Chizzuk and Teshuva. I don't know when the dreams will return, and if they will return. The dreams don't matter... All what I know is that I will try to continue serving HaShem the best I can and follow HIS path in what ever way HE wants for me.

May it be the Will of HKB'H, our Aba, to allow us to do complete Teshuvah, amen.

Baruch Ata HaShem, HaTov Ve Hametiv.



The 10th Man

It says in the Mishna אי אתה יודע מתן שכרן של מצוות Be as scrupulous about the lightest command as about the weightiest, for no man knows the result of his actions.

It was decided in Moshav Shoresh, close to Yerushalayim, to arrange daily Minyan (10 men) for Mincha. For this operation, Yossie needed to create a shul and arrange for men to join the Tefilla (prayer). It was not an easy task but b'h, successful. One day, only 9 men showed up, including himself. His efforts to get a 10th man was fruitless. He worried that if there will not be a minyan, the men will stop coming for the Tefilla. He quickly ran into the streets to find a 10th man.

After much search, he found his friend Shlomo, a secular man, and begged him to complete the minyan. Shlomo had no problem with the request and said he will come to the shul in 1/2 an hour. "NO!, It's too late, you must come now with me", Yossie begged Shlomo.

"Don't pressure me. I want to take a shower and change my clothing and then I'll come to complete the minyan". Yossie was sweating. After much pressure, Shlomo agreed to skip the shower and together, they arrived at the shul. As soon as they arrived, Mincha began. Less than 2 minutes later, another man arrived to daven.

"Can I go now?", asked Shlomo. "You can, but you don't have to", Yossie replied with a smile. "Oh please, you have 10 men, it's enough. Bye." Shlomo got up and left.

A few years passed and Shlomo passed away. He came to Yossie in a dream and told him, "I want you to know that Bet Din of Shamayim allowed me to come to you in a dream and tell you this."

"That day when I came to shul, and didn't stay sufficient time even to say Amen or pray, and all I did was sit there for 2 minutes till another man arrived, this small action saved me."

"For this tiny act, Shamayim gave me enormous rewards and it saved me from very harsh punishments and judements."

"Tell the living, those whom can still take advantage of time what great rewards are given if they learn Torah."

"You cannot begin to imagine. If I would be given permission, I would reveal to you all the details."

"Tell them that I was saved from very severe decrees and harsh judgments because of the 2 minutes I merited to sit inside the shul."

"Please, I have a request for you. After I passed away, my son hardly sat Shiva for me and does not know what is Kaddish. He did not fullfil for my soul the shloshim, and not the year, till today. He is totally disconnected from Torah and commandments. Please, Shamayim gave me permission to give you his address. Go to him and kindly tell him the pleasures he can give my soul and elevate me. Please!."

B'H, the niftar Shlomo merited his sons to do Teshuva and are now leading Orthodox lives.

This story is authentic and very mysterious. Shlomo, zs'l, was in shul for less than 2 minutes and look at the rewards he received. He didn't even pray or stay long enough to answer 'Amen.'

Every Torah learning, saying Tehillim, praying, chesed, etc. is written in Shamayim's Book and this can save us when we pass away and enter our Judgment.

For this our chachamim say,
בן אדם למה תדאג על הדמים ולא תדאג על הימים, כי הימים אינם חוזרים
"Human being, why worry about money and not about time, because time never returns."

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News I Want to See!

By Robert Solomon

Waves of jubilation roared through Jerusalem's beautiful streets as The Moshiach greeted the Jewish people today. Many reporters had to don thick Ray-Ban sunglasses to shield their eyes against the holy light emanating from the holy man. Many TV cameras were damaged by this light as well.

Billions of TV's broke down all across the world as they could not handle the intense light. Many people were trembling with excitement, however there was a fear in the United States that since the TV's were out, a major family activity has been eliminated.

"Not to worry" says sports retailer Modells, "We have a huge buyout of baseball bats, bicycles, rollerblades, and ping pong tables due to a huge flux of consumers trying to find ways to substitute their loss of TV viewing."

Meanwhile the Arabs, hoping for an easy conquest of the world, are furious. Recently, Achmenidejad was killed as a nuclear explosion occurred in a nuclear plant facility he was just touring. The UN also condemned the Messiah, saying that he has formed an illegitimate government in Jerusalem, and bringing back a world order that "would have suited our old-fashioned ancestors, not us." The Security Counsel is meeting together to condemn the nascent Messianic government in Israel.

However the UN seems to be getting more unpopular as many of their supporters have woken up and are defecting the New York complex. They are heading to John Kennedy Airport to take advantage of the one-way free airfare to Tel Aviv, Israel.

Many Jews are also storming airport across the Diaspora. London Heathrow, Chicago O'Hare, and Paris Charles DeGaule airports are trying to deal with the huge numbers of Jews boarding planes. However Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion is working around the clock to service thousands of Boeing 747's 777's and Airbuses containing thousands of Jewish passengers for their new life in Messianic Israel.

(UPDATE) The UN Building has suddenly disappeared. The now-petrified members of the Security Counsel sit naked in a field in Wyoming trembling as huge space aliens called Cherubim and Seraphim land around them. They are to be taken for justice for crimes committed against Israel and the Jews ever since their conception.



Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ma'or (Light) of the Torah

"This is unbelievable", all yeshiva bachurim (students) mumbled excitedly in Yeshiva 'Torah Vadaat", in Pardes Katz. The Rosh Yeshiva, Rav Yosef Vietzman, heard many miraculous stories from all backgrounds, but such a fascinating revealing miracle, direct protection from heaven, this he never heard before.

As a result of residents evacuating Sderot due to kassam rockets, a secular young man, Maor (in English it means Light), decided to go to his sister's home until the kassam terrorism will end. His brother-in-law convinced him to attend Torah shiurim (class) in the Yeshiva. After 3 days, a kassam landed next to their home and the parents returned to Sderot to handle their property. Maor was also determined to return home.

"That evening I got an urgent phone call from his brother-in-law that Maor has firmly decided to return to Sderot because he is bored and has nothing to do here", says Rav Veitzman. "Immediately I drove to him and was convinced him to dedicate one more evening of Torah learning. About an hour and a half later, he finally agreed and said that this will be his last shiur and tomorrow, he's returning to Sderot." "That same evening we were learning Masechet Taanit and the spiritual strength of Rabbah (האמורא רבא), zs'l, thru prayers, he succeeded bringing rainfall. The Gemara continues and says that thru this action, it brought upon him accusations and in order to save himself, he avoided sleeping in his bed that night. The following morning, his bed was found completely destroyed, as if cut up by swords.

"Why we don't see such revealed miracles today"?, asked Maor in wonderment. "I would also like to see a concrete miracle from HaShem".

Less than 12 hours later, Maor heard that his request for a revealed miracle is fullfilled.
At 6 am, the phone rings and on the line is his father. He told him that he is in the hospital recovering from injuries caused by Kassam shrapnel .

At the same evening, time, hour, and minute that Maor was learning Torah in Pardes Katz, a kassam directly hit his bedroom in Sderot, completely destroying it. The bed that Maor wanted to sleep on that night was completely destroyed, as if cut up by swords... "Maor, you hear me?", yelled the father into the phone, his voice choking from excitement. "If you would have returned to Sderot, you would be amongst the dead".

Maor could hardly catch his breath, "I feel that I received the gift of life. After seeing a clear sign from Heaven, I feel the need to continue learning Torah".

"We see so clearly how the Torah protects and saves", said Rav Veitzman.



Very LOUD Footsteps of Moshiach

The only nation in the world that anticipates Moshiach's arrival is the Jewish nation. We are at the end of this Olam, the end of the 6,000 years has approached. The nations of the world have no problem with this Olam - they have money, fun, vacations, etc. Therefore, they don't anticipate Moshiach's arrival.

Adam HaRishon, zs'l, was born with a very high spiritual level and was like a Malach. But once he ate from the Tree of Knowledge, the freedom of choice entered inside him and he had the choice between the good and bad inclination (the snake). When this happened, a new plan for the world took place. The time for the tikun to cleanse the entrance of the snake inside the Adam is maximum 6,000 years .

As it says, 'דברים ל'): "ומל ה' אלוקיך את לבבך ואת לבב זרעך לאהבה את ה' אלוקיך And HaShem will circumcise your heart and your children's hearts to love HaShem' - How will HaShem circumcise us? HaShem will go back to the original plan, before Adam HaRishon's sin. This is the reason we are the only nation anticipating Moshiach Tzidkenu - waiting for HaShem to give His chosen nation to live in a world that is fixed, without evil inclination and death.

In order for the Tikun to be complete, there are links that need to be attached to reach us till the last link - Moshiach Tzidkenu. What are these links?

First, Eretz Israel was desolate after the destruction of the 2nd Temple. Not one nation was able to flourish in the Holy Land till the Jews returned and rebuild it. Mark Twain famous visit to the Holy Land in 1867, described Palestine as follows:
"..... A desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds... a silent mournful expanse.... a desolation.... we never saw a human being on the whole route.... hardly a tree or shrub anywhere. Even the olive tree and the cactus, those fast friends of a worthless soil, had almost deserted the country." (The Innocents Abroad, p. 361-362).

This is what is written in the Torah, Leviticus 26:32 'והשמתי אני את הארץ ושממו עליה איביכם הישבים בה 'I will make the land desolate so that your enemies who settle in it will be appalled over it'. Rabbi Aba, zs'l, says in the Talmud Bavli "There is no clearer sign of redemption as when the Jews are returning to Israel and only then, the land will give forth fruits". After 2,000 years, the Holy Land received the Jews back, with loyalty and love, and gives forth the fruits to the Chosen nation.

The second link is Jews returning to Eretz Israel. But the question that bothers most of us - what merit did the secular have to rebuild Eretz Israel? Prophet Zecharia, zs'l, gives us the answer in Perek 9;11: 'גם את בדם בריתך, שלחתי אסיריך מבור, אין מים, בו As for you also, because of the blood of your covenant I have set free your prisoners from the pit in which is no water.' The Rambam, zs'l, translated this pasuk 800 years ago that the secular will merit in the merit of keeping the Brit Milah.

This Mitzvah is the most dangereous Mitzvah to keep - Even though the secular left the Torah, (water is Torah) and no matter how secular, even Tommy Lapid (anti-Jewish Knesset member and Jewish), went to an Orthodox Rabbi to give his son a Brit Milah!!!

But the question still remains, why do they merit to be leaders in Eretz Israel? When Titus wanted to destroy the Bet HaMikdash, the secular Jews helped him break the walls of Yerushalayim. These people are now reincarnated and are leaders and they do the Tikun - the same people that destructed the holy walls are now building the walls. All this is said in the Pasuk we say 9 Av - 'כי באש הצתה ובאש אתה עתיד לבנותה, For with fire you ignited it, and with fire you're going to build it.'

The third link is Jews returning to Judaism - big Teshuva movements. And this was prophesized by Amos, zs'l, 8;11: הנה ימים באים נאם אדני יהוה והשלחתי רעב בארץ לא רעב ללחם ולא צמא למים--כי אם לשמע את דברי יהוה Behold, the days come, saith GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of HaShem'.

The final link is written in the last sefer, Prophet Malachi, zs'l, last chapter and last pasuk 3:24: הנה אנכי שלח לכם, את אליה הנביא:לפני, בוא יום יהוה, הגדול, והנורא HaShem is sending Eliyahu HaNavi before the Great Day. What is the great day? According to the Rambam, it is Gog uMagog.

There are 2 prophecy scenerious written in the Sfarim of how Moshaich will arrive. If we link to HaShem with Teshuva, it will be as it is written in Sefer Yechezkel HaNavi, zs'l, Moshiach will arrive the merciful way. The other way is written in Sefer Zecharia, zs'l,- if we don't do Teshuva, over 80% of the Jews will not survive. As it says in Malachi 3;24: פן אבוא והכיתי את הארץ חרם" Then you will again see the difference between righteous people and wicked people, between the one who serves God and the one who doesn't serve him'.

The Zohar HaKadosh, zs'l, says that Moshiach must come before 6,000 years - Erev Shabbat, Friday night eve. ערב in Gematria is 272. 6,000 minus 272 is 5,728. We are in the year 5767 - that means, we are already 39 years active in Erev Shabbat.

What happened Tishrei 5,728 תשכ"ח, when Erev Shabbat began (lunar calendar 1967)? The Six day war. Just like we prepare for Shabbat by taking a shower, preparing special food, dressing in our nicest closing - the same thing happened in Eretz Israel. The Kotel was returned to the Jews, the holy land miracleously expanded, taking over land in Egypt, Syria, and Jordan - all within 6 days.

Why was it called the six day war? It could have been called the War of Independence or the War of Miracles. It was called the SIX day war because it is a remez (clue) that we entered Erev Shabbat, the 6,000 years. This war was like taking a shower before Erev Shabbat, a half a million Jews returned to Judaism after this war - cleansing the impurities.

But what happened? Those who did not cleanse for Shabbat said the war was won with their own strength. For 7 years, they boasted how strong the IDF is and how powerful Israel is. They forgot HaShem. After these 7 years, the Yom Kippur war broke out and Israel suffered a great loss.

When did HaShem create Moshiach? Before the 6 days of creation - Bereshit 1;2: 'ורוח אלהים, מרחפת על פני המים The Spirit of God was hovering over the water'. The Midrash says that the spirit of God is Moshiach. The Chida, zs'l, says מרחפת (hovering) in gematria value is 728, same as Erev (Shabbat).

A person can ask a very big question - everything looks perfect, so why are the Jews still not doing Teshuva, why do they still think that money is god? To understand the answer, we must look at the first redemption. Moshe Rabenu, zs'l, is commanded by HaShem to redeem His nation but Pharoah refuses to let the Jews go and gives them harder work to do. Moshe Rabenu returns to HaShem and asks Him, "למה הרעתה לעם הזה למה זה שלחתני Why have you done evil to this people? why have you sent me?'. The Kli Yakar, zs'l, explains that Moshe Rabenu complained to HaShem that wouldn't have it been better to send him to Pharoah and within a month, release Am Israel? HaShem answers him that thru the pain, Am Israel will be released and redeemed. Just like a candle that burns out, just as it burns out, the light gets stronger. This is the stage we are in presently. Thru the pain, we will be redeemed.

The Sitra Achra feels that this is the end - this is why they are making our life miserable - pain.

It says Moshiach will come either when the whole generation is pure and in Teshuva or just the opposite, דור שכולו חייב או דור שכולו זכאי. The Gaon of Vilna, zs'l, says that the meaning is not the whole generation but actually, each person will be judged either as pure or not. Each person will be judged separately, and that's why it says that 1 or maximum 2 from each family will survive to greet Moshiach Tzidkenu.

The wicked help us to do Teshuva. The wicked Sitra Achra places in front of us impure choices - TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. These offerings go so impure and dirty, that many people took out these negative effects out of their homes and minds. The bad people got worse and those who want to glue to HKB'H, the bad unintentionally help them remove the impurities (snake) from them.

There will be another Aliya to Eretz Israel - the second and final Aliya to Eretz Israel.

And then the final link - payback time to the nations of the world, The final Judgment! ונתן יהוה אלהיך את כל האלות האלה על איביך ועל שנאיך אשר רדפוך God will put all these curses upon thine enemies, and on them that hate thee, that persecuted thee.

Now that you understand that you are living in the final era of Galut into Geula, lucky you are to be alive to join HaShem's side and greet Moshiach Tzidkenu.

To view video in Ivrit, http://www.arachim.co.il/Index.asp?CategoryID=203&ArticleID=17&Page=1.



George Bush, Man of War

George Bush, Man of War


Tuesday, May 29, 2007

God Help Us

Most bloggers and forums wrote against it and fought hard to cancel it. Some wrote letters to the Mayor, PM, and ministers-from-hell protesting it. Some even fasted to have it cancelled. Everyone davened for its cancellation.

Finally, Shaarei Kedusha (gates of holiness) won and the 'thing' was cancelled.

Who thought that soon after, 7 months later, we would be fighting it again?. Reb Lazer Brody Shlita recently wrote about the Sitra Achra's return, r'l.

Current weather in Yerushalayim: dangerous high winds, thunders, lightening, and heavy rain.

Yerushalayim is crying - HaShem is crying - God Help us.



Eliyahu HaNavi and Moshiach

Rav Mekubal Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita recently spoke about the watch he received from the Baba Sali, zs'l. "I'm careful not to touch the watches", says the Rav, "I don't open the watches, I am afraid to open it. It is placed in a safe location. When the time will get to the hour... it is the sign that the Geula is beginning. The watches have a mind of their own - sometimes moving and then stopping. The gold watch is placed underneath the silver watch. Silver is Rachamim (mercy) and gold is Din (judgment). I want the mercy to control the judgment and HKB'H will speed up the Geula."

The Rav also received the Baba Sali's robe with specific instructions that this robe should be worn to greet Moshiach Tzidkenu. This strengthens redemption believers that Moshiach is very very close, within the lifetime of Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita.

But Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita is lacking patients. When he was recently asked in a shiur when the redemption will begin already, he mumbled. He wasn't upset with the person asking the question, but about Moshiach. "My feeling is that when I see Moshiach I'll ask him: Why are you so delayed? Why are we waiting for you? Every year we wait, wait, wait...".

Then the Rav changed the subject to speak about Eliyahu HaNavi Zachut Latov. "We will tell Eliyahu HaNavi, where were you? We made the Cup of Eliyahu, and where were you? Come and inform us of the Guela, till when?... It is very possible that Eliyahu HaNavi will not want to answer me. What will I do? I'll take a small boy to ask him". The Rav suggested to take a young boy to ask Eliyahu HaNavi question from the Talmud, specifically where it's TEKO (ראשי תיבות: תישבי [אליהו הנביא] יתרץ קושיות ובעיות - Roshei Tevot of 'Eliyahu HaNavi will explain). "Nu, Nu, Eliyahu HaNavi, explain this TEKO".

