Galut to Geula on Eagle's back
6/20 my husband had a beautiful dream about Geula and Moshiach.
It was a very hot weekday and the heat was unbearable. The whole family was home during daytime and our of nowhere, we heard a loud voice saying "Jews of America, the time has arrived. [+/-] show/hide text
Come to the seaport and HaShem will take you to Eretz Israel. Do not pack or bring passports". The voice seemed to be from a speaker and it was so clear, as if coming from inside our home.
I asked my husband if now is the Hebrew date and time that the Malach told me thru a dream about the passuk in Shmuel Alef and explained how to decipher Moshiach's exact arrival. He looked at his watch and was shocked to see that it is the date and time. My husband and I held our children's hand and walked together to the front door. We didn't even lock the door of our home. The youngest child was holding both my and my husband's hand. We took nothing with us, just as we were told. As we walked out the front door, we saw that we arrived at the seaport.
We saw hundreds of thousands (revavot) of Jews. A gigantic eagle that was 1/2 the size of Yerushalayim had his tail on the "landing" and Jews climbed aboard. There was no pushing or nervousness. Families stayed together. Members of families that were not on "speaking terms" prior to this, made peace without any effort. The Eagle boarded 20,000 Jews at a time and within seconds, he waved his wings and disappeared. The eagle returned in less than 5 minutes to pick up more Jews. We waited for about 10 minutes and were told to "board the Eagle". Within seconds, the eagle took off. It seemed there wouldn't be enough room for everyone to stand on the Eagle's back but the Eagle seemed to stretch even bigger and each person was comfortable. No one was scared of falling off. He waved his gigantic wings 3 times and we arrived in the holy land - Eretz Israel.

Moshiach was sitting on the Eagle's head but we could not see him, only his back. He told us that because we lived outside Eretz Israel, we will be zoche to see him after 24 hours. Jews that lived in Eretz Israel were zoche to see Moshiach right away. Within seconds, we got off the Eagle's back and he took off to bring more Jews. There were 5 eagles total. Each Eagle was assigned a continent to bring Jews - America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa.
The air was so fresh in Eretz Israel and there was green all around us, grass and trees. The perfect sunny day when it's not humid and the sun seems to caress you. There were so many people, Jews from all corners of the world and more and more were arriving. Families were told where to go by Moshiach and within seconds, our family's turn came. Moshiach was invisible to our eyes. He told us where to go and within seconds, we arrived "home". It was a house (there were no buildings) and there were many houses, some bigger and some smaller - according to family size.
I turned to my husband and said that Ben Gurion and Herzl amongst others wanted to "disengage" Jews from Yahadut in the holy land and called it a state without shame. Other Prime Ministers damaged us when they decided to give away holy land to goyim and expel Jews from their homes - where are they now???
My husband opened the door to our new home and we walked in. It was the same house we lived in America. The kitchen looked the same, the living room, the children's bedroom, the curtains, the Holy Sefarim, the couch, even the TV. Not one thing was missing. If this in itself was not amazing, my husband noticed that none of the electronic things (appliances, radio, tv, computer) had wires. There was no electric outlets in the entire house. But yet everything was working - the refrigerator, clocks, etc. We all sat around the Shabbat table and said Tehillim (even the youngest although 1/2 an hour ago in America he did not know yet how to read). We each said the whole Sefer Tehillim to thank HaShem for the miracles and Moshiach's arrival and taking us out of the Galut to the final Geula. The Tehillim we said was different from any other time we used to say it in Galut. We understood the meaning of the holy words and its secrets. Just as we finished saying the Tehillim (it took a very short time) the TV turned on by itself. We turned to look at the TV screen and it was teaching us the Halachot of Beit Hamikdash and the Avoda of the Kohanim.
My husband remembered more:

A lot of people were wearing the color orange including our family. He saw thousands and thousands of Jews in the seaport of America and when we arrived in Israel, there were more thousands and thousands of Jews. Becuz he mentioned the color orange, I asked him if other Jews were also wearing this color and he said that the color orange was very noticable and it was unique to see so many religious Jews identifying with the color orange.
I asked him if only the religious Jews were noticable as opposed to secular? And his vision shocked and worries me - he said that he did not see any secular and traditional Jews. Everyone was religious. Some had a Sefer in their hands and were davening. There were from all 4 corners of the world, all are religious - shomrei Mitzvot. There was extreme joy that has never been felt in the Galut. The women were all dressed modestly (married women had head covering of some sort, long modest skirts and shirts covering elbows, etc.) and the men, some also in jeans, all had Kipot and Tziziot. He felt and saw that only authentic shomrei Mitzvot Jews were zoche to arrive Eretz Israel on the Eagle. My husband felt that because of our Hishtadlut and committment to HaShem, we were zoche to be alive during the transaction from Galut to Geula and be gifted with these spiritual and miracleous pleasures.
It was a very hot weekday and the heat was unbearable. The whole family was home during daytime and our of nowhere, we heard a loud voice saying "Jews of America, the time has arrived. [+/-] show/hide text
Come to the seaport and HaShem will take you to Eretz Israel. Do not pack or bring passports". The voice seemed to be from a speaker and it was so clear, as if coming from inside our home.
I asked my husband if now is the Hebrew date and time that the Malach told me thru a dream about the passuk in Shmuel Alef and explained how to decipher Moshiach's exact arrival. He looked at his watch and was shocked to see that it is the date and time. My husband and I held our children's hand and walked together to the front door. We didn't even lock the door of our home. The youngest child was holding both my and my husband's hand. We took nothing with us, just as we were told. As we walked out the front door, we saw that we arrived at the seaport.
We saw hundreds of thousands (revavot) of Jews. A gigantic eagle that was 1/2 the size of Yerushalayim had his tail on the "landing" and Jews climbed aboard. There was no pushing or nervousness. Families stayed together. Members of families that were not on "speaking terms" prior to this, made peace without any effort. The Eagle boarded 20,000 Jews at a time and within seconds, he waved his wings and disappeared. The eagle returned in less than 5 minutes to pick up more Jews. We waited for about 10 minutes and were told to "board the Eagle". Within seconds, the eagle took off. It seemed there wouldn't be enough room for everyone to stand on the Eagle's back but the Eagle seemed to stretch even bigger and each person was comfortable. No one was scared of falling off. He waved his gigantic wings 3 times and we arrived in the holy land - Eretz Israel.

Moshiach was sitting on the Eagle's head but we could not see him, only his back. He told us that because we lived outside Eretz Israel, we will be zoche to see him after 24 hours. Jews that lived in Eretz Israel were zoche to see Moshiach right away. Within seconds, we got off the Eagle's back and he took off to bring more Jews. There were 5 eagles total. Each Eagle was assigned a continent to bring Jews - America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and Africa.
The air was so fresh in Eretz Israel and there was green all around us, grass and trees. The perfect sunny day when it's not humid and the sun seems to caress you. There were so many people, Jews from all corners of the world and more and more were arriving. Families were told where to go by Moshiach and within seconds, our family's turn came. Moshiach was invisible to our eyes. He told us where to go and within seconds, we arrived "home". It was a house (there were no buildings) and there were many houses, some bigger and some smaller - according to family size.
I turned to my husband and said that Ben Gurion and Herzl amongst others wanted to "disengage" Jews from Yahadut in the holy land and called it a state without shame. Other Prime Ministers damaged us when they decided to give away holy land to goyim and expel Jews from their homes - where are they now???
My husband opened the door to our new home and we walked in. It was the same house we lived in America. The kitchen looked the same, the living room, the children's bedroom, the curtains, the Holy Sefarim, the couch, even the TV. Not one thing was missing. If this in itself was not amazing, my husband noticed that none of the electronic things (appliances, radio, tv, computer) had wires. There was no electric outlets in the entire house. But yet everything was working - the refrigerator, clocks, etc. We all sat around the Shabbat table and said Tehillim (even the youngest although 1/2 an hour ago in America he did not know yet how to read). We each said the whole Sefer Tehillim to thank HaShem for the miracles and Moshiach's arrival and taking us out of the Galut to the final Geula. The Tehillim we said was different from any other time we used to say it in Galut. We understood the meaning of the holy words and its secrets. Just as we finished saying the Tehillim (it took a very short time) the TV turned on by itself. We turned to look at the TV screen and it was teaching us the Halachot of Beit Hamikdash and the Avoda of the Kohanim.
My husband remembered more:

A lot of people were wearing the color orange including our family. He saw thousands and thousands of Jews in the seaport of America and when we arrived in Israel, there were more thousands and thousands of Jews. Becuz he mentioned the color orange, I asked him if other Jews were also wearing this color and he said that the color orange was very noticable and it was unique to see so many religious Jews identifying with the color orange.
I asked him if only the religious Jews were noticable as opposed to secular? And his vision shocked and worries me - he said that he did not see any secular and traditional Jews. Everyone was religious. Some had a Sefer in their hands and were davening. There were from all 4 corners of the world, all are religious - shomrei Mitzvot. There was extreme joy that has never been felt in the Galut. The women were all dressed modestly (married women had head covering of some sort, long modest skirts and shirts covering elbows, etc.) and the men, some also in jeans, all had Kipot and Tziziot. He felt and saw that only authentic shomrei Mitzvot Jews were zoche to arrive Eretz Israel on the Eagle. My husband felt that because of our Hishtadlut and committment to HaShem, we were zoche to be alive during the transaction from Galut to Geula and be gifted with these spiritual and miracleous pleasures.
ואשא אתכם על כנפי נשרים, ואבא אתכם אלי
I have carried you upon the wings of eagles, and have taken you to myself.
Labels: Dream

woah nava!! what a dream! soon it will be a reality, iyh, with the devotion and people like you. this was a great way to start my day. thank you and besorot tovot!!
hello nava and yishar koach for u.
refering to your dream, don't you and your husband think to go up to Israel immediately in order to be zoche to see him right away.
i honstlly believe ur dreams are real. is there any reason to be delayed 1 more second in Galut after such visualization???
Beautiful! I am going to send this to everyone I know!
to YN: dont forget Rav Lazar Broyda...
I wish to move to Eretz Israel right this second and have made all arrangements to do so about 4 months ago. But HaShem has different plans - chasdei HaShem - and when it's time to go "home", HaShem will let us know without us having to "make plans"...
Nava--did they clean your home for you?
NAVA:"Families were told where to go by Moshiach and within seconds, our family's turn came. Moshiach was invisible to our eyes. He told us where to go and within seconds, we arrived "home".
What do you mean: Moshiach was invisible........
Moshiach was invisible.........
Nava, just like your description of Eretz Yisroel is real, so may the rest of the dream come true! May Hashem bless you and your family, and may your blog help strengthen the spirit of kedusha and emuna among your readers. With warm regards and blessings from sunny Ashdod, LB
To YN:
Who are "they" when you ask "did they clean my house"
I imagine that the house was already clean because I try to keep it clean and neat at all times. My father always told me when I was a child that if I keep by bedroom clean, my head will be clear. Good advise...
To Anonymous:
Moshiach was invisible. My husband described that we were only allowed to see his back and not front. I cannot describe it anymore than that.
uh oh, does that mean my house will be a mess? :/
To Rabbi Brody Shlita,
Hamevarech Yevorach, amen ve'amen. I'm not exactly sure what you mean that the description of Eretz Israel is accurate. Right now as we know it, there are buildings, the beautiful greenery of Gush Katif was demolished, the weather is hot and humid. But other than that, you are right. Besides, those that live in Israel will get to see Moshiach first ... regards to sunny Ashdod ;)
This is a beautiful dream.
I am so glad that you decided to write this blog. You are such an inspiration.
Yasher Koach!
As Yaakov Nathan--for whom I have great respect--has inspired you, so have you inspired me with your urgent and heartfelt message of tshuvah.
As of this last Pesach I have been on a year-long journey; one filled with hashgacha that I cannot begin to explain. I will say that I thought about asking someone along the way, who showed me the way, if he was an angel. Without some of the stops I have made, each of which allowed me to learn a little more, I would never have made my way to you and your important message via the Moshiach and Geulah Forum (and now here). And I would never have been prepared to accept this message. I only hope there is enough time to make full tshuvah.
My blessings to you and your family.
Dear HaSefaradi,
Your message is very heartwarming, real and touching. You cannot begin to know what inspiration we receive from your honesty - thank you for sharing.
A person can "buy" his Olam Haba in 1 hour - יש קונה עולמו בשעה אחת
B'h, we will all meet soon in the Olam HeEmet of the final Geula - amen.
An hour? The Zohar says tshuva can take place "b'rega chada"--in a single moment!
The Eagle dream maybe means something else than moving to Israel. It is moving to a higher mental and spiritual level with the help of Moshiach.........
At 10:40 PM, Yaakov Nathan said…
nava wrote: I asked him if only the religious Jews were noticable as opposed to secular? And his vision shocked and worries me - he said that there were no secular Jews. Everyone was religious.
Underneath the thick skin of golus, every Jew wants to fulfill the Torah (i.e., be religious). See Rambam הלכות גירושין פרק ב (17/18/19)
מאחר שהוא רוצה להיות מישראל, רוצה הוא לעשות כל המצוות ולהתרחק מן העבירות; ויצרו הוא שתקפו.
The Rambam paskens (hilchos tshuva 7:5) that the Torah promises that Yisroel will do tshuva in the end.
וכבר הבטיחה תורה שסוף ישראל לעשות תשובה בסוף גלותן
The Rebbe said that Yisroel has already done tshuva--but surely he noticed that, r"l, not everyone is putting on tefilin or going to mikveh?! All that they lack is the important aspect of expressing in actual deed this tshuva, but on the level of the neshoma it has already occurred. When Moshiach comes he will simply reveal what is already there.
Right now we can give Hashem nachas through our awakening from below. But the awakening from Above will reach every Jew. When the spirit of tshuva descends from Above, as described by the navi Yechezkiel that "And I [Hashem] will sprinkle pure water on you, that you may be cleansed", it will awaken the entire Tzibbur (Tzaddikim, Beinonim, U-Reshoyim) of Jews, as it shares the metaphor of an eagle, the symbol of rachamim.
Rachamim is different than chesed. Chesed does not consider whether you are worthy or not. Rachamim (Tiferes) is the combination of chesed and din, it recognizes the failures identified by din, yet the rachmanus is that it gives anyway, even though it is aware that the recipient may not be deserving.
When this happens, as a matter of course the "frum Jew" in the heart of every Yid will be revealed, and just as we will "miraculously" arrive in Eretz Yisroel, so too will all these children held captive by goyim/goyishkeit miraculously become true to themselves and we will see millions of frum Jews!
One of the signs of the time right before ben Dovid comes is "he'emes ne'ederes"--the truth is hidden. This applies when you look at today's not-yet religious Jews, the truth of the level of their neshoma (after generations of refinement gilgul after gilgul) is hidden and all we see is the foolishness. But soon alma d'shikra will fall and so too this bizarre phenomenon of a "non-religious Jew"!
woah nava!! what a dream! soon it will be a reality, iyh, with the devotion and people like you. this was a great way to start my day. thank you and besorot tovot!!
hello nava and yishar koach for u.
refering to your dream, don't you and your husband think to go up to Israel immediately in order to be zoche to see him right away.
i honstlly believe ur dreams are real. is there any reason to be delayed 1 more second in Galut after such visualization???
And I [Hashem] will sprinkle pure water on you, that you may be cleansed.
Are people not clean, Y.N?
Are you talking about their cloths,homes,bodies,mind,spirits?
One of the signs of the time right before ben Dovid comes is "he'emes ne'ederes"--the truth is hidden.
Why dont you know the Truth yet?
People look so wellknowing and Judgmental and teach so open.
They dont hidde "their truth"...
Nava, thank you for sharing your dreams. Have you "seen" the nuclear explosions or the subsequent earthquakes at New Madrid and San Andreas? I have seen the entire US brown, like mud.
I read a number of rabbis each week and recently it was stated that, just as 4/5 of the Israelites were lost in the first plague of darkness, so 4/5 will be lost in this coming one. There were calculations made (which I didn't follow) that "added up" to 200,000 being brought to Eretz Yisroel - the same number of Levites in the Torah Portion of the week.
Could your interpretation of religious Jews "identifying" with the color orange perhaps refer to those whose hearts and prayers support the deportees from Gaza and (Olmerts' planned deportation of Jews from) the Shomron? We "identify" with them, because that is where H' would send us when we return. That is where WE belong, part of our tribal heritage.
There is nothing to fear. If we die, we will be in the Presence of H'; if we live, we have the opportunity to continue our work, bringing the Word and Presence of H' to the world. Whatever happens, we must trust that H' has all under His control and is for the best. Nothing happens that H' does not allow. As Rabbi Winston said recently, if we are under oppression, we have to consider two points: WHY did H' choose that person to be our oppressor and FOR WHAT PURPOSE are we being oppressed? There is something being rectified on both sides, and only H' sees all that came before and all that will be. Baruch H' !!
I dreamed that all of the negativity of the world was rising in the form of a great mist, ascending and leaving the Earth. In one scenario the mist was ascending straight up and out of a hole in shamayim, in the other scenario it was rising in an ascending spiral.
In "Indigos" were present, and it was a very happy and tranquil dream.
I watch my son fixing up his car with all the latest lights and sirens..... And I think to myself, "You're not going to need it! We will be Be'Eretz HaKedoshoh very, very soon!" I look forward to the Eagle to Yisroel piloted by Moshiach Tzidkeinu. Amein.