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Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Message of the Dove

"... The White Dove landed in the Bet HaMidrash of HaRav Ovadia Yosef Shlita. He held the dove with both hands and stroked her lovingly, and said "Dove, what do you ponder and what about do you wonder? ...Let it be HaShem's will." And then in the view of all present, the dove flew away and did not return.

This happened Friday, Erev Shabbat Rosh HaShana and the story spread like a wildfire. Is it a coincidence that the dove gave the message on Friday, and the Pride Parade is also scheduled for Friday? Nothing happens without a reason. What message was the dove bringing from HaShem?

The most "famous" story of the dove was in the time of Noah, zs'l, when he sent out at the end of the GREAT Flood a dove to determine if dry land had reappeared. "The dove came to him in the evening and behold, there was an olive leaf torn off in her mouth". (Genesis 8:11)

Rabbi Avahu, zs'l, asked, "If the dove brought the olive leaf from the Garden of Eden, could she not have brought something exceptional as cinnamon or balsam? Rather, it was a hint which she gave to Noah: Rather that my food be bitter as an olive but from the hand of God than as sweet as honey from the hand of mortal men." (Midrash - Genesis Raba 33:9)

The dove's message to Noah was: Don't forget what led to the downfall of mankind and brought on the Flood! It was man's insatiable need for physical pleasure, as if such pleasure was a goal unto itself.

The goal of creation is to be close to God, to be like Him, even if it means sacrificing physical comfort and pleasure. Physical pleasure is a wonderful by-product of living in this world, but not the goal.

It is the relationship to God that counts in the end, and a person has to be willing, in this world, to suffer discomfort sometimes to enhance it. We do it all the time as humans relating to humans; we have to do it as well as Jews relating to God. It is for this that we are rewarded in the World to Come and even in this world.

We achieve this by graciously accepting and loving the Almighty's three gifts to the Jewish people: Torah, The Land of Israel, and the World to Come. And above all, making our relationship with Him the top priority of our personal and national agendas.

It is only this that will save us from any further travail, as we experience the birth pangs of Moshiach. Our attitude can determine whether we bring him earlier and in peace, rather than at the last possible moment, through war and suffering.

War Against the Sitra Achra



War Against the Sitra Achra

FC with Binyamin Golden:
Question: Why didn't we win the war?
Answer: It is becuz this is the direction of a very difficult process and we need continue with all power and force! Do not rest, any minute of resting might mean losing. Alas, what we are asking is only to save Jews, that's it, just to save Jews from the Sitra Achra (SATAN). The time is short and the work is tremendous. There is no time.

FC with Galia:
It must be understood that the strength of the Sitra Achra know that this is the end for them, like a wild animal that is wounded, they are they are trying to overcome with their last strength and bring down more people to be as them: wicked, impertinence (chutzpa), violence, wars, and abuse. The more Mitzvot we will do, the less we will be harmed.

FC with M.:
Why are you so bitterly crying?
M.: I see things that frighten me... I see the Sitra Achra getting wilder because we are so close to the "end of the road" and the Sitra Achra does not want us to succeed. I am very afraid and worried that this is the final war against the Yetzer Hara. The Sitra Achra will not surrender easily. This is going to be the war for eternal life for every Jew.

FC with brain damage M.:
Fight the Sitra Achra will all your energy.
The situation will be like a soldier fighting with a ready-to-fire weapon and shoots many bullets, but all the bullets are gone, so he takes the weapon and starts beating his enemies left and right with his weapon. But the weapon drops from his hand, and he is left only with his hands, and with his hands he hits, and with his legs he kicks, and with his teeth, he bites. This is the current situation.

FC with anonymous:
I am informing you now, it's not going to be easy. The enemy is prior to death and knows that his days are numbered and wants to take down with him as many as possible. To die alone is not satisfactory for the Sitra Achra. He'll take down as many as he can and its going to be a merciless and cruel war. Don't be fooled and do not be afraid and don't stop.
Am Israel will live but how long and how many will survive and those who will survive, in what condition? It's not going to be easy. HaShem will kill the Sitra Achra together with the Jewish hearts and homes that permitted him entrance, unless his is removed beforehand. You must continue to fight.

Last nite, the first time ever, my husband sat/slept in the living room while I was advocating for Am Israel in Shamayim. I was banging the walls, the bed, the floor and yelling for mercy. For over 3 hours, from 1:45 am till 5:00 am straight I was begging in Shamayim not to harm Am Israel - it's a hard and very difficult defense. In shamayim, the prosecuters are getting the upper hand. It's going to be, HaShem protect us all, a bloodbath if not cancelled!!!

In a previous dream I was told that if, c'v, this parade will occur in HaShem's Holy Yerushalayim, heads will be decapitated (ראשים יערפו). The streets of the holy city Yerushalayim will be flowing with blood, r'l. And not only in Yerushalayim.

Galia (autistic) said Iyar, 2002 http://www.gadworks.com/SignsFromHeaven/files/Messages_New.html
There is one decree that keeps getting postponed. It is successfully postponed in the merit of the Tzaddikim that are amongst us and the Tefillot from all previous generations. They are begging and crying for Am Israel in Shamayim and are advocating for us. But if it shall happen, only the deserving will survive. It will be tremendous pain right before Gog uMagog and the final redemption.

In the dream, AM ISRAEL'S LAST OPPORTUNITY Moshiach said that this postponment will be the end of all Tikkunim to purify Am Israel. Moshiach said that HaShem is angry at Am Israel and the parade of "shame" has angered HaShem even more. I told him that most Jews, including Goyim, don't want this parade and are fighting so hard against the Sitra Achra. Moshiach said that Admat Kodesh (Holy Land) is also crying.

ובחוצות ירושלים
The people commit their sins in public, without any sense of shame.

(Radak)Some Jews that put on Tfillin daily and "look and dress" religious but are trapped deep by the Sitra Achra. Some believe that the presence of the Shechinah in the city of Jerusalem will ensure that it will be saved through a miracle. BUT the filthy disgusting dirty parade of shame that Jews scheduled has angered HaShem more so.

"Jewish government that support, silently or otherwise, this parade and the departure of holiness from Israel, and their courts and law-enforcers - they are all guilty and responsible for the grave results that are foreseen as a result of this parade and that could happen during the parade, Heaven forbid. As everyone already knows, that Shabbat is Parshat Vayera (destruction of Sodom and Gomorra), the loyal Jewish public is threatened by a march of the abominators in Jerusalem - a giant parade with the permission of the police and the Supreme Court... For such sins, the Torah warns clearly that the Land will vomit out its inhabitants... Will you [sit] closed up in your home and wait for destruction, Heaven forbid?"


For those who cannot physically fight for HaShem's honor in Yerushalayim, we could fight with our mind and body spiritually. "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה"

Email sarahyy@earthlink.net or nava998@yahoo.com and encourage others to be part of the Massive "Parade of Purity".

WHAT CAN I DO?, Preserve Jerusalem's Sanctity , Parade of Trucks, Wipe Out the Impurities

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"Code Red" Warning

Writing about the shame parade, triggered my mind to remember a dream I had several months ago that till now, was fogotten.

This dream was in June/July. I was speaking to the Malach and calling him Kvodo - His Honor. The Malach said that the gay parade will be cancelled and rescheduled.

This parade, if allowed to occur, cause much pain in Shamayim and angers HaShem. HKB'H gave us the option of choosing. We can choose to keep Shabbat, dress modestly, and we can choose to sin. But for His chosen nation to allow homosexuals and lesbians parading their sins in His holy Zion is just as, c'v, worshipping the gold calf.

I told Kvodo, the Malach, I'm willing to try to convince the ministers of the Knesset the danger outcome of this parade. BUT will they listen to me?. The corruption of Knesset members are too strong.

The Malach said that if this parade will be rescheduled, c'v, and occur in HaShem's Holy Yerushalayim, heads will be decapitated (ראשים יערפו). The streets of the holy city Yerushalayim will be flowing with blood, r'l. And not only in Yerushalayim...
End of dream.

Galia (autistic) said Iyar, 2002 אייר התשס''ב
There is one decree that keeps getting postponed. It is successfully postponed in the merit of the Tzaddikim that are amongst us and the Tefillot from all previous generations. They are begging and crying for Am Israel in Shamayim and are advocating for us. But if it shall happen, only the deserving will survive. It will be tremendous pain right before Gog uMagog and the final redemption.
אך יש גזירה קשה שאינה מתבטלת! כל הזמן מצליחים לדחות אותה עוד ועוד, בזכות הצדיקים החיים בתוכנו ובזכות תפילות כל הצדיקים מכל הדורות, המתחננים על ישראל בשמים ומסנגרים. אך לא ירחק היום וישארו רק הראויים להשאר, זה יהיה כאב גדול מאוד לפני גוג ומגוג שעדיין מצפה לנו והגאולה הקרובה שלנו

Autistics are unanimously saying "if the parade of the sins will materialize, c'v, it's severity is equal to the sin of creating the golden calf. Many Jews will die. The sin of the golden calf was caused by the Erev Rav (mixed multitude) and we kept silent. 2,000 years, till today, we are still suffering for our silence. We are paying for our silence with high interest!! History is being repeated, r'l, and the Erev Rav are again in control. Are we going to be silent again?
אם המצעד יעבור זה ישווה בחומרתו לחטא העגל ויפלו מישראל רבים ,חטא העגל נעשה על ידי הערב רב ואנחנו החרשנו .ועד היום אנחנו משלמים עליו בריבית לטוח ארוך. ההסטוריה חוזרת הערב רב עד הים כבעבר שולט בישראל .

More posts about the parade, WHAT CAN I DO?, Massive "Parade of Purity", Preserve Jerusalem's Sanctity , Parade of Trucks, Wipe Out the Impurities

A segula (remedy) to annul decrees is to say (פרשת הקורבנות (פיטום הקטורת Parshat HaKorbanot (Pitom Haktoret).

The parade is called for NOVEMBER 10 - CHESHVAN 19.
In Gematria 19 is: טבח - slaughter; אויב - enemy
In the Friday nite dream I was told in the month of CHESHVAN will begin Gog Umagog

Right-wing and religious activists have submitted a request to march with dozens of cows, donkeys and horses on the same route where the pride parade will be held, while citing Tehillim and asking for atonement. “We want to parade beasts because these people’s acts are beastly,” explained the Yesha Council representative. Requests to hold the unusual parades have already been submitted to the police, which are examining it.

For those who cannot physically fight for HaShem's honor in Yerushalayim, we could fight with our mind and body spiritually. "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה"Email sarahyy@earthlink.net or nava998@yahoo.com and add additional merits by encouraging others to be part of the Massive "Parade of Purity" .

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I spoke with Sarah (gilgul from Bet HaMikdash) and she said she's praying for all the Jews in the Diaspora and sends regards from the Holy Land.

We were discussing prayers and she said that HaShem told her Korbanot Hanesi'im קורבנות הנשיאים has tremendous power and the strength of fire for the following needs: Protection (including wars and r'l, Gog uMagog), freeing hostages and prisoners, and revelation from HaShem.
Korbanot Hanesi'im cannot be said more than once a day and NEVER after sunset. This tefilla is in Sefer Bamidbar, Parshat Naso, Perek 7 פרשת נשא פרק ז - http://kodesh.snunit.k12.il/i/t/t0407.htm

Korbanot Hanesi'im is also a סגולה remedy for getting married. After saying it, men should say http://www.olam-jew.com/maamarim/tfila-zivug-leben.htm and ladies say http://www.olam-jew.com/maamarim/tfila-zivug-lebat.htm.
In English, http://www.yarzheit.com/heavensregister/soulmate.htm

Shir HaShirim said anytime during the day is THE remedy for having children, feeling energized and positive, purifying thoughts, overcoming physical temptations, and closeness to HKB'H.
In english, http://www.chabad.org/library/article.asp?AID=15780 and in Hebrew, http://www.mechon-mamre.org/i/t/t3001.htm



Monday, October 30, 2006

Prayer at the Ohel

Last Thursday, Oct. 26th, a group of girls went on a trip to the mountains of Ramat HaGolan. They walked up a mountain path when one of the girls lost her footstep and fell 35 ft. from a hillside cliff. In a revealed miracle, she landed on a big stone on her feet and not on her head. The group of girls were hysterical and immediately called Israel Magen Dovid Adom MDA (Hatzala).

When MDA arrived after a few minutes, they carried the injured girl on a stretcher to the hospital and there, she was placed in the trauma section. When the Dr.s heard about the girl's accident, they assumed that all most of her body bones are broken.

They proceeded to take x-rays but the results astounded them. There was not even one broken bone and the Dr.s admitted that this is nothing short of a revealed miracle. After hearing that she was part of a Chabad group, one of the Dr.s said to her that probably the Rebbe, zs'l, saved her.

The girl was released and went home totally and completely healthy. She called her friend that resides in NY and told her what happened. Her friend was shocked and asked her to repeat it again. After hearing it again, the friend told her that she wants to tell her the second part of this miracle.

"On Thursday", she said, "I celebrated my birthday and went to the Ohel HaKadosh of the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'l. After praying, I left but remembered that I forgot to mention you for a blessing so I went back inside the Ohel and mentioned your name.

The Israeli girl wanted to know what time this occured in NY. Turns out the friend that was in the Ohel HaKadosh and prayed for her 9:30 am Thursday morning. (Before the clock was changed there was a 6 hour difference). The accident happened in the mountains of Ramat HaGolan at 3:30 pm.

translated from http://www.col.org.il/show_news.asp?24394



Destroy the Golden Calf

Are you going to be written in HaShem's book fighting for His honor???? WAKE UP PEOPLE. The problem is not going away - the gays are stubbornly insisting bringing slaughtered pigs into the Bet HaMikdash!!!

Are you just going to turn on your TVs, WebTVs, radios, satellites and watch DOOMSDAY?
What will it take for YOU, yes, YOU to wake up???
Do YOU not understand the danger Am Israel is in???
This IS the test that Our Merciful Father, HaShem is giving us.
What did you imagine? Moshiach will come on the day of the Gay Parade and announce his arrival???
How much are you willing to sacrifice for HKB'H???
How much are you willing to sacrifice for YOUR soul???
What, you'd rather be watching a baseball game??? You have errands to run???

Don't you get it?? How can Moshiach arrive in the midst of the Tumaa (impurity)??? Who are we kidding??



You want to know what Autistics are saying??? Is that it? And then YOU will wake up?

All autistics are unanimously saying "if the parade of the sins will materialize, c'v, it's severity is equal to the sin of creating the golden calf. Many Jews will die. The sin of the golden calf was caused by the Erev Rav (mixed multitude) and we kept silent. 2,000 years, till today, we are still suffering for our silence. We are paying for our silence with high interest!! History is being repeated, r'l, and the Erev Rav are again in control. Are we going to be silent again?
אם המצעד יעבור זה ישווה בחומרתו לחטא העגל ויפלו מישראל רבים ,חטא העגל נעשה על ידי הערב רב ואנחנו החרשנו .ועד היום אנחנו משלמים עליו בריבית לטוח ארוך. ההסטוריה חוזרת הערב רב עד הים כבעבר שולט בישראל .

Even the European Pride Organizers Association (EPOA), in its annual meeting in Madrid earlier this month, voted not to hold the 2009 World Pride event in Tel Aviv, but rather in Zurich, Switzlerand.

What effort are you doing to make sure the upcoming parade is canceled?

Sheikh Abdel Salim from Nazareth said that the Jews are to blame for bringing decadent Western culture to the area - thus negatively influencing Muslim Arabs and neighboring Arab countries - and the result is this Gay Pride March. The Sheikh told the Knesset Interior Committee on July 4, 2006, 'Just like G-d destroyed Sodom, he can also destroy Jerusalem, including all the Moslems, Christians and Jews.'"

The parade must be canceled outright. Any day that will chosen for this parade will be dangerous to the public, a catastrophe for the Jewish Nation.

More posts about the parade, WHAT CAN I DO?, Massive "Parade of Purity", Preserve Jerusalem's Sanctity , Parade of Trucks, Wipe Out the Impurities

The parade is called for NOVEMBER 10 - CHESHVAN 19. In Gematria 19 is:
טבח - slaughter;
אויב - enemy

Do you REALLY want Moshiach to arrive??? PROOVE IT. Proove it to HaShem, proove it to yourself, proove it publicly.


For those who cannot physically fight for HaShem's honor in Yerushalayim, we could fight with our mind and body spiritually. "כל ישראל ערבים זה לזה"
Email sarahyy@earthlink.net or nava998@yahoo.com and add additional merits by encouraging others to be part of the MASSIVE PARADE OF PURITY.

NB - say at least 1 perek Tehillim daily with kids, b'n.
DA - go to the Mikveh every day, b'h.
SS - Start covering hair
DS - To work on self to overcome improper sexual urges

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The Arab Jew

To say that Salah Abdel Manam has yichus, or distinguished Jewish lineage, would be an understatement. On his maternal side, his great-grandfather was a famous Safed mystic. And his first cousin died heading a distinguished combat division in Lebanon while heroically defending Israel. On his paternal side, his great-grandfather was a famous Moslem cleric. And a first cousin is one of Arafat's close advisors, who this spring was holed-up with him at the Mukata compound.

Although Jewish activist organizations helped Salah's mother escape twice from her Arab village and her husband, she ultimately decided to cast her lot with them. While Salah's father was willing to marry a Jewish woman, he nevertheless continued to affiliate with the strictest strain of Islam. In time, 9 children were born to the couple, including Salah and his twin brother. Each was raised a devout Muslim.

Salah became proficient in the Koran at a young age, and knew large parts of it by heart. Adopting religious dress, he even wore a jalabiya. Hatred of Jews was a recurring topic in his home and at school. Though married to a Jew, Salah's father wasn't reluctant to proclaim openly his hated of all things Jewish.

His parents intermarriage impacted Salah's day to day interaction with the world around him. "Because my mother was a Jew, I had to show that I was more extreme than everyone else. I knew I was always being watched," Salah explains, matter-of-factly. But while going through the motions of being an "extremist," Salah was troubled by contradictions he found in the Koran. And then politics began to intrude into his life. He lived, after all, in the Middle East.

When the first wave of suicide bombings began, friends tried to draft Salah into the Al Aksa Brigades. The Koran, he was told, "requires me to become a shahid, a martyr." But being proficient in the Muslim holy book, Salah challenged the recruiters to find the source of this "teaching." They couldn't. "It was easy for them to convince the young and the ignorant, but they couldn't seduce me since I knew the Koran inside out. … I also knew that the Koran calls on believers to honor the Jewish people and not to scheme against them. They couldn't fool me," Salah recounts, proudly. As Salah was finishing high school, he was becoming more and more troubled by the way of life he had known since birth. Eventually, he joined his friends in search of work in Israel proper.

At the time, Salah recalls, "I didn't know I was a Jew, according to halacha, the Jewish law. "But whenever I would pass a synagogue, I felt a certain warmth emanating from inside. It was as if G-d was calling to me: 'Return my son.' I identified with my Jewish side. I'm not sure why."

Salah's parents soon began to notice the gradual change taking place in their son. They tried to convince him to join his 3 brothers -- including his twin -- who were studying Islam at a Mecca seminary, which propounds extreme Islamic views. They hoped that sending Salah there would put a speedy end to his interest in Judaism. But Salah refused. He continued working in Israel.

Salah's first encounter with religious Jews was at a Tel Aviv construction company where he found employment. But whenever he would attempt to ask questions about Judaism, his co-workers were evasive. When he eventually confided in them that his mother was a Jew -- which renders him 100% Jewish -- Salah was advised to enroll in classes at a yeshiva for those seeking to become observant. He did, but did not reveal his secret. One day -- almost two years ago -- Salah returned home to his Arab village near Carmiel and packed his few belongings. He has not returned since and intends never to step foot in the region again. All's well, that ends well? Not exactly.

Salah discovered that despite his sacrifice, his problems were only beginning. Initially, he decided to move to an Israeli city with a large religious population. But with suicide bombings and terror attacks escalating, Salah, who began to wear a yarmulke and other distinct Jewish garb, was regularly viewed by residents with deep suspicion due to his Arabic name and his orange Palestinian identity card. (In recent months, suicide bombers have donned Jewish garb in attempts infiltrate secure areas.) Worse, his return to Judaism was literally threatening his life. During a police sweep, Salah would be picked up and expelled to the West Bank. Israeli authorities would not believe that he wanted to become a Jew, thinking it was a ruse. Yet if he were returned to the Palestinian Authority, he knew he would be hanged and murdered for being a "collaborator" with Israel.

"I was going out of mind," Salah confides. "I was afraid to walk in the streets. I was afraid to go to offices. I was afraid to go to the Ministry of the Interior to change my status because my parents might find out where I was living and someone with a knife or a weapon might come after me." In the end, he finally decided to open-up to the rosh yeshiva ("dean") of his Judaic studies school. Once the sage verified Salah's astounding story, he took the truth seeker under his wing. The easiest way to solve Salah's problems, it was decided, was to have him officially be converted by the Rabbinate, who ruled that he had to undergo a Halachic circumcision.

To his amazement, Salah found out that he had been circumcised according to Jewish law. "When I was born, there were no local Arab mohelim," Salah explains. "There was no Intifada, and Jews freely entered Arab towns without fear. There was a mohel ("circumcisor") in one of the settlements near the village where my parents lived, and he did the circumcisions for our family. Afterwards, I understood why. My Jewish mother wanted her children's circumcisions to be authentically Jewish. She specifically asked the mohel to perform these rites quietly and make sure that no one heard or saw. He knew that my mother was Jewish and he gladly fulfilled her will. Who knows if I returned to Judaism in the merit of this."

In the past year and a half, Salah has been vigorously pursuing his studies in a yeshiva. His Arab accent has completely disappeared, and peyot ("sidelocks") and a beard now frame his face. He has also worked unceasingly on his pronunciation of Hebrew, and today it is flawless.

Salah has reconnected with his mother's Jewish relatives, who received him warmly like a lost son. He has taken the same last name as his illustrious great-grandfather, and says he is doing everything possible to forget his Moslem past. Now 24, Salah, who has taken the name "Yehudah," is recently married to an Italian-born Jewish woman who recently returned to her Jewish roots, although in a much more conventional manner. A chessed (benevolence) organization undertook to help pay for his wedding.

Yehudah says that there are hundreds of Jewish women like his mother who remain in Arab villages -- not because they have such a good life; many, in fact, are abused -- they stay because they feel they have nowhere to return to. Their families have already sat "shiva" (mourned) for them. He believes that if the Jewish people would open their hearts to these unfortunate women, they could save many of them.

[Edited by Yrachmiel Tilles from the translation of an article in the Israeli daily, Yated Ne'eman, submitted by David Devor.]



Sunday, October 29, 2006


It might end in blood, sweat and tears. Thousands of Orthodox, settlers, right-wing, secular Jews, Moslims, and Catholics are weaving plans to disrupt the gay parade in the holiest city, Jerusalem.

The parade is said to be in less than 2 weeks, Friday, Nov. 10 and will end before Shabbat begins. The parade will be "secured" by 1000s of police force, to prevent violence between the 2 sides. Two years ago during the "shame parade" 3 gays were stabbed and therefore, the police are trying to prevent this and worse from happening again.

The parade has many opposers and some groups have legal plans to cancel it and some groups have illegal plans.

In the legal plateau, many protest rally groups are in the works to preserve Jerusalem's sanctity; including an all-female protest of prayers; an all-male yeshivos protest; Shas protest; and secular protest.

In the illegal plateau, a parade of trucks are ready to close all entrances to the holy city; bombarding police stations with phone calls; damaging infrastructure of the city to occupy policemen; human blockage of all junctions leading to Yerushalayim (as was done in the protest against the cursed disengagement).

The protests will continue from now, including DOOMSDAY. Since the shame parade is scheduled for Friday, r'l, Erev Shabbat, an accommodation headquarters has opened to find Jerusalem families to host non-local protestors for Shabbat.

Are you asking yourself "What can I do to resist the Parade of shame? There is no organized rally in my hometown to participate".

This question is asked and emailed to me numerous time. More and more people have the desire to fight for the Honor of Hashem's name. sarahyy@eartlink.net is in this fight till the bitter end. She was contacted by many people (not only Jews) to fight the real danger hanging over us.

It's not enough though, we must be a multitude! Talk to your neighbor, your friends and family. Please contact sarahyy@eartlink.net to enroll on Hashem's warriors list and create a Massive "Parade of Purity" .

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Hunger & Thirst for HaShem

As we sit here in the scorching heat of Gaza, terrorized by the flies whose persistence and tenacity is nothing short of inspiring, we find ourselves asking this very question. At face value, it is clear that the war is far from over. If anything, the majority of Israeli’s recognize that while the battle in Southern Lebanon may have ended for now, the war with Hezbollah and the Muslim world is still to come. As to why we are here, the Arabs of Gaza are escalating their Jihad against Israel, and being that the army is still recoiling from the events of last month, they have decided to mobilize more soldiers to compensate.

The deeper question that must be asked is what this war is really about. G-d’s providence is unquestionably profound in the Land of Israel, and much like all of his creation, everything happens for a reason. Although our Prophet Isaiah tells us “My ways are not your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts”, the spiritually attuned person can look at his life and world events and see the perfect orchestration and design.

Alongside hundreds of other Israeli’s, we never thought that within the week indoor restrooms and sock-changing would be the luxuries of life. We found ourselves asking why G-d would interrupt our noble and necessary pursuit of being a “Light unto the Nations” with a call to our southern border. It did not take long, however, before the wisdom and perfection of this “distraction” became apparent.

Despite the disengagement, a little over a year later we find ourselves back in Gaza and the attacks continue. Before surrendering Gaza, many claimed the attacks would cease if we would surrender the territories acquired in the 1967 war to the Palestinians. Now the missiles are exploding in Sderot, a city part of the 1948 State of Israel. The futility of machinations such as the “disengagement” and the “realignment” has been exposed and the true intentions of our enemies has been revealed leaving the same soldiers who sang the praises of appeasement and unilateral withdrawals with questions demanding answers. If this war is not about the “occupied territories” then what is it about? If we have completely withdrawn to the northern borders delineated in UN resolution 1559, then why did Hezbollah attack us? What can we do to finally make peace with the nations around us?

At this very moment, there is a Torah study session going on just a few feet to my left between a secular Israeli named Rafi with a large tattoo of Gandolph (the wizard from The Lord of the Rings) on his arm, and a religious Jew named Eran with a full beard covering his face and large knitted kippah on his head. While the UN, the EU, and a growing voice in international community is questioning Israel’s right to exist, Rafi is opening his heart to the true legitimacy to our claim. Rafi is learning that our right to Tel-Aviv is no more legitimate than our right to Gaza or Hebron and is based on the promise of G-d to Abraham. He is learning about our enemy, Ishmael, who is a “beastly man; his hand against everyone and everyone’s hand against him” who is jealous of the birthright granted to our forefather Isaac, with whom G-d granted an “everlasting covenant with him and his offspring after him”. Most importantly, he is learning that there is a G-d in the world, we are his chosen people, and that he is waiting for us to return to him and guard his commandments.

As we look at Rafi and see him beginning to understand, we too are understanding as well. Before the Jewish people can completely fulfill our task of being a “Light unto the Nations”, we must first be a light unto ourselves. We cannot extend a hand of friendship to the Christian world unless our other hand is firmly clasped by our Jewish brethren. G-d is bringing our enemies against us in order to turn us towards each other and to him. Whether or not we can understand it, the trials and tribulations we are facing in Israel are for our own good. Sometimes shedding falsehoods and illusions is cathartic, but the pain is a small price to pay for the truth we achieve.

Thousands of years ago the prophet Amos sang ““Behold, days are coming – the word of the Lord – when I will send a hunger into the Land; Not a hunger for bread or a thirst for water, but to hear the words of Hashem.” Was he picturing this very scene on the sweltering sand dunes of Gaza?

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Apologizing to the Rain

Last week, my kids were playing outside and my youngest created a new game - "Kicking the Tree". I asked him to stop and inquired why he feels the need to kick a tree that never harmed him. I explained to him that the tree is a living entity, created by HaShem, and needs water and love to grow healthy.

After explaining to my son the beauty of trees, grass, flowers, etc., I wondered in my mind - since when did I start caring about trees? Does a tree have feelings? Can a tree feel emotional hurt when being kicked? I came to the conclusion that the "mercy" I felt for the tree was influenced by reading Mystical Paths's article about a cedar tree that saved a Tzfat neighborhood during Lebanon War II. (I also read once that for every grass blade, a Malach (Angel) is responsible for it and if someone tears off even one grass blade, it causes pain to the soul of the grass).

Arriving to a conclusion with justified answers that kicking a tree is wrong, I felt a "spiritual high" that trees are living souls and should not be kicked.

Last nite, my husband and I were watching a clip of the massive rain that Eretz Israel accumilated over the past few days, causing damage in some areas. I asked my husband if this is Blessed rain (gishmei Bracha) or not? My husband answered that the rain helped the Kineret rise 3.5 cm, so it is blessed rain. I argued that in some parts of Israel, the excess amount of rain caused road damage and the rain turned the streets into mini-rivers, is this also a blessing? And my husband said that too much of anything, including rain, might not be a blessing. I came to the conclusion that overall, this rain was not Blessed rain.

I WAS WRONG!!! During the nite, 6 Cheshvan, the angel of rain (Sar HaGeshem) told me that the rain in Israel is Gishmei Bracha and I was wrong to doubt HaShem's merciful rain water. I asked the Malach to forgive me. In the dream, I apologized in Hebrew and in English because I verbalized the WRONG conclusion in Hebrew and thought it in English.

I apologize to Sar HaGeshem; Slicha U'Mechila. I was wrong and thank you for the tremendous chesed to "wake up" and realize HaShem's merciful rain.

We begin praying for rain the day after Hoshana Rabbah, on Shimini Atzeret. (Rosh HaShanah 10b-11b) and on Succoth the world is judged how much rain each land will get. Lazer Beams wrote an article "...After a Succoth of clear blue skies, today, the clouds poured out a lovely inch (25 mm) of life-giving rain here in Ashdod. This is a remarkable sign of love from Hashem - as soon as we dismantled our Succas, the heavens literally opened up. The air here has an indescribable fragrance of ocean breeze and wet sycamore - if one could bottle the fragrance, it would be an exquisite perfume".

During Shabbat, we were discussing Parshat Noach and the Passuk כי מלאה הארץ חמס, מפניהם; והנני משחיתם, את הארץ - The earth is full of their violent doings, and now I will put an end to them with the earth" and connected it to the Pasuk "המעשים המתועבים שבגינם הארץ מקיאה את יושביה Because of revolting behavior, the Holy land vomits her dwellers".

The Holy Land can see and judge the revolting acts and has permission to "vomit' revolting dwellers. If the Holy Land is given such tremendous powers, how much more so can be seen from Shamayim???

Although we live in America, 10,000 km away from the Holy Land, everything said and thought is heard in Shamayim. I cannot imagine what will happen if c'v the Shame Parade doesn't get cancelled in the Holy Land - in the holiest city - Yerushalayim. We must fight the impurity and get involved in the Massive "Parade of Purity - everything we do (and don't do) is recorded in Shamayim.

This dream is a tremendous chesed. We need to wake up and if we cannot physically fight, at least we will spiritually fight the "shame parade". If one keeps quiet and doesn't concern himself with the shame it causes, it might cause for even a harsher judgment, c'v.



"Esav hates Yaakov"

In the Warning Dreams, "...I'm warning the Jews to be careful from the Egyptians. They are THE snake הם הנחש מתחת לקש. Just because they are silent and quiet, doesn't mean they are silent in their plans. They are planning to hurt us. They will harm us, r'l. Don't forget what the Chachamim teach us "מים שקטים חודרים עמוק" Still waters penetrate deep.

Last week, El Al (Israel airline) announced they will no longer be flying to Egypt...

As a response, "Egypt moved 5,000 more security forces near the Gaza Strip border on Saturday (Parshat Noach) after an Israeli report said Israel may bomb tunnels used for smuggling weapons into Palestinian territories, an Egyptian official said.



