Renovations of Kever Devorah Hanevia, a'h

Friday nite, Kislev 24-25, my husband dreamed that Prophet Devorah's kever must be given the respect she deserves. Thru donations for the renovation of Kever Devorah Hanevia, HaShem's judgment will be immensly sweetened and HKB'H will open Shaar HaRachaim (gates of mercy) to those who donate to renovate Kever Devorah HaNevia.
"Even after death the righteous are called living". How is it that we forgot and stopped respecting holy kever of our Tzaddikot? I just spoke with DanDan and his wife, Irit. She promised that she'll gather a few women and children and go to Kever Devorah Hanevia and start cleaning the holy kever.
There is only ONE true charity is considered true charity and that is proper burial! It is every Jew's wish, to be propely buried. "ועשית עמדי חסד ואמת" - And you will do with me benevolence and righteousness" - Yaakov Avinu, zs'l, commanded his son, Yosef HaTzaddik, zs'l, and made him swear that he'll bury his father, Yaakov Avinu properly.
May we be zoche for a private Geula and Geula Klalit, AMEN.
Labels: Dream, Prophet Devorah