The Rav says that when Eliyahu HaNavi will arrive together with Moshiach, he will not stand distributing dollars because he is not an ADMOR (Rebbe). He will not have the time to answer about the delay, because he will be occupied with his function to clarify Judaism, who is a Jew.

Eliyahu HaNavi never physically passed away and physically attends every Brit of a Jew. The Rav said that Eliyahu HaNavi will sit and Jews will pass in front of him . Eliyahu HaNavi will identify each Jew thru his Brit Mila that he physically attended. Those that will try to 'trick' and show certificate of Judaism will be rejected.

Translated from http://www.nfc.co.il/Archive/001-D-126637-00.html?tag=16-01-16



Mystical Shield of David

The Magen David (shield of David) is a six (vav) pointed star, symbolizing that God rules over the universe and protects us from all six directions: North, South, East, West, Up and Down. It is formed by two equilateral triangles which have the same center. The triangles are place in opposite directions and overlap.

Redemption from Rav Kaduri, z'sl , "In the garments of Moshiach is hidden the Magen David that powers him with the leadership that will be concealed till revealed".

Moshiach Answers and Explains (dream)... Moshiach said I can ask him questions and he'll answer.
Question: What can we do to bring you?
Answer: שעת רצון (a time of Will).

Question: When is שעת רצון?
Answer: הזמן נפגש עם היום והעיגול מושלם The time meets with the day and the circle is complete.

Question: Can you explain?
Answer: The Magen David is made of 2 triangles that meet. There are 6 corners in the Magen David. In each corner, a different name of HaShem's unique name is engraved and the corners of the Magen David rotates. When it's שעת רצון, say "Moshiach, come" and HaShem will agree. Till today, no one did this.



Cell Phone Junkie

The most dangerous addiction is addiction to things. It can be to a wide variety of things - food, drugs, sex, alcohol, gambling, phones, cell phones, internet, hobbies, sports, shopping, money, power, status. All sorts of things…

But cell phone is the ultimate addiction and causes for so many sins. People speak on cell phones in PUBLIC as if they are in the privacy of their bedroom. Speaking, laughing, yelling loudly. Using a cell phone in public is sinful because it is irritating, obnoxious, and loud. The worst is using a cell phone in shuls, funerals, cementaries, etc.

To add an insult to injury there is a sign by the shul entrance “Please turn off your cell phone". There's nothing worse than being in the middle of the Amida/Shemonah Esrei and hearing a theme song from a TV show or movie and realize it's someone's cell phone...



Monday, May 28, 2007

Facts Out of This World

From the book Olam HaNesach (Eternal World), written by HaRav HaGaon Aharon Zakai Shlita, Rosh Yeshivat Ohr Yom Tov.

30 days before a person's death and entrance to Gan Eden, it is announced in Gan Eden to prepare for the coming of this neshama. Every nite for 30 days prior to death, during sleep, the neshama goes upwards and sees amazing worlds of Gan Eden.

Right before a person dies, he sees above him the Angel of Death with his sword and on it, is a drop of bitterness. When the person sees him, he gets frightens and opens his mouth in fear and that's when the Angel of Death drops the bitterness drop into his mouth and this causes the person to die. If the person is a Tzaddik, he doesn't suffer from Chibut HaKever and it is compared to a strand of hair pulled out of milk. If the person is wicked, it is compared to cotton removed from thorns.

In total, a soul that separated from its body, passes 7 judgments.
1. Neshama separating from the Guf (physical body);
2. When the body is carried to its final resting place;
3. When the body is entered to its final resting place;
4. 30 days of waiting till end of the Shloshim;
5. Judgment of worms on the body;
6. Judgement of Gehenom or Gan Eden;
7. If the judgment is Gehenom, the soul finds no rest till all sins are purified.

7 great men that worms never came onto their bodies are Avraham Avinu, Yitzchak Avinu, Yaakov Avinu, Amram; father of Moshe Rabbenu, Binyamin Ben Yaakov Avinu and Rochel Imenu, Yisha; father of Dovid HaMelech, and Kal'av. Some say also David Hamelech, zs'l.

Before a soul is sent to this Olam to be born, the soul is taken on a tour of Gan Eden and Gehenom and is shown all rooms in Gehenom; the swords, vicious dogs, 42 rooms of darkness, souls in chains around necks and hands and feet tied, yells of souls that regret following the materialist way of life. Then the soul is showed the 72 rooms of Gehenom where all the souls hands are tied and are suffering because they didn't put on Tefillin.

After a soul's physical death, the walls and stones of his home come to the Bet Din (heavenly court) and act as a witness. Everything is revealed and the soul signs that all is true and even more, admits that he has been judged fairly.

The room of the Heavenly court is bigger than the size of the city of Bagdad. The Bet Din shel Ma'ala contains many rooms. First the soul is judged by 3 judges in the lower court for wicked sins. Then, in the middle court, the soul is judged for lighter sins and after receiving both judgments, the soul is judged in the upper court for the lightest sins.

Malach Safriel (Angel) checks the neshama thoroughly as one would check an Etrog and decrees the judgment. No judgment is passable till it is signed by the Sofer (Safriel ) of the Bet Din.

The judges in the upper courts wear white brimmed hats that are wrapped in multiplications into a turban and are dressed in the clothing of the Kohanim when they did the Avoda in the Bet HaMikdash.

HKB'H during judgment says to the soul: "I brought you into the world and kept you safe not to fall from your mother's womb. When you came out of the womb, I gave you food and saved you from hardships. And you didn't learn Torah or do Chesed before Me? Then the soul is given to 5 destructing angels in exchange for the 5 books of Torah. The first beats him up; the second counts the sins; the third tear off his skin and the soul looks as כבשן furnace and is full of holes; the fourth brings bitter and sour herbs if the soul stole money; and the fifth, beats up his parents because the parents did not tutor the child to learn Torah and do good deeds and did not stop the child from being wicked. The soul has permission to beat up his parents. If the child was taught to be a Ben Torah but did not follow, the soul gets beaten up in front of the parents.

If a person eats more than necessary and not for the sake of heaven, this is also judged.

Some wicked souls gets judged to reincarnate and others to Gehenom. There are 2 reasons why a soul needs to reincarnate. One is to complete a Mitzvah that was left uncompleted (such is in the case of Sarah who told me that since she died at a young age and had only one daughter in her past life, she did not complete her Tikun. She needed to return to have additional children). The Gehenom is meant for a cleansing and cannot be a completion of a tikkun.
The second reason is that there are some sins that Gehenom cannot purify. An example is if a person is missing a limb and the soul returns as a handicap, that soul sinned with the missing limb and thru reincarnating handicapped, the missing limb is returned to the soul upon entrance to Gan Eden. Gehenom cannot cleanse sins of certain limbs.

A soul that did not return money lent to him (even if it's one penny), will need to reincarnate. Gehenom cannot purify this soul.

Some souls are reincarnated into an animal, inanimate, or plant according to the severity of the sin. A person who murdered, r'l, or one that doesn't wash hands before eating bread is reincarnated in water and suffers greatly, never having any rest. The soul suffers the most if reincarnation is a waterfall. This is why it is very important never to drink from a lake directly but to scoop the water in the hands, make a bracha (blessing) and then drink it. To prevent the reincarnated soul entering inside a living soul.

The Arizal gave his students signs to know who reincarnated from animals into souls. He said: People with Azut Panim (great Chutzpa) and have no shame are reincarnation of animals. The same behavior is known in animals for they have no shame and therefore, they follow this behavior as humans.

Reincarnation that are in inanimate and plants are souls that merited before to have the Nefesh, Ruach, and Neshama and reincarnated for completion but instead, hurt themselves with more sins and rebell against HKB'H. These neshamot are not even worthy to be in Gehenom and are totally remoted and are reincarnated in unmoving items or plants. The process of purification for these souls are very difficult.

Also, people whom regularly speak Lashon Hara are reincarnated into a rock that is placed in a remote area, and placed in darkness without seeing sunlight.

If a person eats too much, the soul is reincarnated into a leaf and everytime the wind blows, it causes so much suffering and pain that it cannot be described.

A soul is removed from the pain of Gehenom on Shabbat and returned there after Shabbat, on the condition that he kept Shabbat.
In a town lived a woman that was married but did not cover her hair. The Rav of the town rebuked her a few times but she paid no heed, saying "I was given beautiful curly hair and unwilling to cover it".

When she passed away, the Chevre Kaddishe placed her body in the ground but one of them accidently dropped his wallet inside, not noticing it. Inside the wallet was money and important papers.

That evening, when he noticed his wallet was missing, he remembered that while bending down to bury the woman, the wallet fell inside the grave. He went to the Rav of the town, HaRav HaGaon Aryeh de-ve Ilai, zs'l, to receive permission to reopen the grave. The Rav answered that in this case he gives permission but on one condition; that all the town residents and the bet din must be present.

The following morning, all the town's Jews gathered at the grave and were witnesses to this unique happening. The Rav and the bet din also arrived and the grand Rav gave the permission to open the grave and the missing wallet was found right away.

Suddenly, weird noises were heard coming from the burial ground. Inside the hole of the burial they saw the scariest view ever seen before: The hairs of the dead woman were torn off and stuffed inside her mouth so that her mouth was completely blocked. Her skull was bald, covered by thousands of worms and set in a way the woman used to set her hair when she was alive.

The town's Rav seeing this revealed miracle, woke up the residents to do Teshuva and said: This incident is directly from HaShem. It is no coincidence that the wallet fell inside the burial of the immodest woman. HaShem is showing us how severe it is for a woman to reveal her hair and use it as a weapon for beauty.

The whole town was greatly influenced to see the judgment of this woman and how the judgment is measurement for measurement.



Secrets of the Soul

"Secrets of the Soul" was written by Rabbi Yehuda Srevnik Shlita. It talks about Jewish people who were born with "brain damage." Rav Eliyahu Dessler zt"l said these Jewish souls are the most intelligent people in the world because they are more connected with their souls and know "things". Their souls are not restricted by their brains. However, the souls of people like us are restricted by our brain. The Chazan Ish zt'l sensed the holiness of these souls. Their souls had a they were able to become a gilgul that can not accumulate any more sins.

From the book "Past Lives", Chaya Tova wrote some of these stories to inspire others and help increase fear of Hashem. These are the past lives of Jews who were reincarnated into "brain damaged" people. Their stories are simply amazing and awe inspiring!

(This is the story of Chaim and what he said happened to him in his past life.)
As a base sinner who has undergone the sublime process of Divine purification and who has been granted the power of self-expression, I consider sharing my experiences with others a sacred duty.

In my past life, I sinned in secret. On the surface I was upstanding, devout member of my community. I davened, gave charity and was a good husband. My behavior, though, was entirely superficial. Underneath all those lies was the dismal truth. During my youth I attended yeshiva and succeeded in my studies. When I married, I left yeshiva and went into business with a friend who had studied with me.

Soon I began to lead a double life. My friend's familiarity with life's pleasures and vanities far surpassed mine. He was an enthusiastic teacher, and I was an eager student. We went into business together, at first deceiving only non-Jews. But quite rapidly, we began to deceive our own brethren.

Our business expanded and I became a prominent member of the community, whom the poor regarded as a Tzaddik. I tried to quiet my conscience by giving large sums of charity to the needy. My family grew and I prospered. My appetite for sensual pleasures increased. Cuisine became important to me, and I imported delicacies from all over the world. This disturbed my conscience, and as a result I made large feats in order to share my hidden passions with others. My Shabbos and holiday tables were a delight to the eye and to the palate. I became famous for my hospitality, but in reality, I was only an inflated rascal.

Soon I sank to greater depths, and stopped studying Torah altogether. Although I went to shul, I merely pretended to be davening and drew further and further away from my Maker.

On the surface, I was a perfect husband. But I soon betrayed my pious wife, as I did HaShem. Eventually, I reached rock bottom.

At that point HaShem, in His great mercy, saved His wayward son. My deceit was discovered, I was disgraced, and found guilty of an even greater sin, that of chillul HaShem. I was cast into prison. I felt that my life had ended and was futile. I was lonely and forlorn.

Then I started to daven. It was difficult to approach HaShem after having been so distant from Him, and after having so sullied the pure soul that He had given me. I bemoaned my wasted life, and was overcome by dreadful shame. I did genuine Teshuvah and HaShem commiserated with me. I was like a child who had found his way back home. I died that night in prison.

When I reached the Heavenly court, my sins were placed on a scale. The heap was so enormous that I thought I would be sent to the fieriest place in Gehenom. However, a defending angel piled my remorse on the other side of the scale, and a perfect balance was achieved. I was told that I could tip the scales in my favor if I retuned to the world as an autistic child, unable to enjoy the pleasures of life.

I was also given the capacity to relate my story. If this tale of woe helps others to do Teshuvah, I will be credited with a Chesed shel emet, because I derive no worldly pleasure from telling it. This Chesed will help tip the scales in my favor, and propel me into Gan Eden. How can I express my deep love for HaShem? How can I thank Him? He lifts the basest sinner and gives him life. How can I praise such great kindness? Because I was saved from spiritual death, I must try to save others. Return wayward children to your loving Father because if not, you will be destroyed together with your iniquities.

(Yaakov's story of his past life)

I was born in Iraq, and in my previous life was called Binyamin HaKohen. I am the soul of someone who didn't believe that the universe has a Master. As a youngster I studied in yeshiva, but was attracted by this world. My mother came from a family of Tzaddikim. But I didn't want to study Torah, and forsook the World of Truth for one of falsehood. I mingled with intellectuals and was accepted by them.

It hurts me to speak about my past. I behaved like a non-Jew. Nonetheless, HaShem showed me the truth. He sent a group of non-Jews to murder me. One of them-a Jew who imitated the gentiles-killed me. But I had already realized the truth before I died, and had done Teshuvah with all my heart.

As one who attempted to pursue a false lifestyle, I want to warn all Jews who think that they can flee the truth those who think that they can live like non-Jews: You can't escape. HaShem won't let His holy people immerse themselves in tum'ah (impurity). He will wipe out those who don't accept the yoke of Heaven. . .

Story of Nissim:

Although I was a Talmid chacham [in his past life] I wasn't humble enough. I had a place in Gan Eden but wanted a higher place, closer to the hallowed light. I wasn't willing to accept the verdict of the Heavenly Court and they offered me a choice of accepting the place reserved for me, or returning to this world as an incarnated soul. They told me what I would have to undergo when I returned. I consented, and am not sorry about it. I waited between Gan Eden and this world.

Beila's past life:

I was a good woman who kept the Mitzvos. But I didn't do enough Chesed. It's difficult to do Teshuvah for insufficient Chesed. Nonetheless, because I was basically good they let me rectify my past by returning to the world in this form. Now I can perform the genuine Chesed of helping people discover the truth. . .

Yerachmiel's story of his past life:

I was a Talmid chacham and a Tzaddik. I toiled in Torah day and night, and made great efforts to improve my character. However, I had one shortcoming; my love for HaShem wasn't greater than my love for His Torah. I loved the depth and sweetness of the Torah and sincerely tried to change my negative traits. But when I davened, I didn't sense Hashem's presence. I didn't feel Him in my heart.

I wasn't aware of this failing because the gedolei ha'dor held me in high esteem. I believed that I was a genuine Tzaddik. As I was about to leave the world, I realized that my faith had been lacking, and I was overcome by trembling and dreadful fear.

The Heavenly Court tried me and found that, although I had studied Torah day and night, I hadn't served HaShem but rather my body, which wanted to study Torah in order to be acclaimed by eminent people. I wanted to be a g'dol ha'dor (Jewish leader of the generation) and not an eved (servant) HaShem (servant of HaShem). The Heavenly Court decided to send me to Gehenom. But the Torah I had studied saved me, because someone who studies Torah necessarily loves HaShem.

I was offered the chance to return as a disturbed person who is incapable of studying. However, I couldn’t reconcile myself to such a punishment, and pleaded for mercy, crying out: "Anything but that! Life without Torah is not life. It's Gehenom." But they didn't ask me and here I am, undergoing terrible suffering. Nonetheless, HaShem pitied me, and placed me in a yeshiva for the mentally disabled. For my soul, even such Torah is sweet music.

Gadi's story of past life:

I wanted to be a Talmid chacham. I pored over my studies, but didn't develop the trait of kindness. As a result, my Torah was incomplete. Toward the end of my life, I realized my mistake. But by then it was too late. I had lost the ability to commiserate with the suffering of other Jews and didn't realize how lacking I was in compassion. Although I did Teshuvah, my penance wasn't sufficient because I didn't know how to repent properly.

(Interview with Miriam about her past life)

Facilitator: Why have you returned to earth in this form?
Miriam: I didn't accept the dominion of Heaven.
Facilitator: Did you commit other sins too?
Miriam: My failure to accept the dominion of Heaven was enough of a sin to cause me to be reincarnated.
Facilitator: Do you remember the Heavenly Court?
Miriam: I prefer not to think about it.
Facilitator: Were you in Gehenom?
Miriam: Yes.
Facilitator: What was it like?
Miriam: You are incapable of understanding how terrifying it is.
Facilitator: How does being an autistic child constitute a Tikkun for the refusal to accept the sovereignty of Heaven?
Miriam: It is a fitting punishment. Anyone who doesn't accept the sovereignty of Heaven is a fool.

"Yoav's noble appearance gave him the aura of a holy person, attracting the attention of all. Another autistic child told a facilitator: 'Yoav is not like the rest. He was already in Gan Eden, but in order to attain a higher level, he opted to come back down to earth to correct minor deficiencies.' The following exchange took place between Yoav and the facilitator"

Facilitator: Do you remember your past incarnation?
Yoav: Yes.
Facilitator: Why have you returned to this world?
Yoav: I spoke lashon hara against someone and did not beg his forgiveness, although he forgave me in his heart. This occurred ninety-six-and-a-half years ago. It involved an argument between two talmidei Chachomim, and I spoke wrongly about it.

Facilitator: What were you in your previous incarnation?
Yehoshua: I was a Talmid chacham. I was so engrossed in my studies, that I didn't always daven with a minyan. When I reached the Heavenly Court they claimed that, even though I was a Tzaddik, I couldn't receive the place reserved for me in Gan Eden. Since I refused to accept a lower place I was sent back to earth to rectify my failing.
Facilitator: How can one avoid returning to earth as a reincarnation?
Yehoshua: Do as much as possible leshem Shamayim (for the sake of Heaven).
Facilitator: DO the Tikunim done according to the Ben Ish Chai help avert affliction?
Yehoshua: Yes, proved that one helps himself.

Beila's mom: Do you know whether your soul was previously in a different body?
Balia: Yes. I was one of your relatives. She was a very kind person. But her motives were not always altruistic. I have returned to earth also in order to reveal Hashem's greatness to a blind society. Although I helped others in my previous life, I sometimes had ulterior motives. I had other failings too. The Heavenly Court gave me the opportunity to rectify my character flaws by letting me return in a form in which all my behavior is totally selfless.
Beila's mom: Why did I give birth to a child like you?
Balia: In order to help you overcome your lack of trust in HaShem.

Balia Describes the Heavenly Court:
Q. What can you tell me about the Heavenly Court?
B. All I can say is that it is awesome. The judges scrutinize every single detail of man's acts. They are Hashem's emissaries. Even the righteous tremble in fear of them on the Day of Judgment.

"The sum of the matter, when all has been considered: Fear G-d and keep His commandments, for that is man's whole duty. For G-d will judge every deed-even everything hidden-whether good or evil."-Koheles (Ecclesiastes) 12:13-14

http://www.tora1.com/sratim/galia_english.WMV (In Hebew with English subtitles)



Friday, May 25, 2007

Olam Haba Dream

The dream began when all the Jews from all around the world were gathered in Eretz Israel. Moshiach has not arrived yet but it was a matter of spiritual minutes till we will be able to really see him, the Melech HaMoshiach. The reason for the delay was because there was a "war" in Yerushalayim and Jewish residents wanted to leave the holy city for safety reasons. Yerushalayim was "flooded" with Moslims and Arabs and most of them were very violent.

The Jews were given a choice to go either to Yerushalayim or Bnei Brak. I didn't know what to choose and I asked for permission to give me a minute to think where to go. During that minute, I physically woke up and literally debated in my mind - Yerushalayim is the holy city but is it safe to go there now? Bnei Brak is a city full of Tzaddikim Nistarim and Nigla'im (secret and revealed Tzaddikim) but it's too much populated and the streets are narrow, will there be room for us? I decided that I choose Bnei Brak and fell back asleep that second.

The dream continued and I was in Bnei Brak and somehow, the city "stretched". The streets were not narrow at all and there seems to be plenty of room for everyone. No one talked with one another because we were not there for a social gathering, there was no need to waste courteous words about nothing. Everyone understood that we are here because we survived the Galut and we are so ready to "see" the Sh'china (Divine Spirit) and greet Melech HaMoshiach.

There were no old people, babies, handicap, or strollers - there was nothing but us. I don't remember seeing houses, cars, stores, trees. I remember seeing only people, many people. We were all standing on "nothing". There seemed to be nothing underneath our feet. I don't even remember that I was wearing shoes or physical clothing. The sky was above us - the clearest color of "beauty". Never saw such skies in Galut life. The Yehudim (Jews) that chose Bnei Brak felt it was the right decision. Those that chose to go to Yerushalayim also made the right decision, for them.

HKB'H let us know His name (Holy Name that no one ever knew before) and with this Holy name, the Kings of all Kings gathered all the Yishmaelim, Amalekim, and Esavs for the purpose of destroying their seed forever in Yerushalayim. It was not a war in the sense of men against men with physical weapons and jet fighters. We knew that in the Holy Name of YKV'K, the Holy Almighty Creator was destroying the wicked seeds for the purpose of Mida Keneged Mida (measurement for measurement).

I don't know what happened with the Yehudim that lived in Yerushalayim or those that decided to go there.

Our minds did not think in the same ways like it did in the Galut. No one was rushing or felt "needs". We all knew that YKVK is our Father and the best Father in the World and even if we didn't understand "decisions", we knew that our Father always chose for us what we deserve, for our benefit. This concept was a tremendous revelation to us. This was the real Olam (world) and the smell was enormously delicious. We all knew that we are in the Olam that was created the first 6 days of creation. We became acutely aware that we needed to go thru the Galut; the tests and hardship for the process of purification. The Kingdom of Shakai was restored to its Glory.

We understood with a new mind why things happened the way it happened and why we chose to be in Bnei Brak. We all felt such tremendous love for our Father and the urge to worship HaShem with great gratitude; it was an overpowering feeling of pure love and gratefulness to our Father, the Almighty Creator.

There was a tremendous light coming from the "sky" and coming towards us in slow-motion. We knew it was the Sh'china (Divine spirit) and we were no longer in our physical bodies. We were like Malachim (angels). Millions of Yehudim became one; one mind, one mouth, one unit separated into millions of people. We all thought alike and each Yehudi was totally connected with HaShem as a "team".

(It's very hard to explain this concept. Imagine a candle giving fire to 100's of candles. All the candles are lit equally and become as one light, or a family of 10 children and the parent give all the children attention and love equally. There is no feeling of jealousy or competition between the siblings. It is equally given and each child connects to the parent as a "team").

We were like Malachim, and although millions of Yehudim, we all felt equal as one. In total unison and harmony, we said "ה' הוא האלוקים" (HaShem is GOD). The Light of the Divine Spirit YKV'K came closer to us and in perfect synchronization, we said לעולם ה' דברך ניצב בשמיים (Eternally HaShem, Your Word Firmly Stands in Heaven). We said it 12 times and as we were saying it, the Sh'china embraced us with affection, pure love, and tenderness.

Dream of Sept. 20, 2006/27 Elul, 5766



Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Festive Dairy Shavuot

Some of the reasons why we eat dairy on Shavuot:
In the Torah the Jewish people are promised a "Land flowing with milk and honey." Dairy meals recall this lyrical description of Israel.

The Hebrew word for milk, chalav, has the numerical value of 40, symbolizing the number of days Moshe Rabenu, zs'l, was on Mt. Sinai.

With bravery and courage, Yael, a'h, single-handedly freed Am Israel from the cruel and dangerous Sisra by feeding him warm milk - this happened Shavuot nite...

Sisra's army was stationed at the valley, close to Nachal Kishon and Barak's army stood on top of Har Tavor. Without HaShem's help, Am Israel would have no chance against Sisra's army but HaShem confused Sisra's army. They imagined hearing clangs of chariots and horses approaching. Truth is Barak's army had no chariots. Sisra's army panicked and fled and Barak's army had no need to fight. They gave chase and killed the enemy soldiers. HaShem performed more miracles. Night was beginning to fall and stars appeared in the sky. HaShem moved the stars directly over Sisra's army and it shone on their iron coat of arms. They became unbearable hot and jumped into Nachal Kishon to cool off. Another miracle occurred. Kishon was a very small stream of water but in one moment, it swelled and became a raging river. The soldiers drowned, together with their horses and chariots.

Sisra realized the battle was lost and went into hiding - however, a person's feet lead to the place HaShem wants!!!

He ran into a cluster of tents belonging to Chaiver Hakaini. Sisra appeared in Yael's tent and Yael recognized him right away. She told Sisra not to be afraid and this would be the last place they would look for him. Feeling tired, he was easily convinced and relaxed. He ordered her to bring him water and she brought him milk, causing him sleepiness. A short while later, she saw he fell deep into sleep. Yael took a hammer and a big pin, the type which her tent was fastened to the ground. Carefully, she approached Sisra. She stood above him and drove the pin with the help of the hammer on Sisra's forehead. She banged the pin again and again deep into Sisra's forehead. HaShem made a miracle and Sisra never woke up, he died in his sleep.

May Hashem protect and bless you and your family and all of Klal Israel, Amen.

Chag Same'ach



Sunday, May 20, 2007

Prophecies of War

Before Shavuot last year, Sara Imenu, a'h, told me via a dream that Moshiach arrival is very connected to Gaza (AKA Gush Katif) and the war will start from there.



The Ismael Treaty

Palestine, 1st of 1409 to Agara - August 8, 1988
Translation of the Ismael Treaty

In the name of Alla (God) the Merciful and full of Mercy

You are the best of all nations (the Jews) that was given to all the people of the universe: You are commanded to behave with good manners and it is forbidden for you to be indecent and you must believe in God. Only with our mouths can we harm you, and if anyone tries to fight you, they'll step back and not be saved. The shame will pursue those that will try to harm you.

If the Jews would follow their holy books, they would be safe and no harm would come to them. There are Jews that believe in God but most Jews are corrupt. If the jews will grab on the rope God is offering them, they will not be harmed.

But because they don't follow their holy books, the wrath of God is unto them, and God's anger is melted on the Jews, and they will be beaten, struck and defeated. And this is because they deny the signs of religious principles and murder their Prophets without justice. This is their reward because they gambled and transgressed their permitted border.

Israel will continue to exist till Ismael will erase her (Israel), just like they erased God.

האמנה של תנועת ההתנגדות האסלאמית
1988 פלסטין, 1 במחרם 1409 להג'רה, 18 באוגוסט
בשם אללה הרחמן והרחום

"אתם הטובה באומות שניתנה לאנשים מעולם: אתם מצווים לנהוג בדרך ארץ ואוסרים את המגונה ומאמינים באללה. מוטב היה לעמי הספר לו האמינו. יש מאמינים ביניהם, ואולם מרביתם מופקרים. רק בפיהם יוכלו לפגוע בכם, ואם ינסו להילחם בכם, מייד ייסוגו אחור מפניכם ואז לא ייוושעו. ההשפלה תרדפם באשר יימצאו, אלא אם ייאחזו בחבל שיושיט להם אללה ובחבל שיושיטו להם האנשים, וחמת אללה ניתכה עליהם, והם מוכי דלות. זאת כי כפרו באותות אללה והרגו את הנביאים בלא צדק. זה גמולם על כי הימרו ועברו את גבול המותר" ([סורת] אאל עמראן, [פסוקים] 112-110).

"ישראל תקום ותוסיף להתקיים עד שהאסלאם ימחה אותה, כפי שמחה את מה שקדם לה",



Friday, May 18, 2007

Justification of My Existence

WARSAW, Poland - The pilgrims keep coming, seeking out the fragile 97-year-old woman in her tiny nursing home room filled with pictures and flowers.

The attention tires Irena Sendler sometimes. She never sought credit for smuggling 2,500 Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto anyway. Not for risking execution to save other people's children, or holding out under torture by the Nazis, or enduring decades as a nonperson under the communist regime that followed.

She once dismissed her wartime deeds as merely "the justification of my existence on this Earth, and not a title to glory."

Sendler in recent years has gained a measure of celebrity amid broader interest in Holocaust heroes stoked by the film "Schindler's List." Poland's parliament honored her in a March 14 ceremony and the country is pushing her candidacy — mostly symbolic — for the Nobel Peace Prize.

It is late recognition for an extraordinary life.

Sendler, a social worker, began organizing financial and material help for Jews after the war began in 1939 with the Nazi invasion. Posing as a nurse and wearing a Star of David armband — in solidarity and to blend in — Sendler would enter the Warsaw Ghetto, the prison enclave the Nazis established as a prelude to deporting and murdering Poland's Jews in death camps.

A Polish doctor forged papers stating she was a nurse. The Nazis, who feared the typhoid fever spreading in the ghetto, were happy to let Polish medical workers handle the sick and the dead.

Sendler persuaded Jewish parents that their children had a better chance to live if she smuggled them out and placed them with Catholic families.

In hopes of reuniting them later with their birth parents, she wrote the children's names and new addresses, in code, on slips of paper and buried them in two jars in an assistant's yard. That hope never came true: Almost all the parents died in Hitler's camps.

What the jar did save was their true, Jewish names.

Elzbieta Ficowska, nee Koppel, was 5 months old when one of Sendler's associates gave her a narcotic to make her sleep and put her in a wooden box with air holes. Box and baby left the ghetto with bricks on a horse-drawn wagon in July 1942.

Ficowska's mother hid a silver spoon in the baby's clothes. It was engraved with her nickname, Elzunia, and her birth date: January 5, 1942. Elzbieta was taken in by Sendler's associate Stanislawa Bussoldowa, a widowed Catholic midwife.

To this day, Ficowska calls the late Bussoldowa "my Polish mother" to distinguish her from "my Jewish mother."

For a few months, Elzunia's mother was able to telephone and hear her daughter gurgle. Soon, both parents died in the ghetto.

The escape routes were many and ingenious.

Sometimes, as with Ficowska, Sendler and her team hid the children in boxes or sacks and took them out of the ghetto in a truck. The fearful driver got a German shepherd and made it bark to drown out the children's cries when they passed by Nazi checkpoints.

At other times, the children rode an empty, or almost empty, streetcar linking the ghetto with the outside world, driven by a cooperating driver. Sometimes Sendler and her helpers passed them through the secret basements of buildings on the edge of the walled-in ghetto to the city outside.

Sendler was arrested in a Gestapo night raid on her apartment on Oct. 20, 1943. The Nazis took her to the dreaded Pawiak prison, which few left alive. She was tortured and says she still has scars on her body — but she refused to betray her team.

"I kept silent. I preferred to die than to reveal our activity," she was quoted as saying in the one book about her, "Mother of the Children of the Holocaust: The Story of Irena Sendler" by Anna Mieszkowska.

The Polish resistance bribed a Gestapo officer. He put her name on a list of executed prisoners and let her go. She went into hiding under an assumed name but continued her activity.

She was recognized in 1965 by Yad Vashem, the Israeli Holocaust museum, as a so-called Righteous Among the Nations, but ignored at home.

Jewish history was a taboo in communist-run Poland, making Sendler an uncomfortable witness, says Michal Glowinski, 72, hidden as a boy by Sendler in a convent after his Jewish family escaped the ghetto in January 1943. They were reunited after the war.

"I remember the streets of the ghetto," Glowinski says. "I remember the bodies of people dead of starvation, lying in the streets and covered with paper of light-gray color. I never saw such paper again. I remember the fear."

Glowinski, a literary critic who published his story in the memoir "The Black Seasons," says "I owe my life to Mrs. Sendler."

"She is an absolutely heroic person, exceptional," he said, stressing the "energy and imagination" she needed to save 2,500 children when trying to save just one Jewish person could mean instant execution.



Thursday, May 17, 2007

HaShem's Infinite Goodness

HaShem gave the Jews three wonderful gifts — but none was given without suffering. They are: The Torah, Eretz Yisroel and the World-to-Come." Talmud, Berachot 5.

My brother's daughter lives in Israel and is getting married, b'h, this Sunday. He asked me to find him a flight to Israel over the internet. I checked Israir's website, and found him a direct flight at a decent price. He asked me if I can get him a flight Tuesday instead of Wednesday 12:20 am, but it appeared that Israir does not fly Tuesday. Wednesday afternoon he gets a phone call from Israir wanting to know why he missed last nite's flight. Whhhhhhaaaaaaattt? Turns out the flight is not Wednesday nite at 12:20 am but Wednesday early early morning, 12:20 am.

OOOOOOOOOPS, he didn't bother to check the date and the time and I made a huge mistake telling him the flight is Wednesday nite....

The next flight was full and he didn't want to take a chance to be on standby, so I had to find an alternative airline ASAP. B'h, found British Airways leaving JFK 7:30 pm Wednesday evening, with a stop in London for an hour. I quickly purchased the ONE WAY ticket at a ridiculously expensive price, $1,200. Because of last minute purchase, no kosher food was available to order.
Hakol letova.... (everything is for the best!)

Fast forward to JFK 7:30 pm, all flights are postponed due to storms in NY. The flight took off 2 hours late, leaving ZERO chance to make it to the connecting flight from London to Israel. Fast foward 8 hours, the plane arrives London 8:30 am and the connecting flight to Israel leaves 8:50 am, 20 minutes to run from the terminal to terminal 4 to catch the flight - but the only catch of the day was a magnificent view of British Airways airplane flying to Israel, without him...

The next flight to Israel is KLM, 10:00 am local time with 1 stop in Amsterdam but the flight is full and he registered for stand by. That's exactly what happened, he stood by watching all the passengers loading onto the aircraft and had another magnificent view of KLM airplane flying to Israel, without him...

The next flight to Israel is El Al, 3:45 pm local time but this flight was also full but again, registered for stand by. That's exactly what happened, he stood by watching all the passengers loading onto the aircraft and had another magnificent view of El Al airplane flying to Israel, without him...

The next flight to Israel is El Al, 10:30 pm local time and there is room on that flight. Hopefully, he'll get to Eretz Israel by 6 am, Friday morning, if there are no delays in a good mood, after missing numberous flights, delays, no food, and no sleep...

There is one more thing, his luggages are currently missing...

We could live with Murphy's Law that, "Everything that can go wrong, will go wrong", and live a miserable life, or live with the law of Nachum Ish Gamzu, zs'l, that "EVERYTHING THAT GOES WRONG IS REALLY RIGHT," and live a much happier life.

Rabbi Yannai, zs'l, says in Pirkei Avot (4:15) that wicked people live peacefully, while righteous people suffer. I once heard a Rav that said that when a person is suffering to attain a goal, know that it comes from Kedusha (holiness) and vise versa; if there is no suffering and comes easily, know that it comes from the Tumaa (impurity).



Avraham Ben Avraham

The family of Count Potocki was one of the richest and most powerful in Poland of more than 200 years ago. He and his wife were devout Catholics, and raised their only son Valentin in the same spirit, and their ambition was to educate him for the priesthood.

When Valentin reached the age of sixteen, the Count enrolled him in the Catholic academy in Wilno. Here he met another student, who came from a family of humble circumstances. His name was Zrodny. The two became great friends and buddies. In Wilno, too, Valentin came in contact with Jews for the first time. He was walking one day in the street, he saw a group of boys attacking a few younger children. He went to their defense and saved them from further blows. Afterwards he asked them what they had done to provoke the attack. They replied, "Nothing, they wanted to beat us up because we are Jews."

Valentin had heard much about the Jewish people from his teachers, most of it very unkindly things. But he also learned about them from the Bible. One of the basic things he was taught was that the Jewish people were forsaken by G-d, because they refused to accept the Christian Messiah and Christian faith. This explanation seemed rather strange to him, since the Bible itself declared very clearly what would happen to the Jews if they turned away from the way of the Torah with all its Divine commandments which G-d gave them at Mount Sinai. If they remained loyal to their faith and refused to accept another faith, a faith that did away with all the basic Divine commandments -- like Circumcision, the Dietary Laws, and so forth --that was being forced on them, it should make them all the more beloved to G-d, rather than be rejected by G-d, as the church claimed. Besides, he distinctly learned in the Bible that G-d assured the Jewish people that He would never break His Covenant with His people, and G-d is not a man to break His word. If the Bible were true, as he was certain it was, and as claimed also by his teachers, then all they taught him about the Jews could not be true.

These questions troubled Valentin's young and searching mind, and he confided his doubts to his friend Zrodny. They talked about these questions frequently, but they did not dare discuss them with their teachers.

Young Potocki decided to discuss these matters with a knowledgeable Jew and hear what Jews think about all this. One day he met a Jew in the park and told the Jew that he would like to discuss with him some religious questions.

"What is there to discuss?" the Jew answered.

The Jew suggested to him to see the Rabbi, "Rabbi Menachem Mann is a very learned man, and he knows about these things more than I do'.

The following evening, young Potocki made his way to the Rabbi's house. The Rabbi was obviously reluctant to discuss religious matters with him. However, seeing his persistence and sincerity, and thinking that it would do no good to disappoint, or perhaps even anger, the young Count, he finally agreed to listen to him, provided their meeting was kept in confidence. This, the young Count readily assured him on his word of honor.

The questions and answers took longer than the Rabbi had hoped for. The more the young man listened to the Rabbi's answers, the more excited he became. When the Rabbi suggested to end the discussion, young Potocki pleaded for another meeting. The Rabbi had no choice but to agree to see him again.

The second discussion inevitably led to a third, and a fourth. Potocki kept his word and told no one about his conversations with the Rabbi. Finally the decision, which he had contemplated for some time, ripened in Potocki's mind. More than-- anything in the world he wanted to become a Jew. He told the Rabbi about it and begged him to help him become a Jew.

The Rabbi tried hard to dissuade him from this idea. He told the young Count that according to the Torah, a gentile can find true spiritual fulfillment and eternal life by living up to the Seven Precepts which G-d gave to the children of Noah, for all mankind, and there was no need for him to take upon himself the tremendous responsibility of observing all the Torah with its 613 Mitzvos which G-d gave to the Jewish people. He told him further that if he felt a sense of guilt for all that the world has done and is doing to the Jews, he could do more for them by retaining his exalted title, wealth and influence, and living a decent and moral life, in keeping with, and promoting the Seven Noahide Laws for a better world for both Gentiles and Jews. Finally he told him also of the danger that he may well bring upon himself if he were to carry out his decision, as well as on those who helped him to do so. To all these arguments, which he knew were true, the young Count had one answer: “I feel it in my soul that it will not rest until I become a Jew, and live as a Jew, to my last breath.”

Seeing that it was useless to try to make the young count change his mind, the Rabbi finally agreed to help him realize his ambition. He told Valentin that the only place where he could become a Jew was the city of Amsterdam, in Holland, where Jews lived in greater freedom.

The very thought that his ambition to become a Jew was no longer a dream, but a distinct possibility, excited Valentin no end. He could think of nothing else; he lost interest in his studies at the Wilno seminary; he lost his appetite, and spent many sleepless nights. He quietly left Wilno and made his way to Amsterdam. There he went straight to the Rabbi and, in the privacy of his study, with no other person present, Valentin introduced himself.

The Rabbi questioned him closely at great length to test his sincerity and determination. When he was finally convinced that the young Polish nobleman was unshakable in his resolve, he agreed to prepare him for the conversion by informing him, first of all, of what this would entail in terms of strict observance of all the precepts of the Torah that regulate the everyday life of a Jew. Valentin assured the Rabbi that he would observe every law, regulation and custom with all his heart and with the greatest joy, for this was his greatest desire in the world. Then Valentin underwent circumcision, and when he was fully recovered he underwent Tevilah (immersion in a Mikveh). Everything was done under supervision of the Rabbi and two other qualified aides, in strict accord with the Halacha.

The dream which Valentin had nurtured for a long time had now become a reality. He was now like a newborn Jew, whose name was Avraham ben Avraham -- named after the father of the Jewish nation, and the father of all Gerei-Tzedek.

Avraham was filled with an inner happiness he had not known before. He immersed himself completely in the study of Torah and was most meticulous in the observance of the Mitzvos. Except for a few hours of sleep at night, he spent every minute in Torah study, feeling that he had to make up for all those wasted years of his youth. Otherwise, all thoughts of his past were completely erased, for he felt like a newborn child who had no past life, but only a future life ahead, a life dedicated to Torah and Mitzvos; and he was determined to make the most of it.

Every waking moment was absolutely precious to him. "My first birthday" -- he often reminded himself -- "was when I was twenty years old; I do not know how many birthdays G-d has in store for me; I cannot afford to lose a minute!"

After years of avid Torah study, he decided it was time to carry out the instruction of the Sages, "Go into exile to a place of Torah, and do not say that it will come after you" (Mishnah, Ovos 4:14). So he left Amsterdam and wandered from city to city, stopping in the local Yeshivah to listen quietly to a lecture in Talmud, occasionally to participate in a Talmudic discussion. Eventually, his wanderings brought him back to his native country, and he settled down in a small town, Ilya, not far from Wilno.

Was it thoughtless of him to return to his native country? Did it not occur to him that he might be recognized and be seized by the authorities? Most likely he was fully aware of such a possibility, yet not only had he no fear in his heart of the grave danger to his life, but apparently welcomed it. Like Rabbi Akiva who, upon reading the daily Shema, in which a Jew expresses his readiness to die for the Sanctification of G-d's Name, longed for the opportunity to carry it out in actual practice, so the Ger-Tzedek of Wilno was filled with an all--consuming love for G-d, reaching a point where his soul was straining to take flight from the body and return to its Heavenly Father. Be it as it may, he was ready for any eventuality, and this was not late in coming.

One day, as the Ger-Tzedek was engrossed in his solitary study in the Beth-Medrash, several children burst in playfully, and began to run around noisily. The Ger-Tzedek reminded them that they were in a holy place, and asked them to play outside. All the boys meekly and shamefacedly walked out of the Beth-Medrash, except the oldest of them, who was evidently their leader. He stayed on and defiantly continued to jump up and down on the benches, until the Ger-Tzedek grabbed hold of him and forcibly led him out, shutting the door, behind him.

The boy ran home crying, and told his father: "That strange man, who sits all day in the Beth Medrash in his Tallis and Tefillin, hit me and threw me out of the Beth--Midrash."

The boy's father was an unlearned individual, a tailor by trade, and acquired a drinking habit. He took little interest in his son's education and behavior, but when his boy came home crying and complaining against that man, the tailor swore that no one was going to hit his boy and get away with it! Being under the influence of drink made him even angrier, and he lost no time in carrying out his threat.

The tailor, whose work brought him into the homes of the local Polish gentry, had heard about the tragedy that had befallen the Count and Countess of Potocki in the disappearance of their only son Valentin. The story that was long the talk of the Polish nobility, eventually faded and was almost forgotten. When the Ger-Tzedek quietly came to town and settled down in the Beth Medrash, as a saintly recluse, the tailor, like some of the other Jews in town, was a little curious as to who he was and where he came from, but after a few days, since no one knew the answer, and he, the Ger, wasn't talking, the Jews got used to his presence and went about their business.
The tailor had for some time suspected that the mysterious Ger was none other than Valentin, the missing young count Potocki. All he had to do was to inform the authorities of his "discovery."

This the tailor did, whereupon the Ger-Tzedek was arrested immediately. The prisoner was brought to Wilno, where a court of high--ranking church officials began an inquiry.

The Ger-Tzedek readily admitted that he was, indeed, the missing son of Count Potocki; that he became a Jew out of sincere conviction that the Jewish religion was the true faith and way of life.
The church officials knew full well that it would be a disgrace for the church if it became known that the young Count Potocki had disappeared to become a Jew. They were most eager to cover up the matter. If the young count would express some regret and declare himself a christian again, they promised that he would avoid any kind of penalty. On the contrary, he would be returned to his family, and his rank, together with all the riches and honor that would be his as the heir to the Potocki title and fortune. On the other hand, if he refused to admit that he had made a mistake, he could not avoid the highest punishment for heresy and blasphemy, and that meant being burnt alive at the stake.

The Ger-Tzedek made it quite clear to his inquisitors that neither promises nor threats could make him give up his Jewish faith. He told them that he had given up precisely the kind of life they were now offering him, because to be a Jew and live like a Jew was more important to him than anything in the world. Moreover, he knew the risk he was taking, and he was prepared to die for the Sanctification of G-d's Name.

Then the churchmen, some of whom were his past teachers at the Catholic seminary, engaged him in debate. They held long religious discussions with him in an effort to weaken his Jewish faith. Again, they were unsuccessful; they were no match for him in Biblical or Talmudic knowledge, for he had spent all his years since his conversion in ardent Torah study, day and night, and his convictons were unshakable.

In all these discussions the Ger-Tzedek conducted himself with dignity and pride in his Jewish faith. He insisted on being called by his Jewish name. "My name is Avrohom ben Avrohom. I will answer to that name only," he declared.

There was nothing left to do but to put him to all sorts of torture in an effort to break his spirit. But the saintly Ger-Tzedek welcomed the pain and torture as a way of purifying his body and soul from the impurities that had clung to him during the years of his youth.

Finally, the old Count and Countess Potocki were informed by the authorities that their long lost son Valentin had turned up as a Jew. They were also told that their son obstinately clings to his Jewishness, and that every effort made so far, failed to bring him back to his senses. Therefore, the only way to save him from the penalty of death would be if they, the parents. would somehow convince their son to acknowledge his mistake.

The Potockis were, understandably, overwhelmed by the news of their son's return. Unfortunately, their joy of being able to see their only son again was mixed with the feeling of shame and pain that he had become a Jew!

They hurried to the place where they were to meet their son, and waited for him with anxiety and confused emotions. Presently he was led into the waiting room by two guards, who promptly left the room.

For a moment the old Count and Countess remained stunned. Could that old--looking, emaciated Jew, with the long beard and side curls, be their beloved son Valentin? But the eyes they were surely his, and there was a strange softness in them. Evidently, he felt sorry for the old couple who were his natural parents, as he saw the look of shock, despair and confusion in their faces.

The old Countess, who had dreamed of flinging her arms around dear Valentin's neck with motherly love and tears of joy, remained seated near her husband, as in a daze. It took a few minutes before the Potockis regained Their composure and were able to exchange polite greetings with their son. Then the Count and Countess took turns in pleading with him to have mercy on himself, on them, and come back to them. They promised to forgive him for everything, and let him conduct his life the way he wished, as long as he formally renounced his conversion. They were old, ready to transfer their title and all their wealth to him, and everything would be made easy, if only he will say the word...

The Ger-Tzedek explained to them as kindly as he could that the Valentin they knew ceased to exist since they saw him last. "The person that stands there before you is not Valentin, your son, but quite a different person, Avrohom ben Avrohom, a jew, living in a different world; there is no way in which this Avrohom ben Avrohom can become Valentin Potocki again. Valentin was deeply sorry that his disappearance caused you grief; but you need not feel sorry for him, for he does not exist. As for me, just think of me if you must -- as just another jew, who is deeply and blissfully happy to be a Jew..."

Sadly, the Count and Countess returned home. They could get over the feeling that they had lost their one and only son, but they would now have to learn to live with the knowledge that their son had become a Jew and -- as it seemed certain --would die as a Jew. Inwardly they could not help but admire his extraordinary courage.

Word reached the king and higher church authorities and condemned him to be burned alive. The day on which his public execution was to take place was the second day of Shovuos, in the year 5509 (1749).

A terrible fear gripped the Jews of Wilno as the Festival of Shovuos drew near. They feared that the public execution of the saintly Ger Tzedek would inflame the mob to an outburst of violence against the Jews, as it had often happened in similar situations throughout the Middle Ages. On the second day of Shovuos they all stayed indoors and prayed for G-d's mercy, hoping that the merit of the saintly Ger Tzedek would protect them.

In the center of the town, facing the Town Hall, preparations were made for the public burning of the Ger Tzedek Avrohom ben Avrohom formerly Valentin Potocki, only son of Count and Countess Potocki, who dared to give up his title and wealth in order to become a Jew. Most of the non-Jewish population in Wilno and peasants from surrounding villages gathered to witness the execution. Some of them were eager to have a hand in it and brought with them a piece of wood to add to the pile that had been heaped together around the stake.

On a specially erected platform were seated church dignitaries and government officials. Presently, the prisoner was led to the stake amid the sound of beating drums and the hissing and howling of the mob. He was tied to the stake, and before the torch was put to the pile of firewood, he was asked for the last time if he would renounce his Jewish faith.

The Ger Tzedek, his face glowing with saintliness, answered in a loud clear voice that kept the audience spellbound. He denounced the blindness and hatred of his tormentors who claimed to act in the name of a merciful religion. He, too, had been brought up in this fanaticism and intolerance, until he was fortunate enough to discover the truth and see the light, and now he was ready to die for the sanctification of G-d's Name. But, he warned, G-d will surely avenge his innocent blood, as He has avenged, and will avenge for every drop of Jewish blood spilled by the enemies of the Jewish people. Turning to the church dignitaries, he exclaimed, "What kind of religion do you preach that demands human sacrifices? What kind of truth do you possess that has to be defended by fire and sword? But you have power only over my mortal body, which was going to die anyway, sooner or later; you cannot harm my immortal soul, and it will continue to proclaim for ever, 'G-d. is One!'...

The infuriated churchmen did not want to hear any more. The sign was given to the henchman, and the next moment the flames began to engulf the Ger Tzedek. He said the bracha "Baruch Ata HaShem...Lamut Al Kiddush HaShem". A Jew, Eliezer Zinkes, disguised himself as a non-Jew and answered AMEN to this unique blessing. He then recited the Shema and kept on repeating G-d is One until his last breath.

A strict order was issued by the authorities forbidding the Jews to gather the ashes of the Ger Tzedek for burial. A guard was posted to keep watch. Eliezer Zinkes again disguised himself as a non-Jew and told the guard that he was sent by the old Countess, with a large sum of money, to collect the ashes secretly. The guard readily accepted the money and allowed the Jew to gather up the ashes and charred remains of two fingers, which were buried in the old Jewish cemetery of Wilno.

Long thereafter, the story of the Ger Tzedek of Wilno was told and retold in whispered voices. The elder Jews of Wilno, who lived at the time of the Ger Tzedek's martyred death, also knew to relate about some strange happenings in connection with that event. It so happened that everyone who had anything to do with the Ger Tzedek's death came to a sorry end. The peasants of a village near Wilno, who gleefully added wood to the pile, became the victims of a raging fire that burned down their homes and barns. A woman who made a jeering grimace at the Ger Tzedek, suffered a stroke that left her face distorted for the rest of her life. A building adjoining the Town Hall, facing the place of execution, was blackened by the smoke of the pile and no amount of washing could erase the black stains. It was then painted over, and the black stains reappeared. It was given another coat of paint, of a different color, and the black stains came back again -- a silent reminder of the horror that had been perpetrated there. This struck fear and shame in the hearts of the Wilno inhabitants, until the authorities finally had to pull down the building.

For many years the grave of the saintly Ger Tzedek remained unmarked. But it had become well known to the Jews of Wilno, and many came to pray at his grave. The grave of the saintly Ger Tzedek of Wilno became especially well known, when, in the course of time, there grew over it a strange looking tree that had a remarkable resemblance to a person bending over the grave, with outstretched arms and clasped hands. A small stone, with an inscription in Hebrew, stated only, "Here rests the Tzaddik Avrohom ben Avrohom, Second day of Shovuos, 5509" -- no mention that he was the Ger Tzedek who died a martyr's death for the sanctification of G-d's Name.

So great was the fear of the Jews even to talk publicly about the saintly Ger Tzedek that it took more than a hundred years before the story of the Ger Tzedek was first published (in Hebrew, in 1862, but without the name of the author or publisher, or the place where it was printed).

Not until 1927 did the Jewish community of Wilno erect a tombstone over the grave of the Ger Tzedek, with an inscription in Hebrew stating that it was a "Memorial to the Pure and Holy Soul of the Ger Tzedek, the Saintly Avrohom ben Avrohom, Who Publicly Sanctified G-d's Name on the Second Day of Shovuos, 5509. May His Soul Be Bound Up in the Bond of Everlasting Life."

A "Ger Tzedek" (true convert) is a gentile who became a Jew out of a sincere and deep conviction in the truth of the Jewish religion, without any other motivation whatever. Indeed, this is the only kind of conversion that the Torah recognizes.

Via Email:
The Chofetz Chaim, zs'l, wrote that if 10 people were present to recite the Kaddish when the Ger Tzedek, Avraham Ben Avraham, zs'l, was being executed (burned alive) Mashiach would have come automatically.



והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו