The Story: Rise and Fall of Rabbi Joseph Della Reina
They all replied that they are ready to do anything their teacher commands them to do. He told them, "If so, you shall do the following. Cleanse yourselves, change your garmets, and for the next 3 days, do not go near any woman, and only you prepare provisions and food, no other person. On the third day, we will go to the fields and not return home until Am Israel are settled each on his farm, in the Holy Land."
The disciples quickly got up and did as their teacher instructed. On the third day, they came to the Bet Midrash and saw their Rav with his head buried between his knees. He lifted his head and said, "May it be God's will that the Divine Spirit inspire the work of our hands, and HaShem will aid us so we can glorify His Name". They all answered, "Amen".
Rabbi Joseph Della Reina took all sorts of spices and placed a scribe sefer in his belt. They went to Miron, to the Kever of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, zs'l and learned the whole night there. When Rabbi Joseph Della Reina dozed off, Rashbi came to him thru a dream and asked him, "Why are you getting yourself in such a difficult task which you will not be able to carry out?", Rabbi Joseph Della Reina answered him that HaShem knows his intentions are pure and Rashbi blessed him to succeed.
The following morning, they went to Teveria, to the open field. They fasted all day and were occupied with doing Yichudim (holy formula), and did not look at any animals or people, only above, at the birds. They dunked in the Mikveh of the lake in Teveria 26 consecutive times, the numeric Gematria of YKVK. Each time they would dunk, they concentrated on the holy formula of HaShem's Holy name. They did this consecutively for 3 days and 3 nights, while fasting. They did not eat anything, no animals, no fish, no drinking, nothing.
Evening was approaching, and Rabbi Joseph Della Reina and his students were praying Mincha, with devotions and concentration, closing their eyes. When they got to the part "Shema Kolenu" (hear our voices), they added, "Answer us". Wherever they said HaShem's holy name, they concentrated saying it with the holy formula of HaShem's Holy name of 42 letters. By the power of their holy formula of prayer, he adjured Eliyahu HaNavi, zachur latov, to appear. Right away Eliyahu HaNavi appeared and asked them what is so urgent that they used special formula in their prayers to call him?. They all bowed down to Eliyah HaNavi and Rabbi Joseph Della Reina said, "I'm zealous for the honor of the Great HaShem, Blessed and Holy One. Show me how to subdue the Satan and strengthen the Holiness, the Sitra Kedusha?"
Eliyahu HaNavi answered him, "Know this, what you are planning to do is very difficult and you will not succeed. The Klipot of the sins and transgressions are very strong and you will not be able to subdue the Satan. You must increase in Kedusha (holiness) and continue fasting and dunking in the Mikveh, otherwise you will fail and the Satan will damage and harm you. Know that your intentions are welcome if you succeed. But my advise to you is stop right now because you will not be able to overpower the Sitra Achra".
Rabbi Joseph Della Reina said, "Please Master, do not discourage me. I took an oath that I'll not return home till I raise the Holy Divine Spirit from the dust".
When Eliyahu HaNavi heard this, he said, "You and your disciples need to go out in the field for 21 days, it must be in a location that was never inhabited. Do not eat, only enough to survive. Accustom yourselves to minimal portions of food and every evening, reduce the portion. Accustom yourselves to smelling the spices in order to clear your mind so you will be able to speak to the Heavenly Angels whom you will bring down to speak with you. In addition, immerse yourself 21 times daily, numerical value of "Eheye".
After the 21 days, fast for 3 days and nights. On the third day, after the afternoon prayers, do Yichudim of the holy formula of HaShem's name of the 42 letters, as you know how to do, while you are wrapped in Talit and Tefillin and your faces covered. Thru the holy Yichudim, summon the Angel Sandlaphon with his army to appear.
When they come, revive yourselves with the smelling spices, because you will be weak and tremble from their mighty fire. Throw yourselves on the ground and welcome him. Request from Angel Sandlaphon to strengthen you. Immediately Angel Sandlaphon will inquire why you called upon him and what is your doing? When he will speak to you, from the greatness of his voice, your neshamot will exit your body and you will have no strength to reply from so much fear and weakness. Beg Angel Sandlaphon to strengthen you and to help you to have the power of speech. Angel Sandlaphon will tell you what you should do. He prevents the Satan from entering holy places, and he knows the spots where one can gather his strength".
As soon as Eliyahu HaNavi left, Rabbi Joseph Della Reina gathered his students and did all that Eliyahu HaNavi instructed. Day and night, they followed Eliyahu HaNavi's instructions without fail. They disconnected from physical needs of this world and were only occupied with the Merkava. When it was time for Mincha of the third day, after the 21 days, Rabbi Joseph Della Reina and his students covered themselves in Tefillin and Talit, including their heads, and prayed with total devotion. Wherever YKVK was said, they concentrated on the holy formula of HaShem's holy Name. When they finished the prayer, they fell on their face, covered in Talit, and rised up on their feet to say the Viduy on their sins and the sins of Am Israel.
After the Viduy, they raised their voice to Shamayim and with all human strength they possessed, they said, "Answer us, Elokei HaMerkava, Answer us". They did more Yichudim of the 42 letters of HaShem's Holy name, as Eliyahu HaNavi instructed them and no sooner did they finish the Yichudim, Angel Sandlaphon came, together with his army, on fiery chariots and fiery horses while flaming fires filled the whole countryside field. The Rav and the students shook and trembled and fell to the ground, while their hearts melted with fear. They were left without breathe within them. They smelled the spices they were holding in their hands, and the breath of life returned to them but were trembling and very weak and could not speak.
Angel Sandlaphon said to him, "What is it you want, worms that you are? Who gave you the audicity to to shake the upper and lower worlds? Have self-respect and return home, unless we burn you with our breath".
Rabbi Joseph Della Reina answered in a low trembling voice, "Holy Angel of God, what can your servant say in your Holy presence? I am left without breath, as a dead man. So great is my fear and awe". When the Angel Sandlaphon heard this, he touched him and said, "Get up and speak, for I have given you back your strength".
Indeed, Rabbi Joseph Della Reina felt stronger and bowed down to the ground and removed his shoes. His students were still on the ground and were unable to rise. "Peace onto you, Angel of HaShem and peace onto your holy forces", said the Rav. "I beg you to return my strength and courage to perform my will. It is not for me that my will to make HaShem's name great, but I do this for the sake of Elokim, the Kings of all Kings". "Please, I entreat you, holy one with holy forces, to agree to help me wage war and wipe out the Amaleks. Instruct me what I must do to remove the rule of wickedness from earth".
And the Angel Sandlaphon heard and said, "Your words and actions are proper, and God be with you! All of us, the Angels, Serafim, Arelim, the holy camps of Angels, wait in anticipation to revenge HaShem's Great Honor. But know this, everything you have done till now is nothing. Because who can overcome the great powers of the S'M (Satan) and his forces?. If you would know the high powers Samael and his forces reached, you would not attempt to do this. For who can prevail against him except the Holy One Blessed One Himself until the time comes to fullfill His word. I have come now in respect to the Great Name you have pronounced. But what can I do for you? I am unable to learn the great strength of the SM and what his rise and fall depends on. None know this except the great Angel Achtiel with his hosts, and Metatron, Prince of the Presence, with his hosts. Yet, who can stand infront of such mighty Angels? If you were frightened of me, how will you be even able to exist in their great presence?"
"The truth is if you can accomplish this great task of wiping out the S'M, your reward will be great and not one can stand next to your holiness".
Rabbi Joseph Della Reina answered, "I am young and unworthy for who am I that can stand infront of the Angels. But my heart is broken and willing to sacrifice myself for the Holy and Blessed One, for the Holy Divine Spirit. Therefore, instruct me how to bring down the great Angel Achtiel with his hosts, and Metatron, Prince of the Presence, with his hosts. Instruct me how to increase holiness and add sanctity and purity and what Holy Name to use to conjure the Holy Angels?".
The Angel Sandlaphon spoke again and said, "Hear my words and HaShem be with you. Continue for 40 days the immersions, fasts, and purification of thoughts. Do not stray from holy thoughts for a split second. Decrease the portion of food till your body will need very little to survive. Continue smelling the spices because this is the most vital to give strength to the Neshama. After 40 days, pronounce the Holy Name that contains 72 letters, with great Kavana (concentration). When you do this, you will be able to call upon the Angel Achtiel with his hosts, and Metatron, Prince of the Presence, with his hosts.
Ask HKB'H to help you and strengthen you because the fire of these Angels are very great and can kill you. If you do all these, they will reveal and instruct you how to overpower the SM and erase him. May HaShem help you and guard you from all evil". With this, the Angel Sandlaphon and his forces went heavenwards.
The students were still laying on the ground, covered in Talit, and trembling in fear. When Angel Sandlaphon left, they got up and the Rav said, "Quickly, my sons, strengthen yourselves. We must quickly do as Angel Sandlaphon instructed us!". They replied, "We are ready, how fortune is our share that we were able to hear the great Angel Sandlaphon. Whatever you instruct us, our teacher and Rebbe, we will do!".
They left the field and went to the desert, near a mountain by Miron and sat in a cave and did as they were instructed by Angel Sandlaphon for 40 days. They missed nothing from the instructions and completely disconnected themselves from the world. When the 40 days completed, they went out to the wilderness by a place near the source of Nachal Kishon, where they bathed for 40 days. They prepared themselves for the great afternoon prayer of Mincha. They marked a circle on the ground and entered inside it while linking hands together and formed a circle. They announced the Great Name of HaShem of the 72 letters and called upon Angel Achtiel with his hosts, and Metatron, Prince of the Presence, with his hosts. When they pronounced the Great Name, the earth shook and there was lightening and thunders. The heavens opened and Angel Achtiel with his hosts, and Metatron, Prince of the Presence, came down. The Rav and students kept their hands linked together, and all fell onto the ground, and did not let go of one another.
As soon as the Angel Achtiel and Angel Metatron together with camp came down to earth, they began to speak in great fury. "Who and where is the one who dared to use the Royal Scepter?".
When Rabbi Joseph Della Reina saw this great vision, he felt as though he was slumbering with his face down. He and his students were completely exhausted. But the Angel Metatron touched him and said, "Speak up, answer, you foul odor drop of sperm. What is this great alarm that you brought us down?". The Rav was unable to answer and the Angel Metatron touched him again. He faintly whispered, "What can this worthless slave say in the presence of the pure and holy Malachim? Please strengthen me so I can have permission to speak because I am like a still rock and my neshama flew outside of me".
Angel Achtiel stretched out his hand and touched him and said, "I have strengthened you, speak!". Rabbi Reina opened his mouth and said, "HaShem Almighty knows that I did not do this in deceipt but only to Honor the Great One Blessed Be He. Ministering Angels, by the great powerful name of the Holy One, instruct me the strength of the SM where it can be found. What must I do to bring him down?".
The Angels answered him together, "Your request is very difficult. If you knew the strength he gains from the sins of Am Israel and not one is mightier than him, you would not attempt to do this. None can bring him down for his nest amid the stars, and his seat is surrounded by three barriers. You cannot prevail against him. Only the Holy and Blessed One Himself can do this when the time comes!".
Rabbi Yosef begged, "I have already risked my soul for the Holy One and Blessed One. I trust in HKB'H that He will help me to succeed. Please instruct me and tell me what to do. Whatever needs to be done, I'll do!".
And the angels replied, "Listen Yosef, your will is appreciated but the time has not yet arrived and it's already been decreed, "אם תעירו ואם תעוררו את האהבה עד שתחפץ You will not stir up nor awaken love" (Shir HaShirim). Yet, in view of your will and wisdom and knowledge of hidden secrets that HKB'H granted you, we are compelled to tell and instruct you which way to go".
With this, Angel Achtiel began: "One one side facing me, SM has two powerful barriers, one is an iron wall which rises from earth to heaven and the other, is a great barrier of ocean".
Angel Metatron told him that on his side, facing the SM is a barrier consisting of a mighty snow mountain, whose summit reaches the skies.
They told him, "Listen carefully and pay close attention. In order to eliminate the three barriers and bring them down, this is what you must do: When you leave here, go to mount Seir, we will arrive in mount Seir before you, on top. Whatever operation you do on the bottom of the Mount Seir, we will perform the same on the top. When you go to Mount Seir, continue to be holy as your are now. Your souls have risen to a great height and you have almost attained the position of Angels. You have forgotten the ways of the physical world. Along the way, you will encounter a large horde of black dogs; know that SM is sending them to you to confuse you. Have no fear and pronounce the Name of Holy HaShem that contains 52 letters, (numerical value also of KELEV, dog). Concentrate on the Holy Name and the dogs will flee away from you. From there, climb on top of the mountain, you will find a great mass of snow up to the skies. Concentrate on the hidden secrets of the Passuk verse of "Have you entered the treasuries of snow", and the mountain will be moved from its place. After that, concentrate on the verse, "It snows in Zalmon" and the mountain will vanish. Continue with these concentrations until you reach the barrier of the ocean, whose waves reach the skies. Pronounce the verse from Tehillim, "Ascribe to Hashem, O you sons of the Mighty", and the ocean will dry up and you will be able to cross it on dry land."
"Go forward and you will see a wall that reaches from the earth to the sky. Take a knife in your hand and inscribe upon it חרב לה’ ולגדעון and with the knife, cut into the iron and make an opening and enter thru it. Make sure not to close the opening till all of you pass safely thru the opening. After passing thru the opening, it will close. After that, go forward till you reach Mount Seir".
At that time, we will fling SM from his seat and he will be entrusted into your hands. And then let the Holy Name be prepared, written, and engraved by you on a plate of lead. Prepare another plate of lead and engrave on it from the verse of Zecharia, 'ויאמר זאת הרשעה וישלך אותה אל תוך האיפה, וישלך את אבן העופרת אל תוך פיה'. After this, you will be able to go wherever you desire in Mount Seir. You will find the wicked Samael and Lilith in forms of black dogs, a male and female. Do not be afraid. On the male, set the engraved plate with the Holy Name and set the other plate on the female. Put a rope around the male and female with the plates attached, and they will follow you with their camp.
"Then HaShem's desire will be achieved by you and you will bring Samael and Lilith to judgment on Mount Seir. Then there will be the great sound of the Shofar and Moshiach will appear and will purify the earth from all impurities. The Holy One and Blessed One will slaughter the spirit of the impurity and all the righteous will be present. Then there will be the Great Redemption."
"Be very careful and do all that we instructed you, and if you successfully do this, how great is your portion. Don't lose concentration of the holiness for a split second and be very care when you rope the dogs, Samael and Lilith, and don't listen to them. They will cry and plead from you to give them food or drink but don't listen to them and don't give them anything. Don't believe them and pay no attention to them. May HaShem protect and guide you". With that, the Malachim flew heavenwards.
When the angels ascended, Rabbi Josef rose. His students, whom were still on the ground, were unable to rise till the Malachim left. They were overjoyed and excited and quickly prepared everything the Malachim told them and walked towards Mount Seir.
On the way, they saw a horde of vicious black dogs coming towards them, they did as were instructed and the dogs scattered and disappeared.
After this, they encounted a great mountain of snow and did what they were instructed to do and the mountain shifted. Then they said the other holy formula combination and the mountain completely vanished. They walked on for 2 more days, and on the third day they saw a great ocean that its waves reached the skies. As soon as they said the holy formula combination, the ocean dried and they walked thru it, on dry land.
When they reached the wall that reached from the earth till heaven, Rabbi Josef took the knife that the Holy Name was engraved on it and sliced the iron wall for an opening. The width of the iron wall was 8 cm thick. When the last of the students passed thru, Rabbi Joseph let go of the opening but the last student was slow and his leg got caught. Rabbi Joseph took out the knife and sliced the iron wall open around the student's leg and he passed thru. They climbed Mount Seir to its summit.
When say found the crater within which were in ruins, they heard dogs barking. They entered one of the ruins and saw 2 gigantic black dogs, a male and female. When they approached the dogs, the dogs jumbed on them to swollow them. But Rabbi Joseph had the engraved plates in his hand and with his right hand, after placing the plates, put the rope around the dogs' neck, with the plates attached to it.
As soon the rope was tied around them, they removed their shapes of the dogs and put on their own shape which was humankind except their wings, which were full of eyes, like flames. They begged for food or drink but Rav Joseph did as was instructed and paid no attention to their pleads.
With tremendeous happiness, they walked towards the Mount Seir, with Samael and Lilith behind them, tied in a rope, crying. Rabbi Joseph was overjoyed and said, "Who would have thought that I would have succeeded capturing the SM?".
The SM replied, "Indeed, we are in your hands and you can do whatever you desire. Give us something to eat or drink because otherwise we will never make it to Mount Seir". But Rabbi Joseph refused to give them anything, as was instructed.
As they approached Mount Seir, Rabbi Joseph took out the spices to smell it. And the SM told him, "If you won't give us food or drink, at least give us to sniff the spices". And Rabbi Joseph handed them a bit of the spice, and at that moment, the SM blew a spark of fire from his mouth and burned the incense, including the spice in Rabbi Joseph's pocket.
The vapor entered the SM's nostrils and snapped off the rope from his neck and flung the engraved plates from him and began striking Rav Joseph and his students. 2 of the students immediately died upon hearing the SM's roar, while the other 2 students lost their minds.
Rabbi Joseph remained alone with 1 student, both weary, exhausted and astounded. He didn't know that by giving the incense to the SM, it was for the SM idol-worshipping and all his holy strength disappeared. He didn't listen and keep the Malachim's warning not to give anything to the SM.
That moment, the mountain began to smoke amid gloomness and darkness and the Divine Voice came out and said, "Oy to you, Yosef, Oy to your neshama that you did not do as you were commanded. You engaged in idolatry and offered incense to the SM and now he will pursue you out of this world and out of the next world!".
Yosef and his remaining student buried the 2 dead students and afterwards, rested. The demon possesed the other 2 students and perished in great suffering that the demon inflicted on them.
After this, Joseph went to the city of Sidon, where he settled. His ways turned very evil. He saw that he did not succeed and since he heard from the Divine Voice that he lost this world and the world-to-come, he made a conventant with the malicious Lilith and handed himself to her and she became his wife. He polluted every way possible and used Holy Name of HKB'H to do evil. Every night he would conjure spirits and devils to fetch him his heart's desire.
He continued his evil ways and had more women than possible until the wife of the Greece king. He had her brought to him every night and in the morning, he would give orders to return her. One day the queen told her husband, "Every night I dream that I'm in a certain place and a man sleeps with me but find myself in the morning in my bed".
When the King heard this, he summoned the magicians and placed them on guard at the queen's home. That night, the demons came at the order of Joseph to take the queen and the guards noticed them at once. They forced the demons to tell them why they come here nightly to take the queen and the demons answered that they were ordered by Joseph from the city of Sidon. When the king heard this, he sent a certain minister to the city of Sidon with gifts to the Lord of Sidon, asking that Joseph be sent to him alive immediately. When Joseph realized that his deeds were known to the king, even before the minister arrived in Sidon, he threw himself into the ocean and died.
As for me, the fifth student, I was left alone and sick on a sickbed all my life. There is no remedy for my ailment nor do I have any reprieve from the demons. I have written this tale for a memorial.
And I copied this tale from old letters that I found in Tzfat and wrote this story as a warning that no one should attempt to bring the Redemption before its time. We should do Teshuva and HaShem will send the final redemption and His Moshiach thru our merits, Amen Ken Yehi Ratzon.
Rabbi Tzaddok Shlita email:
"I really should finish the commentary, it is most important, especially for right now..."
Rabbi Tzaddok adds the following:
"Certain knowledge, however interesting and enticing, is best not to be made public... As you can imagine if I published how Rabbi Yosef offered the incense and how the Satan came to him in the form of a dog, many will try to copy this.... IT HAS ALREADY HAPPENED BEFORE!! IN NEW YORK, not too long ago. Remember the Son of Sam killer, he knew too much about demonlogy and demonic sacrifice ( I read his statements in the newspapers at the time). He knew information that was not written in any books..
Labels: Teshuva

Its good and iam really intrested in this type Real stories