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Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lamed Vav Nistarim

Motzei Shabbat Parshat Re'e, my husband decided to go to the Tzion of the revered Satmar Rebbe, the grand Rebbe Yoel Teitelbaum, zt”l (1886-1979), zs'kl, author of Divrei Yoel, in Kiryat Yoel, Monroe.

At the Tzion, he again saw the Tzaddik Nistar and as he approached to talk to him, before he was able to say "Kvod HaRav," the Tzaddik said to him, "I am aware of your fears but know that you have no choice and you must move to Eretz Israel. The date of Rosh Chodesh Sivan has not been changed in Shamayim. Why are you stalling?"

My husband began explaining his uncertainties and the Tzaddik told him that Eretz Israel is bought with Yisurim (pain) and the success of livelihood is depended on Shalom Bayit (peace on the house). He told my husband that if he insists, I could go to work in Israel but it's anyway going to be for a very short time!

My husband wanted to ask him so many questions but felt he is taking away precious time from the Tzaddik. But he did manage to ask two more questions. The first question was, "Is Kvod HaRav also planning to return to Israel and if yes, when?" The Rav replied, "I'll be also going to Eretz Israel when I finish the last Tikkun."

The second question my husband asked was, "Tell me, PLEASE, when is Moshiach going to come?" The Rav Tzaddik told him, "I'm willing to tell you but know that when I will tell you, I'll not be amongst the breathing any longer. But I'm only willing to tell you the date when you know the Zohar HaKadosh by heart."

At that moment my husband realized that this Tzaddik is ONE OF THE LAMED VAV HIDDEN TZADDIKIM OF THE WORLD (hidden saints who do their work with such quiet grace that almost no one is aware)!!!!!!!! All the sefarim (holy books) explain that only the Lamed Vav Tzaddikim know the authentic date when Moshiach will appear and if they reveal it, they immediately die and the date decreed in Shamayim for Moshiach's arrival is instantly altered.



Secret of Moshiach's Birth Pangs

From the Sefer Chesed L’Avraham (Maayan 4, Nahar 37-38) written by the Kadosh Elyon Saraf Elokim, the Tzaddik Mekubal Rav Avraham Azulai, zs'l.

There are two methods which the end of the exile can arrive; "I shall hasten it" or "In its due time". The redemption of "I shall hasten it," scenario will arrive with pleasure, happiness, and laughter and only the Kosher Tzaddikim will merit it. The wicked will all die and very few will continue to exist.

In the setting of "In its due time," the generation which will be redeemed and freed will be in the year of "Yovel" jubilee (fiftieth year, following 7 times of Shmita). The secret of the redemption is שמא"ל דוחה. The exile will extend an additional six months in Shnat Yovel, from Tishrei till Nissan and will contain much difficulties and pain for Am Israel. This is necessary so Am Israel can do Teshuva and be able to merit the redemption and greet Moshiach.

HaShem will make Am Israel enormously poor to a point we will increasingly weep. The crying will cause our toughened hearts to soften to be able to do sincere Teshuva. We will finally realize that there is no one to lean on except HKB'H. The trouble Am Israel will experience will multiply to gigantic extent, never seen or experienced before.

During the 2,000 long years of exile, Am Israel has constantly felt pain. For example, if a person was blessed with riches, he was lacking children. If he has children, he doesn't have peace with his wife. If he has peace and children, he doesn't have health. If he has health, peace, and children, he is poor.

In the scenerio of "In its due time," Am Israel will experience all these troubles simultaneously... Each person will need to go thru his or her own personal Gog UMagog. Am Israel will be poor, won’t have food to eat, won't have clothing, won't have pleasures, our homes will be destroyed, our cities will be destroyed, we will be homeless and will not have refuge from the bitter cold. Just as Prophet Zephaniah, zs'kl, said, (3:12): וְהִשְׁאַרְתִּי בְקִרְבֵּךְ, עַם עָנִי וָדָל; וְחָסוּ, בְּשֵׁם יְהוָה
And I will leave in the midst of thee an afflicted and poor people, and they shall take refuge in the name of HaShem.

Merciful HaShem will do all this for His beloved children from mercy. Instead of death, HaShem will alter the decree to poverty, as it says, עני נחשב כמת, a poor person is considered dead. Another reason why we will need to suffer is because HaShem wants Am Israel to stay alive to be able to see the redemption and greet Moshiach Tzidkenu. HaShem does not want to wipe out His chosen nation but in order for Am Israel to merit the redemption, they must first do sincere Teshuva.

It will be similar to the time of Lot. Lot was a very wealthy man and lived in a mansion. When the Angels told him that Sodom will be destroyed, he urgently left the city, not taking with him luggage, money, sheep, clothing, food, water, or even a piece of bread. All he sought was how to save himself to stay alive and thus, he immediately abandoned the comforts of his home and went to the desert, never looking back.

In the same way, the Jews will also need to run away from their cities just as Lot did and flee to the desert. The suffering we will need to undergo in the desert has never occurred in history. We will not have the basic needs such as food, water, clothing, showers, etc. We will be constantly weeping; each will suffer according to his or her transgressions. The only ‘food’ we will be able to find are the bitter and sour roots of desert weeds. The Jews that will not be able to endure the hunger, thirst, and dirt will want to return to the city and if they do, they will all be destroyed together with the idol worshippers.

For the Tzaddikim, the bitter salty roots will taste like Manna. For the mediocre people, they will do complete Teshuva. The wicked ones will either reject or will regret and do Teshuva.

Those that will survive and remain in the desert, after 45 days Moshe Rabenu, zs'kl, will appear. He will cry together with us in our pain, the same way he joined Am Israel by the rivers of Babylon. The weeping and Teshuva will increase.

The end of the exile will come and the Divine Spirit will be raised from the dust because it was in the desert during the generation of the Midbar that the Sh’china began descending.

Immediately the redeemed and freed people will come to Yerushalayim together with the Divine Spirit to the Bet HaMikdash where she'll remain. The flags of the tribes will return, just as it was in the time that Am Israel left Egypt.

Am Israel will find treasures and riches from the war of Gog UMagog but this will not supply them with happiness. They will find pleasures, laughter, and happiness only with HaShem, as it says Psalms 118;24
זֶה-הַיּוֹם, עָשָׂה יְהוָה; נָגִילָה וְנִשְׂמְחָה בוֹ
This is the day that HaShem has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.



Thursday, August 28, 2008

America's Perfect Storm

Call it any name you want, but know that Hurricane Gustav formed on Monday, August 25, the same day Sec Rice was in Jerusalem trying to bully the Israelis to divide the land and city.

This storm has the possibility to be a Katrina type event all over again. Hurricane Katrina was a consequence of the destruction of Gush Katif with the Bush Administation's urging and encouragement.

When the U.S. Secetary of State says "Split Jerusalem in Two," they are actually cursing themselves. Hurricane Gustav did not even hit yet the USA while a second tropical storm is forming, Hannah, in the Caribbean and joined Gustav. In just a short time, Hannah is already the size of Gustav.

Some forecasters are predicting this storm could become a Category 5 before it hits land somewhere in the United States early next week. Looking at the map, they are lined up like planes coming in for a landing and are both on track towards the United States.

For overall hurricane coverage, click here



Countries Falling Into Place

Prophet Eziekel, zs'kl, prophesied that at the End of Days nations of the world are going to be allied to come against Israel.

We see this prophecy materializing before our very eyes:
* NATO is a military alliance from more than 60 countries
* EU (European Union) is composed of 27 independent sovereign countries
* UAE (United Arab Emirates) is a federation made out of 7 countries
* Russia and China are allies with Iran
* Syria, Turkey, Sudan, and Iran warm to Russia as US tensions grow
* The US is aligned with France, Britain and Canada

The countries are lining up and the aligning of nations are occurring stronger each day. The fact that so many countries (even though they live far away from Israel) can have so much hate and blind rage towards one tiny country in what was a barren waste before its people returned really is very telling. The end result seems to point toward war against Israel, just as Prophet Zechariah, zs'kl, said, "וְאָסַפְתִּי אֶת-כָּל-הַגּוֹיִם אֶל-יְרוּשָׁלִַם, לַמִּלְחָמָה For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle"

Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel of Apta, zs'kl, also prophesied over 300 years ago, "At the End of Days the nations of the world will want to war against one another but they will observe and realize that it will benefit Israel. They will gather together to compare their difference so they will not need to fight. But it's not going to help them; in the forelock of their heads they will be dragged and brought in till their end comes."

The war drums are beating louder every day, never in history have so many nations stockpiled weapons of mass destruction. Even though we do not even know what is going on behind the scenes with these nations, according to what we are seeing and hearing, it is perfectly aligned with the prophecies and thus, have precious little time to prepare.

If this report frightens you it is because if you haven’t woke up yet. You need to begin to spiritual prepare for what is happening to the world



Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Geula Levy's Dream

Geula Levy's dream in Jerusalem

I had 3 dreams last week, Motzei Shabbat, Monday, and Wednesday. Right after the dreams, I woke up and wrote them down. In the first dream, Eliyahu HaNavi (zachur latov) appeared. In the second dream, the Baba Sali, zs'kl. In the third dream, Abir Yaakov, Rabbi Yaakov Abuchazera, zs'kl.

They said that it's important to publicize and let everyone know that the Geula is very near. We are the last generation, the generation that the Galut will end. They said that Moshiach will arrive during the process of the 18th Knesset, which will be very short, and Motzei Shmita is 5769, the 769 is gematria equivalent to אליהו התשבי Eliyahu HaTishbi.

Am Israel will need to go thru hardships because many are not doing Teshuva. People that build homes for themselves cannot know what tomorrow will bring. Within a short time, there will be a war with missiles as well as earthquakes and the houses that people build for themselves will disappear as well as its owners.

Only the people that invest their money to build a home for HKB'H and want the Kingdom of HaShem will be rewarded with an eternal home. Just as did Moshe Rabenu, zs'kl, who lived in Pharaoh's palace and had everything he could have ever wish for but he left his palace and was rewarded with an eternal home. Ruth the Moabite, a'h, also lived in a palace and was a princess, the daughter of king Eglon. She willingly left her palace and was rewarded the Kingdom of David and Moshiach. Tzipora, a'h, wife of Moshe Rabenu, also lived in a palace in her father's, Yitro, home. She willingly left her palace and was rewarded with eternal home.

In Egypt, many did not leave because they were afraid to lose their homes. During holocaust Europe, the Jews glued themselves to the lifestyle of the exile because again, they were afraid to lose their homes.

The Jews living in the Diaspora (outside of Israel) are in great danger and must immediately move to Israel.



Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Recognition of Divine Providence

Approximately four weeks prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks on New York City, the suicide bombing of the Sbarro pizzeria in central Jerusalem occured on August 9, 2001. The following is a true story:

"May I please get ahead of you in this line? I have to catch a plane back to America and in a great hurry to get to the airport."

The elderly gentleman generously granted this request and soon the tourist was outside, pizza in hand, rushing towards his cab. But then a huge explosion rocked the air and he realized that the Sbarro restaurant he had just left had been the victim of a terrorist suicide bombing. Rushing back to see what happened to the man who had given him his place and thus had saved his life, he found him alive but wounded. After expressing his deep appreciation for his role in saving his life, he informed him that he was a wealthy businessman back in New York and he would be glad to help him any time he was in need. He left his business card and was on his way to the airport.

The opportunity to keep his promise came less than 4 weeks later. The son of the elderly man phoned him that his father required major surgery in an Israeli hospital and could not afford to pay for it. Upon hearing this, the businessman responded that he was ready to come to Israel to see that everything would go well with the operation and he would cover all expenses.

He soon found himself sitting together with the son who called him in the lobby outside the area where the elderly man was undergoing the critical operation. As they looked up at the television screen they saw one plane after another crash into the World Trade Center. The businessman had offices in one of the buildings.

The person that was saved from the Sbarro pizza bombing in Israel was again saved by the same person from the September 11 attacks on the World Trade Center.

This amazing story inspired a music video sung By Michoel Pruzansky. A must watch!



Monday, August 25, 2008

Accelerating the Geula

Hundreds of women come daily to consult with Rebbetzin Batsheva Kanievsky (tichye); some literally even camp out for days waiting to see the Rebbetzin.

The Rabbanit is the daughter of Rabbi Yosef Sholom Elyashiv Shlita, widely-renowned posek; and granddaughter of Rabbi Aryeh Levin, zt”l (1885-1969), wife of the honorable world-renowned Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky Shlita; the son of Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael Kanievsky, zs'kl ("the Steipler Rebbe"), and nephew of Rabbi Avraham Yeshayahu Karelitz, zs'kl, (the Chazon Ish).

The Rabbanit wrote a letter specifically for daughters of Israel in regards to accelerating the Geula.

Av, 5768

To Holy Women:

Lately many troubles are befalling on Am Israel - too many widows and orphans. About a year ago a very important and righteous woman passed away, mother of 18 children, and the Rabbanim cried that she was a Korban (sacrifice) for Am Israel because of lack of modesty, baseless hatred, Lashon Hara (speaking evil about others), and obscene language.

We must all strengthen in modesty, guarding our tongue, loving Am Israel, and speak positively about others.

This will be measure for measure because in the same way we will have unity and respect, HaShem who loves us very much, will speed up the redemption and we will merit to quicken the coming of Moshiach Tzidkenu.

A tremendeous Segula to be saved from all harm and trouble is each one of us will take upon ourselves to learn 2 Halachot of guarding the tongue. Anyone that will do this will see gigantic salvations.

The merits of the Chofetz Chaim, zs'kl, will protect all of us to be blessed with success, health, and nachat.

With much love,

B. Kanievsky
To subscribe to the Chofetz Chaim Heritage Foundation daily e-mail program, send and e-mail to editorial@chofetzchaimusa.org.



Sunday, August 24, 2008

Facing Troubled Times

Guest post by Reb Aryeh Shlita *

I recently learned the following concept in the Chofetz Chaim's book Ahavas Chessed, section 2 chapter 5. I quote verbatim in translation. You can hear this as an audio file here.

"How can we bring Hashem's kindness into the world, especially when we face difficulties from every direction that seem to overwhelm us? The answer is that by attaching ourselves to kindness, we draw down Hashem's kindness onto the world.

"The power of this is revealed in a beautiful piece from the Tana D'bei Eliyahu Rabba at the end of chapter 23. There he states that when the Jewish people were in Egypt, they all gathered and lived together because they had made a single group. And they made a covenant together that they would all do kindness for each other, and keep the covenant of circumcision, serve only their Father in heaven, and not leave the language of their father Yaakov, rejecting the Egyptian language.

"What was the reason why they made this pact to do kindness to one another? The idea is as follows. When they saw that there was nothing they could do to be saved from the decrees of Pharoah, and the servitude was getting more difficult every day, what did they do? They gathered together and brainstormed about what could be done. They agreed to only go in the path of Hashem, not changing their names or language. They also areed to do kindness to one another in order that through this the kindness of Hashem would be aroused from above upon them. The evil decrees of Pharoah would thereby be nullified in the end.

"In truth, it was indeed so in the end, because this matter was the root cause of the redemption, as the verse states, 'נחית בחסדך עם זו גאלת, נהלת בעזך וגומר' - 'In your kindness you made them rest, this nation that you redeemed, you led with your strength etc...'

"נחית בחסדך - In your kindness you made them rest - this refers to the kindness [of the people of Israel]. You led with your strength - this refers to the Torah, for in truth they also had Torah in Egypt as it states in Yoma (28B) that even when the Jews were in Egypt they did not stop learning."

We see from here the path to Geulah and redemption from our difficulties is by strengthening חסד - kindness between ourselves and our fellow man, and by strengthening our connection to Torah. See the explanation of the dream with Moshiach's rings.

*Check out Reb Aryeh's new blog, Geulah Perspectives



Olympics: With My Strength and Might

מודים אנחנו לפניך ה' אלקינו ... שאנו משכימים והם משכימים, אנו משכימים לדברי תורה, והם משכימים לדברים בטלים. אנו עמלים והם עמלים, אנו עמלים ומקבלים שכר, והם עמלים ואינם מקבלים שכר. אנו רצים והם רצים, אנו רצים לחיי העולם הבא, והם רצים לבאר שחת. שנאמר: "ואתה אלקים תורידם לבאר שחת, אנשי דמים ומרמה - לא יחצו ימיהם, ואני אבטח בך.

We give thanks to HaShem, our G.od, for giving our portion to sit in the Bet Medrash ... we rise early in the morning, they rise early in the morning; we rise to pray and learn Torah, they rise to do worthless things. We work, they work; we work and receive rewards and they do not receive rewards. We run and they run; we run to Olam Haba and they run to Hell. As it says, Psalms 55;24 "ואתה אלקים תורידם לבאר שחת, אנשי דמים ומרמה - לא יחצו ימיהם, ואני אבטח בך"

"But Thou, O God, will bring them down into the nethermost pit; Men of blood and deceit shall not live out half their days; but as for me, I trust YOU"

Olympics is an event whose very purpose is to push the limits of human beings and its concept is כוחי ועוצם ידי עשה לי את החיל הזה With my strength and might...

This is an illustration how absurd Olympics competitions are and how worthless it is...

"ברוך אתה ה' שלא עשני גוי Blessed are You, HaShem, for not creating me a Goy"

אַשְׁרֶיךָ יִשְׂרָאֵל מִי כָמוֹךָ
Happy are you, O Israel, who is like you?



Friday, August 22, 2008

Going Under Cover

In a town lived a woman that was married but did not cover her hair. The Rav of the town rebuked her a few times but she paid no heed, saying "I was given beautiful curly hair and unwilling to cover it".

When she passed away, the Chevre Kaddishe placed her body in the ground but one of them accidentally dropped his wallet inside. Inside the wallet was money and important papers.

That evening, when he noticed his wallet was missing, he remembered that while bending down to bury the woman, the wallet fell inside the grave. He went to the Rav of the town, HaRav HaGaon Aryeh de-ve Ilai, zs'l, to receive permission to reopen the grave. The Rav answered that in this case he gives permission but on one condition; that all the town residents and the bet din must be present.

The following morning, all the town's Jews gathered at the grave and were witnesses to this unique happening. The Rav and the bet din also arrived and the grand Rav gave the permission to open the grave and the missing wallet was found right away.

Suddenly, weird noises were heard coming from the burial ground. Inside the hole of the burial they saw the scariest view ever seen before: The hairs of the dead woman were torn off and stuffed inside her mouth so that her mouth was completely blocked. Her skull was bald, covered by thousands of worms and set in a way the woman used to set her hair when she was alive.

The town's Rav seeing this revealed miracle, woke up the residents to do Teshuva and said: This incident is directly from HaShem. It is no coincidence that the wallet fell inside the burial of the immodest woman. HaShem is showing us how severe it is for a woman to reveal her hair and use it as a weapon for beauty.

The whole town was greatly influenced to see the judgment of this woman and how the judgment is measure for measure.

Women who are or have been married (widows and divorcees) are required to cover their hair. The Talmud in Kesuvot 72a states that the source for this prohibition is from BaMidbar (Numbers) 5:18 which deals with the laws of a sotah - a suspected adulteress - and states, "The priest shall stand the woman before God and uncover her hair...". Rashi (Rabbi Shlomo Yitchaki, zs'kl) provides two explanations for the Talmud's conclusion, one, that from the fact that she is punished midah keneged midah (measure for measure) for exposing her hair to her paramour we see that this is prohibited and, two, from the fact that we expose her hair we see that under normal conditions a Jewish woman's hair should be covered.

Kabbalistic master Baba Sali, Rav Yisrael Abuchatzeirah, zsk'l, the 'praying father' of Sephardic Jewry, said Sephardic tradition obligates women to cover hair only with kerchiefs and not wigs. He added that even if women are ultra religious, prays three times a day, occupied with chesed, etc. but does not cover her hair only with kerchief, she'll not see Olam Haba.



Thursday, August 21, 2008

Thoughts on Gog

Guest post by Reb Aryeh Shlita

I was inspired today by something new that Ben Golden wrote. He said that the war of Gog Umagog is an internal war that each of us is fighting with our evil inclination, and depending on every individuals' fight will be the fate of the world.

That being said, the following insight, which I heard years ago, becomes especially potent.

Who is גוג Gog? He doesn't have to only be a particular person, because he is someone that is inside of us all.

We can understand who גוג Gog is by noticing that Moshiach has a similar name. What, you say? Moshiach has a similar name? Yes, his name is בן דוד Ben David. Both names have a single letter repeated and joined by a Vav. גוג Gog is spelled gimel vav gimel. David דוד is spelled daled vav daled.

Let us start backwards (or really forwards) with דוד Dovid. The main letter in his name is Daled. This letter represents Dalus which means poverty. The poverty we speak of in regards to Dovid HaMelech, zs'kl, is his lack of ego. King Dovid represents the level of Malchus or kingship. But unlike the kingship that we think of, Malchus really means complete lack of self, which is the ultimate container for the Divine. Dovid HaMelech was the prophet who combined all of the seven lower sefiros (emanations) into himself and brought down the Kingship of Hashem into the world. Hashem only rests His divine presence in places that lack ego (e.g. Am Yisrael - smallest of the nations; Har Sinai, smallest of the mountains). This is דוד David, who is pure humility, Dalus connected to Dalus (daled vav daled).

Who is the ultimate enemy of דוד Dovid? It can only be גוג Gog who is the exact opposite of דוד Dovid. Where as Dovid's letter is Daled, which is Dalus, ie humility, Gog's letter is Gimmel, which is Ga'avah - pure, unadulterated pride. His essence bespeaks the fact that he owns the world. He has the audacity to claim that there is no power other than his, and he pushes away, in the ultimate way possible, the Divine presence. He is Gayvah (proud) connected to Gayvah (Gimel vav Gimel).

Each one of us contains a little of both of these aspects. We have the ability to connect to humility; to give others the benefit of the doubt; to be more concerned with others' needs than our own; to be focused on kindness and charity - focused outwards.

We also have the ability to focus only on ourselves; on our own needs and wants; on what everyone else owes us; on the mistakes, insensitivites and injustices others perform to us; on the negative side of life.

It is our choice whether we will associate with גוג Gog or with דוד Dovid. It is our choice to attach ourselves to the ultimate good or the ultimate evil.



Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Nations of the World Panicking

אמר רבי יצחק:שנה שמלך המשיח נגלה בו, כל מלכי האומות מתגרים זה בזה. מלך פרס מתגרה במלך הערבי, והולך מלך הערבי לאדום ליטול עצה מהם.וחוזר מלך פרס ומחריב את כל העולם .וכל אומות העולם מתרעשים ומתבהלים ונופלים על פניהם. ויאחזו אותם צירים כצירי יולדה

Midrash in Pesikta Rabbati 36
Rabbi Yitzhok said: 'The year Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other. The King of Persia (Iran) will provoke the King of Arabia, and the King of Arabia will go to Edom to take counsel, but the King of Persia will in turn, destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panick. They will fall on their faces, and will experience pains like birth pangs..

Who is the King of Arabia? In November 2007, when King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia went to visit Pope Benedict XVI in an historic first visit by a Saudi monarach to the Vatican - we thought that maybe he is King of Arabia the Midrash is referring to...

A short time after, Syrian President Bashar Assad commenced a two day visit to Russia and strengthened their alliance with them, offering them to host Russian missiles.

Its becoming a regular revolving door!! Turkey was just there also and Iran just went to Turkey to discuss a gas deal! Divine Providence is dragging Jordan into this, and now they are meeting with Russia!

"King Abdullah II of Jordan is scheduled to visit Russia on August 21, 2008 and will hold talks with President Dmitry Medvedev on August 24."

Whatever they are planning, despite the United States refusing to sell Israel Boeing 767 refueling planes, have no fear because Prophet Isaiah, zs'kl, prophesized the end of Syria's Damascus and Jordan's Ammon...

מַשָּׂא, דַּמָּשֶׂק: הִנֵּה דַמֶּשֶׂק מוּסָר מֵעִיר, וְהָיְתָה מְעִי מַפָּלָה
The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap.
עֲזֻבוֹת, עָרֵי עֲרֹעֵר; לַעֲדָרִים תִּהְיֶינָה, וְרָבְצוּ וְאֵין מַחֲרִיד
The cities of Aroer are forsaken; they shall be for flocks, which shall lie down, and none shall make them afraid.
וְנִשְׁבַּת מִבְצָר מֵאֶפְרַיִם, וּמַמְלָכָה מִדַּמֶּשֶׂק וּשְׁאָר אֲרָם; כִּכְבוֹד בְּנֵי-יִשְׂרָאֵל יִהְיוּ, נְאֻם יְהוָה צְבָאוֹת.
The fortress also shall cease from Ephraim, and the kingdom from Damascus; and the remnant of Aram shall be as the glory of the children of Israel, saith the LORD of hosts

And Prophet Jeremiah, zs'kl, 49:1-2 also prophezised that Am Israel has no need to fear because...

לִבְנֵי עַמּוֹן, כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה, הֲבָנִים אֵין לְיִשְׂרָאֵל, אִם-יוֹרֵשׁ אֵין לוֹ--מַדּוּעַ, יָרַשׁ מַלְכָּם אֶת-גָּד, וְעַמּוֹ, בְּעָרָיו יָשָׁב.
Of the children of Ammon. Thus saith the LORD: Hath Israel no sons? Hath he no heir? Why then does their king take possession of Gad, and his people dwell in the cities thereof?

לָכֵן הִנֵּה יָמִים בָּאִים נְאֻם-יְהוָה, וְהִשְׁמַעְתִּי אֶל-רַבַּת בְּנֵי-עַמּוֹן תְּרוּעַת מִלְחָמָה וְהָיְתָה לְתֵל שְׁמָמָה, וּבְנֹתֶיהָ, בָּאֵשׁ תִּצַּתְנָה; וְיָרַשׁ יִשְׂרָאֵל אֶת-יֹרְשָׁיו, אָמַר יְהוָה.
Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will cause an alarm of war to be heard against Rabbah of the children of Ammon; and it shall become a desolate mound, and her daughters shall be burned with fire; then shall Israel dispossess them that did dispossess him, saith the LORD.

It is also interesting to note that "Yehudit," a'h, also said the same in 2005. "In respond to kassam and rockets on Northern Israel, (Hezbollah has re-armed with 40,000 rockets — triple the number it had at the start of the second Lebanon War two years ago) Moshiach ben Yosef will give instructions to completely exterminate a city in Syria. Egypt and Jordan will declare a war against him but he will lead the new IDF and capture Jordan and half of Sinai."



Ana BeKoach

The Ana BeKoach prayer was written in the first century by a great kabalistic Rabbi - Rabbbi Nehunia Ben Hakannah, zs'kl. The mystical prayer was written according to the seventy names of HaShem and is composed of seven lines, with six words in each line. The first letter of every word is taken, creating the 42-letter name corresponding to one of the Holy Names of HaShem. The initial letters of each word also refer to this Holy Name.

The combination of Ana BeKoach is hidden in the first 42 letters of the book of Genesis (from the first word Bereshit to the word Vavohoo בראשית, ברא אלהים, את השמים, ואת הארץ והארץ, היתה תהו ובהו). The letters are translated using a secret kabalistic calculation. The Kabbalists consider the prayer Ana BeKoa'ach to be the most mystical and powerful of all and has the power to overpower Klipat Ishmael.

Sunday: אָנָּא בְּכֹחַ גְּדֻלַּת יְמִינֶךָ תַּתִּיר צְרוּרָה
Please, with the might of Your right, untie the bundle

Chesed - Arch Angel Michael, The Seed:
The most powerful line of the prayer, to be concentrated upon in time of extreme stress or danger; The power to provide sustenance in time of need. Accessing the power of redemption. To Love Unconditionally. The negative influence of physical matter is removed from our lives. Bringing the Tree of Life reality in this realm. Yesterday's lessons are remembered.

Monday: קַבֵּל רִנַּת עַמֶּךָ שַׂגְּבֵנוּ טַהֲרֵנוּ נוֹרָא
Accept Your people's prayer song, heighten, purify us, Mighty one

Gevurah - Arch Angel Gabriel, The Facilitator:
The power to move events and control negative external forces. The gates to the Satan are closed. Limiting and limited thoughts are all forgotten. Ability to destroy all negative influences at the seed level in order to prevent bad things from ever happening. Our reactive nature is overcome. Miracles and wonders arise out of chaos.

Tuesday: נָא גִבּוֹר דּוֹרְשֵׁי יִחוּדֶךָ כְּבָבַת שָׁמְרֵם
Please hero, Your uniqueness worshippers, guard them closely

Tiferet - Arch Angel Uriel, The Restriction:
The ability to make the right decision, with the proper balance and compassion. Connections is made. both physical and spiritual, to all forms of sustenance. Our body is rejuvenated. Death is removed from all aspects of life, which includes our body, relationships, and business. Getting the support to avoid "evil speech" from our vocabulary.

Wednesday: בָּרְכֵם טַהֲרֵם רַחֲמֵי צִדְקָתֶךָ תָּמִיד גָּמְלֵם
Bless them, purify them, Your rightfulness mercies, always reward

The endurance necessary to follow through and prove victorious. Perseverance in our spiritual work.

Thursday: חֲסִין קָדוֹשׁ בְּרוֹב טוּבְךָ נַהֵל עֲדָתֶךָ
Immune, proud, with Your good will, manage Your people

Deep insight, almost clairvoyance. the "big picture" is clearly visible. To enable the possibility of connecting to the Light to bring more Light into the world and ourselves.

Friday: יָחִיד גֵּאֶה לְעַמְּךָ פְּנֵה זוֹכְרֵי קְדֻשָּׁתֶך
Single, proud, address Your people, who remember Your holiness

The ability to find peace and inner quiet. Expanding our vessel and desire to share and enlighten others. Spirituality in the world is increased.

Shabbat: שַׁוְעָתֵנוּ קַבֵּל וּשְׁמַע צַעֲקָתֵנוּ יוֹדֵעַ תַּעֲלוּמוֹת
Accept our plead, and hear our cry, He who knows mysteries

Malkhut - Arch Angel Raphael, The Manifestation:
Renewal, to start over. The power of renewal and restoration is obtained.

The last line of the Ana BeKoach prayer, ברוך שם כבוד מלכותו לעולם ועד, provides "grounding" to make the Holy Name manifest in our world of Malkhut. Connect the prayer by bringing it from the metaphysical realm to the physicality of your prayer. The Light from the Upper Worlds is brought in our physical existence.



Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The Butchers and Heavenly Court

The following chilling true story occurred in the time of Maharan Rav Natan Neta Shapiro, zs'kl, author of the Sefer Megale Amukot. The two Jewish orphans took over their uncle's business and for years deliberately fed non-kosher meat to the unsuspecting town...

One day, the 2 butchers heard a shiur about the severity of eating non-Kosher meats and it deeply affected them to do Teshuva. In order to cleanse their sins, they accepted upon themselves specific hardships as instructed by the Bet Din of the Baal Megale Amukot.

They were told to secretly give away all their money, change their clothing and go into Galut (exile). Contact with their families was forbidden and they were never to sleep in the same town 2 nights in a row. Every town they went, they had to go outside the local shul and confess their sins. They were instructed they must give the community permission to punish them. They were never to ask or accept food, cloth, and money. For food, they were allowed to accept whatever was necessary to keep them alive. They were not allowed to sleep in anyone's home except for Shabbat and Yom Tovs. When they will complete their Tikkun and Teshuva, they will get a sign they can return to their hometown. If they do all this, it will save them from harsh Heavenly judgment.

After 3 plus years, they were given the sign (both homes burned down the same night, leaving no survivors) and they understood they could now return to their town. Upon arrival, they went directly to the Megale Amukot and he gave them a parchment scroll from his Bet Din stating that their Teshuva is complete.

The two friends made a pact that whomever dies first, must come to the other in a dream and describe exactly what happened to him in Heaven's Court.

The surviving butcher waited until the night after the 30 days (shloshim) for his friend to appear. He had expected to see him black and broken, just as he had known him up until his death - a destroyed person from years of suffering due to the Tikunim he had accepted upon himself- yet he shone so bright it was hard to look at him. His voice was clear and sweet, hardly recognizable from the rough, gravely voice his friend was used to hearing.

The departed butcher began, "You don't know who the Baal Megale Amukot is and to what extent his ruling is respected here; all gates of heaven are open before him - he's like the son of the Owner of Heaven and all rejoice to do his will and what he decrees is immovable."

The departed friend continued, "It was not senseless fear we had while we were alive - repenting in Heaven is not a possibility. When my soul left my body, immediately I was surrounded by groups of destroying angels, more numerous than the sand of the sea. Their appearance was so terrifying that from fear alone one could die a thousand times! They had faces of many terrifying creatures, all holding spears aimed at me, pushing me down to Gei Tzalmavet (worse than hell).

"But this fear was only for one moment. Immediately, four malachei rachamim (angels of mercy) surrounded me. One above, one below, and one on each side. They didn't leave me for a second and protected me till after the Tahara (purification of the physical body). The malachei chavala (angels of destructions) were hissing at me with tongues of fire but the malachei rachamim were like an impregnable wall of protection.

When they put me in the aron (casket) even more angles came down to protect me on the way to the cemetery, because just then, infinite numbers of mazikim (harmful spirits) came to push me to the Harei Choshech (Halls of darkness). When they lowered my body to the grave, before covering me with dirt, the mazikim made a tremendous effort to attack me, but I was protected by the malachei rachamim.

After the funeral, when all returned home the four malachei rachamim stayed with me. Then there appeared four more angles to take my soul before the Bet Din Shel Maala. (Heavenly court).

They took me upwards and I felt like I was flying. Very quickly, I reached a world of bright light, which the human mind cannot contemplate even a fraction. The four angles escorted me to a gigantic palace with walls of pure snow. Inside were pillars of fine gold and windows made of huge diamonds casting light of the color of a rainbow for huge distances. I stood dumbfounded in amazement!

Above the huge gate to the palace hovered the words Makom Hamishpat (place of justice) carved with letters of bright fire. By the entrance, crouched lions and tigers roared at each soul brought in. The more sins done by the soul, the louder and more terrifying were their roars.

The four angles carried me on their wings and brought me to the Makom Hamishpat. Here the sights so amazing I didn't know what to look at first - one couldn't grasp the vastness of the hall even by looking from one side to the other! The ceiling and floor were encrusted with beautiful shimmering stones emitting beams of light so intense that they made our sun seem like shade! In the middle of the hall stood a gigantic table and around it were the judges of Bet Din Shel Maala (heavenly court). All of them are heavenly angels made of consuming fire.

Over the top of the table hover the words Torat Moshe Emet in fire. On the table was an open Sefer Torah with letters burning like hot coals. To this table they bring all the souls who have been brought up to be judged.

At the time of judgment, they open the pages of the Sefer Zichronot (book of memories) of that particular neshama. The book of memory is made of parchment and from it, they read out all the good and bad deeds of the soul during his lifetime. Everything written in the book of memories is in the person's own handwriting. For every judgment there are Angels of Judgment and Angels of Mercy.

The soul itself remains silent from fear. It does not feel worthy of being able to seek merit for itself and to counteract the words of accusation against it from the prosecution. The Heavenly court also brings witnesses to these judgments. While I waited for my turn there was another judgment going on of another soul. During the judgment they called upon the walls of his house to give testimony against him for an sin he thought he was doing in private where no one could see him.

Different sentences are handed down for every judgment. Some are sentenced to Gehenom (purgatory) but they have to also decide what level and for how long. Others are sentenced to go to Kaf Hakela (wandering without rest or being thrown from one end of the universe to the other while constantly getting beaten by 1000s of Angels of destruction) and some are sentenced to go back to earth in the gilgul (reincarnation) of an animal or a flower and to stay days or years on end until they reach their Tikkun (repair).

If the soul is found guilty, the Angels of destruction have permission to grab the soul and take it to its place. The soul screams and begs for mercy and cries out in regret, but in the World Above there is no opportunity for Teshuva on sins committed.

Sometimes it happens that a soul arrives white as snow, without a stain or dirt, and is judged worthy. Then a decree is heard in the upper worlds: "Gan Eden!!", immediately heavenly angels rise from their places and call out in joyous song: "Ashrecha vetov lach, you have merited in the World To Come". A group of angels with white wings surrounds the soul like a guard of honor and clears out a way as they sing out with happy melody: “Panu derech yashru mesilla ki tzaddik ba, make way for the Tzaddik".

With indescribable honor and glory, the Tzaddik is escorted to his place in Gan Eden. All the Tzaddikim go out to honor him and receive him with great joy and tremendous love for their friend. The sun and the moon light up the way with a gold and silver light. All the constellations bow down before the tzaddik as he arrives at the gates of Gan Eden. The whole creation sings Shira (songs) and calls out in musical song "ashrei lo ve ashrei chelko Fortunate he is and fortunate is his portion."

If a soul comes out guilty then woe to it. The Bet Din Shel Maala shouts out chastisement that shakes the worlds: "Wicked sinner of Israel with such brazenness you rebelled against the commandments of the King of Kings Hakadosh Baruch Hu! You were given a pure and clean soul, and you were warned to guard it and retain in it holiness and purity. In the end you defiled it with ' sins of worldly desires.' Woe to you."

The sound of chastisement comes down on the soul like thousands of hammers. Infinite destroying angles cover the soul, thousands of hands grab the soul from the platform of judgment and pushes him to Gehenom or Gei Tzalmavet or Kaf Hakela.

I myself slipped into a corner so they wouldn't notice me, I was trembling thinking, "Has there ever been a wicked man like me to come here?" I held on tight to the parchment of the Baal Megale Amukot. The souls passed through like sheep - this one for severe punishment, this one for light punishment. Not one passed without sin at all!

Then I heard the Announcer call on me, identifying me as Ploni ben Ploni. Four angles gently escorted me to the Shulchan Hamishpat and one of the angles opened the pages of my Book of Memories.

Suddenly a voice screamed out "Who brought this wicked soul here? All the fires of Gehenom will not suffice for him!" I passed out from fear but the angels revived me by touching me with their wings.

I remembered the parchment scroll given to me by the Megale Amukot and I quickly placed it on the table. Then I heard a voice say: "What sort of words are these of the Baal Megale Amukot - that he should decide to excuse this soul from all punishment?. He does not have so much authority as to give us instructions to accept the Teshuva of this sinner that caused others to sin, who fed non-Kosher food to a complete city of Jews for decades just for the lust of money."

Very quickly there appeared a large group of angles that came to speak on my behalf. "Why do you still scorn this soul? Is all the suffering endured during his lifetime not enough? With such strength he revealed his sins in public and accepted shame and punishment! He threw away all his money and all the honor he collected during his lifetime. He gave up all earthly pleasures and endured three years of exile and excommunication and indescribable earthly tortures. He accepted it all with love and humility. If you were clothed with human bodies you wouldn't be able to endure such pains! You would be broken immediately and would cease to do Teshuva! Now you want to throw him into the fires of Gehenom? The holy Rav Baal Megale Amukot has stated that he has endured all the pain and tears and has emerged pure and clean without any traces of dirt. Now you want to call him wicked?"

But the accusing angels screamed back with a voice that shook worlds, "Let us all see what a catastrophe this soul caused with all his sins!” Within seconds from all sides emerged thousands of souls, wailing, crying and screaming: "He caused us to die by plague because of his sins!"

"I died in my youth because this wicked man fed thousands with non-Kosher meat.“

"We were children in Yeshiva and had no taste of sin - we could have been great Torah sages but because of this wicked man we died young!"

"We were young women. We gave birth to children in holiness and purity, we hoped to raise them to Torah, marriage, and good deeds. Yet we died when we gave birth or shortly after and our children were left orphans without the love and care of a mother. We have no rest in the grave - the cries of our babies' mouth torture us! We constantly hover over them and when we see the harsh treatment they receive from nurses we burn inside - for us there is no need for Gehenom! We have longed for the day when this wicked soul would come here and we will vengefully witness how he will languish in Gehenom, and now you say to let him free? No way!"

While these women were still pouring out their bitterness into the hall, there streamed lines of cattle and sheep and goats all wailing loudly!

*We were reincarnates awaiting our final Tikkun in the lower world. We could receive our eternal rest only if we would be slaughtered by a G-d fearing holy Jew who would slaughter us with a fitting blessing. All the time we worried that we would be killed by a non-Jew without a proper shechita (butchering), and when eventually a Jewish butcher bought us we longed for the moment of Tikkun. But he took us to a secret cellar and killed us with an ax over our head - like they do to pigs! Now we still roam the world awaiting our Tikkun!"

I remained totally silent unable to utter anything in my defense. But when the Chief Defending Angel saw that the scales started to tip towards the side of guilty, he took the scroll and said to me, "Do not be afraid, wait for me here!"

He then flew upwards and after a short time returned with a multitude of silver-winged angels, ready with new words of defense.

"It's true that the defendant did all these terrible sins - more abundant than the hair on his head - but no one can deny that he was left an orphan at a tender age and was brought up under terrible conditions by a gross and brazen uncle. He worked him like a slave and taught him no wisdom nor any religion or any fear of Heaven. He therefore fell prey to lust in worldly desires and was engrossed in sin without even realizing his evil deeds."

"Also no one can deny that as soon as he realized the gravity of his deeds, he immediately admitted them and regretted them and immediately did Teshuva. For years he endured all the pain with love. Indescribable pangs of hunger, cold, illness, shame and disgrace. In every town he came during years of wandering he called out, 'I am a sinner. Please disgrace and shame me and trample me underfoot!'

"And all this is because he realized the gravity of his sin and undertook to repent fully according to the instructions of the Bet Din of Krakow. Here is the scroll from the Baal Megale Amukot who testifies that he fully repented during his final days on earth!"

They continued: "Behold, the judgment is explicit in the Gemara. Since he already willingly accepted his punishment, he is totally free of any taint of sins!"

The words of these angels left a strong impression and the Bet Din Shel Maala started again debating the case, and it continued for a long time.

Then finally came the decree: "Just as he has been found in the lower court -so will he be found in the higher court! The verdict of the Baal Megale Amukot is final. The repentant butcher is free of all sin! "

Along with this verdict came out another verdict, "All the souls and reincarnations that were waiting for their Tikkun will now be perfected and are welcomed to enter Gan Eden."

Immediately multitudes of angels began to descend and to carry each soul individually to its place in Gan Eden - each one according to the good deeds it had done. Some of these souls immediately began to shine with a light that is impossible to describe to a human being. When they finished carrying all the souls into Gan Eden, they took me and placed me on a platform encircled by a group of angels shining like the heavens - all singing out loud, "Ploni ben ploni is innocent."

Then the Heavens opened and revealed a sight that is incomprehensible to man. From all around came the singing of the angels: "Zakai hu, ba’al tzaddik gamur hu/He is innocent, he is a complete Tzaddik.'' Everyone sang shira including the Sefer Torah with its glowing letters seemingly whispering the words, 'He is innocent, and he is Tzaddik.' Then I was surrounded by this light thousands times brighter than the sun at midday, giving me pleasure of infinite magnitude. Each second streamed towards me more and more angels and pure Tzaddikim who came out of Gan Eden to meet and honor me. The heads of all the Tzaddikim were adorned with crowns and precious stones that beamed out sparks of fire and colors.
Six fiery angels appeared carrying a splendid canopy with poles made of cedar and the covering of fine gold. In the center it read, "Ki Lashem Hamelucha/For sovereignty is Hashem’s." Together with this appeared a complete legion of musical angels playing with an uncountable number of instruments. They were the Levites from the court of King David!

All this entourage arrived at my feet and then the angels carried me on their wings and placed me under the gold canopy. Immediately the musicians began playing and singing. The spiritual splendor experienced by listening to these songs is indescribable. A human who would hear this is liable to die the Kiss of Death from the intensity of its sweetness.

And so they began to escort me to my place in Gan Eden.

He continued to describe all the glory and splendor with which he was escorted. The greatest honor that a man can receive in this world is like a garlic peel compared to one second of Gan Eden and from whom did I receive all this honor? From holy and pure Tzaddikim whose faces shone like the heavens and whose heads were crowned with the crown of Torah.

Then two angels, whose splendor shone from their faces in a fine light that went for miles, came near to me with a crown studded with precious stones - on it hovered the words Baal Teshuva Gamur/One who has done complete repentance. They placed this crown on my head with great ceremony that cannot be described to man and all the Tzaddikim escorted me to the palace of the Baal Teshuva. As they departed they called out to me, "Fortunate that you merited "

The departed butcher instructed his friend in the dream, "Continue as before with all your hardships and don't think for a moment to slacken. It is better to withstand the most extreme torture in this world than to endure one moment of pain in Gehenom. The life of man eventually comes to an end but the life in the next world lasts for eternity."

"Go to the Baal Megale Amukot and tell him all I have told you. Even though he knows all this better than I, tell him and ask him to tell this story throughout the world and they should print this story for the masses, so that all should know the following:

1. How much man must distance himself from sin;
2. To what tremendous heights a tzaddik can reach through his actions in this world;
3. How great is the power of Teshuva which reaches the glorious throne itself -- In the place where someone repents even a totally righteous person cannot stand;
4. All shall know that rewards for Mitzvot is indescribable and immeasurable - no human eye has ever seen it!

To get a deeper understanding of Heaven's court and judgment, it is highly recommended to view a video about an amazing Near Death Experience with great detail concerning the Heavenly Court. This is perhaps one of the most vivid and explicit accounts of what the soul may go through when departing this world. A must see!!



Monday, August 18, 2008

Time of Redemption

Guest post by Reb Aryeh Shlita

Can we know that Moshiach is coming? Can we definitively say that he's coming now and that the rumors are true?

I present you with the following information, and allow you to conclude what you will.

The Yalkut Shimoni (ישעיה ס) states as follows:

שנו רבותינו בשעה שמלך המשיח בא עומד על גג בית המקדש והוא משמיע להם לישראל ואומר ענוים הגיע זמן גאולתכם ואם אין אתם מאמינים ראו באורי שזרח עליכם.
Our Rabbis taught; When the king Moshiach comes, he stands on the roof of the Beis Hamikdash (Temple) and he makes heard to the people of Israel and says, "Humble ones, the time for your redemption has arrived. And if you do not believe, see my light that shines upon you."

Can we imagine this? Moshiach has come, and he is standing on the rebuilt third Temple. He cries out to the people of Israel that the time for redemption has arrived. And he ends off his statement by saying, that if you do not believe, then see my spiritual light that is shining.

I don't know about you, but if I was standing there I would have to be nuts not to believe! Moshiach himself is standing on the Beis Hamikdash announcing the geulah!!! What is the meaning of this medrash?

I lead you to another piece a little farther on in the yalkut (ישעיה ס"ג) that I saw and was astounded by.

רבי שמואל מתני בשם רבי ירמיה אם יאמר לך אדם מתי קץ הגאולה אל תאמן שנאמר כי יום נקם בלבי - לבא לפומא לא גלי פומא למאן גלי
Rebbe Shmuel taught in the name of Rebbe Yirmiyah; if someone tells you when the final redemption will be, do not believe them as the verse says, "The day of retribution is in my heart." The heart did not reveal to the mouth, so to whom can the mouth reveal?

רבי ברכיה ורבי סימון בשם רבי יהושע בן לוי שלש סימנין סמנתי לך בקברו של משה שנאמר ויקבור אתו בגיא וגו' וסוף לא ידע איש את קבורתו, על הקץ שנאמר סתום וחתום הדברים על אחת כמה וכמה
Rebbe Berechyah and Rebbe Simon said in the name of Rebbe Yehoshua ben Levi; Three signs were given for the location of the grave of Moshe Rabenu, zs'kl, as the verse says, "He buried him in the glen etc..." and in the end, the verse says that no one knows where he is buried; In regards to the final redemption [there are no signs, but rather] the verse says, "Close and seal the matter," certainly [one can not know when it will be].

At first glance, this is very discouraging, as it clearly indicates that we can give up trying to figure out when Moshiach will come. But when I saw this for the first time a few weeks ago, I had recently learned a very important Gemara in Sotah (דף י"ג-י"ד) which is a continuation of this yalkut, and I think it sheds light on the whole matter.

אמר ר' ברכיה סימן בתוך סימן ואפילו הכי ולא ידע איש את קבורתו. וכבר שלחה מלכות הרשעה אצל גסטרא של בית פעור הראנו היכן משה קבור. עמדו למעלה נדמה להם למטה. למטה, נדמה להם למעלה. נחלקו לשתי כיתות, אותן שעומדים למעלה נדמה להם למטה, למטה נדמה להם למעלה, לקיים מה שנאמר ולא ידע איש את קבורתו
Rebbe Berechyah said, a sign inside of a sign [was given for the grave of Moshe Rabenu] and nevertheless "No man knows where he is buried." And the evil kingdom already sent to the leader of the area of Beis Peor asking to reveal where where Moshe Rabenu was buried. They stood at an elevation [where Moshe Rabenu was supposed to have been buried]. It seemed that the burial site was below. They went below and it seemed that the site was above. They split into two camps. Those that stood above, it seemed to be below. Those that stood below, to them it seemed the site was above. This fulfills the verse, "And no man knows of his burial."

The first piece of information that we need to understand this is that the word דעת - knowledge - is different from חכמה and בינה. Whereas both חכמה and בינה represent abstract knowledge, דעת represents intimate, experiential knowledge. Translated simply, you can explain the concept of color to a blind person to the point that he will perhaps understand (with חכמה and בינה) what you are talking about. But until he can see, he will not truly have the דעת - experiential and intimate knowledge. It will just remain theory.

The messengers of the evil kingdom could have a theoretical knowledge of where the burial plot of Moshe Rabenu was, but for some supernatural reason, it would be impossible for them to experience the place. Hence the verse, "ולא ידע איש את קבורתו" - "And no man knows of his burial."

Now let us take this information back to the second piece of the Yalkut. There, we are told that one can not know of the time of redemption, just as one can not know where Moshe Rabenu is buried. The connection is astounding! We can theorize with our חכמה and בינה as to when Moshiach will come, but we can actually be there and not know it! It is something the heart (לב = בינה) knows, but has not communicated to the mouth (mouth is the expression of דעת)! We can be in one temporal place (תשס"ח 5768) and believe that we have reached the time, yet every time we try to experience it with our דעת it will seem to be some other time (perhaps 5769 תשס"ט?). Or just when we think we "know" who the final story is about (George is גוג? America is מגוג?) things take a sudden turn and we realize we may not know. (Maybe Putin is גוג? Maybe Russia is מגוג?)

This all brings us back to the first Yalkut. Moshiach is standing on the Beis Hamikdash telling us he has come and the Geulah is here, and we don't believe?! We don't know? Not until the light of Hashem shines on us and enlightens us with the transcendental knowledge of Moshiach's true arrival and Hashem's Ultimate Good, will we truly have this knowledge.

When we try to bring our knowledge from חכמה and בינה (theoretical) to the level of דעת (defined), we have confined all the possibilities and chosen one. But since we are dealing with something that is by definition unknowable, it always seems to be somewhere else. That's why when they were below, Moshe's grave seemed to be above and vice versa. They tried to bring out their חכמה to דעת but this was impossible. The same thing happens when we try to put our finger on Moshiach. Since it is by definition unknowable, as soon as we define it, it is lost and appears to be elsewhere.

This is why Chazal tell us אין בן-דוד בא אלא בהיסח-הדעת - Moshiach can't come until we have a hesech hada'as - a break from our דעת, our efforts at defining. We can't stop thinking about Moshiach, because we need the אתערותא דלתתא the awakening from below to bring it about from Above.

Nevertheless, as long as we think about it, we limit our options and lose the real option - it always looks like it's somewhere else. That's why we need the היסח הדעת - the break in defining thought.

Said in a different way, כתר, which is the highest sefirah, represents transcendence - reaching above our thinking into the higher world. This is what we are aiming for, this is the time of Moshiach. Keser can not exist at the same time as Da'as. Keser represents indeterminacy and entering the domain of the unknown. Da'as represents choosing and defining and knowing. In order to enter the domain of Keser we need to be released from da'as. This is why Moshiach can only come with a היסח הדעת - a break from trying to define.

This is also why the gemara gives us three separate events in three separate years.
Sixth year - קולות - rumors of Moshiach
Seventh year - מלחמות - wars
Eighth year - בן דוד בא - Moshiach comes

The rumors can not coincide with Moshiach's arrival. Something will happen that will cause us to 'space out.' Only then will he come. May it be soon.



Solid Evidence: We Are at the End

*** Enemies of HaShem will use (false) peace treaties to destroy many ***

Daniel 8:22-25 וּבְאַחֲרִית, מַלְכוּתָם, כְּהָתֵם, הַפֹּשְׁעִים--יַעֲמֹד מֶלֶךְ עַז-פָּנִים, וּמֵבִין חִידוֹת
And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors have completed their transgression, there shall stand up a king of fierce countenance, and understanding stratagems.

The enemies of HaShem will promise the world and Israel peace treaties if they follow but the intentions will be sinister.

*** In the last days Israel would have a peace treaty in place that the enemies will confirm and eventually break ***

Daniel 9:27 וְהִגְבִּיר בְּרִית לָרַבִּים, שָׁבוּעַ אֶחָד; וַחֲצִי הַשָּׁבוּעַ יַשְׁבִּית זֶבַח וּמִנְחָה, וְעַל כְּנַף שִׁקּוּצִים מְשֹׁמֵם, וְעַד-כָּלָה וְנֶחֱרָצָה, תִּתַּךְ עַל-שֹׁמֵם
And he shall make a firm covenant with many for one week; and for half of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease; and upon the wing of detestable things shall be that which causeth appalment; and that until the extermination wholly determined be poured out upon that which causeth appalment.

* The Oslo Accords
* Mideast 'Road Map'

*** There would be a move toward a global government but it will not succeed ***

Daniel 2:40-44 וּמַלְכוּ, רביעיה (רְבִיעָאָה), תֶּהֱוֵא תַקִּיפָה, כְּפַרְזְלָא; כָּל-קֳבֵל, דִּי פַרְזְלָא מְהַדֵּק וְחָשֵׁל כֹּלָּא, וּכְפַרְזְלָא דִּי-מְרָעַע כָּל-אִלֵּן, תַּדִּק וְתֵרֹעַ
And the fourth kingdom shall be strong as iron; forasmuch as iron breaketh in pieces and beateth down all things; and as iron that crusheth all these, shall it break in pieces and crush....

* One World Government
* EU Peacekeeping Force

*** The earth would be filled with violence ***

Genesis 6:11 וַתִּשָּׁחֵת הָאָרֶץ, לִפְנֵי הָאֱלֹהִים; וַתִּמָּלֵא הָאָרֶץ, חָמָס
And the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.

In the United States alone, violent crime has increased nearly 500% since 1960. Fifty years ago abortion (the violent murder of an unborn child) was illegal in most countries. Today abortion is legal in most countries and 50 million children are aborted each year.

*** Multitudes would travel to and fro ***

Daniel 12:4 יְשֹׁטְטוּ רַבִּים Time of the end; many shall run to and fro

Until recently, horse, foot, and boat were the only modes of transportation. Yet today we travel by car, bus, plane, train, subway, etc. Millions and millions are running to and fro just as Prophet Daniel, zsk'l, prophesied 2500 years ago!

*** Knowledge would increase ***

Daniel 12:4 וְתִרְבֶּה הַדָּעַת Time of the end; knowledge shall be increased.

Today we are witnessing an explosion of available knowledge. With the advent of the internet, it is estimated that our cumulative knowledge is doubling every five years. This exponential increase is beyond what any one could have imagined!

*** The nation Israel would be born in one day ***

Isaiah 66:8 מִי-שָׁמַע כָּזֹאת, מִי רָאָה כָּאֵלֶּה--הֲיוּחַל אֶרֶץ בְּיוֹם אֶחָד, אִם-יִוָּלֵד גּוֹי פַּעַם אֶחָת: כִּי-חָלָה גַּם-יָלְדָה צִיּוֹן, אֶת-בָּנֶיהָ
Who hath heard such a thing? Who hath seen such things? Is a land born in one day? Is a nation brought forth at once? For as soon as Zion travailed, she brought forth her children.

On May 14, 1948 Israel became a nation

*** The Jews would begin to regather in Israel ***

Isaiah 11:12 וְנָשָׂא נֵס לַגּוֹיִם, וְאָסַף נִדְחֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל; וּנְפֻצוֹת יְהוּדָה יְקַבֵּץ, מֵאַרְבַּע כַּנְפוֹת הָאָרֶץ
And He will set up an ensign for the nations, and will assemble the dispersed of Israel, and gather together the scattered of Judah from the four corners of the earth.

Ezekiel 37:21 וְדַבֵּר אֲלֵיהֶם, כֹּה-אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה, הִנֵּה אֲנִי לֹקֵחַ אֶת-בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, מִבֵּין הַגּוֹיִם אֲשֶׁר הָלְכוּ-שָׁם; וְקִבַּצְתִּי אֹתָם מִסָּבִיב, וְהֵבֵאתִי אוֹתָם אֶל-אַדְמָתָם.
And say unto them: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take the children of Israel from among the nations, whither they are gone, and will gather them on every side, and bring them into their own land;

Over six million Jews have returned to Israel in recent times! This is unprecedented in human history. Never has a people group been dispersed for hundreds of years to every corner of the globe, and then regathered back to their homeland. Yet, HaShem said it and He has done it before our very eyes!

*** Israel would once again plant vineyards on the mountains of Israel ***

Joel 4:18 וְהָיָה בַיּוֹם הַהוּא יִטְּפוּ הֶהָרִים עָסִיס, וְהַגְּבָעוֹת תֵּלַכְנָה חָלָב, וְכָל-אֲפִיקֵי יְהוּדָה, יֵלְכוּ מָיִם; וּמַעְיָן, מִבֵּית יְהוָה יֵצֵא, וְהִשְׁקָה, אֶת-נַחַל הַשִּׁטִּים
And it shall come to pass in that day, that the mountains shall drop down sweet wine, and the hills shall flow with milk, and all the brooks of Judah shall flow with waters; and a fountain shall come forth of the house of the LORD, and shall water the valley of Shittim.

Amos 9:13 הִנֵּה יָמִים בָּאִים, נְאֻם-יְהוָה, וְנִגַּשׁ חוֹרֵשׁ בַּקֹּצֵר, וְדֹרֵךְ עֲנָבִים בְּמֹשֵׁךְ הַזָּרַע; וְהִטִּיפוּ הֶהָרִים עָסִיס, וְכָל-הַגְּבָעוֹת תִּתְמוֹגַגְנָה
Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the treader of grapes him that soweth seed; and the mountains shall drop sweet wine, and all the hills shall melt.

Today, sweet wine flows from the Golan Heights and many other vineyards on the mountains of Israel.

*** The last days Jews would plant forests of trees. The Bible even specifies the variety of trees, cedar, acacia, myrtle, oil, cypress, pine, and box ***

Isaiah 41:19 אֶתֵּן בַּמִּדְבָּר אֶרֶז שִׁטָּה, וַהֲדַס וְעֵץ שָׁמֶן; אָשִׂים בָּעֲרָבָה, בְּרוֹשׁ תִּדְהָר וּתְאַשּׁוּר--יַחְדָּו
I will plant in the wilderness the cedar, the acacia-tree, and the myrtle, and the oil-tree; I will set in the desert the cypress, the plane-tree, and the larch together;

Since 1948, more than one billion trees have been planted in Israel!

*** The Hebrew language would be restored ***

Zephaniah 3:9 כִּי-אָז אֶהְפֹּךְ אֶל-עַמִּים, שָׂפָה בְרוּרָה, לִקְרֹא כֻלָּם בְּשֵׁם יְהוָה, לְעָבְדוֹ שְׁכֶם אֶחָד
For then will I turn to the peoples a pure language, that they may all call upon the name of the LORD, to serve Him with one consent.

At the end of the 19th century the Zionist movement brought about the revival of Hebrew as a spoken language. In 1948, Hebrew became an official tongue of the state of Israel. Remarkable!

*** Jerusalem would be rebuilt on its own ruins ***

Jeremiah 30:18 כֹּה אָמַר יְהוָה, הִנְנִי-שָׁב שְׁבוּת אָהֳלֵי יַעֲקוֹב, וּמִשְׁכְּנֹתָיו, אֲרַחֵם; וְנִבְנְתָה עִיר עַל-תִּלָּהּ, וְאַרְמוֹן עַל-מִשְׁפָּטוֹ יֵשֵׁב
Thus saith the LORD: Behold, I will turn the captivity of Jacob's tents, and have compassion on his dwelling-places; and the city shall be builded upon her own mound, and the palace shall be inhabited upon its wonted place.

Since 1948, Jerusalem has been rebuilt on the old ruins exactly as foretold.

*** Anti-Semitism worldwide anticipated ***

Jeremiah 29:18 וְרָדַפְתִּי, אַחֲרֵיהֶם, בַּחֶרֶב, בָּרָעָב וּבַדָּבֶר; וּנְתַתִּים לזועה (לְזַעֲוָה) לְכֹל מַמְלְכוֹת הָאָרֶץ, לְאָלָה וּלְשַׁמָּה וְלִשְׁרֵקָה וּלְחֶרְפָּה, בְּכָל-הַגּוֹיִם, אֲשֶׁר-הִדַּחְתִּים שָׁם
And I will pursue after them with the sword, with the famine, and with the pestilence, and will make them a horror unto all the kingdoms of the earth, a curse, and an astonishment, and a hissing, and a reproach, among all the nations whither I have driven them;

History confirms that the Jews have been persecuted as no other people group. Today, anti-Semitism is a global epidemic. For example, of over 700 General Assembly resolutions passed since the establishment of the United Nations in 1945, nearly 450 condemn Israel. None have been passed against any Arab country nor any Arab terrorist organizations! In other words, out of 190 nations in the UN, over 60% of all General Assembly resolutions rebuke just one member, Israel!

*** All surrounding nations would be united against Israel ***

Psalms 83:4 אָמְרוּ--לְכוּ, וְנַכְחִידֵם מִגּוֹי; וְלֹא-יִזָּכֵר שֵׁם-יִשְׂרָאֵל עוֹד
They have said: 'Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel may be no more in remembrance.'

This has never happened in history. Yet today, Israel is surrounded by Muslim nations sworn to her destruction.

*** Jerusalem would be a burdensome stone to all nations ***

Zechariah 12:3 וְהָיָה בַיּוֹם-הַהוּא אָשִׂים אֶת-יְרוּשָׁלִַם אֶבֶן מַעֲמָסָה, לְכָל-הָעַמִּים--כָּל-עֹמְסֶיהָ, שָׂרוֹט יִשָּׂרֵטוּ; וְנֶאֶסְפוּ עָלֶיהָ, כֹּל גּוֹיֵי הָאָרֶץ
And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it.

Daily the world news reports on the conflict over Jerusalem. The United Nations, the Vatican, and many world leaders want to make it an international city. However, HaShem says that the city is His and He has given it to the Jews forever (Genesis 15:18; Leviticus 25:23; 2 Chronicles 6:6). All who burden themselves with it will be cut in pieces.

*** Israel would be invincible ***

Zechariah 12:6-9 בַּיּוֹם הַהוּא אָשִׂים אֶת-אַלֻּפֵי יְהוּדָה כְּכִיּוֹר אֵשׁ בְּעֵצִים, וּכְלַפִּיד אֵשׁ בְּעָמִיר, וְאָכְלוּ עַל-יָמִין וְעַל-שְׂמֹאול אֶת-כָּל-הָעַמִּים, סָבִיב; וְיָשְׁבָה יְרוּשָׁלִַם עוֹד תַּחְתֶּיהָ, בִּירוּשָׁלִָם
In that day will I make the chiefs of Judah like a pan of fire among the wood, and like a torch of fire among sheaves; and they shall devour all the peoples round about, on the right hand and on the left; and Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place, even in Jerusalem.

Since 1948, tiny Israel has been attacked in three major wars and six lesser wars, yet despite being vastly outnumbered, they have defeated all attacking foes. Even during the final battle, when it looks like Israel will be destroyed, HaShem shall deliver her. (Jeremiah 30:3-7; Zechariah 14). An invincible Israel makes no sense unless you believe the Almighty, Creator of the World, HKB'H.

*** Israel would be partitioned by all nations ***

Daniel 11:39 וְעָשָׂה לְמִבְצְרֵי מָעֻזִּים, עִם-אֱלוֹהַּ נֵכָר, אֲשֶׁר הכיר (יַכִּיר), יַרְבֶּה כָבוֹד; וְהִמְשִׁילָם, בָּרַבִּים, וַאֲדָמָה, יְחַלֵּק בִּמְחִיר
And he shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god; whom he shall acknowledge, shall increase glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for a price.

This is another unimaginable prophecy! In 1947, United Nations Resolution 181 planned the partitioning of Israel. Currently, the West Bank, the Golan Heights, and Gaza, have been divided up into Jewish and Palestinian settlements.

*** The East Gate would remain closed until Moshiach arrives. At Moshiach's arrival, he will enter Jerusalem through the now sealed Eastern Gate ***

Ezekiel 44:1-2 וַיָּשֶׁב אֹתִי, דֶּרֶךְ שַׁעַר הַמִּקְדָּשׁ הַחִיצוֹן, הַפֹּנֶה, קָדִים; וְהוּא, סָגוּר.
Then he brought me back the way of the outer gate of the sanctuary, which looketh toward the east; and it was shut.

וַיֹּאמֶר אֵלַי יְהוָה, הַשַּׁעַר הַזֶּה סָגוּר יִהְיֶה לֹא יִפָּתֵחַ וְאִישׁ לֹא-יָבֹא בוֹ
And the LORD said unto me: 'This gate shall be shut, it shall not be opened, neither shall any man enter in by it

Today, as prophesied, the East Gate remains sealed.

*** The nation of Israel, which had been divided into two kingdoms since the time of Solomon (950 B.C.) Israel in the north and Judah in the south would be one united nation in the last days ***

Ezekiel 37:19 דַּבֵּר אֲלֵהֶם, כֹּה-אָמַר אֲדֹנָי יְהוִה, הִנֵּה אֲנִי לֹקֵחַ אֶת-עֵץ יוֹסֵף אֲשֶׁר בְּיַד-אֶפְרַיִם, וְשִׁבְטֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל חֲבֵרָו; וְנָתַתִּי אוֹתָם עָלָיו אֶת-עֵץ יְהוּדָה, וַעֲשִׂיתִם לְעֵץ אֶחָד, וְהָיוּ אֶחָד, בְּיָדִי
say into them: Thus saith the Lord GOD: Behold, I will take the stick of Joseph, which is in the hand of Ephraim, and the tribes of Israel his companions; and I will put them unto him together with the stick of Judah, and make them one stick, and they shall be one in My hand.

And so it is, Israel is one nation.

*** The returning Jews would have no king until Moshiach ***

Hosea 3:5 אַחַר, יָשֻׁבוּ בְּנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל, וּבִקְשׁוּ אֶת-יְהוָה אֱלֹהֵיהֶם, וְאֵת דָּוִיד מַלְכָּם; וּפָחֲדוּ אֶל-יְהוָה וְאֶל-טוּבוֹ, בְּאַחֲרִית הַיָּמִים
afterward shall the children of Israel return, and seek the LORD their God, and David their king; and shall come trembling unto the LORD and to His goodness in the end of days

As foretold, Israel has been without a king for over 2500 years. Amazingly, not only is Israel no longer a theocracy, but today the Jewish state is governed by a democracy comprised of some 30 political parties.

*** Egypt would exist in the last days but only as a lowly third world nation ***

Ezekiel 29:14 וְשַׁבְתִּי, אֶת-שְׁבוּת מִצְרַיִם, וַהֲשִׁבֹתִי אֹתָם אֶרֶץ פַּתְרוֹס, עַל-אֶרֶץ מְכוּרָתָם; וְהָיוּ שָׁם, מַמְלָכָה שְׁפָלָה
and I will turn the captivity of Egypt, and will cause them to return into the land of Pathros, into the land of their origin; and they shall be there a lowly kingdom.

Egypt was one of the world's greatest ancient civilizations. Yet today, as prophesied, Egypt remains an impoverished nation. To show how amazing this prophecy is, compare modern Egypt with the tiny nation of Austria. Egypt has ten times more land area, and a population eight times greater than Austria. Yet, Egypt's Gross Domestic Product is only one-fifth of Austria's GDP.

*** Earthquakes will occur in diverse places ***

Isaiah 24:19 רֹעָה הִתְרֹעֲעָה, הָאָרֶץ; פּוֹר הִתְפּוֹרְרָה אֶרֶץ, מוֹט הִתְמוֹטְטָה אָרֶץ
The earth is broken, broken down, the earth is crumbled in pieces, the earth trembleth and tottereth;

Natural disasters are occurring at an increasing rate. Seismic activity are dangerously increasing daily. (Recent Earthquakes (neic.usgs.gov).

*** Homosexuality will be flaunted at the end of days. The last days would be like the days of Lot who lived in wicked Sodom ***

Ezekiel 16:49-50 הִנֵּה-זֶה הָיָה, עֲו‍ֹן סְדֹם אֲחוֹתֵךְ: גָּאוֹן שִׂבְעַת-לֶחֶם וְשַׁלְוַת הַשְׁקֵט
Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom: pride, fulness of bread, and careless

וַתִּגְבְּהֶינָה, וַתַּעֲשֶׂינָה תוֹעֵבָה לְפָנָי; וָאָסִיר אֶתְהֶן
And they were haughty, and committed abomination before Me; therefore I removed them

Today, the homosexual agenda is flaunted and forced upon our entire society.

*** The use of nuclear weapons anticipated ***

Zechariah 14;12 וְזֹאת תִּהְיֶה הַמַּגֵּפָה, אֲשֶׁר יִגֹּף יְהוָה אֶת-כָּל-הָעַמִּים, אֲשֶׁר צָבְאוּ, עַל-יְרוּשָׁלִָם; הָמֵק בְּשָׂרוֹ, וְהוּא עֹמֵד עַל-רַגְלָיו, וְעֵינָיו תִּמַּקְנָה בְחֹרֵיהֶן, וּלְשׁוֹנוֹ תִּמַּק בְּפִיהֶם.
And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

The neutron bomb melts (dissolves) its victims just as HaShem warned 2500 years ago. Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, Their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, And their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths. This was unimaginable in prophet Zechariah's (zs'kl) day.

*** Preparations for a global war anticipated ***

Joel 4:9 קִרְאוּ-זֹאת, בַּגּוֹיִם, קַדְּשׁוּ, מִלְחָמָה; הָעִירוּ, הַגִּבּוֹרִים--יִגְּשׁוּ יַעֲלוּ, כֹּל אַנְשֵׁי הַמִּלְחָמָה
Proclaim ye this among the nations, prepare war; stir up the mighty men; let all the men of war draw near, let them come up

Never in history have so many nations stockpiled weapons of mass destruction.

Prophet Daniel, zs'kl, was told to seal up the scroll until the end of days. Implied was that they would make no sense until the generation and time they were meant for. For 3000 years, these prophecies made no sense what-so-ever.

וַיֹּאמֶר, לֵךְ דָּנִיֵּאל: כִּי-סְתֻמִים וַחֲתֻמִים הַדְּבָרִים, עַד-עֵת קֵץ
But you, Daniel, close up and seal the words of the scroll until the time of the end.

יִתְבָּרְרוּ וְיִתְלַבְּנוּ וְיִצָּרְפוּ, רַבִּים, וְהִרְשִׁיעוּ רְשָׁעִים, וְלֹא יָבִינוּ כָּל-רְשָׁעִים; וְהַמַּשְׂכִּלִים, יָבִינוּ
Many shall purify themselves, and make themselves white, and be refined; but the wicked shall do wickedly; and none of the wicked shall understand; but they that are wise shall understand.

There are many more End of Days prophecies (several too detailed for this brief list). However these facts demonstrate that the Torah is only from HaShem. Some of these signs have been around for millennia, but only our generation has witnessed the coming together of every one of these events.

If these signs alarm you, baruch HaShem, it's a good sign because HKB'H wants to awaken you from your spiritual slumber and give you Olam Haba.

The puzzle pieces are coming together... What a great time we have been given to live in. This is the end of days and we are that generation.

“Indeed the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant and all the evildoers will be like straw and the coming day will burn them up, says the L-ord of Hosts, and will leave them neither a root nor a branch. But for those who fear My name, there will shine a sun of charity with healing in its wings” (Malachi 3:19-20).

Each one of us have appointed tasks to do during this time and there really is very little time left.



Friday, August 15, 2008

Wake Up Call From HaShem

Shock and horror gripped Jews everywhere, particularly the residents of Bnei Brak, at the deliberate torching of the Oron Hakodesh in the local Shul of Rav Launda Shlita. An arsonist struck the Aron HaKodesh ablaze and the fire consumed four sifrei Torah that were in the Aron HaKodesh, reducing them to ashes, R'l.

Chazal's teaching is well known: whoever sees a sefer Torah being burned must tear his garment twice, once for the parchment and once for the letters. The Shulchan Oruch says that seeing a sefer Torah being burned in one's dream justifies fasting, even on Shabbat. Chazal compare the departure of a person's soul from his body and the spectator's duty to rent his garment, to the burning of a sefer Torah. When a sefer Torah is burned, we ought to feel as though a life has been extinguished.

This is a time for engaging in soul searching. Heaven wants us to examine our deeds -- "Let us look at our ways and investigate" (Eicha 3:40). While we cannot know what Heaven's reckonings are, we are duty-bound to examine fundamentals -- strengthening our Torah study and our decorum in the shul. We must arouse ourselves to repentance in the face of this dreadful calamity. This terrible calamity has not happened for nothing. What does HaShem want to convey to us with this?

HaShem deflects every accusation of the Satan against Klal Yisrael with His attribute of Mercy. But when the Satan mentions their idle chatter and disrespect in the beit k’neset, Hashem has no response, so to speak, for even gentiles conduct themselves with awe and reverence in their places of worship. Hashem thereupon gives the Satan permission to wreak destruction. Mikdash Maat 2:2; Derech Moshe §8; Aruch HaShulchan, Orach Chayim 124:12; Yalkut HaUrim.

One who talks in a bet k’neset or bet midrash is an ignorant fool who shows his contempt for Hakodosh Boruch Hu, drives out the Shechina and causes it to depart from Klal Yisrael. He is a transgressor who induces others to sin, causes the galut to be prolonged and prevents prayers from being heard. He has no share in the G-d of Israel. Zohar; Or Tzadikim; Shaarei Teshuva; Hagahos Yesh Nochalin L’avi HaShalah.

Of such a person it is written (Yeshayahu 43:22), “Lo oti karata Ya’akov,” indicating that he is not worthy of his Jewish ancestry. Mishneh Brura 56:1, quoting M’sechet Derech Eretz.

Talking in a bet k’neset or bet midrash causes personal and communal tragedies, including plagues, epidemics, infant and childhood deaths, sickness such as cancer, heart disease and mental illness, car accidents and the like. Mikdash Maat, chap. 2 and passim.

May HKB'H have mercy on Klal Yisroel, on the inhabitants of the city and on the local residents. May He pardon us and cleanse us, that we may merit seeing Torah's honor and the arrival of Moshiach tzidkeinu.



Thursday, August 14, 2008

Thank YOU - Master of the World

King of unsurpassed kingship, Master of the World, Holy One blessed He, thank You!

Thank You for the millions of times You helped me, supported me, saved me, rescued me, gave me happiness, healed me, protected me, encouraged me.

Thank You for always being with me.

Thank You for giving me the strength to observe Your commandments, do good deeds, and pray.

Thank You for always helping me even though I didn't always know how to thank You.

Thank You for all the kindness You do for me every second and minute.

Thank You for every breath You allow me to take.

Thank You, King of unsurpassed kingship. for the things I don't have, even though sometimes it's difficult, thank You. I know that it's all for my benefit, even though I don't always see that it is truly for my benefit, thank You.

Deep in my heart I know that everything You send me is the best thing for me and was specifically created for me, with accurate and complete Divine Providence, which only You can do, King of unsurpassed kingship.

Although sometimes I suffer, I realize that it's only so I can appreciate the goodness You bestow on me. Only after being in the darkness, can one appreciate the light.

Thank You for the wonderful life You have given me.

Thank You for every little thing I have, because YOU gave it to me and no one else.

Thank You for always listening to my prayers.

Creator of the world, I sincerely apologize from the depth of my heart if there were times I didn't appreciate what You gave me, and instead of thanking You, I complained.

I am dust and ash and You are the entire world, Master of the World.

Please do not ever distance Yourself from me.

I love You, Hakadosh Baruch Hu!

If you will say this plea from your heart, judgment will instantly turn into mercy.

מלך מלכי המלכים, הקב"ה אדון עולם, ריבונו של עולם תודה !!!
תודה על רוב ריבי רבבות פעמים שעזרת לי , תמכת בי, הושעת אותי, הצלת אותי
שמחת אותי, ריפאת אותי, שמרת עליי, עודדת אותי .
תודה שאתה תמיד איתי.

תודה שאתה נותן לי כוח לעשות מצוות, כוח לעשות מעשים טובים, כוח להתפלל .

תודה על כל הפעמים שעזרת לי ולא ידעתי להגיד תודה .

תודה על החסדים שאתה עושה עימי בכל רגע ורגע .

תודה על כל נשימה ונשימה שאני נושמת.

ותודה לך מלך מלכי המלכים גם על הדברים שאין לי, תודה לך שקשה לי לפעמים , תודה שקצת עצוב לי לפעמים, כי הכל לטובתי, ואפילו לא תמיד ראיתי שזה לטובתי ..

עמוק בלב אני יודעת שכל מה שמגיע ממך, הוא הדבר הטוב ביותר עבורי ,והוא נעשה במיוחד בשבילי, בהשגחה פרטית מדויקת ומושלמת, כמו שרק מלכי מלכים יכול לעשות.

תודה שלפעמים קשה לי, כי רק ככה אני יודעת להעריך את הטוב, רק אחרי שנמצאים בחושך, אפשר להעריך את האור. תודה על החיים הנפלאים שנתת לי.

תודה על כל דבר הכי קטן שיש לי, כי את הכל אתה נ ת ת לי, ולא אף אחד אחר .

תודה שאתה תמיד שומע את התפילות שלי .

בורא עולם, אני מבקשת סליחה מעמקי ליבי אם היו פעמים שלא הערכתי את מה שנתת לי , ובמקום לומר לך תודה רק התלוננתי

אני עפר ואפר ואתה כל העולם

אנא אל תרחק ממני לעולם.

האומר תחינה זו מהלב הופך מידת דין לרחמים



Fulfilled Prophecies

Is it possible to write history thousands of years before it occurs? Did you know that in the TaNaCH (Torah) there are astounding and exact prophecies concerning Am Israel and the entire world?

Destruction of Iraq (Babylonian)
והיתה בבל צבי ממלכות תפארת גאון כשדים, כמהפכת אלקים את סדום ואת עמורה. לא תשב לנצח ולא תשכון עד דור ודור, ולא יהל שם ערבי ורועים לא ירבצו שם
Iraq was the capital Babylonian empire and had control over many countries and nations. Prophets Yirmiyahu and Yishayahu (zs'l) prophesied against all logic that Babylonian will be destroyed and ruined. They also promised "She'll never return and will turn into wilderness."

Am Israel Forever
לכו ונכחידם מגוי, ולא יזכר שם ישראל עוד
According to all history facts, the Jewish nation should have disappeared, c'v, a long time ago from history. The fact that Am Israel is existing and is alive is a miracle like no other. There was not one generation that nations did not try destroying us - whether it was spiritual or physical. The prophecy that Am Israel will exist is very much intact, b'h. AM ISRAEL CHAI VE'KAYAM.

Eternalness of the Holy Torah
הרי זו הבטחה שאין התורה משתכחת מזרעם, לגמרי
HaShem promised Am Israel that the Jewish nation will exist forever and the holy Torah will never be forgotten.

Destruction of the Second Temple
והצר לך בכל שעריך עד רדת חומותיך הגבוהות והבצורות, אשר אתה בוטח בהן בכל ארצך, והצר לך בכל שעריך בכל ארצך אשר נתן ה' אלקיך לך
The Torah prophesied that Yerushalayim and its gated cities of Judah's mountains will fall after siege. This was written long before gates were built. The Torah tells us the the cities will be fortified and the nation's safety will be within the gates. Both gates protecting the cities and the second temple was destroyed.

The Western Wall will never collapse
הנה זה עומד אחר כותלנו - אחר כותל מערבי של בית-המקדש, שנשבע לו הקב"ה שאינו חרב לעולם..."
"ולמה (דוקא הכותל המערבי)? ששכינה במערב
The prophecy is specifically about the Western Wall of the Second Temple. 2,000 years of exile passed, many wars on Yerushalayim, and the Western Wall will never collapse, b'h.

Prophecy on the exile
ונשארתם מתי מספר, בגויים אשר ינהג ה' אתכם שמה
The Torah told us 3,000 years ago Am Israel will have 4 exiles and will also be exiled from Eretz Israel. We will be spread out in the 4 corners of the world. We will be the "Wondering Jew"; the least number of people amongst nations of the world; and will never have complete rest till Moshiach's arrival, b'h.

Control over Eretz Israel during Exile
ועתידים בני ישמעאל לשלוט על הארץ הקדושה, בשעה שהיא ריקה מכל, זמן הרבה, כמו שהמילה שלהם ריקה בלי שלמות. והם יעכבו את בני ישראל לשוב למקומם, עד שתכלה הזכות ההיא של בני ישמעאל
The Zohar HaKadosh prophesied 1,800 years ago the following 4 things:
1. The Arabs will govern the Holy Land for a long time;
2. The land will be desolate and empty during their reign;
3. Am Israel will return to Eretz Israel while the Arabs are residing there and;
4. The Palestinians will delay many of the Jews returning to the Holy Land.

The Holy Land will be desolate during exile
והשימותי אני את הארץ, ושממו עליה אויביכם היושבים בה
No nation will be able to make Eretz Israel fruitful during the 2,000 years of Am Israel's absence.

ושמרו בני ישראל את השבת, לעשות את השבת לדורותם ברית עולם, ביני ובין בני ישראל אות היא לעולם. כי ששת ימים עשה ה' את השמים ואת הארץ וביום השביעי שבת וינפש
In addition to the prophecy that the Torah will never be forgotten by the Jews, HaShem gave us a unique promise that Am Israel will never cease to keep the holy Shabbat - the promise is a covenant between Am Israel and HKB'H.

Prophecy that the Wells of Wisdom will open
ובשית מאה שנין לשתיתאה, יתפתחון תרעי דחכמתא לעילא, ומבועי דחכמתא לתתא, ויתתקן עלמא. לאעלא בשביעאה. כברנש דמתתקן ביומא שתיתאה, מכי ערב שמשא, לאעלא בשבתא. אוף הכי נמי, וסימניך בשנת שש מאות שנה לחיי נח וגו', נבקעו כל מעיינות תהום רבה
It is prophesied in the Zohar HaKadosh that in the year 5,500, a gradual bursting of wisdom will be come forth and its peak will be mid 1900's (solar calendar).

Germany's Edom
גרממיא של אדום שאלמלי הן יוצאין מחריבין כל העולם כולו
ChaZaL prophesied over 2,000 year ago that Germany will capture most of the world but will fail.

Prophecy of Returning to Israel
ואתם הרי ישראל ענפיכם תתנו, ופריכם תשאו לעמי ישראל, כי קרבו לבוא... ונושבו הערים והחרבות תבנינה
When the Jews will return to Israel, Eretz Israel will be fruitful. The Holy Land recognizes her true owners, whom she waited for 2,000 years.

Prophecy of Teshuva
והשיב לב אבות על בנים ולב בנים על אבותיו
It was prophesied that after the Jews will return to the Holy Land there will be a wide movement of Teshuva that will stem from the children..." .

Am Israel will do Teshuva
אִם-יִהְיֶה נִדַּחֲךָ, בִּקְצֵה הַשָּׁמָיִם מִשָּׁם יְקַבֶּצְךָ יְהוָה אֱלֹהֶיךָ, וּמִשָּׁם, יִקָּחֶךָ
With the ingathering of Am Israel (Kibutz Galuyot), Bnei Israel will begin the process of returning to the Torah and its commandments.

The world will exist 6,000 years
תנא דבי אליהו: ששת אלפים שנה הוי עלמא [יהיה קיים העולם], שני אלפים תוהו, שני אלפים תורה, שני אלפים ימות המשיח - סנהדרין צז
A. 2,000 years of desolation (From creation till Avraham Avinu, zs'l, recognized HaShem)
B. 2,000 years of Torah (from Avraham Avinu till after the destruction of the 2nd Temple)
C. 2,000 years of (yearning for) Moshiach's arrival (from destruction of the 2nd Temple till now...)

Birthpangs of Moshiach’s arrival
עקבתא דמשיחא
The Talmud describes the period immediately prior to the advent of Mashiach as one of great travail and turmoil. There will be a world recession and governments will be controlled by despots. It is in this troubled setting that Moshiach will arrive.



והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו