Civil War Premonition & Prophecy
Fiery Clashes Erupt Between Police and Protesters Over George Floyd Death...
Are you starting to see the connection of the prewarning to leave USA???
Leave While You Can... (civil war... USA... difficult to move from state to state... danger...)

Everyone is waiting for the Rabanim to show an example to make aliyah to Israel , well if everyone is going to wait for better conditions to sell their homes it won't happen , so don't
put this decision off . Now is the time !
Even if we wanted to leave, we cant. Nothing is open. You can only fly to Israel as an Israeli or an Oleh and that will take at least 3 months if your lucky.
Anonymous Anonymous said... in reply from nava: I had no idea! I wish you all hatzlacha and stay safe and healthy, amen. When the skies reopen, please come home...
Pray for the release of Rabenu Eliezer Ben Etia!
Nava, you should know that the Jewish Agency is reformulating the “Aliya Process” to accommodate the masses of Jews wishing to move to Israel.
We should be hearing about this in a while. At present neither agencies can accommodate everyone. So they have to change the protocol. Hopefully it will help everyone to safely move to Eretz Yisrael.
Neshama, thanks for the update... look for my new post, extremely time appropriate...