Sing for Moshiach's Arrival

Shirat Devorah is available in Hebrew, English, French, Spanish and also, English Alphabet of Hebrew (for those who cannot read Hebrew but wish to say it in Hebrew).
Reb Gideon Shlita also recorded the Shira.

To have a deeper understanding of the exquisite Shirat Devorah and help us realize how close the Geula is: Shirat Devorah: The Geula.

Please print in your choice language and sing it daily, for Moshiach's quick arrival, AMEN.

ספר שופטים פרק ה
וַתָּשַׁר דְּבֹורָה וּבָרָק בֶּן־אֲבִינֹעַם בַּיֹּום הַהוּא לֵאמֹר׃
בִּפְרֹעַ פְּרָעֹות בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל בְּהִתְנַדֵּב עָם בָּרֲכוּ יְהוָה׃
שִׁמְעוּ מְלָכִים הַאֲזִינוּ רֹזְנִים אָנֹכִי לַיהוָה אָנֹכִי אָשִׁירָה אֲזַמֵּר לַיהוָה אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל׃
יְהוָה בְּצֵאתְךָ מִשֵּׂעִיר בְּצַעְדְּךָ מִשְּׂדֵה אֱדֹום אֶרֶץ רָעָשָׁה גַּם־שָׁמַיִם נָטָפוּ גַּם־עָבִים נָטְפוּ מָיִם׃
הָרִים נָזְלוּ מִפְּנֵי יְהוָה זֶה סִינַי מִפְּנֵי יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל׃
בִּימֵי שַׁמְגַּר בֶּן־עֲנָת בִּימֵי יָעֵל חָדְלוּ אֳרָחֹות וְהֹלְכֵי נְתִיבֹות יֵלְכוּ אֳרָחֹות עֲקַלְקַלֹּות׃
חָדְלוּ פְרָזֹון בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל חָדֵלּוּ עַד שַׁקַּמְתִּי דְּבֹורָה שַׁקַּמְתִּי אֵם בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל׃
יִבְחַר אֱלֹהִים חֲדָשִׁים אָז לָחֶם שְׁעָרִים מָגֵן אִם־יֵרָאֶה וָרֹמַח בְּאַרְבָּעִים אֶלֶף בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל׃
לִבִּי לְחֹוקְקֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל הַמִּתְנַדְּבִים בָּעָם בָּרֲכוּ יְהוָה׃
רֹכְבֵי אֲתֹנֹות צְחֹרֹות יֹשְׁבֵי עַל־מִדִּין וְהֹלְכֵי עַל־דֶּרֶךְ שִׂיחוּ׃
מִקֹּול מְחַצְצִים בֵּין מַשְׁאַבִּים שָׁם יְתַנּוּ צִדְקֹות יְהוָה צִדְקֹת פִּרְזֹנֹו בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל אָז יָרְדוּ לַשְּׁעָרִים עַם־יְהוָה׃
עוּרִי עוּרִי דְּבֹורָה עוּרִי עוּרִי דַּבְּרִי־שִׁיר קוּם בָּרָק וּשֲׁבֵה שֶׁבְיְךָ בֶּן־אֲבִינֹעַם׃
אָז יְרַד שָׂרִיד לְאַדִּירִים עָם יְהוָה יְרַד־לִי בַּגִּבֹּורִים׃
מִנִּי אֶפְרַיִם שָׁרְשָׁם בַּעֲמָלֵק אַחֲרֶיךָ בִנְיָמִין בַּעֲמָמֶיךָ מִנִּי מָכִיר יָרְדוּ מְחֹקְקִים וּמִזְּבוּלֻן מֹשְׁכִים בְּשֵׁבֶט סֹפֵר׃
וְשָׂרַי בְּיִשָּׂשכָר עִם־דְּבֹרָה וְיִשָּׂשכָר כֵּן בָּרָק בָּעֵמֶק שֻׁלַּח בְּרַגְלָיו בִּפְלַגֹּות רְאוּבֵן גְּדֹלִים חִקְקֵי־לֵב׃
לָמָּה יָשַׁבְתָּ בֵּין הַמִּשְׁפְּתַיִם לִשְׁמֹעַ שְׁרִקֹות עֲדָרִים לִפְלַגֹּות רְאוּבֵן גְּדֹולִים חִקְרֵי־לֵב׃
גִּלְעָד בְּעֵבֶר הַיַּרְדֵּן שָׁכֵן וְדָן לָמָּה יָגוּר אֳנִיֹּות אָשֵׁר יָשַׁב לְחֹוף יַמִּים וְעַל מִפְרָצָיו יִשְׁכֹּון׃
זְבֻלוּן עַם חֵרֵף נַפְשֹׁו לָמוּת וְנַפְתָּלִי עַל מְרֹומֵי שָׂדֶה׃
בָּאוּ מְלָכִים נִלְחָמוּ אָז נִלְחֲמוּ מַלְכֵי כְנַעַן בְּתַעְנַךְ עַל־מֵי מְגִדֹּו בֶּצַע כֶּסֶף לֹא לָקָחוּ׃
מִן־שָׁמַיִם נִלְחָמוּ הַכֹּוכָבִים מִמְּסִלֹּותָם נִלְחֲמוּ עִם־סִיסְרָא׃
נַחַל קִישֹׁון גְּרָפָם נַחַל קְדוּמִים נַחַל קִישֹׁון תִּדְרְכִי נַפְשִׁי עֹז׃
אָז הָלְמוּ עִקְּבֵי־סוּס מִדַּהֲרֹות דַּהֲרֹות אַבִּירָיו׃
אֹורוּ מֵרֹוז אָמַר מַלְאַךְ יְהוָה אֹרוּ אָרֹור יֹשְׁבֶיהָ כִּי לֹא־בָאוּ לְעֶזְרַת יְהוָה לְעֶזְרַת יְהוָה בַּגִּבֹּורִים׃
תְּבֹרַךְ מִנָּשִׁים יָעֵל אֵשֶׁת חֶבֶר הַקֵּינִי מִנָּשִׁים בָּאֹהֶל תְּבֹרָךְ׃
מַיִם שָׁאַל חָלָב נָתָנָה בְּסֵפֶל אַדִּירִים הִקְרִיבָה חֶמְאָה׃
יָדָהּ לַיָּתֵד תִּשְׁלַחְנָה וִימִינָהּ לְהַלְמוּת עֲמֵלִים וְהָלְמָה סִיסְרָא מָחֲקָה רֹאשֹׁו וּמָחֲצָה וְחָלְפָה רַקָּתֹו׃
בֵּין רַגְלֶיהָ כָּרַע נָפַל שָׁכָב בֵּין רַגְלֶיהָ כָּרַע נָפָל בַּאֲשֶׁר כָּרַע שָׁם נָפַל שָׁדוּד׃
בְּעַד הַחַלֹּון נִשְׁקְפָה וַתְּיַבֵּב אֵם סִיסְרָא בְּעַד הָאֶשְׁנָב מַדּוּעַ בֹּשֵׁשׁ רִכְבֹּו לָבֹוא מַדּוּעַ אֶחֱרוּ פַּעֲמֵי מַרְכְּבֹותָיו׃
חַכְמֹות שָׂרֹותֶיהָ תַּעֲנֶינָּה אַף־הִיא תָּשִׁיב אֲמָרֶיהָ לָהּ׃
הֲלֹא יִמְצְאוּ יְחַלְּקוּ שָׁלָל רַחַם רַחֲמָתַיִם לְרֹאשׁ גֶּבֶר שְׁלַל צְבָעִים לְסִיסְרָא שְׁלַל צְבָעִים רִקְמָה צֶבַע רִקְמָתַיִם לְצַוְּארֵי שָׁלָל׃
כֵּן יֹאבְדוּ כָל־אֹויְבֶיךָ יְהוָה וְאֹהֲבָיו כְּצֵאת הַשֶּׁמֶשׁ בִּגְבֻרָתֹו וַתִּשְׁקֹט הָאָרֶץ אַרְבָּעִים שָׁנָה׃

[1] Then sang Devorah and Barak the son of Avinoam on that day, saying,
[2] Praise Adonai for the avenging of Israel, when the people willingly offered themselves.
[3] Hear, King of all Kings; give ear, princes; I, even I, will sing to Adonai; I will sing praise to Adonai, God of Israel.
[4] Adonai, when You went out of Seir, when you marched out of the field of Edom, the earth trembled, and the heavens dropped, the clouds also dropped water.
[5] The mountains melted from before Adonai, even that Sinai from before Adonai, God of Israel.
[6] In the days of Shamgar the son of Anat, in the days of Yael, the highways were unoccupied, and the travellers walked through byways.
[7] The inhabitants of the villages ceased, they ceased in Israel, until I Devorah arose, I arose a mother in Israel.
[8] They chose new gods; then was war in the gates: was there a shield or spear seen among forty thousand in Israel?
[9] My heart is toward the governors of Israel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Bless You Adonai.
[10] Speak, that ride on white donkeys, that sit in judgment, and walk by the way.
[11] They that are delivered from the noise of archers in the places of drawing water, there shall they rehearse the righteous acts of Adonai, even the righteous acts toward the inhabitants of his villages in Israel: then shall the people of Adonai go down to the gates.
[12] Awake, awake, Devorah: awake, awake, utter a song: arise, Barak, and lead thy captivity captive, son of Avinoam.
[13] Then he made him that remain have dominion over the nobles among the people: Adonai made me have dominion over the mighty.
[14] Out of Ephraim was there a root of them against Amalek; after thee, Binyamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down governors, and out of Zevulun they that handle the pen of the writer.
[15] And the princes of Issachar were with Devorah; even Issachar, and also Barak: he was sent on foot into the valley. For the divisions of Reuven there were great thoughts of heart.
[16] Why abodest among the sheepfolds, to hear the bleatings of the flocks? For the divisions of Reuven there were great searchings of heart.
[17] Gil'ad abode beyond Jordan: and why did Dan remain in ships? Asher continued on the sea shore, and abode in his breaches.
[18] Zevulun and Naftali were a people that jeoparded their lives unto the death in the high places of the field.
[19] The kings came and fought, then fought the kings of Canaan in Taanach by the waters of Megiddo; they took no gain of money.
[20] They fought from heaven; the stars in their courses fought against Sisera.
[21] The river of Kishon swept them away, that ancient river, the river Kishon. O my soul, thou hast trodden down strength.
[22] Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones.
[23] Curse Meroz, said the angel of Adonai, curse bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of Adonai, to the help of Adonai against the mighty.
[24] Blessed above women shall Yael the wife of Hever the Caanan, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.
[25] He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.
[26] She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen’s hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.
[27] At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.
[28] The mother of Sisera looked out at a window, and cried through the lattice, Why is his chariot so long in coming? why tarry the wheels of his chariots?
[29] Her wise ladies answered her, yea, she returned answer to herself,
[30] Have they not sped? have they not divided the prey; to every man a damsel or two; to Sisera a prey of divers colours, a prey of divers colours of needlework, of divers colors of needlework on both sides, meet for the necks of them that take the spoil?
[31] So let all thine enemies perish, Adonai: but let them that love him be as the sun when he goes forth in his might. And the land had rest forty years.

Vatashar Devora ouVarak ben-Avinoam bayom hahou lemor:
bifro'a pra'ot be'yisrael behitnadev am barkhou Ado-naï:
Shimou melakhim ha-azinou roznim anokhi la-Ado-naï anokhi ashira azamère la-Ado-naï elo-hei yisrael:
Ado-naï betsetkha miseir betsadekha misde edom erets ra-asha gam-shamayim natafou gam-avim natfou mayim:
harim nazlou mipnei Ado-naï ze sinai mipnei Ado-naï elo-hei yisrael:
bimei shamgar ben-anat bimei yael khadlou orakhot veholkhei netivot yelkhou orakhot akalkalot:
khadlou ferazon beyisrael khadelou ad shakamti Devora shakamti em beyisrael:
yivkhar Elo-him khadashim az lakhem shearim magen im-yerae varomakh bearbaim elef beyisrael:
libi lekhokekei yisrael hamitnadvim baam barkhou Ado-naï:
rokhvei atonot tsekhorot yoshvei al-midin veholkhei al-derekh sikhou:
mikol mekhatsetsim bein mashabim sham yetanou tsidkot Ado-naï tsidkot pirzono beyisrael az yardou lasharim am-Ado-naï:
ouri ouri devora ouri ouri dabri-shir koum barak oushave shevyekha ben-avinoam:
az yerad sarid leadirim am Ado-naï yerad-li bagiborim:
mini efrayim sharsham baamalek akhareikha vinyamin baamameikha mini makhir yardou mekhokekim oumizvouloun moshkhim beshevet sofer:
vesarai beyisaskhar im-devora veyisaskhar ken barak baemek shoulakh beraglav biflagot reouven gedolim khikekei-lev:
lama yashavta bein hamishpetayim lishmoa sherikot adarim liflagot reouven gedolim khikrei-lev:
gilad beever hayarden shakhen vedan lama yagour oniyot asher yashav lekhof yamim veal mifratsav yishkon:
zevouloun am kheref nafsho lamout venaftali al meromei sade:
baou melakhim nilkhamou az nilkhamou malkhei khenaan betanakh al-mei megido betsa kesef lo lakakhou:
min-shamayim nilkhamou hakokhavim mimsilotam nilkhamou im-sisra:
nakhal kishon gerafam nakhal kedoumim nakhal kishon tidrekhi nafshi oz:
az halmou ikvei-sous midaharot daharot abirav:
orou meroz amar malakh Ado-naï orou aror yoshveiha ki lo-vaou leezrat Ado-naï leezrat Ado-naï bagiborim:
tevorakh minashim yael eshet khever hakeini minashim baohel tevorakh:
mayim shaal khalav natana besefel adirim hikriva khema:
yada layated tishlakhna vimina lehalmout amelim vehalma sisra makhaka rosho oumakhatsa vekhalfa rakato:
bein ragleiha kara nafal shakhav bein ragleiha kara nafal baasher kara sham nafal shadoud:
bead hakhalon nishkefa vateyabev em sisra bead haeshnav madoua boshesh rikhbo lavo madoua ekherou paamei markevotav:
khakhmot saroteiha taaneina af-hi tashiv amareiha la:
halo yimtseou yekhalkou shalal rakham rakhamatayim lerosh gever shelal tsevaim lesisra shelal tsevaim rikma tseva rikmatayim letsavrei shalal:
ken yovdou khol-oiveikha Ado-naï veohavav ketset hashemesh bigvourato vatishkot haarets arbaim shana.

And translated song of Devorah Hanevia's to FRENCH:
Ce même jour, Débora et Barak fils d’Abinoam, chantèrent ce cantique :
Quand l’anarchie régnait en Israël,
Une poignée d’hommes s’est dévouée :Rendez-en grâce à l’Eternel !
Ecoutez, rois ; princes, prêtez l’oreille :
Je veux, je veux chanter le Seigneur,Célébrer l’Eternel, D.ieu d’Israël.
Eternel ! Quand tu sortis de Séir,
Quand tu t’avanças de la région d’Edom,
La terre frissonna, les cieux se fondirent,Les nuages se fondirent en eaux ;
Les monts ruisselèrent à la vue du Seigneur,
Le Sinaï tressaillit à l’aspect du D.ieu d’Israël
Au temps de Samgar, fils d’Anat,Aux jours de Jaël,Les routes étaient devenues solitaires, Les voyageurs suivaient des sentiers détournés.
Plus de ville ouverte en Israël, plus aucune,Quand enfin je me suis levée, moi Débora,Levée comme une mère au milieu d’Israël.
Il avait adopté des dieux nouveaux,Dès lors, la guerre est à ses portes ;Et l’on voyait à peine un bouclier, une lance,Entre quarante milliers d’Israël.
Mon cœur est à vous, maîtres d’Israël,Qui vous êtes dévoués au milieu du peuple,Rendez grâce à l’Eternel !
Vous qui montez de blanches ânesses,Qui vous asseyez sur des tapis,Et vous, humbles piétons du chemin,Contez cette merveille !
Ceux que le tumulte faisait blottir parmi les auges,Maintenant célèbrent les bienfaits du Seigneur,Ces bienfaits qui émancipent Israël ;Maintenant rentre dans ses portes le peuple du Seigneur.
Debout, debout Débora !Eveille-toi, éveille-toi, chante l’hymne !Alerte, ô Barak !Fils d’Abinoam, emmène ta capture.
Un faible reste triomphe d’une puissante multitude ;L’Eternel m’a fait dompter les forts.
Les gens d’Ephraïm ont pris racine en Amalec,A ta suite, ô Benjamin ! et près de tes familles ;Makhir a produit des législateurs, Et plusieurs, dans Zabulon, manient la plume du scribe.
Et ces princes d’Issachar, amis de Débora,Et Issachar, l’appui de Barak,Dans la vallée ils s’étalent à ses pieds.Parmi les groupes de Ruben,Grands sont les soucis de la pensée !
Pourquoi es-tu resté entre les collines,Ecoutant le murmure des troupeaux ?- C’est que, pour les groupes de Ruben,Grave est la perplexité d’esprit.
Galaad, sur la rive du Jourdain, demeure immobile.Dan, qui le retient près des vaisseaux ?Acher s’est fixé dans le littoral,Il se cantonne près de ses ports…
Zabulon, voilà le peuple qui se dévoue à la mort !Lui et Nephtali, seuls au champ de bataille !
Les rois sont venus, ils ont guerroyé.
Oui, ils ont guerroyé, les rois de Canaan,
A Taanakh, près des eaux de Meghiddo :Les riches dépouilles n’ont pas été pour eux.
Les cieux ont pris part au combat ;
Les astres, dans leurs orbites,Ont fait la guerre à Sisera.
Le torrent de Kishon les a balayés,
L’antique torrent, le torrent de Kishon…Mon âme, élance-toi, impétueuse !
Comme ils résonnaient, les sabots des coursiers,Sous la fuite, la fuite rapide de ses vaillants !
Maudissez Méroz, a dit le messager du Seigneur,
Vouez à l’exécration ses habitants !
Car ils ne sont point venus seconder le Seigneur,Seconder le Seigneur parmi les braves.
Bénie soit, entre les femmes, Yaël,
L’épouse du Kénéen Héber ;Entre les femmes, sous la tente, soit-elle bénie !
Il demandait de l’eau, elle lui offre du lait ;Dans un vase précieux elle apporte de la crème.
De sa main elle saisit une cheville,
De sa droite le marteau du manœuvre ;
Puis elle frappe Sisera, lui fracasse la tête,Lui fend, lui transperce la tempe.
A ses pieds, il se tord, il s’affaisse, il succombe,
A ses pieds, il se tord, il rampe.Se débat encore – et gît sur place, inanimé…
Elle a regardé par la fenêtre, la mère de Sisera ;
A travers le grillage elle a jeté sa plainte :
Pourquoi son char tarde-t-il à paraître ?Qui retient donc la course de ses chariots ? »
Ses sages compagnes la rassurent ;Elle-même trouve réponse à ses plaintes :
Sans doute ils enlèvent, ils partagent le butin ;
Une jeune fille, deux jeunes filles par guerrier ;
Pour Sisera, les étoffes richement teintes,
La dépouille des broderies éclatantes,Des broderies doubles qui brillent au coup des captives… »
Ainsi périront tous tes ennemis, Seigneur,
Et tes amis rayonneront comme le soleil dans sa gloire.
Le Pays eut, depuis lors, quarante années de repos.

1. Entonces cantaron Débora y Barak , hijo de Abinoam, ese día diciendo
2. Cuando los hombres se dejan crecer sus cabellos en Israel (como para ir a la guerra), cuando el pueblo se brinda voluntariamente, bendecid al Eterno.
3. Oíd, reyes! Prestad atención, oh príncipes! Cantaré al Eterno, cantaré alabanzas al Eterno, el Dios de Israel.
4. Oh! Señor! Cuando Tú saliste de Seyir, cuando marchaste del campo de Edom, la tierra tembló; también los cielos se estremecieron y las nubes derramaron agua.
5. Las montañas se sacudieron ante la presencia del Eterno, y el mismo Sinaí, ante la presencia del Eterno, el Dios de Israel.
6. En los días de Shamgar, el hijo de Anat, en los días de Yael, los caminos estaban desiertos, y los viandantes andaban por senderos desviados.
7. Desiertos estaban los campos de Israel. Estuvieron desiertos hasta que me levanté yo, Débora. Yo me levanté, una madre en Israel.
8. Escogieron nuevos dioses, y luego hubo guerra ante los portones de las ciudades. Veíase acaso, escudo o lanza entre los cuarenta mil de Israel?
9. Mi corazón esta por los jefes de Israel (y por) los que se ofrecieron voluntariamente entre el pueblo. Bendecid al Eterno!
10. Los que cabalgáis en asnas blancas, los que os sentáis sobre alfombras y los que andáis por el camino, contadlo,
11. Más alto que la voz de los arqueros, junto a los abrevaderos. Allí recontaran las acciones justas del Eterno, y también las acciones justas de sus jefes en Israel. Ya baja a las puertas el pueblo del Eterno!
12. Despierta, despierta, Débora! Despierta, despierta, entona un cántico! Despierta, Barak, llévate tus cautivos, o hijo de Abinoam!
13. Entonces El hizo que los pequeños derrotaran a los grandes. El Eterno me confirió dominio sobre los poderosos.
14. De Efrayim vinieron aquellos cuya raíz está en Amalek, después de ti, Binyamin entre tus gentes. De Mayir bajaron los jefes, y de Zebulun los escribientes, como fue Yisajar, también fue Barak.
15. Y los príncipes de Yisajar fueron con Débora. Al valle se lanzaron siguiéndole. Entre las divisiones de Reuven había muchos corazones decididos.
16. Por qué pues te sentaste entre los rediles para oír los balidos de los rebaños? En las divisiones de Reuven había corazones cabales.
17. Guil´ad permaneció entre tanto del otro lado del Jordán, y Dan por qué permaneció en los barcos? Asher se sentó en la playa del mar y allí se quedó tranquilo.
18. (La de) Zebulun es una gente que despreció su vida hasta la muerte, y también Naftalí, sobre las alturas del campo.
19. Vinieron los reyes y pelearon. Entonces pelearon los reyes de Canaán, en Taanaj, junto a las aguas de Meguido. No percibieron por ello dinero alguno.
20. Desde el cielo pelearon. Las estrellas en su curso pelearon contra Sisera.
21. El torrente del Kishon, los barrió: ese viejo arroyo, el arroyo Kishon. Aplasta, oh alma mía, a los poderosos!
22. Entonces piafaban las pezuñas de los caballos, por las cabriolas, las cabriolas de sus valientes.
23. Maldecid a Meroz, dice el ángel del Eterno, maldecid amargamente a sus habitantes, porque no vinieron a ayudar al Eterno contra los poderosos.
24. Bendita sea Yael entre las mujeres, la mujer de Jeber el kenita. Sobre las mujeres (moradoras) en tiendas, sea ella bendita.
25. Agua pidió al que le dé; leche le dio ella. En regio vaso trájole leche cuajada.
26. Tendió la mano izquierda a la estaca y su mano derecha al martillo de obreros. Y con el martillo hirió a Sísera, golpeándole (la estaca contra) la cabeza. Sí, se la perforó a través de la sien.
27. A sus pies cayó (él) y quedó tendido. A sus pies quedó tendido. Donde cayó, allí mismo quedó muerto.
28. Desde la ventana (una mujer) mira atentamente. Clama la madre de Sísera entre las celosías. Por qué tarda tanto su carro en venir? Por qué se demoran así las ruedas de su carro?
29. Las más sabias de las damas de la corte responden a sus interrogantes, y ella se dá a sí misma la respuesta.
30. No están hallando despojos y repartiéndoselos? Una doncella, dos doncellas para cada hombre. Para Sísera un despojo de vestimentas multicolores, un despojo de diversos colores recamado. Dos prendas recamadas para el cuello de cada saqueado.
31. Así perezcan todos Tus enemigos, oh Señor! Y los que Te amen sean como el sol en todo su esplendor. Y la tierra tuvo cuarenta años de descanso.

Libro de Jueces, capítulo 5.

It's Not Too Late... More emails:

V.S.: "It has so much strengthened both my husband and me in emuna."

P.O.: "I'm really excited Devorah HaNevia, a'h, was here. To think little small me can deserve her visit".

S.V.: "We both were crying from happiness and sheer joy at the greatness of HaShem Elokeinu and His servants who bring down to us the reality of Shamayim and give as strong hope and courage to face the difficult times ahead."

T.S. "When I found the message from Devorah HaNevia, I knew right away it was directed at something I have prayed about for years and has been part of my deepest longing in relation to the coming of Mashiach but has been something only my husband knows about."

I.N.: "I could not breathe for awhile when I saw it. I truly believe we have not even touched the edge of what Hashem has in store for His people who love Him and do His Will. We will be dazzled by His goodness toward us."

M.D.K.: "My wife and I had our first baby last week!! We came up with a name but weren't 100% sure even though we checked with a kabbalist and Rav Rumpler Shlita. I came to look at the site Dreaming of Moshiach and saw you had just found Devora's kever and we knew the name is perfect ... Bracha Devorah!"

N.P.: "I searched and searched for a sign and didn't find anything, so I sat down and ended up staring at a painting I did several years ago...images emerged that I hadn't noticed before".

R.Y.: "I started saying Shiras Devorah i go around singing Shimu melachim" the whole day".

M.F.: "When I said it at home something incredible happened: a melody just came out of my lips! It's hard to describe, but I just "knew" how to sing the shirah. It is a tune that sounds like a trope, but it's not a trope that I recognize.

D.F.: "I plan to continue saying the song. It is very inspiring!"

F.M.: "I felt something wonderful when I said Shirat Devorah HaNevia".

Y.A.: "I'm so excited... I don't know this feeling".

B.H.: "after reading the Shirat Devorah, I had a very strong feeling that she was in the room, I felt it in my heart, then I noticed that the room I was in was lit with sunshine, although all the shades were closed".

M.W.: "On Monday I responded to your request for funds to fix up Kever Devorah and on Wednesday a co-worker gave me 2 bottles of wine from "Mount Tabor" wineries. I had never heard of it and it's one of many many wineries - but I thought it was a nice message since I helped Kever Devorah seeing that Har Tavor was so key to her in her lifetime as described in shoftim perek4 !!"

DanDan from Ramot Naftali said both him and Ami took a day off from work to seriously begin renovations at Devorah HaNevia's kever. Since I never took Ami's phone number, I didn't speak with him since that night he helped me to find Kever Devorah HaNevia. B'h, DanDan keeps me posted.

DanDan shocked me when he said that Ami also started collecting donations for the repair of Devorah HaNevia's kever, without ever knowing that we're also doing the same half way around the globe. Ami told DanDan that if he doesn't collect enough money to renovate, he'll use 1/2 of his monthly salary solely for the repair of Devorah HaNevia's kever.

DanDan said that Ami told everyone in the shul about her kever, as he told me he will do. He told them about the whistling tune from Shamayim and about the falling stars we saw when we found her Kever. The Rav of the Moshav, who is also councilman of Ramot Naftali, Rav Vaaknin, has been notified to prepare all needed certificate of approval for the renovations of Kever Devorah Hanevia, a'h.

Most of the Moshav are aware now of the zchut that has 'fallen' and been bestowed on them. What a zchut. Now I wish to move to Ramot Naftali and live in the Moshav but more than than, I wish for Moshiach's arrival and witness resurrection...

B'h, I'll keep everyone updated on renovations of Kever Devorah Hanevia, a'h, with pictures when it is emailed to me, b'h.



Thunder and Lightening

In Israel during Shabbat , Parshat Noach

"...This past Pesach, Sarah Imenu, a'h, appeared in a dream and told me the following: The last stages of Gogumagog will start very soon. It will seem as a regular day of the week and then the skies will darken, without prior warning. There will be many and very loud thunders and this is the sign that the gates of Tshuva is almost shutting down. The judgement of Bnei Israel will begin at this time and Sarah Imenu said to tell the Jews, as many as possible, that once the process will begin by Hakadosh Baruch Hu, it will be very quick and sudden."




Friday, October 27, 2006

Last Minute Teshuva

Yakum from Tzrurot was a Jew who transgressed the holy Torah. When they brought his uncle, Yosi ben Yoezer, to be hanged on a cross, on Shabbat, he saw his uncle carrying the cross in front of him while riding on a beautiful horse. He mocked his uncle, “See what a beautiful horse Hashem has given me!” His uncle answered, “If this is what Hashem gives to those who transgress His Will, then how much more will He give to those who fulfill His Will?”

Yakum of Tzrurot answered derisively, “Look at your horse,” (pointing to the cross,) “in a short while they are going to hang you on it!” His uncle retorted, “If this is what happens to those who fulfill His Will, then what is going to happen to those who transgress His Will? I am being punished for some subtle transgression, like opening my eyes for an instant, or having had a trace of an improper thought. But what is your end going to be?”.

The Midrash says that at that moment, Rabbi Yosi ben Yoezer’s words penetrated his nephew’s heart like a serpent’s venom. He came to feel remorse and repented.

Yakum of Tzrurot immediately inflicted the four types of capital punishment on himself. He took a rope and bound it to the ceiling, and stuck a sword hilt–first into the ground beneath it. He surrounded the sword with a pyre of branches, and surrounded those with a huge heap of stones. He set the branches on fire as he hung himself, so that his body burned until the rope broke. He then fell on the sword, which triggered the stones to fall upon him in a heap. In this way, he executed all the four capital punishments on himself, in the space of time it took for the Romans to prepare the gallows for Rabbi Yosi ben Yoezer.

Rabbi Yosi ben Yoezer saw a vision that the bed of his nephew being carried up to heaven, to Gan Eden. He said, “Yakum of Tzrurot has beaten me to Gan Eden by an hour. He received eternal life.”


Yosef of Shita, a Jew who had transgressed the entire Torah. He was a friend of the Romans, and helped them kill Jews and steal Jewish property, he was like one of them. When they Romans reached to the Temple, they wanted to go in and remove all the gold that was there.

The Temple was full of the wealth of nations—all the nations knew that if they wanted to guarantee success in any of their wars, all they had to do was send a gift to the Temple. Josephus writes that after the destruction of the Temple, the price of a kikar of gold went as low as the price of a kikar of butter in Antioch, the market was so glutted with gold that had come from all over the world.

But when the Romans first came to the Temple, they were afraid to enter in. That was why they summoned Yosef of Shita; he was, by then, a highly ranked officer in the army and also a Jew. They said to him, “If you go in first, you can bring out and keep anything that you want.”

He went in and brought out a golden menorah, (candelabra,) one of the ones that the Kohanim used to light. Not the one made by Moshe Rabenu a'h, nor one of the ten donated by King Solomon, a'h (Melachim I, 7:49). Those, and the rest of the important artifacts, like the Ark of the Covenant etc., were hidden many hundreds of meters below the surface of the Temple Mount.

What Yosef of Shita removed was just an ordinary candelabra, one of many, that had been donated to the Temple. That is why the form of the menorah that can be seen on the fresco of the Arch of Titus is not proof of what the original menorah looked like, the one which they took to Rome was also only an ordinary candelabra that had been used in the Temple.

Be that as it may, Yosef of Shita took out a candelabra. When the Romans saw it, they said, “That isn’t what we meant. A common person like you isn’t fit to use such a candelabra. Go in again, take out small things like spoons and basins, those can be yours. Not anything so grand…”
At that very moment, Yosef of Shita felt a pang of remorse. Despite the fact that he was so wicked—he had already transgressed the entire Torah and had even tried to steal from the Temple. And what were they asking of him, anyway? To go in just one more time to take out something different. Even so, a wave of repentance overwhelmed him.

He began to shout, “That’s it! I’ve had enough! I absolutely refuse to transgress the words of the Torah one minute longer! It isn’t bad enough that I angered my Creator once? I have to do it again?! You are not going to take this menorah from me, I don’t care what you do!”

They tried to make him change his mind, “What, have you gone crazy?” But he refused to comply with their wishes. So they took him and laid him out on a carpenter’s sawing table. They sawed him into tiny pieces—but in his great attachment to Hashem, he didn’t feel any pain at all. He only cried out, “I wasted so many years, I angered my Creator!”.

In the last minutes of his life, he repented and just as Yakum of Tzrurot was zoche to eternal life, so too, Yosef of Shita.

HaShem should help bring us to strip off the defilement entrenched in our bodies so that we too can merit the complete redemption, speedily and in our days, Amen.



Cracking Combination Lock

4 Cheshvan: Third time I am dreaming about the "white box".

In the first dream, I didn't know what it is (HaShem is my Shepherd ...something about a white box or room and this will be Tikun for Esther HaMalka, a'h, and I need to find out what and how to correct it in order to save many Jews).

In the second dream, I was shown the white box but did not understand. (Uncover Concealed Secrets ...And then I merited to be shown the "white box" and to see and feel so much Kedusha coming from it. Its size is bigger than a refrigirator and it needs to be open to allow the Kedusha be revealed, to save the Jews.)

In last nite's dream, a woman, a'h, (do not remember whom) told me "הבוטח בה' חסד יסובבנו Many sorrows shall be to the wicked; But he that trusts HaShem, lovingkindness shall compass him about".

She said that in order to unlock the white box, a combination is needed. She told me the combination numbers are 1, 40, 400. In the dream, I was insisting that every combination lock has at least 5-6 numbers and knowing 1/2 of the combination cannot open the lock. The dream ended and I was not told the rest of the combination numbers.

What connection are the numbers 1, 40, and 400 to a white box, to help save Am Israel??? The whole morning I'm trying to analyze and understand this "code".

Midday, my husband called and together, we tried to figure it out. My husband says maybe it's a total of 441 but I insist it's 1, 40, 400. (We even joked that it's lottery numbers but the highest number in lottery is 40). We thought of various combinations but nothing "clicked". After exhausting our minds, I thought maybe it is 441??? YES!!!

441 is gematria EMET!!! (TRUTH). What is the Emet? HaShem and His Torah is the Emet.

I looked up Roshei Tevot for אמת E.M.eT. and b'h, was able to decipher the combination code to unlock the EMET:

את משפטי תעשו - And do My commandments
את מי תעבדון - Who are you going to worship?
את משמרתי תשמר - you will follow My instructions
אשרי) אדם מפחד תמיד) - (Happy is) the man that always fears HaShem
אלהי ממתקוממי תשגבני - HaShem; keep me safe from those who come up against me

אתי מלבנון תבואי - Come with Me from Lebanon, my bride
אחרון מספרים תהלות - The last generation will praise HaShem, and his strength

The white box is EMET and the people who will stay on the side of the EMET, will merit to be HaShem's "bride" to praise HaShem and His strength and to greet HaShem's Melech HaMoshiach.




Rochel Imenu was without a child and was jealous of her sister, Leah Imenu, a'h, who had children. She begged her husband, Yaakov Avinu, zs'l, "הבה לי בנים Give me sons".

In the dream 3 Cheshvan, I was shown this conversation. I do not know if my neshama went back 3,000 years ago to relive the moment or they again had this conversation.

Yaakov Avinu answered his wife that he very much wants to give her sons and the reason he cannot is אנא - ana. Yaakov Avinu explained to her 'אנא - ana' and the reason and then Rochel Imenu became silent, she understood. I turned to Rochel Imenu and asked her ?את רגועה are you calm? YES.

There is no beginning or end to the Torah. I knew that the conversation was about the future. Rochel Imenu wants to know why her first-born son, Yosef HaTzaddik, zs'l, is not "born" yet - Moshiach ben Yosef.

Yaakov Avinu knew in Ruach HaKodesh the cause of the delay of her unborn son and like Rochel Imenu whom anticipated daily and begged for the son, we are in the same stage; anticipating and begging for Moshiach.

When Yosef HaTzaddik was born, in Rochel Imenu's father house, Lavan, Yaakov Avinu wanted to leave immediately. Yaakov Avinu is fire, Yosef HaTzaddik is להבה flames, and Esav is straw. Fire without flames cannot burn, but when Yosef HaTzaddik was born, the flame; together, they can burn the straw - Esav. When Yosef HaTzaddik was born, (Moshiach ben Yosef), Yaakov Avinu trusted HaShem and wanted to return home, no longer fearing Esav.

This is the present situation. The straw is Esav but without the flames (Moshiach ben Yosef), the straw is not under threat. Esav now is growing wild and is ready to fight the Jews. We are in the stage of הבה לי בנים Give me sons", Give us Moshiach Ben Yosef (the flame) to fight and burn the straw (Esav).

There was many details to the dream but it's too emotionally difficult to transcribe. I'll only transcribe the facts and Hamevin Yavin (the understander will understand).

I was shown that many Jews are still asleep, r'l, and this causes HaShem ANGER. Many Jews, r'l, are not worshipping HaShem; many are worshipping, c'v, the Golden Calf. In the dream, the Tzaddikim are appeasing HaShem and said כי יגורתי מפני האף והחמה - HaShem is angry at Bnei Yisrael and 5 destructive angels are prosecuting Am Israel - the Tzaddikim are begging HaShem not to permit the destructive angels to destroy.

I was told that ואין ראה ואין יודע ואין מקיץ, כי כלם ישנים:כי תרדמת יהוה, נפלה עליהם And no man saw it, nor knew it, neither did any awake; for they were all asleep, because a deep sleep from HaShem was fallen upon them."
This is the last wake-up call to those that are asleep (not waking up to do Teshuva, r'l). If they do not wake up, r'l, will continue to be in a "deep sleep", HaShem will not merit them to "wake up" after the Gates of Teshuva are shut. (Now is the time we must try to wake them up...).

For more info, read Response to God's Knock comments on Teshuva... "A day will come and the Gates of Tshuva will be shut down and thereafter, the people will not be accepted by HaShem. Even if the people will be so desperate to do Teshuva, they will even walk with the old, all bent down, the Gates of Teshuva will not open for them. The time to do Teshuva is NOW. People are mistaken and think that there are a few years left till Iran will shoot nuclear weapons. They do not realize that North Korea did their nuclear testings to give Iran the push and courage. Therefore, there is no doubt that the time do do Teshuva is now."

Moshiach is very near - very very near. Use every precious minute to do chesed, mitzvah, help... The coming days are going to be difficult and the surviving Jews (b'h, all of us) will merit to greet Moshiach Ben David and live in the real world, as was intended...
וגר זאב עם כבש ונמר עם גדי ירבץ The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb



Thursday, October 26, 2006

Response to God's Knock

Each Jew is expected to reach an understanding of his destination in life even as he grapples with the questions along his journey. Thus he will come to understand that his status as a Jew was not decided by a blind fate which appears at times to be meaningless and cruel.

We must comprehend that our life has meaning as an element of a divine plan. The Jewish people are no less than God's messengers on earth. We are God's witnesses.

For the Jew, this battle of defense is ultimately won through the exercise of free choice. We have often played the part of the persecuted people upon the stage of history. However, the scope of the problem is much larger. The term "despised" conjures up an infinitely more pejorative image than the word "persecuted." Persecution is a political, social, material state. To be despised is a much lower level.

How is it possible that the truth be hiding within a tiny, despised nation, a nation which persists, against all logic and in the face of degradation, in considering itself the chosen people? As Jews, as believers, as ethical human beings, we constantly find ourselves in the minority. And as a result we are often criticized by society, criticism that seems at times too difficult to bear. Constant effort is necessary to hold fast against the tremendous social pressure of the majority. To be chosen means, in effect, to swim against the stream.

It is impossible to understand either Christianity or Islam, or indeed any of the modern world, without the basis of Judaism. All the world leans upon the pillar constructed by this tiny, despised nation. Paradoxically, this same tiny nation covers the front pages of newspapers the world over. Christianity and Islam, for all their great numbers, must define themselves through Judaism. The Jewish inferiority complex is therefore unjustified.

God has assured us "...it is not for your great numbers that God has desired you of all the nations." Our very existence proves that there is nothing to fear in mere numbers. We must search for answers to our existential questions, answers built upon our national mission.

The comparison between Judaism and the other central religions comes to teach us that the Jews, despite their small numbers, are not an insignificant tribe or a "statistical error" among the populations of the world. The Jews possess a message of universal import.

One who never heard the knock (tinok shenishba) will be judged according to his subjective intentions. Whoever has not yet been faced with the challenge, whoever has not experienced the dream, cannot be judged objectively. In the heavenly court they will be judged innocent, since they knew no better. Many idol worshippers actually intend to worship God; however, they are misled by their lack of religious knowledge.

But the moment a knock is heard, responsibility begins. Each of us hears the Godly call at some point in our lives. Whether the call is experienced in a dream or in daily life is of no consequence. Whether we are awakened by a stunning sunrise or sunset, after reading a new book, in moments of tragedy, joy or fear - no matter. God communicates with man in numerous ways. This is in fact one of the central tenets of the Hasidic movement.

The question God asked of Adam in the garden of Eden - "Where are you," echoes throughout the ages. God communicates with man in numerous ways. Once the question has been asked of you, even as you attempt to determine whether you have indeed heard the heavenly call, the process of response has already begun.



The Jewish Nun

Guest post by Sara Y.:
When I was living in France I used to attend a shiur (class) every Thursday. Amongst the attending students was a xian girl, [+/-] show/hide text
who, as a matter of fact, was a nun.

I very much respected my Rav and never questioned his integrity. In my mind, I was always astonished that he permitted a nun to seat with us and learn Torah.

We eventually became comrades, and she told me that she was observing Shabbat and most of the Mitzvot, because she found it natural to do it. On the other hand, she knew and practiced the "yoska" (xtian) heritage.

A few years passed and my Rav suddenly refused to let her attend his Shiur. She was gravely offended, and attempted to defend her case before the Rav, but he didn't want to hear more and stood firmly by his decision. None of us understood his motivation, but we thought he must have had good reasons to be so harsh with her, all of a sudden.

Few years later she confided the missing link to this story:

She always suspected something was hidden in her family and one day they cleaned out her deceased Grandmother's (her mother's mother) furniture and found an hidden drawer in the wardrobe. In the drawers they discovered many document, including birth certificate and death certificate, signed by Hevrah Kadisha .

She discovered that her mother and grandmother are Jewish. She asked her mother about her Judaic lineage but her mother vehemently denied their Judaism.

Wanting to investigate further, she took upon herself to travel to Romania. She looked up the Hevrah Kadisha that certified her grandmother's death, and found the burial cementary of her

When I saw her again, she told me she was going to the Mikvah to become a real Jew by Jewish standards.

I asked her why the Rav did not allow her to continue attending his shiur and she told me that he always suspected that she was Jewish. At a certain point, he wanted her to question her lineage. But because she was "comfortably numb" in practing xtian and attending his Shiur, he felt the need to drastically wake her up. This way, he forced her to investigate why he refused to let her attend his shiurim.

A year after her re-conversion, she married a Jewish man, and the last time I saw her, she looked like a genuine Bat Yisrael, living according to the Jewish laws. She was modestly dressed and her hair covered.

Who would believe that a few years ago, she was (tinok shenishba) nun, r'l???



Dreams and Reality

SF: I had a dream about 6 months ago about Arabs going crazy and in a rage. [+/-] show/hide text
Running in a huge mob through the streets of Tzfat looking to hunt down Jews. It was quite strange at the time, but now I see that it could very well be reality. Not good.

RS: On Shabbat there was a great deal of thunder in Johannesburg, South Africa. I was walking to Shul and I loved the feeling but it did look ominous. The sky was dark and it happened during Shul Friday night and on Saturday too. I thought to myself "Hashem is talking". I have a feeling this Shabbos will be more......Then I read about the thunder in Israel.

DF: Security in Sydney is very very tight. Schools and synagogues spend a fortune on permanent security guards. Being questioned for 5 minutes before being allowed to enter a shul or school became the norm here.

Things seem to be going VERY VERY FAST. The thunderstorms in Israel, the Arabs rioting, Korea, etc. etc.

But the world Jewry will not wake up.
They are dead on their feet.
Even my Orthodox friends will not wake up.
They are busy gossiping about each other, worrying about nothing. I told them that pretty soon their "worries" will seem like a picnic, but they just think I'm meshugga (crazy).

Will: Dreams of last year has simply been the feeling of a new depth and literally a new dimension. This is more than an intensity of dream-experience - it is a feeling of having entered a space wherein I am granted a higher, more spiritually comprehending perception than I had previously.

One thing is clear - of those dreams that are vivid (and there are more of those than ever), there seems to be a distinct "polarization" process at work. That is, my dreams now tend to be either blissfully numinous or ridiculously nightmarish. I happen to think that this reflects the spiritual polarization at work in the world today, ie., evil is girding for a fight, the Good is being empowered from Above.

I believe that the very change in tenor of my dreams, the increased sense of chaos juxtaposed with the increased sense of one-ness with the divine worlds indicates that great changes in the world are at hand.



Prophecy Returning

Insanity is one word to describe it. In Haifa, tens of Arabs in a rage threw rocks everywhere; on street lights, on people, cars, cursing Jewish girls. A eyewitness says: "I don't know where they got so many rocks from. They acted like they own the place. It was very scary. The police couldn't control them..." http://www.netnet.co.il/Article.asp?newsid=19939

Also, Israeli lady badly assaulted by three Arabs

How did he know??? Eyal's War Predictions from April, 06



Bush is Shuv (Return)

Iran is in anticipation of Americans air striking them November or December this year. The Americans are in intense preparation to attack Iran's nuclear factory. Is this the beginning of Gog uMagog or the next stage of it?[+/-] show/hide text

Dr. Hadassa Melamed says that 95% of all the prophecies that HKB'H revealed to Am Israel have already occured. Only 5% prophecy is yet incomplete. Soon we will find out how the remaining 5% will pan out.

Who's Gog? The original Presidential Bush family arrived into the USA from Charleston Welch, England. It is a small town surrounded by mountains named Gog uMagog. .

More info about SKULL & BONES Gog Family in a previous post.

In Gematria, George Sr. and Jr. are double Georges. The ר' R, is 200 and double it, equals 400. Remove a "0" from the 400, you get 40 - letter M מ'. Remove the W. from Jr. George W. which in hebrew is the letter ו', this is גוג ומגוג Gog U Magog.
George Sr. served as President and then his son, George Jr. - family name is Bush - בוש. Their family name says it all - When reading Bush in reverse, it is Shuv שוב - RETURN.

The USA never like the Jewish nation and Israel. Some facts:
A boat full of refugees from European Nazi wasn't permitted entrance to the U.S. and they were sent back to the Nazis, 950 refugees were murdered, hi'd.
In the UN voting to give Israel her Independence, the US abstained, to please the Arab countries.
During the Sinai war, USA gave Israel instructions to restrain and Israel obeyed.
Presently, US decided to "disengage" from Olmert's government and support terrorist governments, such as the Hamas.

Land of Magog: Read http://hashem1.net/?p=361 Translated to English.

Many Jews, non-Jews and also Rabbanim and have been saying for months that this is the war of Gog uMagog. It is now undeniable.

When Gog Bush announced his war on Terrorism, and entered Afganistan, many recognized that Gog uMagog began and as all the books say, it will last 7 years maximum. We now know that Afganistan is a concrete part of Gog uMagog. We are presently in the stage of the war continuation that has been anticipated for thousands of years - the war against Iran.

The conflict of interest between the USA and Israel must happen within maximum 3 years, the end of Gog Bush's 2nd term of presidency.

How exactly it will happen, we don't know. Will it happen as it says in Chapter 12 "script" when prophet Zecharia prophesized: "הנה אנוכי שם את ירושלים סף רעל לכל העמים סביב... והיה ביום ההוא אשים את ירושלים אבן מעמסה לכל העמים... ונאספו אליה כל גויי הארץ".
"See, I will make Jerusalem a cup of shaking fear to all the peoples round about, when Jerusalem is shut in...and all the nations will gather to her"

Or, as prophet Yechezkel in Chapters 38 and 39 "ובאת ממקומך מירכתי צפון אתה ועמים רבים אתך... ועלית על עמי כענן לכסות הארץ באחרית הימים תהיה... על הרי ישראל תפול אתה וכל אגפיך ועמים אשר איתך..."
"And you will come from your place in the inmost parts of the north, you and a great number of peoples with you, all of them on horseback, a great force and a strong army: On the mountains of Israel you will come down, you and all your forces and the peoples who are with you: I will give you to cruel birds of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be their food."

The prophecies are much clearer now; as it says in Yechezkel, chapter 39, num. 17: "כה אמר ה' אלוקים, האתה הוא אשר דיברתי בימים קדמונים ביד עבדי נביאי ישראל הנבאים בימים ההם שנים להביא אותך עליהם?"
"So said HaShem Elokim, is it you whom I have spoken about thru My prophets to bring you forth?"

Translated from http://www.nfc.co.il/



Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Thought You Are Safe?

Thought America is safe and it couldn't get any scarier or stranger? You just came across the Terror T-Shirt. Yes! [+/-] show/hide text
For just $20,American fashion designers will sell you a dynamite new look that is the latest fashion boom.

It's the perfect attire going anywhere; synagogue, restaurant, airport, white house, bathroom.

Wouldn't that be fun?

Thought that it's a problem getting a bottle of water onto a plane in JFK? Try getting one past the security guard at the Fifth Avenue Synagogue as you are walking in to attend Shabbat services! This guy is tough! If you think I'm exaggerating... read on.

Recently, my wife and I spent Shabbat in Manhattan. Bright and early Shabbat morning we arose and walked to the Fifth Avenue Synagogue. Standing at the door to greet us was a plainclothes security guard plus four -- that's right, FOUR -- NYPD officers in full uniform. Two cop cars were positioned outside with lights blaring. We felt like we were at a crime scene. "What's in that bag?" asked the security guard. "A bottle of water and our hotel room key," said my wife. "The key you can keep but you cannot enter the premises with that water. You will have to discard it in the trash bin outside the building." He wasn't kidding.

Later that same day, we decided to join the afternoon Mincha services at the Park East Synagogue. This time, there were no NYPD officers but there was a security guard sitting just inside the main door. When we entered, he immediately arose and told me to spread my arms and legs. He frisked me from my shoulders all the way down to my shoes. "You're clean, you can enter." Imagine that... a full body search just to go to Synagogue. As I walked in I noticed that this security guard was watching 8 different monitors that showed him live video footage of every angle of the Synagogue. I don't think Fort Knox is watched this closely!

Many people may just shake their head in disbelief after experiencing such an ordeal. Others may simply say that it goes with the times. I drew a completely different conclusion; one that most people reading this won't like: Jews in America, get out while you still can. Your days are numbered. Your beautiful Synagogues and Yeshivot will end up as museums... or worse. Take recent events as G-d telling you to go home and leave while you still can. The "writing on the wall" is there for all to see. Don't say you weren't warned and that G-d, in His infinite kindness, didn't communicate a clear message to you. Sell your homes and businesses, pack your suitcases and head home to the one and only land that truly belongs to you and your children.

You might say that similar problems exist in Israel. You can't sit in a coffee shop, enter a mall or even see a movie without passing a security guard. Soldiers are every where, policemen are on high alert and every empty box is a "suspicious object". If that's true -- and unfortunately it is -- what's the difference between the Fifth Avenue Synagogue in Manhattan and the Great Synagogue in Jerusalem???

There are actually two differences: The first is that in Israel, we know exactly who the enemy is. The second, is that if we want to (and I pray for that day to come soon) we can easily defeat that enemy. Allow me to explain.

One does not need to be a member of the Israeli spy network to know who hates us in Israel. We know who the suicide bombers are, where they come from and what schools taught them their hatred. We know their leaders, the organizations they belong to and even where they live! The only thing that's lacking is the Jewish values that will give us the guts to deal with these beasts. Knowing what to do is one thing... believing that G-d will stand by us when we actually do it is something else.

This is why terror in Israel doesn't scare me. I know that very soon, new leadership will arise in Israel that will deal with these terrorists quickly and effectively. A problem of 60 years will be erased in a few days when the Arabs see leaders who are versed in the Torah and deeply connected to its teachings.

Things in the USA aren't that simple. The enemy is an unknown. Anti-semites masquerade as good friends and elected officials are more worried about their image and "political correctness" than dealing with reality. Racial profiling is a no-no and nobody seems to care about the growing -- and very hostile -- Muslim population.

As the war in Iraq enters yet another stage, as the nuclear problems heat up in Iran and North Korea and as terror attacks grow in intensity and ingenuity the "Israeli" factor will become center stage. American citizens will feel that supporting Israel means nothing but trouble and Jews will pay for it. High gas prices will not be good for the Jews and neither will a weak stock market. The pressure will mount from all sides and become unbearable in a very short amount of time.

I say these things not to scare anybody but because I truly believe them. I see a very bad future for Jews in America and feel the obligation to publicize it. The "water bottle" incident experienced by my wife and me was the final straw. It convinced me that what is happening to Jews in France -- and many other cities in Europe -- will happen here as well.

My dear brothers and sisters; take my words seriously and start the process to leave this country and come home. Think about your children and your future. Think about the words "Next Year in Jerusalem" and make them become a reality. And most of all... think about your King who wants you to come to His cherished land. Look around and see the messages He is sending. These messages are not "spam" and should not be "deleted". Listen to them, understand them and act on them.

Shmuel Sackett
International Director,
Manhigut Yehudit
Cheshvan 5767 (Oct, 06)



והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו