Am Israel was supposed to stay in Egypt for 430 years and HaShem reduced it to 210 years. A reduction of 220 years!! Moshiach latest date to come is year 6000 - reduced by 220 = 5780 (this year!!! 2020)
" מה שהיה הוא שיהיה ומה שנעשה הוא שיעשה ואין כל חדש תחת השמש"
That which has been is that which shall be; and that which has been done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.

Your insight is very interesting but you're better off sticking with Isaiah 26:20 and the Netziv.
Thank you for your encouraging words, Nava. Remembering you from Gush Katif.
Re Nava:
You're welcome. Mordechai, from Spring Valley, NY.
Is dreamingofmoshiach your blog?
phoenixwarrior - interesting... I'd love to know who you are... nava998@yahoo.com
anonymous: Yes, my blog...
Do you have a cell number or WhatsApp that I can reach you at?
Nava, seems that the gates are almost closed now. (Remember your article years ago what Tsadduk Nistar told to make Aliya. I was singing Song of Devorah from your website, Baruh Hashem We made it and we live in Netanya now . Thank you for the Hizuk.
Actually according to pirkei de'ribbi Eliezer and Yossipon, Am Yisrael was in mitzrayim for 215 years.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Do you have a cell number or WhatsApp that I can reach you at?
email me at nava998@yahoo.com
Anonymous said...
Nava, seems that the gates are almost closed now. (Remember your article years ago what Tsadduk Nistar told to make Aliya. I was singing Song of Devorah from your website, Baruh Hashem We made it and we live in Netanya now . Thank you for the Hizuk.
WOWOWOOWWOW so excited for you. What a zchut that Eretz Israel invited you to live in her land... Thanks for sharing and all the best!!!
Anonymous adam said...
Actually according to pirkei de'ribbi Eliezer and Yossipon, Am Yisrael was in mitzrayim for 215 years.
Adam, thanks for the input, let's hope that Geula comes 2020 passover, amen!
No no no. If moses says we were in egypt for 430 years then we were indeed in Egypt for 430 years. Which ever rabbi decided that we were in Egypt for 210 years made our calendar 220 years shorter. Therefore we have already entered shabbat the year 6000.
To summerise why the rabbis made the time in Egypt only 210 years is because levis line only comes to 350 years assuming father had a son in the last year of life.
I propose another theory. The tribe of Levi is not from Levi son of Jacov. Jacov cursed simeon and levi. I believe levis children stopped having sons and therefore eliminating the tribe of Levi. Therefore Levi graadfather of Moses i believe is a descendant of Ephraim.
MOSES never prophecised about simeon in deuteronomy 33. Why? Because simeon ceases to exist like Levi in Egypt. Therefore what does Moses say about Levi descendant of joseph?
Deuteronomy 33.And of Levi he said: Thy Thummim and Thy Urim be with Thy holy one, whom Thou didst prove at Massah, with whom Thou didst strive at the waters of Meribah; 9 Who said of his father, and of his mother: 'I have not seen him'; neither did he acknowledge his brethren, nor knew he his own children; for they have observed Thy word, and keep Thy covenant. 10
Levi doesnt know his father and mother. Meaning we all think Levi is levi son of jacob. But levi is actually from ephraim. Therefore we are told levi doesnt know his father and mother and brothers and childrsn.
Genesis 48.6 And thy issue, that thou begettest after them, shall be thine; they shall be called after the name of their brethren in their inheritance.
Josephs children after ephraim will be called the name of his brothers . Ie levi and his three sons kohath gershon and merari. These names were brought into the tribe of ephraim
george: Your Bible is not our One and Only Torah!
The Jews were in Mitzrayim for over400 years but enslaved for 210 years.
Second point: Levi & Simon are all part of the
Bnai Yisrael. Yuu apparently are not. We have the Written and Oral Torah - one cannot be without the other! The Levite tribe, by the way, literally belongs to Hashem, as HE tells them, 'you are mine' - truly the most holy tribe of all! Judah is the head of the Tribes and the head of Judah is King David, the beloved of Hashem!
To address your first point. Moses says the children of Israel were in Egypt for 430 years. This means you cant start the count at Isaac or Abraham or even Jacob because it says children of Israel.
Secondly Jacob cursed simeon and Levi. He also said let not my name be in you.
Genesis 49.Simeon and Levi are brethren; weapons of violence their kinship. 6 Let my soul not come into their council; unto their assembly let my glory not be united; for in their anger they slew men, and in their self-will they houghed oxen. 7 Cursed be their anger, for it was fierce, and their wrath, for it was cruel; I will divide them in Jacob, and scatter them in Israel. {P}
Thirdly to say Judah was chosen is almost as insulting as saying edom was chosen over Israel or ishmael over isaac. Joseph was clearly chosen. He was hated because he was chosen.
Cain killed abel out of hatred
Edom wanted to kill jacob out of hatred. The hated is always the chosen. Josephs brothers wanted to kill joseph. Especially Judah.
GOD KILLED judahs two sons because they were evil. Judah married a canaanite woman. Judah also had a child with the wife of his son a women who was acting as a prostitute. Solomon had 1000 wives against the torah. David too many wives. Solomon was the reason israel was divided. Solomon worshiped other Gods.
In the book of joshua the only sin recorded of Israel was from the tribe of judah.
IT WAS ALWAYS JOSEPH AND EPHRim and moses and joshua moses son.
What did Moses mother name Moses????? Nun. JOSHUA SON OF NUN. IT WAS phaorahs daughter who named him moses. Thats why Joshua was chosen because he was Moses's son. All the levites are of ephraim. There is no tribe of levi son of jacob and there is no tribe of simeon. They were both wiped out for murdering innocent people. Only one man committed the rape against dinah and all the men of the city shouldnt have been killed. Thats why they were cursed and wiped out.
The levites today are all from ephraim.
george: No use even explaining the most basic of Torah to you as it seem you have dreamed and written your own Bible. Not one thing that you wrote is correct, not one! The Jewish people have the true geneaolgy of their ancestors more than any peoples on the face of the earth. G-D gave us the Torah and every word written therein is Divine; we were given the Written & Oral Laws which explain what every word and letter means. We do not read the Torah, we study it and even if one were to live hundreds of years, he would never finish learning - it is infinite. To even come out with such heresy, lies and fantasies and be permitted on this blog, makes no sense and I would advise Nava to not allow his comments on such a Jewish blog. It is a chilul Hashem!
The torah is truth. Its the interpretation that is the problem. Most of the oral torah comes from judah and not joseph. This is the root of the problem. Only certain rabbis in history were from the bloodline of Moses and Joshua such as shimon bar yochai and arizal and vilna gaon. These three were the main rabbis who understood the deepest secrets of messiah son of joseph. Everyone thinks joseph is dead just like when the brothers sent him to egypt but God is making joseph king over his brothers slowly . Judah is furious. Although caleb was a tzadik from judah joshua son of Nun (son of moses) was chosen and why? Because there are tzadikkim in Judah from the line of caleb mainly but there exists something called the messiah in every generation from the line of joseph down to joshua son of moses until today. David may be from caleb but he isnt the messianic line.
After this, I won't answer your heretical views. It is you, george, who has a completely wrong interpretation of the Torah and you have given yourself away by saying 'Joseph' and that means you are one of those 'ephramites' or whatever you want to call yourselves, meaning you are 100% gentile! You cannot comprehend the holiness and purity and truth of Torah which was given solely to the Jewish people. The first book of Genesis is where you can glean some history of the world; other than that, you can learn the Noahide Laws which pertain all of mankind.
The Kingdom of Israel was is and will forever be the Kingdom from the House of David and will be the Kingdom of the Moshiach, servant of G=D and absolutely, no one else! End of story. Go to a scholarly rabbi who can teach you the Seven Laws of Noah and you will become a righteous gentile and gain a portion in the World to Come, as all Jewish souls will.
I live in Israel. I am a jew who studies the words of Moses. I reject rabbinic dictatorship of the correct interpretation even though in most cases rabbis dont agree with eachother.
JUDAISM is not Torah. JUDAISM is Judahs interpretAtion of Moses words. Since Moses was an ephramite it makes sense his people interpret the law not judah.
Can you explain to me why Joshua son of Nun never got married or had children. The greatest prophet in history after Moses. The only man besides caleb that libed through Egypt the 40 years in the desert and destroyed the canaanites and set up the tabernacle in Shiloh (meron) not Jerusalem .
Doesnt it seem strange that God would not give such a great figure a wife and children. JUDAH COVERED UP THE REAL HISTORY OF JOSHUA. of course he got married and had children and his childrens children live on even today and the messiah will come from hia children and Judah will be ashamed for trying to kidnap josephs legacy like Judah send joseph to egypt. History repeats it self
Genesis 49. The scepter shall not pass from Judah Until Shiloh comes. The word until implies judah shall lose his power of the scepter of the people of israel. AND SHILOH WAS THE ORIGINAL CHOSEN PLACE FOR 400 YEARS WHICH GOD CHOSE. AND IT WAS IN THE LAND OF EPHRAIM.
As the vilna gaon says. OD JOSEPH CHAI
Nava: Why are you allowing such comments as the ones above by george? He is writing the most heretical things I've ever read on any of our Jewish blogs. It's a chilul H' to allow this. He has his own type of websites to go to. If someone reads his comments on your religious blog but is ignorant of Torah, he might believe such blasphemy! You have an obligation to disallow this.
Why is this fool apikores "george" allowed to make his stupid comments here?
No need to be angry. Most jews are from the tribe of ephraim anyway. And especially from Moses's children. This is why God said to Moses i will destroy this nation and make a nation of you. Because he saw in the future that mainly the children of Moses will survive the exile. And Moses was from Ephraim.
Bravo, George! It is hard to tell the truth to religious people, for they believe what they were told by... men (rabbis, pastors etc... whatever religion, doesn't matter). The navi Yermyahu said "Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from YAH" (Jr 17:5). You are teaching Torah, but they want tradition from their rabbis. They are rejecting Torah so they better repent and do teshuvah.
Another calculation . 40 years is the time for repentence as we see in the desert. And also the rains of Noah were 40 days . Also Moses went up to to make repentence for the golden calf for 40 days. A child is born after 40 weeks of pregnancy. In Leciticus we are told a prophecy that says Israel shall be punished 7 times for their times and if they dont repent another 7 times.
40 x 7 x 7 is 1960. the temple was destroyed in 70 ce so this brings us to the year 2030. I think we are very close to the end.
The book of Zohar speaks about the year 73 as the year Moshiach is revealed. 1948 plus 73 is 2021 . So he may be revealed before this Rosh hashana.
Bilaam makes a prophecy about the end of times in numbers 24. Cain shall be wasted by Asshur. Accoring to my research China is Cain as in Cain and Abel. Because Cain actually was sent to a city of refuge because he didnt murder with intent . And he was sent east and so China is clearly East. Asshur is America so there will be war with China and America. England is Eber and so after the war between America England vs China Jafet jumps in which is Russia and this is the famous war of Gog and Magog and when russia loses the war Messiah establishes the golden era.