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Thursday, January 31, 2008

Lubavitcher Rebbe, z.z.vk.l.


The Lubavitch Rebbe, z'sl, and Devorah HaNevia, a'h, among many other Tzaddikim worked physically and spiritually hard for Am Israel to have achdut.

The reason for partially removing this article is because it caused machloket (disagreement), thereby, defeating the Tzaddikim's main goal which is to unite Am Israel.


HaRav Ezra Sheinberg Shlita, http://www.moriya.org.il/
I'd like to emphasize that the Lubavitcher Rebbe, z.z.vk.l. was a universal essence giant possesesor of enourmeous Torah knowledge, with holy prophecy, and many many elevated middot Tzaddik.

Second, I'll emphasize that all sources write that the Melech HaMoshiach will rise and will fight wars and HaShem will gather Am Israel, etc. and all agree, then it means someone who is physically alive and exists humanly.

They say that he will be re-revealed in the future... and he will merit to a private resurrection - Tchiat HaMet. One can ask, why Moshe Rabbeinu and Dovid HaMelech will not merit this? Therefore, it is clear that Moshiach needs to be alive and existant and sources for this is many, Rambam at the end of Yad Chazaka, the Zohar (parsha Veyechi, VeYakhel) and more...

HaRav Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita:
The logic mind says that the Rebbi could have been Moshiach but after he was taken away from us, our biggest sorrow - it probably is not him. I heard this logic from my teacher, my father Shlita (HaRAv Eliyahu Mordechai Shlita) and it was advertised in "Maanei HaYeshua" (shabbat pamphlet).
My advice to you is not to busy yourself so much with this. It is clear that the Lubavitch Rebbe was the closest possible to be the Moshiach and it is also clear that the Rebbe is operating in Olam Elyon (Upper Worlds) for our sake. All the arguments and speaking about it is not going to useful. We don't want to hurt anyone, chas vechalila, not intentional or unintentional, and it is certain we don't want Machloket division of disagreement becuz this will delay Moshiach even more from arriving to our world .

Rabbi Moshe Goldsmith Shlita:
The Rebbi was no doubt a tremendous Tzaddik! As long as he was alive there was a possibilty that Hashem could have chosen him as mashiach. Since he passed away, it is obvious that he can’t be mashiach .



Modern Day (Ruach HaKodesh) Holy Spirit

An Orthodox Jew from New Jersey was involved in a car accident and accidently killed an old non-Jewish man. Although the courts found the Jewish man not guilty, he could not carry the the pains of the guilt that he killed an old man. It gave him no peace and it caused him to lose his appetite and was unable to sleep for weeks.

He decided to seek counsel from the revered sage, Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita of Bnei Brak, and wrote him a letter asking the Rav what tikun can he do because he accidently killed a non-Jew.

The Rav wrote him an answer that included one word, "Amalek".

The Jew did not understand this answer and continued suffering with sleepless nights. At some point he decided to move away from his town to begin a new life. He began searching for a new house and found a house that appealed to him. The owners of the apartment told him that they are eager to get rid of this house because they inherited from their dead father that was killed in a car accident.

After short investigation, turns out the apartment belonged to the non-Jew who was accidentaly killed by the Jew. In the basement of the house, the Orthodox Jew found materials belonging to the old non-Jew man. He was shocked to find a picture of the old man during his youth proudly wearing an SS uniform, standing next to Hitler, yimach shemo.

It turned out that this old man was an SS officer in the Nazi army and after the war, he came to the United States and hid his past. The SS Nazi Officer also hid other documents, including all the names of the Jews he personally murdered.

When he read the names of the Jewish people that were murdered, he found both of his parent's name on this list.

HaShem avenged their blood.

It was then that he understood Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita's answer that contained one word, "AMALEK".



The Twin Connection

The murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane, zs'l, was exposed to the world when the Twin Towers was detonated.

An amazing video (in English and Hebrew) shows direct connection, without a doubt, between the murder of Rabbi Meir Kahana, zs'l, and the attack on the World Trade Center.

More can be read here:
"...Political activist Rabbi Meir Kahane was murdered by an Egyptian-born al-Qaeda terrorist after he delivered a speech at a Manhattan event in 1990 -- but because no one actually saw al-Sayed Nuseir pull the trigger, he was acquitted of the crime and was instead convicted on a lesser charge of possession of an illegal weapon. Three years later, Kahane’s murderer helped lead the terror cell which attacked the World Trade Center in 1993.

...VERY IMPORTANT TO WATCH THE VIDEO, especially because of the upcoming presidential elections of muslim candidate Barack Hussein Obama...

No time to feel 'secure' in an insecure world.



Modern Day MIRACLE

A bride was scheduled to get married last night in Yerushalayim during the snow storm. The bride was worried that the few guests that were invited will not show up to her wedding because of the snow storm (she's not a young bride). She decided that she will put her worrying energy elsewhere and instead, pray to HaShem to perform a miracle for her so the snow storm will not dampen her happiest day.

Everyone was surprised when the snow eased-up yesterday afternoon and instantly melted away. The snow storm renewed itself after 11 pm, after the wedding was over. All the invited guests showed up to her wedding. The bride's prayers were answered and HaShem melted the snow and delayed the snow storm.

The power of prayers!!!!



Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Distant Truth

Gemara states a few conditions for the revelation of Eliyahu HaNavi Zachur Latov, among these conditions, it states,

מסכת עדויות פ''ח ז: 'אֵין אֵלִיָּהוּ בָּא לְטַמֵּא וּלְטַהֵר לְרַחֵק וּלְקָרֵב, אֶלָּא לְרַחֵק הַמְקוֹרָבִין בִּזְרוֹעַ וּלְקָרֵב הַמְרֻחָקִין בִּזְרוֹעַ'
Eliyahu does not come to impure or purify, distance or bring closer, only to distance the near ones and bring closer those that are distance.

The "Chesed LeAvraham" clarifies the above with a very unique explaination: The letters in the word 'אמת' (emet/truth) are very distant from one another. In opposition, the letters of the word 'שקר' (sheker/lies), its letters are adjacent to one another; kuf, reish, shin, one after another.

We are captives in this world of שקר lies and very distanct from the אמת truth. A person prefers the easy road with immediate dazzling materialistic rewards, instead of the difficult road that requires efforts and rewards are not immediately given. A person prefers the nearby lies, rather than the distant truth.

But when Eliyahu HaNavi will appear and announce that time of redemption has arrived, the distant people will come near. Meaning, people that live in this world in distance אמת(emet/truth), will come near and those that are distance will disappear.

This is what the Chachamim meant.

Rabbi Menachem Mendel Morgensztern of Kotzk, zs'l, better known as the Kotzker Rebbe (1787-1859) explains on the above passuk further.

''אֱמֶת מֵאֶרֶץ תִּצְמָח'' Truth from the land will sprout.
The only time that earth can sprout is when the seed is planted inside the ground. How will the truth sprout in the future? The lies will be planted deep inside the ground and from it, the truth will emerge.

One of the students asked the Brisker Rav, zs'l, "If the truth will sprout from the planted ground, how is it possible that there are so few people of truth in the world?". The Brisker Rav replied, "In order to achieve the truth that is sprouting from the ground, one needs to bend down a bit. The nature of man is refusal to bend down, even if it's for collecting the truth".

ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות

Autistic Message: A MESSAGE TO AMERICA
Throw out the false gods of money, lust and honor. Throw them out completely. Come back to truth, complete truth. Throw away your silly masks, your gaudy wigs, your baroque clothes...

I bentch Am Yisroel in America that you should accept Truth before it is too late, before the great darkness descends upon us all.

Only those who are close to truth, living it with bitachon, only those will survive the final judgment - which is very soon!

The end of the sheker (deceipt) is inevitable. So prepare yourselves to survive. Prepare yourselves to live in a world of truth. Time is going by and once you refuse to accept truth, you will not be able to turn back

Only the people who want to listen will hear the Truth. We can only reach the people who really want to hear the truth. Hashem is giving us all kinds of messages through what is happening in the world. He is showing us many roads to the Truth. Those Heavenly Messages will get to the deserving people in all kinds of ways. Hashem directs every bit of truth to the right heart.

The lies will vanish forever and the Truth will reign.



Snow Tikkunim

In Israel, Mekubalim anxiously wait annually for the purifying snow but warn: Not every person can roll in the snow naked, a person's body must be very pure in order for the body not to be harmed. Only a Tzaddik's body that is very pure cannot be harmed".

The excited Mekubalim are preparing to roll in the snow. Rav Batzri Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva "HaShalom", said on the Orthodox radio, Kol Chai, that the Yerushalmi Mekubal HaRav Salman Mutzafi, zs'kl, used to say, "Snow days are holidays for the Mekubalim."

He explained that Tzaddikim roll in the snow 9 times, but warns, "There is no permission to do this, only for a person that is holy, a Tzaddik that is completely separated from this world's pleasures. To roll in the snow 9 times naked back and forth is mortal danger. Entrance into the snow without any protection causes dangerous burns and can cause losing breath."

He emphasized that, "it's prohibited from a person to do something that is above his achievment". As a recommendation for people that sin or in general, those that want to do the snow tikun, one should take snow in the palms of the hands and pass it 9 times over his arms and 3 times over his forehead. Passing the snow over the forehead is a talisman for improving the memory.

HaRav Batzri Shlita, son of the honorable Mekubal HaRav David Batzri, said that his father used to fill snow in pails for the benefit of people that came to do Tikkunim. He also said, "I see Tzaddikim rolling in the snow that don't get harmed, they are healthy and strong like lions".

The Mekubalim explain that, "Rolling in the snow naked is a Segula (tallisman) for personal tikun (correction) and for Am Israel on the following 4 sins: Using Kabbalah 'magic', having relations with a now-Jewess, having relations with nida, and for homosexual relations. Just as there is Gehenom of buring fire, there is a Gehenom of freezing snow. The freezing Gehenom was created to correct sins that needs cooling... The reason for rolling in the snow saves a person from the Gehenom of snow.



Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Weather Today in Israel

Israel received a good dose of rain this morning, thank G.od.

Stormy weather swept through the country Tuesday, causing delays at Ben-Gurion Airport and forcing the Haifa sea port to partially close down.

Magen David Adom said that so far in the current cold spell more than 10 people have died of cold and more than 20 people were taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia, either the elderly or small children.

Welfare officials sought out 40 homeless people, moving some to hotel rooms that the municipality rented for them, and for those who refused to evacuate, the city handed out blankets and coats.



Monday, January 28, 2008

Autistic Message: A MESSAGE TO AMERICA


I want the Jews of America to know that they are not safer than the ones living in Eretz Yisroel. They must realize that the Geula is waiting to arrive and cannot be delayed any longer. But we Jewish people are causing the delay and therefore Hashem must help us to realize our mistake in order to allow salvation to come upon us.

First, the non-religious Jews. Those who are at war with Hashem, chas veshalom will not be able to win. They will fall and disappear from all eternity. But first they will realize, like the Egyptians as they drowned in the sea, Who is Boss. The Jews who have no knowledge of their Jewish heritage cannot use it anymore as an excuse, because today everyone can get all the information he wants on any subject in the world while sitting at his table.

So for a person never to search out his own origins is simply an act of laziness, ignorance and a desire to ignore truth in order to continue wallowing in the physical pleasures of this world. So these people will suffer much, and if, at the end, accept truth wholeheartedly, will be saved.

The next group of Jews are the ones who believe they can live in two worlds: keeping Shabbos but not covering their heads, neither the men or the women, or just the men and not the women; or think they can eat kosher at home but outside eat vegetarian in any restaurant. These people make up rules according to their desires. They feel they are traditional Jews and still part of the modern world. These Jews have a very hard time accepting the truth that they are like the ones who revolt against Hashem, chas veshalom, because they have the chutzpa to sit in the palace of the King and openly deny His rules and regulations.

Now we come to the religious, the so-called ultra-orthodox group of Jews. These Jews hold the future in their hands, the ones that are supposed to be the closest to Hashem. But what is the truth? The truth is that a large part of the frum community is reeking with the stench of olam hazeh, of worshipping the egel hazahav (golden calf) with all the negative things that come with it. And these so-called frum Jews who spend their days shopping, making parties, of course, for tzedaka, but parties nevertheless, taking vacations, buying outrageous wigs, fur coats, jewelry, cars – these same Jews have brought into frum life movies, videos, CD-roms, all the dirt of the non-frum American world.

Therefore, we can now find in our world of Kodesh adultery, theft, even a lack of belief in Hashem. And these same people are influencing the rest. Some are dressed modern enough to identify them: men in smartly tailored suits, expensive hats, gold cuff links and maybe a bit of a beard, women dressed in elaborate wigs, much make-up, gaudy jewelry and striking clothes, many not exactly up to standards of tznius.

But there are the others that also enter into this category. And those can be men who still dress in long black coats, sport long payos (sidelocks) and beards, wear shtriemels or spudiks on Shabbos, and still live like their more modern-looking counterparts. Their wives look very much like the more modern ones, maybe a bit more toned down.

Now you have the yeshivishe world, who are living on the work of their wives. Yes, their wives, who now go to a frum college so they can support their husbands’ learning – but frum colleges are not kosher at all and they learn many forbidden things. And then they are sent into the world to earn money so their husbands can learn. Many work in offices, even frum offices, where adultery is common practice, where tznius (modesty) is forgotten almost completely. And this money is supposed to support Torah! And every bochur is looking for such a girl.

Oy vai, Am Yisroel! The most erlich of people are struggling very hard in America, because to stay really frum is not easy – because the Yetzer hara is now wearing a yarmulka, payos and a beard.

Everything has a hechsher (kosher certification) but almost nothing is really kosher. Am Yisroel, American Jews, save yourselves. The end is not far off. The troubles in Eretz Yisroel do not mean that you are safe. Hashem wants to save you. He loves you. He wants you back!

Throw out the false gods of money, lust and honor. Throw them out completely. Come back to truth, complete truth. Throw away your silly masks, your gaudy wigs, your baroque clothes, and come back to being ehrlich Yidden (authentic Jews).

The only thing that I will add is fighting, machlokes; that will kill first. First machlokes will kill. And you have witnessed many tragedies. They all have to do with worshipping foreign gods and machlokes.

I bentch Am Yisroel in America that you should accept Truth before it is too late, before the great darkness descends upon us all. Strengthen your mitzvos. Throw out all unnecessary gashmius (materialistics). Come back to your Father in Heaven – truly – and save yourselves and your families. I bentch all with a Gemar Tov (good ending) and a great Yeshuah (salvation).

But strengthen your bitochon (faith) in Hashem, your belief in Hashem, your love of Hashem, because in this great darkness not a glimmer of light will appear; and only those who have complete trust in Hashem will be able to survive. You cannot suddenly get it. You must develop such a trust, and only those who really try to be Hashem’s servants can make it.

Binyamin Golden is a 29 year old autistic young man who cannot speak and needs help for most of his daily life. He communicates by a system called “Facilitated Communication” (FC). By means of this system it is possible to reach the higher parts of the soul of a handicapped person (which are usually pure), and are able to give us messages from higher worlds. (A full explanation of FC is contained in the book “Secrets of the Soul”.
For additional information: tel (818) 996 4060, in Israel: 053 804795)

For additional information and messages see http://emet8.com/english__material
Binyamin has requested that readers forward these messages to others in order to help them come closer to Truth and do what needs to be done to be worthy of greeting the Messiah.



Choose to Live...

Via Email:

I'm a strong believer in the eminent coming of the Moshiach.

I am now trying my best to change my ways and become a more observant Jew. I began wear more modest clothing such as longer skirts but yet, I come from a rather "modern" orthodox community, which unfortunately values materialism and dressing up more "provocatively" so to speak.

After reading additional Chizuk blogs, I realize that I am taking a step in the right direction yet still find it difficult to really stop wearing tight skirts, etc. What do you recommend? Do you think it is really necessary to go this far? Please keep in mind that my community are very much against what I am doing right now and I'm already being criticized....


Your letter was very sincere and entered my heart. I feel your uncertainty but on the other hand, I feel your determination.

Truth is my friend, there are so many out there like you; women that blend together the barbie doll and yiddishkeit look...

I've also been there... I don't know any woman who does not want to look beautiful and attractive. It's a woman's thing to be able to be attractive, looked at, spoken about, approved by others, blah blah blah...

But when I thought about it more deeply (I'm speaking about myself, not about you), I realized that I want to be attractive, pretty, and accepted by HaShem and not by 'people'. How long am I going to live? 70-80 if I'm lucky, by 50 I'm probably not going to look good as I did by 40 anyways. This life is so temporary, is it even worth trying to break HaShem's codes just so I'm socially accepted? I mean, wouldn't I rather be accepted by HKB'H, the Malachim, Tzaddikim, GAN EDEN????

Then I started to really think about our Foremothers - and Devorah HaNevia, a'h, and thought to myself - did they wear tight fitting clothing, did they flaunt their fake hairs? NO. Are they someone I would like to be, or c'v, are my 'heros' girls like angelina joline - who steals a husband from his wife.

When I came to the conclusion that I'd like to start to behave like Sara Imenu, a'h, I realized I must give up fake hair, fake nails, fake modesty with slits...

I find that the more I 'give up' the LIES, the more HKB'H pulls me closer to Him and there is NOTHING more delicious than this...

My friends also laugh at me but it's clear to me that I've become a threat to them. I'll explain: I choose to go in the path of HaShem and they are feeling stuck behind with their little toys. Deep down inside, they KNOW that the path of HaShem is the truth but because they are stuck in their marble floors and jacuzzi's... they feel threatened that they cannot let go of their toys and are stuck in this Olam's materialism, which includes inviting Goyim to their homes thru TV, movies, etc. and this only causes them to feel more threatened in their "comfortably-numb" world...

From experience, I know that when using american-given name and not using your holy hebrew name - this holds back from having the needed strength from Shamayim to make your will HaShem's will. A Jewish name says a lot and has powers to help the person. Shamayim does not recognize any Jane, Anne, Cynthia, Maria or Robert, John, Mark, etc.

When you set your mind to think clearly and correctly, everything else comes easily. When you realize what HaShem wants from YOU, it's not going to matter that your friends are giving you a hard time cuz bottom line, your family/friends are not going to be able to save themselves or you from Gehenom... There are no Goyim in Gehenom - it was specifically made only for JEWS!!! Just as Gan Eden was created only for JEWS!

Once we finish our physical life in this Olam, in Shamayim there is no connection (bond) to family members or friends from earth. The only time a person sees a family member or a freind after death is in the Heavenly Court... The souls that were connected in the lower world have no acknowledgment of one another in the upper worlds.

Sometimes, the Sitra Achra comes dressed as a friend to cause you confusion and dictate to you to live your life as a liberal woman and not as a princess, the daughter of King of all Kings.

It's not easy in this dark, confused world. But know that HaShem rules and not us.

העידתי בכם היום את השמים ואת הארץ החיים והמות נתתי לפניך הברכה והקללה ובחרת בחיים למען תחיה אתה וזרעך׃
Deuteronomy 30:19
I call on heaven and earth as witnesses today that I have offered you life or death, blessings or curses. Choose life so that you and your descendants will live.

Choose to be free.... Choose to live...



Redemption 5768

Guest post by Reb Yosef ben Yaakov (Joel Gallis); Redemption 5768.

Tonight with Hashem's help, Dr. Wolf and myself will be producing our latest show on a CD, which will hopefully be loaded on our website tomorrow, early afternoon.




We will end the show with a look at the missing years from the Jewish timeline and will hopefully explain it in a way that everyone can understand, once and for all.




Sunday, January 27, 2008

Links of Interest

Neshama wrote an intellectual article in response to Fire Under Fire. Check it out here...

Also, Tomer Devorah wrote an interesting insight on Yehudit's 'Prophecy' and attempting to connect the prophetic dots...

Highly recommended reading: New FC messages from Menachem, Binyamin and Daniel:
Chapter 66 Everyone will have their turn
Chapter 62 b - Soon, great battleships from Russia will come



Pipes of Abundance

In the post Seuda for Devorah HaNevia Protects Am Israel, the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'l, appeared to my husband in a dream and asked him, "How was the Seuda in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h?"...

...The Rebbe requested from my husband to "Tell her (Nava) to come to the Ohel and tell me all the good things that occurred at the Seuda. Tell her to say it, she should verbalize it with the mouth. There are many terrible decrees hovering Am Israel and when she will verbalize all the good things that happened during the Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia (a'h), it will act as defense for Am Israel and it has the power to annul the decrees".

On Tuesday, January 22nd, (Tu B'Shvat) I went to visit the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'l, at the Ohel and read him 4 pages of hand-written good things that happened during the Seduat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia.

... the timing of HaShem's abundance on American Jewry cannot be dismissed as a 'coincidence'..

On the same day, New York Gov. Spitzer budget unveiled (on January 22) increased mandated services aid for Yeshivos , $54.9 reimbursement in addition to the proposed $87.5 million reimbursement for other mandated services, bringing the total proposed mandated services to $142.4 million...

2 days later, Thursday, January 24th, HaShem descented a great pipe of abundance on American Jews... the Stimulus package deal. Congressional leaders and Bush administration officials agreed Thursday on a $150 billion stimulus measure aimed at keeping the economy from falling into recession, giving each family a bonus amount of $600-1,200.00. The deal includes an additional amount of $300 per child.

ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות

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Secret Date of the End

In the sefer (book) Sifra Detzeniuta written by the Gaon of Vilna, zs'l, chapter 5 reveals the secret date of the end of the galut (exile). The GR"A administered an oath in the name of the Go.d of Israel that those that are able to decipher the secret date of the Redemption may not reveal it to anyone.

Why did the Gaon of Vilna merit to know the date of the redemption? The Rav of the Israel's Orthodox, Rabbi Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld, zs'l, explained, "Any other person that wants to know the date of the end - it is very doubtful that he'll be worthy that Shamayim will reveal it to him but not others. The G"RA learned the entire Torah for the sake of heaven, and when he reached the secrets told in sefer (prophet) Daniel (zs'l) about the end of days, he wanted to know the authentic explanations. Because he learned the entire Torah for the sake of heaven, Shamayim did not withhold from him to completely understand the secrets written in Sefer Daniel. The basic rule is that whomever toils in the Torah properly and learns it for the sake of heaven, Shamayim does not withhold from this person the complete understanding of the Torah."

The Vilna Gaon sealed his words and although he administered an oath that the end should not be revealed, in the Volozhin Yeshiva, at the time of Rabbi Chaim Volozhin, zs'l, author of "Nefesh HaChaim" (a student of the GR"A), there was one person who was able to decipher the secret date according to the GR'A. When Reb Chaim Volozhin saw that the world is exuberant after this person to reveal this secret, he announced that this person can reveal the GR"A's secrets and there is no longer any obstacle not to reveal it. When this person stood to explain the GR'A's secrets of the end, his face became bent (warped).

The Gaon Rabbi Moshe Sternbuch, Head of Rabbinical Court ראב"ד, heard from his teacher and Rav, Rabbi Moshe Shneider, zs'l, at the time of communist Russian, when wicked Czar Nicholas of Russia tore Jewish children out of their parent's arms and drafted them into the army, everyone in Russia agreed that the time is very close to Moshiach's arrival. There was one old Mekubal, a very holy man, that said, "The GR'A hinted in Sifra Detzeniuta the date that Moshiach will arrive but he administered an oath that if anyone deciphers the date, they should not reveal it. We are all imagining that Moshiach is about to appear, but according to the calculation of the GR"A, there is still plenty more time. I am afraid that now that everyone is expecting Moshiach and Moshiach will not show up, there will be great disappointments and it might, c'v, cause Jews to leave the faith. In this special situation, especially that the GR"A said that it's a Mitzvah to reveal in such situations, I'll reveal to you the date..." - that second, the old Mekubal fainted and suffer suffered a heart attack. He died infront of all the assembled Jews, zs'l.

In the sefer written about the Tzaddik Rabbi Yosef Zundel Salant, zs'l, it is said that he knew the end date that the GR'A referred to and when Jews persistently pleaded that he should reveal it, he said, "Once when I was by the Gaon Rabbi Avraham son of the GR"A, zs'l, we spoke much regarding the secret that the GR"A wrote in Sifra Detzeniuta. That same night I saw in my dream an old man with a face that held a grudge. The following morning I investigated what the GR"A looked like, and from the description I heard, it was the same old man I saw in my dream. From this I understood that I'm not worthy to study this matter."

The Gaon HaRav Yechezkel Abramsky, zs'l, author of "Chazon Yechezkel" said that when he spoke with his Rav Gaon Chaim HaLevy of Brisk, zs'l, concerning the end according to the GR"A, a student came to the Rabbi Chaim of Volozhin and told him that he toiled and found the end date that is hinted by the GR"A, but because the GR"A warned not to reveal the date, he cannot reveal it." The Gaon Harav Yechezkel Abramsky said afterwards that this student did not decipher the real end date. On this, the Rav Gaon Chaim HaLevy of Brisk said, "From this words of the Gaon Harav Yechezkel Abramsky, I learned that he himself knows the authentic end date according to the GR'A."

The Gaon HaRav Yechezkel Abramsky told that after his conversation with his Rav, Gaon Chaim HaLevy of Brisk, he asked, "How do we know that the GR"A really knew the end date? Rabbi Akiva, zs'l, also erred when he thought that Bar Kochva was the Moshiach. Is it not possible that the GR"A also erred?". The Gaon Chaim HaLevy of Brisk answered him, "The mistake of Rabbi Akiva was thinking that Bar Kochva is the Moshiach. The end date of the GR"A is not about who is the Moshiach but it's a calculation when the Moshiach is forced to arrive and in this calculations, an error is not a possibility".

Translated from Ma'amar of HaRav Yosef Chaim Lazerson, קובץ ישורון from תשרי תשנ"ט.



Angels in the Bet HaMikdash

In my husband's dream of Friday night, 18-19 Shvat, he saw him and I sitting on a mountain, under a gated wall that had a big opening. Across from us, we were watching the Bet HaMikdash and how the Kohanim and Leviim were serving HKB'H.

He saw Malachim (angles) inside and all around the Bet HaMikdash. What was very fascinating to watch was when the Kohanim brought Korbanot (animal sacrifices) to HKB'H, he saw Malachim (angels) inhaling all the smoke from the Korban so that the smoke will not be bothersome to the eyes of the Kohanim. Some smoke of the Korbanot was not allowed for the Malachim to inhale so instead, a Malach would blow the smoke to go upwards or sideways and in this way, they were protecting the Kohanim from the smoke entering their eyes...

My husband said that it was a strange and beautiful sight, to be able to see how Malachim also serve in the Bet HaMikdash. In another instance, he saw Malachim helping the Kohanim lift heavy things, as well as helping them raise their arms and lower them while their were doing Avodat HaShem.



Fire Under Fire

Guest post by Y.&S.:

Around 30 years ago when some women started wearing immodest clothing, a large gathering was organized in “Tirat Chen” social hall and the Gaon Maran Rav Eliezer Shach, zsk'l, screamed from the depth of his heart: “If the women of the Avrechim go out with short and tight clothing, we need to close down all the Kolelim, of what value is all the Torah of the husband? If the woman wears that type of clothing, all the Torah that the husband learned goes to the Sitra Achra (the Evil side).

Fight the fire of War with the fire of Torah & Avoda

אבינו מלכנו! Please void the evil plans of our enemies!

Dear Sisters,

The Gedolei Yisroel have called upon married women and young girls to increase their level of צניעות in order to merit ` ה's miraculous protection of כנסת ישראל. The level of צניעות that you have practiced until now, should be increased to a higher level.

The Gedolim are appealing to your בינה יתירה and מידה (mida) of רחמנות that `ה blessed you with.

In these days when our lives are being threatened by armies from outside and terrorists from within, yene machla, different sicknesses, accidents, strange occurrences, anti-semitism, Ha-shem Yerachem Olenu, we cannot only continue to behave as we have done until now, but we must make changes to merit ` ה's love and protection.

There is something that is in our hands to do.

A married woman can show that she is מקודשת exclusively to her husband and thereby teach כנסת ישראל that they are מקודשת exclusively to ` ה. In שיר השרים Rashi Hakadosh explains that a married woman can carry out the true ` רצון of ` הby covering her hair with a hat or a formal mitpachas whenever she leaves her house. This shows clearly that she is a married woman and that she is reserving her beauty exclusively for her husband. Rashi Hakadosh explains that the married woman thereby teaches כנסת ישראל that they are מקודשת exclusively to ` ה. (שיר השרים ד,א)
When a married woman wears any shaitel and/or tight or fitted clothing outside the house, she is not showing that she wants to be מקדיש (guard) her beauty exclusively for her husband, but rather that her beauty is being made hefker for all men to admire and thereby being מכשיל the men.

This is against the shlichus which ` ה gave to a married woman, to show that she is מוקדשת exclusively to her husband and thereby teach כנסת ישראל that they are מוקדשת exclusively to ` ה.

In light of the call of Gedolei Yisroel to women and girls to increase their צניעות ,each woman and girl is being requested to please examine her wardrobe to assure that it does not contain any shockingly un-צנוע attracting clothing such as:
Cotton knit (tricot) tops, lycra tops and skirts, skirts that are short and narrow, skirts that are straight, transparent stockings, skirts with slits, earrings that dangle or are gross, skin colored stockings or shells or blouses and accessories (handbags) that are bright colored, glittery or flashy etc…)
Our homes can also be examined in order to remove all items of goyish culture that are causing the people inside the homes to forget that we are all in ` ה's presence.

In order to publicize that we are making changes to increase our צניעות, that we are fighting the fire of war with the fire of תורה and עבודה, we are proposing to make a public bonfire to which women and girls will bring un-צנועה clothing and un-צנועה items to burn.

This will show our fervent determination to make changes to increase our צניעות and thereby merit the protection of ` ה's Shechina.

We will show that we are not fooling ourselves and being fashion models of goyish culture, but that we are truly carrying out ` ה's רצון of צניעות with אמת and אהבה.

אי"ה in this merit, ` ה will void the evil plans of our enemies against us, such as yene machla, different sicknesses, accidents, strange occurrences, anti-semitism, terrorist attacks, Kasam and Katyusha rockets and ח"ו atomic bombs, Ha-shem Yerachem Olenu.

The date of the great bonfire will be released shortly, but you can start immediately to carry out the Gedolim's request to make changes to increase your level of צניעות, by married women covering their hair with a hat or a formal mitpachas which covers all the hair and by married women and girls wearing loose clothing that does not reveal the body shape.

If you feel that you are being different from some others around you when you increase your צניעות to a higher level in accordance with the Gedoloim's request, you should realize that ` הwants you to be a leader. The condition upon which ` הsaved the כנסת ישראל from מצרים is that each one would behave like a leader, like "בני בכורי ישראל". (שמות ד, כב)

By behaving like a leader in צניעות for those around you, you will help כנסת ישראל to receive the ברכה from ` :ה להצילך ולתת אויביך לפניך and לראש ולא לזנב `ה ונתנך and to merit the גאולה שלמה.

If you think that when you increase your צניעות you are changing your mother's and/or grandmother's mesora, you should realize that you give your parents a tremendous zechus and nachas `ה בעיני when you make changes to a higher level of קדושה in accordance with the request of the Gedolei Yisroel.

בזכות נשים צדקניות נגאלו אבותינו ממצרים ועתידים להגאל



Friday, January 25, 2008

It's a Prayer for Redemption

A Simple Jew: Guest Posting By Chabakuk Elisha - Av HaRachamim



Thursday, January 24, 2008

Exposé Links SHAS

In case you are wondering why Political Party SHAS (Slashing Heavenly Authority Services) insists staying inside the corrupt Kadima government and the truth behind Lieberman's reasons leaving the government , Arutz 7 has the answer:

"...Jericho casino with the help of former Shas Chairman"
"...casino as one of the most corruption-laden aspects of the Oslo Accords"
"...Olmert, Rashid met at least six times – the last meeting included Shas Chairman Eli Yishai"



Egypt same as Syria and Iran

Prior to President Bush visit to Israel, Maran HaRav Eliashiv Shlita gave Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski instructions what to say to the president, as follows:

Harav Eliashiv: "We must know that Egypt are arming itself and preparing for a war against Israel."

"The peace treaty with them means nothing. They are the same like Syria and Iran and are waiting for the right minute to war against Israel. We must always remember that wicked man, Iranian President Ahmadinejad, and that he never stops talking about his want to erase the Jewish nation."

"The conclusion is that you (Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski), must ask and beg US President Bush to do everything in his power to stop, or at least distance, the danger that is hovering over Am Israel and Eretz Israel."

Lupolianski: "But this is the job of the Prime Minister."

Harav Eliashiv: "I cannot rely on him or his people. I cannot know what his people will or will not tell him. You do exactly as I tell you and with your power to convince,with HaShem's help you will have success."

Lupolianski: "But I must discuss Yerushalayim."

Harav Eliashiv: "Of course you must discuss Yerushalayim but the danger hovers over every city."

Lupolianski: "So what should I tell him in regards to Yerushalayim?".

Harav Eliashiv: "Bush is a religious man."

Lupolianski: "Yes."

Harav Eliashiv: "If he is a religous man, for sure he knows that the Holy Temples were in Yerushalayim. And if he believes that Yerushalayim is a holy city, how it be possible to dismantle her?"

Lupolianski kept pressing about Yerushalayim during the conversation with Harav Eliashiv but the Rav told him, "We are constantly under danger for our survival and this crucial matter must be discussed with President Bush."



Rejoicing in Afflicted Pain

From Shirat Devorah HaNevia, a'h:

כן יאבדו כל אויביך ה' ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו
May destruction come on all Your haters, HaShem; but let Your lovers be like the sun going out in its strength.

תנו רבנן: 'עלובין ואינן עולבין (אחרים באין עליהם בחוצפה, ולא הן על אחרים), שומעין חרפתן ואינן משיבין, עושין
מאהבה (מאהבת המקום) ושמחין ביסורין (על עליבה הבאה עליהם) - עליהן הכתוב אומר
שופטים ה: כן יאבדו כל אויביך ה' ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו

Tanu Rabanan says: A person that is insulted by others, and the insulted one listens to the abuse but does not respond; this is due to their love to HaShem. And the insulted one rejoice at the afflicted pain (the insults) and about these people it says:
כן יאבדו כל אויביך ה'
So may destruction come on all Your haters, HaShem

ואוהביו כצאת השמש בגבורתו
"Those who love Him shall be as the sun when it comes out it its might,” refers to the reward of those who rejoice in their afflictions. Therefore he is found worthy of seeing “the sun emerging in its might” in the World to Come, when the “sun” will emerge from the “sheath”.

ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות



Acquiring Eternal Life in One Hour

The weekly leaflet of "Our Eretz Israel" is distibuted to over 100,00 shuls and yeshivot in Eretz Israel.

The pressure on Shas party to 'disengage' from the government is strengthening...

In this weeks leaflet, Parshat Yitro, the front page has pictures of Shas party members with their names and the headline reads,
"יש קונה עולמו בשעה אחת"
Acquiring eternal life in one hour

The 12-Shas members are called upon to disengage from the Kadima government immediately and are warned not to fall into the "Sharon's destruction plan" - exactly what happened to many Orthodox politicians during the Gush Katif disengagement.

The article continues and says, "...Sharon's disengagement was a cover up due to internal invenstigations on ONE illegal activity of the corrupt former Prime Minister. The reason Olmert is handing to the enemies Judah, Samaria, and splitting up Jerusalem is to cover FOUR internal investigation of his illegal activities."

"The only way to stop Olmert and prevent him from keeping his promise to US President Bush is to immediately disassemble his government."

"Don't allow Olmert to use you till he no longer needs you..."

"When President Bush was in Israel, he begged you to protect Olmert. Am Israel and Eretz Israel are begging you to protect us from Olmert's destructive plans."

"This is the time to quit the government and save the leftover refugees of Eretz Israel."
"יש קונה עולמו בשעה אחת"
You can acquire eternal life in one hour...



Deep Dark Sleep of Complacency

Guest post by Neshama


I just received a beautiful Dvar Torah, from a well-known email list that gave over one Rabbi’s [not mentioning his name out of respect] words about “Tzipisa L’Yeshua--did you await the Geula--and if yes, how… ?”

It began with: “…Chazal (Shabbos 31A) record that one of the six questions that a person is asked after 120 years is “Tzipisa L’Yeshua--did you wait for the redemption?” Obviously, if this is one of the first six inquiries made by the Heavenly Court, it must be quite important, and have a special source….”

“…The Chofetz Chaim (zs'l) writes that if one does not live a life in which he demonstrates a longing for the Geulah...”

"...In “last week’s Parsha, Miriam HaNevia (a'h) together with “Kol HaNoshim” (Shemos 15:20)--all the women, went out … they were prepared [with tambourines] for the Geula …. We too must demonstrate that we are readying ourselves… HaRav Nosson Wachtfogel, z’tl, had a packed suitcase handy … someone else had special clothing to greet the Moshiach….”

SO, how are we preparing for Tzipisa L’yeshua ?

Ask your neighbor, how he/she is preparing. You may get a blank look, a way-off stare. Either the concept is there on their bookshelves with all the other Torah concepts wrapped in leather, or it just has not entered the mind that is so busy looking for which hotel to spend Pesach, planning Purim themes, deciding which summer bungalow group to join, what vacation and where to visit this year! And how to get to all the new fancy shmancy shops that just opened-up featuring designer this and that? Not to mention which night of the week to squeeze in time with the kids, when after all there are 21 simchas for just this week alone.


You’ve got to read this one! [thanks to Life in Israel's latest post, Shas' Protests) - Shas recently made an historical statement. It was made about clarifying our Judaic priorities. Are you ready for this?

"… We are talking about people who for wealth and money are willing to sacrifice one of the most basic concepts that has made Judaism unique through all the generations and … corrupt the minds of thousands of simple Jews without them even knowing."

Now, let me venture a guess as to what this REALLY means:

"… In other words, we are talking about people [Israeli politicians] who for wealth and money are willing to sacrifice [divide and give away] one of the most basic concepts [not a concept, a real holy city, our yerushalayim] that has made Judaism unique [the place of Avraham Avinu, zs'l, and the Akeida, the brainchild of Dovid HaMelech, zs'lk, the life's work of Shlomo HaMelech, zs'l] through all the generations [since the Creator of the world gave the holy land to the Jewish people] and to corrupt the minds of thousands of simple Jews [ by displacing them from their homes, lives, and sense of security] without them even knowing [this very day she is negotiating with the enemy and the Israeli people's future is hanging in the balance].

Are we reading any headlines splashed on the front pages of our papers alerting us to the coming Geula, as many in Israel are acutely aware?

NO, NOT ON THE FRONT PAGE OF THE YATED, BUT ONLY ON PAGES 129, 130 and 131 were words of wisdom and warning relegated:

On page 129 Rav Shmuel Auerbach: THE YISHUV IS IN DANGER!
As reported in Sha’ah Tova … a Siyum in Kollel Ran in amot, Rav Auerback Shlita, Rosh Yeshiva of Maalos HaTorah, spoke about the recent international pressure to give YERUSHALAYIM to the Arabs. [and it goes on]

On page 130, the Shomrei Emunim Rebbe Shlita speaks about the Americans, Bush, the Israeli Elites, and the GEULA. The same Sha’ah Tova conducted an interview with the Shomrei Emunim Rebbe. It appears as a long series of Q&As spread over two and a half pages.

THE CONFUSION IS WITH THE POLITICIANS, THE NEWS OUTLETS, AND WITH THE PEOPLE, because they just can’t believe that it is real. The Redemption is coming – quickly – whether we like it or not.

In Parshas Shelach we read, the Rabbis brought back their report and the people were scared! The Meraglim had done their work well!

[The Lubavitcher Rebbe, zs'l, and today's Tzaddikim] say we are the reincarnated souls of the generation of Yetzias Mitzrayim (Egypt Exile). That means, the meraglim are with us to this day. And since they didn’t want to go into Eretz HaKodesh, the Land upon which the Eyes of Hashem are fixed from one end of the year to the next, I would presume that they can be found in American, France, England, Germany, and any other country where the Jews are still!

Let’s get beyond the rhetoric!

How many times can we hear the same-old, same-old, while we continue to slip deeper into that dark, deep sleep of complacency.

WAKE UP, prepare for that awesome day, grab those tambourines and suitcases, buy those tickets and fly to Eretz Hakodesh [and you absentee landlords – come live in all those apartments you bought up and caused havoc among the rental community] ------------------------------because YERUSHALAYIM needs you!



Wednesday, January 23, 2008


"במסכת סנהדרין צ"ח "ייתי (משיח) ולא אחמיניה
Masechet Sanhedrin:"Will come (Moshiach) do not want to be seen".

The Emoraim (absolute Tzaddikim) of previous generation were afraid of the birthpangs of Moshiach and said that they do not wish to live in the period before Moshiach's arrival, because of the tremendous trouble, attacks, and confusion.

Life in Israel's latest post, Shas' Protests - Reb Rafi is honestly trying to understand Orthodox party Shas' view that eating non-Kosher is far worse than chopping up Yerushalayim...



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Save Us From Their Wicked Plans

Rabbanim of Eretz Israel wrote a special Tefilla for us to say to help annul the terrible decrees hovering over Am Israel, due to Bush, Condi, and (sm)Olmert's plans.

HaShem, save us from the smOlmert goverment that wants to chop up the Holy Land. We want to continue to be able to live in Your holy Land but find our lives endangered by non-Jews who have taken over the land. They publicly announced a war against HaShem and His Torah.

HaShem, look from Above and see the danger hovering over us. The smOlmert government and his party wants to destroy and kick out thousands of Jews out of their homes and give our homes and land to the enemies.

Please Creator of the World, send Your hand from Heaven to cancel the plans of US President Bush and his Secretary of State that are at war against us.

HaShem, make a miracle for us so no more Jews will be kicked out of their homes and those that were expelled from their home should be able to return to their homes.

Heavenly Father, do Chesed with us and and redeem us. Send us Moshiach Tzidkenu and redeem us in the final and complete redemption, Amen.



When Romi Descents; Yerushalayim Ascents

Mekubalim are monitoring the world-wide strengthening of the Shekel (Israel money) and the stability of the Israel stock market - contradicting Europe and USA's collapse.

"When Romi ascends, Yerushalyaim descents, and when Yerushalayim ascends, Romi descents," explain the Mekubalim, in accordance to our prophets and teaching from the Talmud. In the Kabbalah, Romi is described to be the Western countries (Europe and America). Therefore, the bunkrupcy of the American and European economy, which was prophecized about in Sefer Divrei HaYamim, bring completion to this prophecy.

The Mekubalim were required to do a special prayer at the end of today's Shacharit prayers, being that it is Tu b'Shvat of Shnat Shmita ( the seventh year in a seven-year cycle during which land in Israel must lie fallow and debts are canceled). They said that keeping the Mitzvot of Shmita protects the economy, and being that this year the 'state' of Israel is more strict in the Halachot of Shmita as opposed to previous years, it bought itself a Segula (talisman) to a strong blessed existence and stabilizing the Israeli economy.

The Mekubalim gathered in Rav Kaduri, zs'l, Yeshiva, at Yeshivat Nachalat Yitzchak to do this special Netz prayers. When Rav Kaduri was alive, he would practice this unique Netz assembly every Tu b'Shvat with the same permanent 12 Mekubalim.



Seuda for Devorah HaNevia Protects Am Israel

On 13 Shevat (Jan. 20), the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'l, appeared to my husband in a dream and asked him, "How was the Seuda in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h ?"

My husband replied, "Very special. The atmosphere was extremely holy and the achdut (united) was very strongly felt".

As soon as my husband told the Rebbe there was achdut, a tremendeous bright shine blasted all around the Rebbe.

The Rebbe then asked my husband, "Why didn't she (Nava) come to tell me about the good news that happened during the Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia?"

(In reality, a week before the Seudat Mitzvah, I went to the Ohel and invited the Lubavitch Rebbe).

The Rebbe continued and said, "She used to come to the Ohel and always told me good news as well as what might be troubling her, why didn't she come to me yet to tell me how the Seudat Mitzvah was?. She told me she'll tell me good news and I also asked her to tell me Bsorot Tovot".

At that point, my husband began to cry...

The Rebbe continued and said, "Tell her to come to the Ohel and tell me all the good things that occurred at the Seuda. Tell her to say it, she should verbalize it with the mouth. There are many terrible decrees hovering Am Israel and when she will verbalize all the good things that happened during the Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia (a'h), it will act as defense for Am Israel and it has the power to annul the decrees".

As soon as my husband told me the message from the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'kl, I took papers and pen and started writing all the good points that occurred before, during, and after the Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h. (B"H, I'm going to the Ohel very soon). B'H, I filled up 4 pages of hand-written good things that happened and I'll share some here, to give our Heavenly Father nachat:

* Many donated their money to be part of the Seuda.
* In the zchut of the Seuda, there was tremendeous unity and people who fought made peace and forgave one another, b'h. Even the children were very peaceful and all were eating and playing together and not one child fought with another!
* The Rav publicly humbled himself by apologizing to Devorah HaNevia, a'h, for not wanting to make the seuda.
* There was tremendeous Kiddush HaShem (we hired 3 non-Jews waitresses and insisted they sit and eat with us during the Seuda. They later told my husband that they were sure that all the guests was one big family and when we'll make another 'meal', he should only call them to serve).
* The number of the usual congregation was tripled and the prayer was extra spiritual. There was hardly any talking during the prayers.
* All the children were praying.
* There was Birkat HaCohanim.
* All the food that was prepared, I said on each one, Lichvod Shabbat and Seudat Mitzvah.
* The food was plentiful and we all merited to do tikkunim for neshamot thru the food.
* Many walked long distance to join the Seuda.
* During the Seuda, there were Divrei Kdesha said and Zmirot were sang.
* One of the guests collected all the leftover challas after the Sedua. The following day, we took our children and the neighbor's children to the beach to give the birds, fish, and ducks the leftover challas.

The above is just a partial list out of 4 pages...

With tremendeous Hashgacha Pratit (Divine intervention) Reb Eli sent this morning a link of the Lubavitch Rebbe, zs'l, speaking about Devorah HaNevia from 10 Shevat 5732 · January 26, 1972:

Protector of Her People
At the time of the Song of Moses, the Jews were in the midst of a great journey through an awesome desert. They had yet to reach, conquer and establish a Jewish homeland. By contrast, at the time of the Song of Deborah, the Jews were already settled in the Land of Israel. Deborah was called upon to organize a campaign against Canaanite invaders. (7:08)

Who would have thought that Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h has the capability to annul decrees? Chasdei HaShem.

If Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia has the power to annul harsh decrees hovering Am Israel, imagine what building the Tzion for Devorah HaNevia can do...

Participate and Donate to Build Kever Devorah HaNevia, a'h

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Monday, January 21, 2008

Chabad Messianists

Chabad Messianists: Wrong, But Still Jews


Autistic Message from Esther


I worry about you so, day and night. Day and night I worry about you. Moshiach [the Messiah] will soon arrive and you are not ready. What can I do to help you? The only thing I have is words of truth, and this I will use to try to wake you up.

My dear English Jews [in particular - and all Jews around the world in general], ones from Stamford Hill, Golders Green, Hendon, Manchester, Gateshead. You are Hashem’s favorites, but you are distancing yourself from Hakadosh Boruch Hu [G-d]. You feel you are so close, but you are so far. You suffer from many things that have become the bricks in the mechitza [partition] between you and your Maker.

Number one is your complacency, your routine, your private lives. What is a private life? A person is born to do chesed [charity] and live a life of Torah. Chesed and Torah [study and practice] and Tefilah [prayer], that is all we are born to do. Chesed you do, but only when it is convenient for you. And I know you will say that your families come first. But I say that you are raising a generation of selfish individuals who only understand Torah through their own personal needs—and of course their Yiddishkeit [Judiaism] is distorted.

We, the frum, have so many chesed projects, so many Yeshivos, so many shuls, so many learners, so many balei tzedoko [philanthropists]. In England the frum are much more modest than their American counterparts and much more conservative. They seem much more disciplined than the Israelis and altogether seem on a higher madreiga [level].

What is lacking? I will tell you. The trend is selfishness. The trend is “me and what I need first” - as opposed to “you and what you need first”. Hashem [G-d] gives to us first and foremost. He gives to His children. Then maybe He asks for Himself.

So, dear Jews, you are going in the wrong direction. Not all of you, but it is the general way. You had better change directions, because a selfish person can only bring destruction - because he can never really accept Ol Malchus Shamayim. If you do not believe me, just look around and see how many machlokos are now among the frum in England, personal machlokes, and those of groups. And I guarantee you, none are lesham shemayim. You lack the desire to have Rabonim because each one knows better than the next. You have Rabonim but only use them when convenient. You dilly dally with your holy Torah and use it for your own honor.

I know many will be angry at my words, but just those [are] people who use the Rabonim when convenient. And these same people will run to the Rabonim to get letters against me. On the other hand, many will smile knowingly and get the message straight. And to those I say: “Save yourselves, even if the others don’t want to hear! You save yourselves!”

No one can harm us (the handicapped). Hashem is protecting His shilichim [messengers]. We were sent to say emes [truth] and I know all of your lashon hara cannot touch me. I am only a handicapped child with no olam hazeh. What can you do to me? You can destroy the names of good Jews because they are a bit different from you or because they see the truth.

But Hashem is still Boss. And only those who are close to truth, living it with bitachon, only those will survive the final judgment - which is very soon!

For additional information and messages see http://emet8.com/english__material
Binyamin has requested that readers forward these messages to others in order to help them come closer to Truth and do what needs to be done to be worthy of greeting the Messiah.



Muslims Exposed



Sunday, January 20, 2008

Time is Running Out - LITERALLY

Scientists have come up with the radical suggestion that the universe's end may come not with a bang but a standstill - that time could be literally running out and could, one day, stop altogether.

The idea that time itself could cease and everything will grind to a halt - has been set out by Professor José Senovilla, Marc Mars and Raül Vera of the University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, and University of Salamanca, Spain.

The motivation for this radical end to time itself is to provide an alternative explanation for "dark energy" - the mysterious antigravitational force that has been suggested to explain a cosmic phenomenon that has baffled scientists.

A decade ago, astronomers noticed that distant supernovae - exploding stars on the very fringes of the universe - seemed to be moving faster than those nearer to the centre, suggesting that they were accelerating as they shot through space.

Dark energy was suggested as a possible means of powering this acceleration of the expansion of the cosmos.

The problem is that no-one has any idea what dark energy is or where it comes from, and theoreticians around the world have been scrambling to find out what it is, or get rid of it.

The team's proposal, which will be published in the journal Physical Review D, does away altogether with dark energy. Instead, Prof Senovilla says, the appearance of acceleration is caused by time itself gradually slowing down, like a clock that needs winding.

"We do not say that the expansion of the universe itself is an illusion," he explains. "What we say it may be an illusion is the acceleration of this expansion - that is, the possibility that the expansion is, and has been, increasing its rate."

Instead, if time gradually slows "but we naively kept using our equations to derive the changes of the expansion with respect of 'a standard flow of time', then the simple models that we have constructed in our paper show that an "effective accelerated rate of the expansion" takes place."

While the change would be infinitesimally slow from an ordinary human perspective, from the grand perspective of cosmology - in which scientists study ancient light from suns that shone (billions of) years ago - this temporal slowing could be easily measured.

Astronomers are able to discern the expansion speed of the universe using the so-called "red shift" technique.

The principle is the same as that of an ambulance siren which gets higher as it comes towards the listener but lower as it moves away. Similarly, a star moving away appears redder in colour than one moving towards us.

Scientists look for exploding stars - supernovae - of certain types that provide a benchmark to work against.

However, the accuracy of these measurements depend on time remaining invariable throughout the universe.

If time is indeed slowing down, so that according to this new suggestion our solitary time dimension is slowly turning into a new space dimension, then the far-distant, ancient stars seen by cosmologists would therefore, from our perspective, look as though they were accelerating.

"Our calculations show that we would think that the expansion of the universe is accelerating," says Prof Senovilla.

The group bases its idea on one particular variant of superstring theory, a so called theory of everything, in which our universe is confined to the surface of a membrane, or brane, floating in a higher-dimensional space, known as the "bulk".

In some number of (billions of) years, time would cease to be time altogether - and everything will stop.

"Then everything will be frozen, like a snapshot of one instant, forever," Prof Senovilla tells New Scientist magazine. "Our planet will be long gone by then."


FC Communications with Ben Goldin; THIS IS IT

....Time is short, I suggest to every Jew to do sincere Teshuva from this moment on, if you didn't previously decide this. Truthfully, there is no time.

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United, B'Zchut Devorah HaNevia, a'h

The Seudat Mitzvah was, b'h, a tremendeous success. Although we expected about 100 people and prepared for about 120 people, it turned out that over 150 people showed up, despite the cold weather. Even people we didn't invite or know, heard about the special Shabbat Shira Seuda and b'h, merited to join in the Tefilla and seuda. Even the Rav of the shul was very surprised that so many showed up (when we first suggested to the Rabbi to make a Seuda in his shul in honor of Devorah HaNevia, he refused and said his reason is that very few will show up and he didn't want all the food to go to waste...).

Friday afternoon when my husband brought the Chalot to the shul, he 'bumped' into an elder man inside the shul. This man told my husband, "For years and years, even in Morocco, my father tried to make a Seuda in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h, but no shul permitted it. I guess it wasn't time yet... You should know that you were blessed with a big zchut to be able to make a seuda in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h."

The atmosphere in the shul was very spiritual and my husband merited to say the Haftara, Shirat Devorah HaNevia, a'h. He later told me that when he got to the part "URI URI DEVORAH", he felt the Ministering Angels joining him in the Shira and tears were rolling down his face as he continued saying the Shira.

After the morning prayers, everyone went upstairs for the Seudat Mitzvah. B'h, we prepared a lot of food in honor of the Seuda (non-catered) including; 200 challahs, 16 sorts of salads, 2 sorts of fish with side dish appetizer of Moroccan spiced hummus, 2 mega-large pots of Chamin/Cholent filled with meat, rice, hummus, potatoes, eggs, wheat, etc., 17 bottles of wine, few bottles of Arak, 2 cartons of beer, 2 crates of soft drinks, 2 gigantic platters of sliced fresh fruit, and many platters of custom-make cookies.

During the Seuda, more people showed up, 3 people even walked over 45 minutes one-way in honor of the Seuda... Chasdei HaShem, there was plenty of food for everyone and all the food was b'h eaten... No one left the seuda hungry, chasdei Shamayim...

The atmosphere during the Seuda was amazing with thick air of achdut (unity), despite the fact that it was a mixture of people with different backgrounds, ashkenaz and sephardic. The men sang morrocan and ashkenaz songs in unison. The Rabbi spoke and admitted to everyone that he was against having this Seuda because it didn't make sense to him to make a seuda for a 'woman'. He apologized to Devorah HaNevia publicly and said that till Moshiach arrives, may HaShem merit the shul to continue to have a Seuda on Shabbat Shira in honor of Devorah HaNevia every year... Everyone applauded and then my husband spoke about the greatness of Devorah HaNevia.

After my husband's speech, many of the guests came over to my husband and said that they were very moved by his speech and he has peaked their interest to learn more about Devorah HaNevia. Many guests told my husband that they were not aware how much she sacrificed for Am Israel and that her Heichal is extremely important to HKB'H. One guest told my husband that although he is blind (r'l), he 'saw' my husband's neshama burning with spiritual fire... Another person (a honored Rav) came over to my husband and told him that all his life he studies the Torah and heard many speeches but a speech that was given by my husband with so much fire, he never yet heard...

The achdut (unity) that was felt during the Seuda was the highlight of the Seudat Mitzvah. One family that has not stepped inside this shul for years because of a silly fight decided it's time to make peace and came for the Seuda... 7 years ago I had a 'fight' with a friend and we haven't talked since. I was very surprised that she came uninvited but as difficult as it was, I came over to her and thanked her for coming and we kissed and hugged... Another family that were rivaliries of the Rabbi, opened a new shul years ago just in spite and it was the first time in 20 years they stepped inside the shul...

B'zchut Devorah HaNevia, a'h...



Friday, January 18, 2008

End of Days News

British Airways emergency landing in HeathrowHouse in Sderot hit by kassam
IDF attacks Gaza
Violence in Kenya continues...
Extreme Islamics take advantage of Pakistan chaos Fears of a recession
Scores dead in Afghan cold snap
Merrill Lynch posts $7.8bn loss

China is facing its worst drought
Thousands of people stranded by the worst flooding to hit eastern Australia
Deutsche Bank is the latest financial services firm to cut off employees, with Citigroup, Bank of America, and UBS also planning to lay off staff. Israeli right-wing party has pulled out of the coalition government in protest at the starting of peace talks on core issues with the Palestinians.
ואין לנו על מי להשען אלא אלא על אבינו שבשמיים!
And we have no one to depend on, only on our Heavenly Father!



Thursday, January 17, 2008

Special Prayers for Sderot

Rav HaMekubal Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita calls on Am Israel a ruling (פסק) to pray for Sderot, Ashkelon and its surrounging areas.

Shulchan Aruch [סימן תקע"ו סעיף א']:
In the same way we fast and pray for rain, we fast on tragedies facing the Jewish nation; i.e.: non-Jews coming to war against Am Israel, demand taxes from them, take away their land, etc.

Rambam, zs'l, wrote concerning the above [בהלכות תענית פרק א' הלכה ב]:
This is the path of Teshuva. All should know that tragedies stems from our bad behavior, as it says, ""עונותיכם הטו אלה". If they do not cry in protest and instead say, 'the way of the world causes us trouble, they are cruel, it's a coincidence...". This way of thinking is cruel and it leads to continue behaving badly, thereby sending additional tragedies on to them.

Chazal teach us that "one does not depend on a miracle, 'אין סומכים על הנס', especially when a portion of Bnei Israel were killed and some injured. The residents and the children live in constant fear and many are exiled from their homes. Am Israel's honor is desecrated. The government of Israel is restricting the IDF army from returning fire and even worse, they are plotting to give the land of HaShem to terrorists so they may bomb the center of Israel, chas veshalom, just as they do to Sderot and its surrounding areas.

The following prayer was written by the Divine Mekubal, Rabbi Salman Mutzafi, zs'kl, and it was suited for our current situation:

רִבּוֹנוֹ שֶל עוֹלָם. הִנֵה בָּאנו הַיּוֹם הַזֶּה לְהַפִּיל תְּחִנָּה לְפָנֶיךָ בְּעַד עמך בית ישראל וּלְבַקֵּש רַחֲמִים עָלֵיהם כִּי נִשְׁעַנְנו עַל רֹב חֲסָדֶיךָ כְּמוֹ שֶׁנֶאֱמַר: וַיֹאמֶר אֲנִי אַעֲבִיר כָּל טוּבִי עַל פָּנֶיךָ וְקָרָאתִי בְּשֵׁם ה' לְפָנֶיךָ וְחַנֹּתִי אֶת אֲשֶׁר אָחֹן וְרִחֲמְתִּי אֶת אֲשֶׁר אֲרָחֵם.

וּמָה שֶבַח לְךָ נַעֲרוֹג, כִּי זָכִינוּ לִרְאוֹת עַיִן בְּעַיִן נִסִּים וְנִפְלָאוֹת שֶהִנְחַלְתָ לָנוּ נֶגֶד אוֹיְבֵנוּ אֲשֶר זוממים לְהַשְּׁמִידֵנוּ וְאַתָּה בְּטוּבְךָ הוֹשַעְתָנו והצלתנו מאלפי טילים שירו עלינו ובפרט על הערים שדרות, אשקלון וסביבותיהם. ומרובם הגדול ניצלנו ברחמיך המרובים.

אמרו חכמינו זכרונם לברכה 'אין סומכים על הנס', ובמיוחד שחלק מבני ישראל נהרגו וחלק נפצעו. ותושבי המקום חיים בפחד ובבהלה הם וילדיהם. רבים גלו מבתיהם. כבוד ישראל מחולל וממשלת ישראל כובלת את ידי החיילים שלא להשיב מלחמה שערה. ועוד זוממים לתת נחלת ה' בידי המחבלים שיעשו במרכז הארץ כמו שעושים בשדרות וסביבותיה, חלילה.

ריבנו של עולם עֵינֶנוּ לְךָ תְּלוּיוֹת שֶׁתְּחָנֵּנוּ ותתן לעמך ישראל חן ושכל טוב אומץ וגבורה להלחם ברשעים ולא לחזקם. להכות כל אויבינו שוק על ירך ולקיים תפילתו של דוד המלך ע"ה "אֶרְדּוֹף אוֹיְבַי וְאַשִֹּיגֵם וְלֹא אָשׁוּב עַד כַּלּוֹתָם, אֶמְחָצֵם וְלֹא יֻכְלוּ קוּם, יִפְּלוּ תַּחַת רַגְלָי".

אנא ה' סְתּוֹם פִּיוֹת כָּל הַמְקַטְרֵגִים וְהָצָרִים עָלֵינוּ בֵין מִלְמַעְלָה וּבֵין מִלְמָטָה. וְקַיֵּים בָּנוּ מִקְרָא שֶׁכָּתוּב: כָּל כְּלִי יוּצַר עָלַיִךְ לֹא יִצְלַח וְכָל לָשׁוֹן תָּקוּם אִתָּךְ לַמִּשְׁפָּט תַּרְשִׁיעִי זֹאת נַחֲלַת עַבְדֵי ה' וְצִדְקָתָם מֵאִתִּי נְאֻם ה'. וּתְקַיֵים בָּנוּ מִקְרָא שֶׁכָּתוּב עַל יְדֵי יְשַׁעְיָה חוֹזָךְ אַל תִּירָא כִּי עִמְךָ אֲנִי אַל תִּשְׁתַּע כִּי אֲנִי אֱלֹקֶיךָ אִמַּצְתִּיךָ אַף עֲזַרְתִּיךָ אַף תְּמַכְתִּיךָ בִּימִין צִדְקִי. הֵן יֵבֹשׁוּ וְיִכָּלְמוּ כֹּל הַנֶּחֱרִים בָּך יִהְיוּ כְאַין וּכְאֶפֶס אַנְשֵׁי מִלְחֲמְתֶּךָ. כִּי אֲנִי ה' אֱלֹקֶיךָ מַחֲזִיק יְמִינֶךָ הָאוֹמֵר לְךָ אַל תִּירָא אֲנִי עֲזַרְתִּיךָ. אַל תִּירְאִי תּוֹלַעַת יַעֲקֹב מְתֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל אֲנִי עֲזַרְתִּיךָ נְאֻם ה' וְגֹאֲלֵךְ קְדוֹשׁ יִשְּׂרָאֵל. הִנֵּה שַׂמְתִּיךְ לְמֹרַג חָרוּץ חָדָשׁ בַּעַל פִּיפִיּוֹת תָּדוּשׁ הָרִים וְתָדוֹק וּגְבָעוֹת כַּמוֹץ תָּשִׂים. תִּזְרֵם וְרוּחַ תִּשָּׂאֵם וּסְעָרָה תָּפִיץ אוֹתָם וְאַתָּה תָּגִיל בַּה' בִּקְדּוֹשׁ תִּתְהַלָל.

וְתִגְאָלֵנוּ גְּאוּלָה שְׁלֵימָה בִּמְהֵרָה. וְנִזְכֶּה וְנִרְאֶה מָשִׁיחַ בֵּן דָוִד מוּכְתָּר בְּכִתְּרוֹ וּמָשִׁיחַ בֵּן יוֹסֵף מְשׁוּכְלָל בְּהַדְרוֹ וְיָפְיוֹ בְּבִנְיָן מִקְדָשֵׁינוּ בִּמְהֵרָה בְּיָמֵינוּ אָמֵן כֵּן יְהִי רָצוֹן.

It is a Mitzvah de'Oraysa (from the Torah) to cry and yell to HKB'H at times of great tragedies and prevent it coming on to the Jewish people.




Spiritual Attendance

Thank you and yasher koach to all the wonderful people that are participating financially for the Seduat Mitzvah le iluy nishmat in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h.

We are anticipating over 100 people for the tefilla and Seuda and we're working physically and spiritually hard to make sure, b'h, that the Seudat Mitzvah in honor of Devorah HaNevia, a'h, will be memorable...

בחסדי שמיים וברחמיו הרבים תתקיים סעודת מצווה לעילוי נשמתה ולזכרה של דבורה הנביאה, ע"ה, ששירתה נקראת בפרשת בשלח. סעודת המצווה תיהיה ב"ה בשבת קודש, פרשת בשלח
כל הציבור מוזמן על נשיו וטפיו

Everyone is cordially invited to join Seudat Mitzvah in honor and memory of Devorah HaNevia, a’h, on Shabbat Parshat Beshalach, January 11, when the famous song, Shirat Devorah, is read.
Colony Beach Hotel, 138 Ben Gurion Road, Bat Yam, Israel.
If you are unable to physically attend the Seduat Mitzvah, you are invited to join us spiritually...
* לעילוי נשמתה ולזכרה של דבורה הנביאה, ע"ה *



Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Harav HaGaon Shmuel Berenbaum ZTVK”L

Via email:

My nephew from NY was one of the Rosh Yeshiva's close talmid (student). He told me the following:

"Right before Reb Shmuel Birnbaum, zs'kl, passed away, his sons came to his bed side and asked him: "Avi Mori (father teacher), we have to know who our father elects to take over as Rosh Yeshiva of the Mirrer Yeshiva."

Reb Birnbaum responded: "No one, I'll be back in a few months".



Fall of America/Roma

Harold Bloom, Yale literature professor and cultural critic, is one of America's most prominent and provocative intellectuals. Unabashedly, he has always spoken up for what he calls "the fight for truth and beauty". As one of the first critical voices against the Bush administration and the war in Iraq, Bloom landed in the hot seat with the satire "MacBush" in 2004. Lately, he sparked worldwide outrage by calling Harry Potter "garbage." Speaking at his home in New Haven, Bloom seems to have symbolically embodied what he calls the "poor state of the nation."

"I am 77 years old and I have never seen this country in such a bad state. It is madness. What we are seeing is the fall of the Roman Empire, only now it is fall of America, the glory of our Empire. This war is what Parthia was to Rome.

"The horror of what is taking place in Iraq exceeds my worst fears five or six years ago (after Bush came to power). I am horrified at the disastrous mistake involved. Imagine the complete madness in trying to occupy a large Arab country in the middle of the Arab world, a culture we know precious little about, and who speaks a language only a handful of our specialists can speak, with armed forces which we have limited control of and with a large army of private soldiers .... The whole thing is a scandal ... a series of lies. I don't understand the motivation for the war, but suspect the real reason for the war, which one would suspect of a country which is a third oligarchy, a third plutocracy and a third theocracy, is that it simply is a profitable machine."

Sitting in the middle of his living room and in the brown leather armchair from which he has given most of his interviews in recent years, Bloom sighs deeply and a sad grimace spreads over his expressive face. It soon switches to anger, as he expands on the consequences of the war and, ultimately, of Bush at power: a growing national debt and a weakened dollar in tandem with a spiraling war budget, as well as America's lost credibility on the international stage due to the Iraq war and the situation in Afghanistan. Not to mention Guantanamo Bay, the use of torture and humiliation at Abu Ghraib and the CIA's rendition program.

"We have caused a monstrous mess. We don't even count killed Iraqis. God knows how many Iraqi women, children and men have been killed by our accidental shootings, which we are such experts at, or by other Iraqis. No, 'Benito Bush' (Bloom's pet name for President George Bush) deserves, if we had a functioning civil law in the world, to be condemned for crimes against humanity. Bush is ultimately responsible for this war," Bloom says pointing angrily with his index finger in the air as his dark eyes burn below a pair of thick dark eyebrows and a crown of unruly white hair.

"It is bleeding our nation, and I can't see a solution in the near future. We are obviously so deeply involved concerning blood, money and the situation on the ground that it will be very hard for us to pull out."

But Bloom has no illusions that there is any real pressure from the Democrats to pull out of Iraq at the moment.

"The truth is that Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Hoyer and the other Democrats who lead the Congress Party in the Senate, are far too cunning. They will talk about wanting to end the war and so on, but the truth is that they know they can't do anything about it and it suits them as they can blame the Republicans for the war in the upcoming elections. But the ugly truth is that we can't stop the war now. We are responsible for Iraq now. We have crushed it so now we own it. I have never seen this country (America) in such a bad state. But how big a percentage who actually cares, I don't know."

If the war in Iraq is the most palpable example of the decline of America under Bush's reign, Bloom cites the U.S. media as another casualty.

"'Media-ocrity' is what I call it. It is awful what kind of media we have today. Nobody dared to stand up and criticize Bush when he unlawfully went to war on Iraq. It is depressing, and shows what direction this country has taken since he came to power -- a power which did not rightfully belong to him. The media is not playing its role. The Bushites are bullies and for a long time nobody dared criticize them and just swallowed their propaganda and lies. People have become scared. In this kind of climate, nobody is interested in the critical voice. You ask about the role of the intellectual in America today and I have to say: What role? What intellectuals? There is no room for them in the simplified and dumbed down world of today's media. We used to play a role, and there are still a few left, but we are a dying breed. Nobody seems to be interested in nuance anymore."

This is where the real danger lies, he says.

"Democracy, whether in Sweden or the United States, depends on the voter's capacity to think. If you have read the best of what has been thought and said, then your cognition and understanding is on a much higher level than if you have read Harry Potter or Stephen King. So what this decline into half-literature and mediocre media really means is de facto a self-destruction of democracy."

"Political correctness is the death for the mind, for literature. I am terribly outspoken and don't try to hide it. I care passionately and I say so. I want quality when it comes to everything, and insist on it. I believe in the aesthetics, the beauty of good literature and I believe in wisdom. People get angry because of that and think it is an attack on them."




Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Halacha: Esav Hates Yaakov



Monday, January 14, 2008

Zohar HaKadosh: President Bush/President Gog

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai, zs'l, wrote 2,000 years ago in the Zohar HaKadosh, (Said by Moshe Rabbenu Raya Mehemna, zs'kl, to the RaMCHaL HaKadosh, zs'kl, in Tikunei Zohar to the RaMCHAL, tikun 60) about President Gog Bush and End of Days, as follows:

" בשעתא דייתי גוג לתרעין דירושלים , דהא בקטרוגא יתער בגין חובא דקיקא [ דקין
דבזמנא קדמאה דייתי אשא תקיפא יתחזי בין שמיא ובין ארעא תלתא יומין , וגוג קאים מלבר
לקבל תרעא , ומלכא משיחא מלגו , ואשא דא מפסיק בינייהו ולא יעבדון דא לדא מידי .
כיון דחמי דלא יכיל לאתקפא יתוב לאתריה
During the time when Gog will be visiting Yerushalayim, a pillar of fire will stand between earth and heaven for three days, separating Gog and Moshiach. (One must realize that this is describing spiritual events and not materialistic events.)

תלתא יומין
President Bush's first visit will be for 3 days;

כיון דחמי דלא יכיל לאתקפא
The aim of his visit will not be achieved (to create the state of Palestine alongside the holy land);

יתוב לאתריה
He will leave the land, healthy and complete.

לבתר ...זמנא תנינא יתוב , וכדין חשוכא תקיפא יתחזי וכמה זעפין יהון בעלמא
וכמה טורין רברבין יתבקעון דאתר בהו
Within a short time, he'll arrive again to the Land, but then... different from the previous situation when the world was fairly calm, the next time he arrives, there will be gigantic events in the world.

(The above is written in Tikunei Zohar; Tikun 60 - Interesting to note that 60 is also this year's Israel's Independence day and it's during this time that President Bush is planning to visit Israel again)

'זעפין בעלמא'
Judgment on the world will be tightly stretched.

ישעיה נד , י ) כי ההרים ימושו והגבעות תמוטינה וחסדי מאיתך לא ימוש..כדין יתוב לאחורא)
The mountains will move and hills will shake, But My lovingkindness will not be removed from you, And My covenant of peace will not be shaken

'כדין יתוב לאחורא'
He'll leave the Land again (after second visit) without achieving his intentions and target (road map...)

The Zohar HaKadosh says President Bush will come to Yerushalayim (as President) the first time, for a 3-day visit and will leave healthy and whole. Within short time, he'll return to Israel a second time also as President Bush and during this time, judgment on the world will be tough.

In total, President Gog Bush will visit Israel 3 times. But between his second and third visit, something* will occur that will cause the USA elections to be cancelled and President Bush will remain the president.

(It is interesting to note that the name Bush בוש read in reverse is Shuv שוב - RETURN.)

When President Bush will return to Israel for the THIRD time, it will not be as the previous president of the USA, but rather the whole world will know that he is HaShem's elected PRESIDENT GOG.

Exactly as Prophet Ezekiel, zs'l, tells us (chapter 38):
בֶּן-אָדָם, שִׂים פָּנֶיךָ אֶל-גּוֹג אֶרֶץ הַמָּגוֹג--נְשִׂיא, רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל
'Son of man, set thy face toward Gog, of the land of Magog, president of Meshech and Tubal'

גוֹג נְשִׂיא רֹאשׁ מֶשֶׁךְ וְתֻבָל President Gog of Meshech and Tubal,
When reading every second letter from left to right
משך ותבל it spells...בוש - BUSH

*What will happen between President Bush second and third visit to Israel that will cause the USA elections to be cancelled? It says in the Zohar HaKadosh that Iran will bomb the USA and in response, the USA will make international wars against all the Arab countries that opposes her.

אמר רבי יצחק:שנה שמלך המשיח נגלה בו, כל מלכי האומות מתגרים זה בזה. מלך פרס מתגרה במלך הערבי, והולך מלך הערבי לאדום ליטול עצה מהם.וחוזר מלך פרס ומחריב את כל העולם .וכל אומות העולם מתרעשים ומתבהלים ונופלים על פניהם. ויאחזו אותם צירים כצירי יולדה
Midrash in Pesikta Rabbati 36
Rabbi Yitzhok said: 'The year that The year Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other. The King of Persia (Iran) will provoke the King of Arabia, and the King of Arabia will go to Edom to take counsel, but the King of Persia will in turn, destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panick. They will fall on their faces, and will experience pains like birth pangs..

(Interesting to note that President Bush recently warned twice that a nuclear Iran means World War III...)

יומא י' : עתידה רומי ליפול ביד פרס .
Gemara Yuma 10: In the future, Roma (USA) will fall in the hands of Persia (Iran)

One may ask, what is the connection between Iran and USA?

?מקדש שני שבנאוהו פרסיים והחריבוהו רומיים אינו דין שיפלו רומיים ביד פרסיים
The Persians built the second Holy Temple (King Darius of Persia, z'l) and the Romans destroyed it. Is it not justice that the Romans fall in the hands of the Persians?

Prophet Daniel, zs'l, on the above:
Daniel 11:40
ובעת קץ יתנגח עמו מלך הנגב וישתער עליו מלך הצפון ברכב ובפרשים ובאניות רבות ובא בארצות ושטף ועבר׃
At the end time the king of the South will collide with him, and the king of the North will storm against him with chariots, with horsemen and with many ships; and he will enter countries, overflow them and pass through.

Who is the king of the south, "Melech HaNeGeV"?
הנגב = הנשיא גורג בוש
HaNeGeV = HaNasi George Bush

ובא בארץ הצבי ורבות יכשלו
He will also enter the Beautiful Land (Israel), and many countries will fall

ות"ח האי גוג רשיעא עוד זמנא תליתאה ייתי ודאי. אבל עד לא ייתי, ייקום קב"ה לאעברא חובא דקין מעלמא
President Gog will arrive in Israel for the third and final time. But unlike during his first two visits, this time HKB'H will clean Kain's sins in the world. But the cause of the 'clean up' is not only because of Kain's sins, but particularly because of the sins of Am Israel. The suffering will be tremendeous and Am Israel needs to undergo these sufferings. In particular, the major of the suffering will be during the time the American army are in Israel.

On this particular time, it says, "והיתה עת צרה ליעקב וממנה יוושע"
Time of trouble is for Yaakov and from it, will be saved

ובעוד דאינון יגיחון קרבין עם כל בני עלמא, יתכנשון בנוי דאדום על ארעא קדישא, ויתפסון לה, וישלטון עלה תריסר ירחי:
USA army will inhabit the holy land for a 12 months. The first 3 months will be easy, in comparison to the last 9 months which will be very very difficult.

וְיָשַׁב מְצָרֵף וּמְטַהֵר כֶּסֶף וְטִהַר אֶת בְּנֵי לֵוִי וְזִקַּק אֹתָם כַּזָּהָב וְכַכָּסֶף וְהָיוּ לַה' מַגִּישֵׁי מִנְחָה בִּצְדָקָה .
And He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer HaShem an offering in righteousness.

אין בן דויד בא עד שתפשוט רומי בכול העולם כולו 9 חודשים
Ben David (Moshiach) does not arrive till Roma spreads out thruout the world 9 months...

ובין כך משיח צירין וחבלין יהון ליה כיולדה. ועל ההוא זמנא כתיב, יענך ה’ ביום צרה. דאינון תשע פסוקים כירחין דיולדה.
The birthpangs till Moshiach's arrival will be 9 months

גמרא יומא : עתידה מלכות רומי הרשעה שתתפשט על ישראל 9 חודשים .
Gemara Yuma says: The wicked kingdom of Romi (USA) will extend on Israel for 9 month

The following prophecy are the results of Gog's vision of the road map:
Joel Chapter 4;2:
וקיבצתי, את-כל-הגויים, והורדתים, אל-עמק יהושפט; ונשפטתי עימם שם, על-עמי ונחלתי ישראל אשר פיזרו בגויים, ואת-ארצי, חילקו.
I will gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat; and I will enter into judgment with them there for My people and for My heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and divided My land.

וכיון דייתי ההוא רשיעא תו לא ישכח חובא. ורזא דא, למה רגשו גוים ולאומים יהגו ריק , ריק ודאי, דאינון חשבין לאתתקפא בההוא חובא, והא ההוא חובא תו לא אשתכח .
President Gog will come to Israel the third time, and will be judged, killed and buried. As it says, "Why are the nations in an uproar? And why do the peoples mutter in vain? The kings of the earth stand up, and the rulers take counsel together, against HaShem, and against His Moshiach'. It's payback time to the nations of the world, The final Judgment!

Ezekiel 39;11
יא וְהָיָה בַיּוֹם הַהוּא אֶתֵּן לְגוֹג מְקוֹם-שָׁם קֶבֶר בְּיִשְׂרָאֵל... וְקָבְרוּ שָׁם, אֶת-גּוֹג וְאֶת-כָּל-הֲמוֹנֹה.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will give unto Gog a place fit for burial in Israel... and there shall they bury Gog and all his multitude.

לבתר דאינון תשעה ירחין יעברון, כדין קב"ה יתער למשיח דא, ויפיק ליה מגנתא דעדן. וההוא יומא דיפוק, יזדעזע כל עלמא, דיחשבו כל בני עלמא דימותון:
After the 9 months has passed, HKB'H will awaken Moshiach and remove him from Gan Eden and on that day, the world will be shaken violently; because all humanity will think they will die.

The first time President Bush came to Israel was on Wednesday, January 09, 2008. It is Divine Providence that the second time he's arriving Israel is also on a Wednesday.

Wednesday is the day we say in Hayom Yom Revi'i: " אל נקמות ה' אל נקמות הופיע O G-d of vengeance, Hashem; O G-d of vengeance, appear! Arise, O Judge of the earth, render recompense to the arrogant. Until when will the evil, O Hashem, until when will the evil exult?...with their own evil, He will strike them down; Hashem our G-d will strike them down!"

It would not surprise anyone if President Gog's third and final visit will also be on a Wednesday...

"I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the moshiach, and though he may tarry, still I await him every day." ...In all likelyhood, Moshiach will arrive 5769 Guaranteed Geula

ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות
Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds



והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו