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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Divine Information

This amazing video is dedicated to everyone who is searching for answers to questions as:

Is there a Creator to the world?
What is the purpose of the creation?
Is there life after death?
What is the Torah of the Jewish nation?
Was the Torah given by the Creator of the World?

The secrets of life and more.... Torah and Science by Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi Shlita (in English).
We hope you enjoy watching Divine Information. Hopefully, it will answer all the questions that were unanswered so far.

Video is also available in Russian and Hebrew with English Subtitles
Wishing you a better life, and hopefully you too will fulfill the obligation we were created for.



Prediction of Chanuka War

Many bloggers were quoting various Rabbanim in the recent months claiming predictions of a war that would begin during Chanuka. The most popular one was that of Reb Ari Goldwag of Geula Perspectives quoting Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita though later it was deleted when asked directly if the words attributed was actually said by the Rav.

Did Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita or Rabbi David Abuchazera Shlita of Naharia really did say a war would happen, and later denied it so it would not be publicized and create some sort of chillul HaShem?

In any case, a war did begin on Chanuka and it has spread to the South of Israel including Ashdod, Ashkelon, Sderot, Ofakim, Kiryat Gat, Kiryat Malachi, Nachal Oz, etc. and its residents are sitting in shelters.

A group of highly respected Torah scholars from Ashdod approched Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita last night and asked him for advice whether they should stay or leave the city. The Gaon Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita told them, "It is best to leave the city for a few days."

The group immediately returned to Ashdod, told others the reply they received from Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita and are hurriedly packing up to leave the city of Ashdod. Also the Belzer and Gerrer yeshivot in Ashdod are temporarily closed.



Monday, December 29, 2008

Gog Umagog: The Final War


Guest post by Rochel Rivka

What is going on in the world? It seems like every day another tragedy hits. I’m scared to look at the newspaper- what could possibly be next? The list is endless with natural disasters, financial losses and family distresses starting it off; “Every living person can clearly tell that the world is changing greatly. We are starting to see how everything (aside from Hashem) we have ever leaned on for support until today is now falling apart.”

The world is literally shaking; natural disasters and the gloom of a nuclear war are becoming more evident. Our personal lives have been disrupted- how many families do we know that are undergoing trouble after trouble? Shalom Bayit and financial problems are just a start of the long list; “I am sure that my fellow Jews feel keenly that the world is in a frightening turmoil. I am sure that almost every Jew feels in his own personal life great distress and much heartbreak, whether it is chas v'shalom illness or marital problems or children off the derech or other personal tragedies”. “Thunder was created only to straighten out the crookedness of the heart” (Brachot 59a); “Thunder” can be any sort of wake-up call. Any disaster, any form of thunder, was create to wake us up! The hurricane in Houston! The Earthquake in China! The Tsunami! The Cyclone! The Stock Market crash! The Terrorist attack in India! WHY?; “we have seen in the last few years tremendous changes in our world. Whether it be unusual and biblical-like natural disasters, or war threats that are more frightening than the mind can grasp, with weapons so terrible that we're afraid even to think about them, or money problems throughout the world that are causing great financial difficulties to the whole world, or to the food shortages that have drastically increased the price of food”. When the Chofetz Chaim would hear thunder he would stop and ask “What does Tati want from me?”; “what do I have to fix that Hashem is trying to get my attention?” These warnings are not new- they are all in the Naviim, the prophets, have spelled out what is going to happen. Have we gotten the message? Is the thundering waking us up or will it have to get louder? Are we even asking “why?”

The autistic children warn: “Open your eyes and you will see that it is all taking place right now, as we speak. Everything is happening according to what is written in the prophecies. Whether it is the war between Ishmael and Edom, or between Ishmael and Israel, the tremendous and strange natural disasters, the many difficult and unnatural wars threatening to attack us, G-d Forbid,or the fact that the water level of the ocean is rising and the ice on the North and South poles are melting...The world is in total chaos!”

Are we safe in America? Most of you would answer “yes”. America has been the savior to the Jewish Nation after the Holocaust- or has it? Jews have an opportunity to have freedom in this country. We were also freed from the obligation of mitzvot. We have allowed gashmiut to enter our homes and most unfortunately, our hearts. As I was writing this article, I came across and article relating Hurricane Ike titled “Why People Ignore Warnings”. Among the reasons listed, it says, “some people just don't perceive the risk to be that high," Rebecca Morss of the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colo., told LiveScience. We do not perceive the risk to be that high either; otherwise, we would be doing Teshuva and removing the gashmiut that fills our lives. I was speaking to my younger cousin about this and she innocently remarked “but we are orthodox, what could we possibly have to fix?” That is exactly why need to do Teshuva! It is not about quantity, it’s about quality. Davka (especially) in the ultra-orthodox circles! The danger is when we are far and think we are close. It all stems from our Emunah in Hashem. Do we have emunah in Hashem? When the banks will close- because they will and chaos will fill the world- are we going to have Emunah in Hashem that He will provide for us? When our expensive homes are destroyed- through natural disasters or (G-d Forbid) nuclear weapons- are we going to have Emunah that Hashem will give us shelter? “It is clear to all that the world is on the verge of collapse. Every day, every day something happens in some place or another throughout the world; something terrible, frightening and unexplainable”; this is all in order to wake the Jewish people up! “It is only through Teshuva that Israel can be redeemed" (Yoma 86b).

A lot of the quotations in this article will be from autistic children give over through the method of Facilitated Communication. “FC” works the following way: the neshama knows everything, while the brain is a filter. If the brain is not working (not filtering) the mouth cannot let out that information. These children’s brains do not function- there is no filter- as a result they cannot communicate normally. Hashem has allowed this new method has been revealed, because we are approaching the times of Mashiach (I highly encourage reading more about it or approaching me with questions, since the scope of this article cannot possibly cover all of it). As explained in the gemara, "From the time the Beit HaMikdash was destroyed, prophecy was taken away from prophets and handed over to fools" (Bava Batra 12b). HaRav E.E. Dessler expounds, "Prophecy was given to fools since by them the screen (i.e., the brain) is not so strong. The brains of fools are damaged, and one can peek within the world of the soul without any physical concealment or cover. When the brain is damaged, the soul is freed. It is unlimited and sees all. The brain is what limits and conceals the soul"(HaRav E.E. Dessler, IV). Regardless whether you believe this is true or not, the messages that they are giving are beautiful and should be listened to. The frightening part is how their prophecies and warnings have come true.

The Financial Crisis is the biggest fear filling the world. The American, European, Asian and Russian stock markets have plummeted significantly and expectations for recovery are not high. The fall of the stock market and the plummet of the dollar’s worth were warned months ago. In February 13th 2008, Daniel said “And what about the banks…? The banks are terrified - they have given people way too many loans and credit. This is the roughest time the world has gone through since the great (Wall Street) crash of 1929”. The Economist has labeled the current situation “the worst financial crisis since the Depression” (Oct. 9th 2008). At the time this sounded ridiculous- not anymore. They have recently warned, “The banks are going to fall and money will be worth no more than tissue paper”. I was in shock when I read in the news recently that Washington Mutual and Wachovia fell. This will force us to realize that “our livelihood does not come from our jobs, nor does it come from social security or any other such source, only from Hashem”. These are all tests of Emunah, complete faith, in Hashem.

What about the natural disasters? This year alone, there were more natural disasters than the last 5 years put together! “The world is changing, not just financially, but physically too. These are all messages from Hashem that we should realize the world, as a whole, is going to complain”. Unfortunately, if we do not get the message, “there will be even greater ones - far greater than the human mind is capable of even imagining. It will be terrifying and destructive in ways no one could have dreamed”. As Isaiah prophesized, “The earth is broken, broken down, the earth is crumbled in pieces, the earth trembled and tottered” (24:19); the earthquake in China was just the beginning.

The Midrash on (Yalkut Shimoni, Yishayahu 60) explains what will happen when Mashiach comes: Rabbi Yitzchak said: In the year when the king, Moshiach will be revealed [what will happen in the year Moshiach will be revealed], all the kings of the nations of the world are provoking each other [threats of war will be heard all over the world]. The king of Paras [the president of Iran] is provoking the Arab king [threatening the king of Saudi Arabia - the only country who still has the word "arab" in its name - with war] and then the Arab King will turn to Edom for advice [the king of Saudi Arabia will turn to the western countries led by the U.S.A. for advice on how to react to the Iranian threats].The king of Paras will then go and destroy the world [it is quite obvious that one cannot destroy the whole world with conventional weapons. In this case it is obviously referring to nuclear weapons. "the world" of course means most of the world, not the whole planet]. And all the nations of the world [the countries that will remain, see in Zecharia 13, the prophecy that says that 2/3 of the world will be destroyed] will shout from terror, fall upon their faces in fear and undergo such horrible pains as strong as labor pains [the whole world will be gripped with such a fear, since it is known that nuclear weapons can mean only one thing and that is: certain death]. And the Jewish people will shout from fear [they will be afraid that Iran may attack Israel, as well] and say, "to where do we turn?! To where do we run?"And He will say unto them (Hashem), my children, do not be afraid; all that I have done here, I have done only for you [everything Hashem will do is for the Jews, to destroy the reign of the wicked Edom, to eradicate evil from the world and allow the Moshiach, our righteous king to take over the kingdom]. Why do you fear? The time for your Redemption has arrived!” This midrash seems very relevant to our current situation. Hashem has given many prophecies: “And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will make Jerusalem a stone of burden for all the peoples; all that burden themselves with it shall be sore wounded; and all the nations of the earth shall be gathered together against it” (Zechariah 12:3). “And he shall deal with the strongest fortresses with the help of a foreign god; whom he shall acknowledge, shall increase glory; and he shall cause them to rule over many, and shall divide the land for a price” (Daniel 11:39); hasn’t the US pressured Israel to give land? The pieces all fit in…

The Autistic children give many warnings regarding the war of Gog Umagog: “any person can see that we are facing a terrible and most difficult war, unlike any war this world has ever seen. Two thirds of the world will be destroyed [Zecharia 13:8] by Hakadosh Baruch Hu [G-d] Himself, without the aid of any messengers. There will also be great and wondrous miracles. Things will happen that will be obvious to all that they are coming straight from Heaven”. As the Navi states, "Indeed the day is coming, burning like a furnace, and all the arrogant and all the evildoers will be like straw and the coming day will burn them up, says the L-ord of Hosts, and will leave them neither a root nor a branch. But for those who fear my name, there will shine a sun of charity with healing in its wings" (Malachi 3:19-20). “I also want to emphasize the fact that we are facing a terrible war ["Gog Umagog"] that is going to change the whole world. A war the likes of which the world has never seen in all of history. And if out of sheer laziness or foolishness, we refuse to do the will of Hashem [to leave the sheker and come to the truth, as written above], within seconds we are liable to find ourselves in a hopeless situation, Heaven forbid. Or, we can find ourselves in the midst of the complete Redemption. The choice is ours. The Arabs are closing in on us from every direction; the South, the North, the West, the East, from every which way they can. And these are certainly not the Arabs that were around in the time of the Six Day War, who left their shoes and fled; the ones who were forced against their will by the Egyptians to get out of the military trucks and fight and if they refused, were severely beaten. The Arabs of today have a military of their own, more than adequately prepared to fight a real war, fully equipped with all the latest, advanced weaponry. Moreover, the amount of Arabs there are in the world today, by far, surpasses the amount of Jews”.

What about zechut Avot? Are we unworthy? “I wouldn't say that all the Jews are unworthy, that is not true. But the truth is that at this time, very few are really worthy. However, this situation can change in a second! How? If we make the decision to do teshuva, to really repent inside and outside, in every corner possible and decide that from this moment onwards, with Hashem's help, we will only do the will of Hashem or at least make tremendous efforts to follow His way and observe His mitzvot. And only a person who is truly longing for the Moshiach and is connected to Hakadosh Boruch Hu (Hashem), who does true teshuva (repentance), will be able to live in the world that will remain after the upcoming and final war. Am Yisrael, prepare yourselves for the next world. Go, prepare yourselves quickly! There is simply no time!”

These warnings started many years ago—doubts of the truth of the warnings have risen and been addressed: “You can't now say what you have always said, "you autistic people are always saying "soon" but then nothing happens..." Everyone can see that we are already there - "soon" is happening now, as we speak. Here and there people are claiming that there are still another seven years until the Moshiach comes. I'm telling you now very clearly that this is absolutely not true; there are not seven more years. We don't know if it will be seven months or perhaps even seven weeks. There is no way to know the exact time”.

Daniel and Benjamin, the autistic children I am mostly quoting, have a lot of warnings for the Jews in the Diaspora which I believed appropriate to add here. These are a combination of quotes from different sessions: “Brothers and sisters, look around you. See what is happening. Change your ways for the better. Realize that Hakadosh Baruch Hu is the Ruler. Because if you don't, He will show it to you in the harshest way, and you won't be able to deny it. According to our holy prophets, two thirds of the world will be destroyed [Zecharia 13:8]. He will bring upon us miracles bigger than those in ancient Egypt. Fear, panic and desperation will grip those who deny His existence or His total rulership. But the believers will rejoice. They will be happy and Hashem (G-d) will care for them as a mother cares for her small baby, and they will be without worry, without fear and without distress. Therefore, now is the time to smash the Egel Hazahav (the idol-worship of materialism). Each one with his own hands, smash it and crush it into dust. And bury that dust forever. Am Yisrael (the People of Israel), it's time to come home. True, it won't be easy to come to a country ruled by non-believers who totally reject the concept of Moshiach (our Redeemer) and every other aspect of Judaism. But don't be afraid, because we know from our holy prophets that the non-believing rulers of today will fall completely before Moshiach is crowned. My brothers and sisters, come home. It's time. Those in Russia, you would do well to get yourselves out. Those in America and Europe, Edom will be totally destroyed [Ovadia 1:18]. Read the writing on the wall. Many of your brethren, people of means, have come to Jerusalem and bought apartments, thinking that when Moshiach comes they will be able to run away quickly to Israel, to their fancy apartments, and be safe. But let me tell you this: only those who truly trust and love Hashem will survive. Only those who live close to Hashem all the time will survive. Only those who really try, at least try, to do His will, will survive. Because only such people will be suitable to live in a world of Truth. The main reason that Jews hesitate to go up to the Land of Israel is the fear of not having their basic needs, food clothing, and shelter. Then there are others who fear that their standard of living will go down. To those who fear this, I repeat that the world economy will fall completely, and therefore financially there is not much to worry about”.

Great Rabbeim have also said lately that we are very close to the Geulah! Rav Mekubal Rabbi David Abuchazera Shlita of Naharia (The Baba Sali’s grandson) has been seeing standing to receive every person that comes to seem. He was asked why he is standing for everyone. The Rav's answer was astonishing and remarkable: "I dreamed that my grandfather, Rabbi Yisrael Abuchazera, the Baba Sali, zs'kl, is angry at me - 'Mashiach came twice to see you and you did not rise for him and show him his due respect. He will come a third time and you must honor him!' I don't know who the Mashiach is that my grandfather is referring to, so I began standing for all the people that come see me," said the Rav. Rabbeinu Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita has just recovered from two strokes this past summer. His son says the Rav is communicating through moving his lips and writing notes. He has been talking about the urgency to unite Am Israel in order to bring the complete redemption. Rav Shmuel Eliyahu Shlita talked about the extraordinary cloak his father earned from the honorable Baba Sali, zs'kl, which the Baba Sali personally prepared to wear for the coming of Moshiach. Before the passing of the Baba Sali, he called Rav Mordechai Eliyahu, who was lovable to him, and handed him a few things including the Glima (cloak) and told him that with this cloak, he'll greet Moshiach Tzidkenu. In the top pocket of the cloak are a few beard hairs of the revered Baba Sali and the Baba Sali told Rav Eliyahu before giving him the cloak, "Note that when you greet the Moshiach, these few beard hairs that were part of me will stay with you."Another thing that is associated with the Moshiach's arrival are the 2 watches Rav Mordechai Eliyahu received from the Baba Sali. Baba Baruch Shlita, the Baba Sali's son, told Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita that his father came to him several times in a dream and instructed him to give the watches to Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita. The Baba Sali said that when the watches read 12:00, Moshiach is coming. The Rav once said the clock is showing five minutes before twelve, and now the clock are at twelve. His son, Rabbi Shmuel Eliyahu, said, "We don't dare to open the clocks without my father, my teacher, Rav Mordechai Eliyahu Shlita. But there is such a rumor - and we are really very close to the redemption. In any case, we need to pray that the Rav, HaRav Mordechai Tzemach ben Mazal Tov Shlita, will have complete recovery and his health improves so he can return home and personally see if the watches are showing 12:00 o'clock and announce the good news to us. I asked him several times about the watches and he replied the verse: ‘So says HaShem: Keep judgment and do justice: for My salvation is near to come, and My justice to be revealed’ (translated from http://www.news1.co.il/)”.

On Shabbat Shuva, the Admor of Sanz said "There are many signs that this year 5769 is the year of the Pekida (redemption) and we cannot lose the opportunity to be redeemed forever. Each person must do something to strengthen in observing the Torah and its Mitzvot and improve the Middot.” (translated from http://www.bhol.co.il)

The simple solution to all of our problems and the world’s problems is teshuva! “Yet most of the people are simply not moving; they are not trying to save themselves. And how indeed can we be saved from this upcoming frightening situation? One word: Teshuva. We, the autistic and brain damaged people, have, Baruch Hashem, written a lot of messages on this matter. But unfortunately most people just don't seem to care. We have already written all that needs to be said on the matter. We have spoken so much about this but many people don't want to listen, they just "plug their ears". The sheker is more pleasing to them because they are not yet familiar with the unlimited spiritual pleasure we attain from having a close connection with Hakadosh Baruch Hu. They are accustomed to materialism and are only aware of the superficial and fleeting materialistic pleasures. Such people will be lost, Heaven have mercy.

Yet perhaps now, with all the turmoil throughout the world, perhaps Am Yisrael will finally be prepared to realize the truth. Maybe with all the signs Hashem has been sending us lately, all the messages: through nature, through the financial crisis, through all sorts of personal tragedies, (may we not know) through the constant threats of Russia and Iran, and all sorts of other threats looming over us from all kinds of places, perhaps all this will finally open a tiny opening in many Jews' hearts, and they will begin to ponder the necessity of doing teshuva”. How many more warnings must Hashem send? Daniel’s and Benjamin’s last words are deeply touching: “Dear Jews, listen carefully to my words. It is true, what I said before, that Hashem is bringing us into the days of Moshiach gradually so that we won't get a terrible shock. However we are have arrived already at the final stages, and the end will suddenly be upon us. Hashem has already warned us in many ways, year after year, that we must return to Him and to His Torah and thus be saved.

However, most of the Jews still want to go on living a life of lies and don't want to know about or recognize Hashem's warnings. Therefore, I am telling you: the end is very near ["at the time Edom is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed", (Radak on Yeshayahu 63; 1 as well as the Malbim on Yechezkel 35;2)], and nothing can prevent it. Nothing will help us except returning to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and His Torah. However this does not mean returning to the charedi (orthodox) version of serving the Golden Calf. It means coming to a level of complete faith and bitachon in Hakadosh Baruch Hu and having no faith at all in olam hazeh [the materialistic world]. In the Talmud it says, “In the way that a person chooses to walk, he will be led” (makkot 10b). R’ Twerski adds, “The responsibility for choosing the way lies within in person”. The power of teshuva- which way your future will go- is up to you! “I am asking Am Yisrael to stop in their tracks, look back and see what a true Jew used to look like and then return to that point. Claiming that Am Yisrael cannot be blamed for all sorts of sins they committed is not reality. The reality is that we must rebuke each other now because that is the lifeline: "Jew! You are drowning!"”

What will the world look like when Mashiach comes? When Mashiach comes “man will externally look similar to how we look now. Hashem gives us everything we need now and will in the future world as well. But here, because we have to work we get confused and think that we are the ones bringing in our livelihood. In the Olam Haba the truth will become clear. Hashem will give us everything without the unnecessary materialism. Life will be spiritual with much more satisfaction. Don't forget, it will be a world without any evil inclination. I don't even know if anyone today can imagine a world without the evil inclination. The evil inclination finds its way into every nook and cranny, into every tiny crevice within the person. People are not even aware of how much the evil inclination motivates their every move. Abba, you know Hashem once took away the evil inclination from the world for three days and nothing, not a thing moved. [Gemmara chapter 7, daf 69] We are simply not equipped to understand or even imagine what it can be like. I want to emphasize once more what I have said in the past, that the world as we know it, is 'taking its final breaths'.

In the end, every man will be left alone with only himself and Hashem. On the Day of Judgment it is every man for himself. Am Yisrael, Hashem's beloved children; it is time to return home. There is no time. We are at the end”. It is hard to yearn for the unknown. We are comfortable and used to our lives. I even feel at times like there is still so much I want to do till this is all “over”. What we know now does not compare to what will and should be. B”H we should have the zechut to receive Mashiach, beyameinu, amen!

All the quotations, unless otherwise stated, are from www.dani18.com. These are messages by autistic children. I highly recommend visiting it for more information.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

More Prophecies Unfolding: Ashdod & Ashkelon

Not long ago, a book came out written by Rabbi Baruch Shapira, zs'kl. During his lifetime, the Tzaddik was not well-known and was nistar (hidden). He resided in Maale Adumim and passed away about 15 years ago. Everything he wrote in the book are prophecies. In his sefer he writes mind-boggling details, written over 20 years ago.

He wrote that there will come a day when settlements in Gaza area will be evacuated and handed over to the enemy. He warns not to purchase homes in Ashdod and Ashkelon. He explains that these towns will be bombarded with missiles.

Navi (prophet) Zephaniah, zs'kl, foretold this prophecy over 2,000 years ago.

Chapter 2
ד כִּי עַזָּה עֲזוּבָה תִהְיֶה, וְאַשְׁקְלוֹן לִשְׁמָמָה; אַשְׁדּוֹד, בַּצָּהֳרַיִם יְגָרְשׁוּהָ, וְעֶקְרוֹן, תֵּעָקֵר.
4. For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation; they shall drive out Ashdod at the noonday, and Ekron shall be rooted up.



Gaza and Moshiach

About 2 years ago, Sara Imenu, a'h, told me in a dream that Moshiach arrival is very connected to Gaza and the war will start from there.

Israeli bombs rain death on Gaza: At least 200 are killed as 100 tons of bombs strike Gaza. Israeli aircraft attacked police and security installations across the Gaza Strip, killing scores of people in the deadliest raid in the coastal region since the 1967 War.



Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769

After a long period of time, my husband was zoche to see the Tzaddik Nistar last night.

When my husband approched to speak with him, he told my husband that although things change in Shamayim, the decree to leave America by Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769 has not been changed! He told my husband that he knows we are leaving America within a month and gave my husband tremendeous chizuk not to forget that parnassa only comes from HKB'H and success of livelihood is depended on Shalom Bayit (peace on the house).

The Tzaddik Nistar told my husband that although Eretz Israel is bought with pain, regardless it will be better and safer in Eretz Israel than anywhere else. He again stressed that Jews should leave to Eretz Israel ASAP - while they still can.... deadline is Rosh Chodesh Sivan 5769.

Hatzlacha raba and may HaShem be with you to make the only right decision for you and your family.



Thursday, December 18, 2008


Shalom, I had a very similar experience to your friend's turmoil regarding making Aliyah. We were very serious about making Aliyah 2 years ago. Then I visited a "Big Rav" who put a big fear in us about parnasah (making a living) and I told my wife (big mistake) and it caused my wife to change her mind.
I always pray to Hashem for another opportunity to make Aliyah, Amen.
Bsorot Tovot
Kol Tuv

What kind of a "BIG RAV" puts doubts in people's mind about HKB"H??????????????
Doesn't HaShem זן את הכל (feed all)?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rabbi Chaim Vital, zs'kl, the student of the AriZal, said that at the End of Days it's going to be the "Rabbanim" who are going to cause Moshiach's delay.

הזהרו מן הצבועים שקשה עונשם מן הרשעים
(Otzar Chayim) - "I heard from my teacher and father-in-law, who was the chief disciple of Rebbe Yechiel Michal of Zlotchov, that once when the Baal Shem Tov, zs'kl, was traveling on the road, he stepped into a wooded area to pray the afternoon prayer. His disciples were dumbfounded to see him hitting his head against a tree, crying and screaming. Afterward, they asked him what had happened. He explained that he had seen, with Divine Inspiration, that in the generations before the coming of the Moshiach there would be a multitude of rabbis, and that they would be the very ones who would impede the redemption."

This is your test - are you going to trust a Rav who doesn't trust HaShem to give a person a Parnassah or you going to trust HaKadosh Baruch Hu????!!!!!!!!!!!

Choose to trust HKB'H!!!!!!!!!! Parnassa of a person is determined by HKB'H on Rosh HaShana till Rosh HaShana - whether you are in Quebec, Zimbabway, New Jersey, or Tzfat iz not going to change the decree. Every penny/shekel has an address, date, and destination.

If you need more chizuk, remember that HaShem has PLENTY of money and it's us who need to work on our Emunah in HaShem.



Fallen Angels

Like many Jews around the world, Moshe Benasher was glued to the screen, anxiously awaiting news from the once great - and now infamous - Nariman House.

From his Flatbush home, surrounded by his wife and three children, he tried to gather bits and pieces of information from outlets like CNN's Indian IBN channel and COLlive.

But when the ordeal came to a tragic end, he broke into tears."The only way I could respond was to compose a song about it," Benasher told COLlive. "I sat near the piano and was crying while writing the song. He calls his new 6 minute song 'Fallen Angels.'

Fallen Angels
She closed her eyes
He wiped her tears
He said Shema
It calmed his fears

He held her hand
Said it’d be alright
Knowing well they both could lose their life

And as my world watched it on the screen
We hoped and prayed and prayed again
That it would be a silent dream
But the dawn ushered in an unfamiliar light
The worst was heard confirmed

Now I cry to you, I lean on you,
my fellow Jew I ask of you

Tell me how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have fallen from our life
And how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have flown away at night

3500 siblings asking why
An orphan’s forced to cry
Mommy, Tatty hold my hand
One day I pray you’ll understand
The cowardly lion is not the king of the land.
But the question remains, I ask

Tell me how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have fallen from our life
And how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have flown away at night

Don’t judge me when I mourn
Today it’s me who’s torn
Don’t look at me
My tears are falling fast

They say it’s all a blessing in disguise
I can’t differentiate the lies from truth
What’s a mind to do

We were the super heroes of the night
We would illuminate the sky
They took away the torch but not your flame
What’s my mind to do
I will never forget you
I will light the sky from here to Mumbai
And nothing will ever look the same

Tell me how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have fallen from our life
And how do we say goodbye
to the angels that have flown away at night

Chassidim Never say goodbye
We want Moshiach Now



Monday, December 15, 2008

CAVE in Miron Found!

The Dream:
The Tzion in Miron where we think Rashbi, zs'kl, is buried is not the correct location. Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai is buried behind the Tzion and the location of his burial ground is in the underground cave and can be reached thru tunnels.

The underground cave where Rashbi is buried will break "open" and Rashbi will "emerge" thru the underground tunnels to above-ground and will be accompanied with Eliyahu Hanavi, announcing Moshiach's arrival.
The Reality:
During construction today (Monday 12/15) to expand the women's section at Rashbi's burial in Miron, a cave underneath the Tzion was discovered and inside are numerous unidentified graves.

The construction was immediately stopped in order to investigate the contents inside the cave. One eyewitness said that it's a gigantic cave full of graves. The same eyewitness said that the cave extends underneath the building of the Tzion.

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Will the Real Gog Stand Up

A very dear friend of mine is going thru a personal turmoil. She desperately wants to leave America and move to Israel but her husband refuses. They decided to go to a Rav and ask him his opinion. The Rav they chose to go to told the wife to 'get over it' and did not validate her 'calling'. The Rav's non-chalant reply caused her to become even more upset and the constant urge she is feeling to move to Israel grew daily and unfortunately, effected their marriage.

When she called me desperate, I totally related to the 'calling' she's feeling and offered to take her to an extremely reliable Tzaddik/Mekubal.

The Mekubal told her that it's going to take some time but in 6 months, approximately the time of Shavuot, they'll return to Israel, b'h. She told the Mekubal that her husband does not want to return to Israel so how is it possible that he'll suddenly agree. The Mekubal answered her, 'right now he doesn't want but IN THE END, he will want!"

I asked the Mekubal when he is moving to Eretz Israel and he replied, "Soon." I also asked him if Bush is Gog and he said NO. I asked him if Obama will be the president of the United States and he replied, "Yes". I asked him who Gog is and he replied, "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - The President of the Iran."

I'm not sure how Ahmadinejad is connected to the Zohar HaKadosh regarding President Gog but maybe we haven't seen nothing yet...

In any case, the Mekubal's answer that President Ahmadinejad is Gog aligns with the following Midrash:
ילקוט שמעוני (ישעיהו פרק ס' רמז תצט
א"ר יצחק שנה שמלך המשיח נגלה בו כל מלכי אומות העולם מתגרים זה בזה, מלך פרס מתגרה במלך ערבי והולך מלך ערבי לארס ליטול עצה מהם וחוזר מלך פרס ומחריב את כל העולם וכל אומות העולם מתרעשים ומתבהלים ונופלים על פניהם ויאחוז אותם צירים כצירי יולדה, וישראל מתרעשים ומתבהלים ואומר להיכן נבוא ונלך להיכן נבוא ונלך להיכן נבוא ונלך

Yalkut Shimoni
Rabbi Yitzhok said: 'The year Melech HaMoshiach will be revealed, all the nations of the world will be provoking each other. The King of Persia (Iran) will provoke the King of Arabia, and the King of Arabia will go to Edom to take counsel, but the King of Persia will in turn, destroy the entire world. The nations of the world will be outraged and panick. They will fall on their faces, and will experience pains like birth pangs..



Friday, December 12, 2008

Autistic Message: Why Were the Tzaddikim Killed in India?


Woe to Am Yisrael, woe to the world. The tragedy in India was most vicious. Many Jews and also non-Jews are asking, "Why? Why did it happen?" The non-Jews have an explanation based upon their understanding, without knowing the ways of Hakadosh Baruch Hu. They think this was done by suicidal terrorists who want more than anything to bring down the Western countries, U.S.A., Europe and particularly Israel.

In order to achieve this, they are prepared to kill themselves along with the rest of the world. Why do they hate the West and Israel so much? For them the West and its way of life are a great impurity and a spiritual degeneration that is ruining the entire world.

And Israel for them is the spiritual battle between Yitzchak and Yishmael. That is why they carry such envy and hatred towards the Jewish people. They are certain that they, the offspring of Yishmael, are the true sons of Avraham Avinu's firstborn. They think that because of this they have the right to rule over both the materialistic and the spiritual aspects of the world. That is really their goal: to rule physically and spiritually over the entire world, [it is well known that according to their Koran, it is meritorious to kill infidels].

However this is not the correct explanation for what happened. The real reason is one that every Jew must understand. We, the Jewish people, know that everything that happens in the world is a message for Am Yisrael. Most of the victims were goyim but among the Jews that were murdered were some very notable righteous Jews, the tzaddik who, together with his wife, ran an entire building for the purpose of bringing people closer to Hashem and also the two mashgichim that were there at that time, they too, were tzaddikim.

All the Jews that died there died al Kiddush Hashem [to sanctify Hashem's name] have the status of tzaddikim, yet those specific four stood out the most. It is very obvious that Hashem [G-d] purposely put them there at the time of the attack. That was done so that they should merit dying al Kiddush Hashem.

But why? Why did such tzaddikim have to die? Because from the time of their birth they had a tikun [rectification] to do. That tikun was to bring a most important message to Am Yisrael. That message is: "Am Yisrael, do teshuva [repent]. Because if you don't, you will have to suffer terribly until you do - or else, chas veshalom, disappear from creation completely." That is the main message.

Am Yisrael, those tzaddikim were murdered for our sakes [And they will gain much merit if we carry out their message and do real teshuva]. They have nothing more to worry about; they are now in Gan Eden since they were murdered “al Kiddush Hashem”. But what about us? What about us? My brothers and sisters, I ask you, what about us?

Also, notice the place where all this happened. Mumbai, India, is a city centered around money [it is India's financial center]. It is a major city of the Olam Hazeh [materialism, the “golden calf”]: full of Western tourism, restaurants, fancy hotels, etc. Moreover, the essence of India is based on avodah zara and there is avodah zara in every corner. And along with that, Mumbai is also filled with the spiritual filth of the Western countries, gashmius [materialism] and many other things hated by Hakadosh Baruch Hu. That is why it was an appropriate place to pass on this message against the Golden Calf [materialism and the vanities of this world].

This is only one small example of what is supposed to take place throughout the entire world if we don't do teshuva and eradicate the terrible impurity that was created by our sins. That is why it was so vicious. Yet this is still small in comparison with what is waiting for the world if Am Yisrael does not destroy the Egel Hazahav and return to the service of Hakadosh Baruch Hu.

Unfortunately, most of the Jews nowadays are very absorbed in the ways and lifestyles of the goyim, which revolve around gashmius and the Egel Hazahav. But now Hakadosh Baruch Hu is putting an end to the Egel Hazahav and destroying it completely. It is already in the process of dying [Banks failing, stocks plunging, bankruptcies, unemployment skyrocketing, etc. For additional information about this, see message 42].

However we are not entirely finished with the Egel Hazahav yet, and many Jews are still dreaming and wishing that the world would return to the way it was not too long ago, when money was flowing and people were very busy with shopping and walking around immodestly and all the other materialistic, frivolous things which are the exact opposite of Hashem's will – which is His Torah and His mitzvos.

Yet now, while the Egel Hazahav is dying, many Jews who have become so dependent on the excess materialism of the world, find that they must curtail the extravagant lifestyles they have led until now. They are confused and don't know what to do.

They are willing to pray to Hashem for livelihood, but in most cases they are still not prepared to do real and complete teshuva and make the decision to never again return to their old forbidden lifestyle, their life of excessive materialism, of the Golden Calf [See Mesillas Yesharim, chapter 1, which explains that the true good life of a Jew is exactly the opposite of the Egel Hazahav].

As long as they are not willing to do real teshuva and go back to being true Jews, then there will continue to be terrible tragedies. It will continue until the present world of sheker [falsehood] completely crumbles and those unwilling to do teshuva will disappear from the world, chas veshalom [see Rambam, Hilchos Teshuva, chapter 8, halacha 5], because in a world of Emes [Truth], only people of Truth can live.

Two of our prophets, Zecharia and Yechezkel, gave us different versions of how the world as we know it will end. According to one prophecy, many nations will come to Israel to fight against and destroy the Jewish people. But since the Jews will have done teshuva, Am Yisrael will not be harmed [see Yechezkel 38].

However, if chas veshalom, we don't do teshuva, there is the other version, may we never know of it. And that is that the war will reach all the way to Jerusalem, with a terrible earthquake and many, many deaths, etc. [see Zechariah 14]. There will be many victims and only relatively very few will receive Moshiach Tzidkenu. This version is consistent with the words of the Chessed Le'Avraham z”l [the grandfather of the Chi"da z”l] who wrote that it is known that only seven thousand Jews in Israel will receive Moshiach Tzidkenu.

We have no chance of receiving Moshiach Tzidkenu if we do not remove all the goyishkeit from our lives, all the non-Jewish things we have brought into our daily lifestyles,. How many times can we repeat this? All that is asked of you is to do teshuva, to be real Jews. You pray in shul, put on tefillin every day, daven three times a day, do bris milah for your sons and observe the other mitzvos.

However these mitzvos you do are usually done only by rote. Even Torah learning, in most cases is superficial. It is without love of Hashem. In most cases the hearts are like stone and therefore the Torah cannot penetrate [this situation was predicted in Sanhedrin 97a, see Mahrasha “penei hador etc.”]. The Torah we learn cannot enter our hearts because we are drowning in gashmius. This gashmius hardens the heart and distances the mind from spirituality.

In the previous messages we explained exactly what needs to be rectified. [You can also find information about this in the books "Daniel" and "Daniel 2", in English and Hebrew.] Keep away from the Olam hazeh and bring Hashem into your hearts. Return to being modest and humble Jews who live only in order to come close to Hashem and do His will.

That's what is asked of us from Shamayim: to be modest inside and out, and exist only to live a life of Torah and mitzvos, without any other pursuits [See Micah 6]. Jews should work only enough to afford the basic necessities, only what is really needed in order to live a life of Torah and mitzvos, without unnecessary luxuries. We should live only in order to do the will of Hashem. That is all Hashem wants of us. That is all, just that.

I am telling you all now, in no uncertain terms, whoever does not at least make a serious attempt to return to Hakadosh Baruch Hu, even if it is difficult, will suffer unbearably. For this reason Hashem has shown us the great suffering of the Jews who were killed in India al Kiddush Hashem [their suffering is part of the message for us]. Whoever saw the pictures was horrified. However, according to the testimonies they actually suffered even more than we know, lo aleinu.
Hashem wants us to take these matters very seriously. Those who don't, at some point or another will have no more chances to do teshuva. We are in the final phase preceding the Redemption. We must return to Hakadosh Baruch Hu or cease to exist, chas veshalom. Return to Hakadosh Baruch Hu or cease to exist. Return to Hakadosh Baruch Hu or cease to exist!

Message from Daniel, an autistic boy 4 Kislev 5769
I want to add to what Binyamin said, to elaborate and also to mention some things that we have already said before but have been forgotten. What does it mean to do teshuva? We must throw away the goyish customs that we have acquired during our long galus – and I am referring particularly to the Charedim. Because the Charedim are the heart of Am Yisrael, the example for the rest of Am Yisrael.

But unfortunately, that example is no longer appropriate, because very often the example the Charedim set for the world is of Jews who have sold their souls to the Egel Hazahav. We must change this; we must rely only upon Hakadosh Baruch Hu for our livelihood. We must realize that everything we need, from birth to death, every physical thing, comes only from Hashem.
We must stop looking for entertainment and frivolous things to do. Stop wasting time on nonsense and go back to the Beis Midrash, learn Gemara, Mishnayos and other sacred books. We must learn with all our hearts, not just with our minds, with our hearts! And love each and every Jew, feel the pain of each and every Jew and of Am Yisrael as a whole, be humble and modest and be holy.

A Jewish wife should be at home raising her children in the ways of the Torah. If she must work, she should work at a place appropriate for an eshes chayil, not in places where men work. Kosher B'nos Yisrael [Jewish women] don't learn in Universities and other places filled with goyish ways and ideas. They also don't learn in all sorts of colleges with “hechshers”, because that is also treif.

Real Jews don't go to restaurants for entertainment, they don't go to pizza places, Hamburger places, etc. to sit and eat. These things are detestable in the eyes of Hakadosh Baruch Hu; it's like eating in a shuk [a public market place, see Kidushin 40]. Jews don't go to entertainment places like bowling and so called kosher concerts for Charedim and so on. These are just imitations of the goyish ways and they are forbidden. Jews don't go on all sorts of trips and leave the Eretz Yisrael for no justified reason.

Women should dress like Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah [who certainly never wore wigs] and not like models from Paris [see more about this in message 35]. We should not bring into a Jewish home all sorts of written materials from the street or read books of the goyim. We should also not bring in books written by Jews who do not have real Torah hashkafos - even if they wear kippahs. And nowadays, even music needs a good hechsher.

We must return to Hashem and want nothing more than to be “under His wings” [Psalms 91:4] so to speak. From morning until night and from night until morning, to want and do His will.
Am Yisrael, whoever returns to Hakadosh Baruch Hu in this way, to his true Tatty [father], his only Father, the loving father who created him, will achieve eternal life [see the book Derech Hashem 1:2:4]. And whoever attains this eternity will have all the best of everything, much better than all the good in this world put together [“One hour of Olam Haba is better than all the life in this world" Pirkei Avos chapter 4].

How do we attain this? Very easily, all we have to do is seek to be Hashem's servant. Oy Am Yisrael, there is so little time. Come, do teshuva, return to the Truth because nothing else can save you. Not the police, not the army, nobody. NOBODY.

Am Yisrael, Am Yisrael, return. Am Yisrael our Father in Heaven is waiting for us. He doesn't want to "eradicate, kill and obliterate" [as written in Megillas Esther]. He wants us to return to Him because He knows that this is the only way we can achieve eternal life.

For more messages: call 011 (972) 3-9770077, see: http://www.dani18.com/ and/or http://www.emet8.com/
Or read the books “Daniel” and “Daniel 2” (in Hebrew and English) - tel. (732) 278-7666

Please help your fellow Jews to know what is going on and what to do by distributing these messages. Print or copy them and place or post them in shuls, stores, etc., send to friends and relatives by fax, email etc.

Volunteers who want to help distribute in their area - call (732) 415-4729.



Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Zohar HaKadosh: Mumbai and Moshiach

Zohar: Parshat Balak
"דרך כוכב מיעקב":

Zohar HaKadosh: Mumbai and Moshiach

שכינתא תהך ותהדר לגבי משה, שבעין יומין. לסוף שבעין יומין, סליק נאקו דישראל לקמי מלכא קדישא, דיהון מעיקין לון בכל סטרין דעלמא. וכנישתא חדא לצד דרומא יתאביד ויתחריב. וחמשה זכאי קשוט יתקטלון בינייהו:
The Divine Spirit will go and return to Moshe (Rabenu, zs'kl) for 70 days. At the end of the 70 days, the pain of Am Israel will ascend to the Holy King. One Synagogue in the South will be destroyed and lost and five true Tzaddikim will be amongst the dead.

כדין לסוף תלתין ותרין יומין דיקטלון לכנישתא ההיא, ילבש קב"ה קנאה לההוא שופר זעירא. וההוא משיח בריה דאפרים, יפרוש פרישא כחד תור דקרנוי סלקין כקרנוי דראם:

At the end of the 32 days since the murder of the people in that Synagogue, HKB'H will put on a garment of outrage to the little Shofar (the Kingdom) and Moshiach ben Efraim will spread, like a ram whose horns go upwards.

וההוא שופר זעירא, יתקע תרועה תקיעה ותרועה, תלת זמנין בריש טורא כמלקדמין, כדין נטלין דגלין דההוא משיח, ויפול רעשא על עלמא, באינון קלין דשופרא. וכל אינון בני עלמא ישמעון ויחמון. כמד"א, כל יושבי תבל ושוכני ארץ כנשוא נס הרים תראו וכתקוע שופר תשמעו

And the little Shofar (the Kingdom) will blow Tru'a Tekia Tru'a 3 times and a tremendeous noise will descend on the world from the blowing of the Shofar and the whole world will see and hear.

וכדין יתבערון גלולין מן ארעא קדישא. ותלת קרבין יעבדון בני ישמעאל בהדי משיח דא. ואינון ייתון ויסגדון למארי עלמא בטורא דקודשא בירושלים. ואילין קרבין יהון באלף שתיתאה

The Sitra Achra (impurities) will be completely wiped from the Holy Land and Yishmael will make 3 wars with Moshiach. And they will come and bow down to the Master of the Universe in Yerushalayim, and the wars will be in the sixth millenium.

The terrorists attacked and murdered the Kedoshim in Mumbai on Wednesday night, November 26, Cheshvan 29.

70 days prior to November 26 was Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - the day the stock market plunged 449 points and Islamist militants attacked the US embassy in the Yemeni capital Sanaa.

THIRTY TWO days after the Kedoshim were murdered, HI'D, in the Mumbai attack comes out on the 8th night of Chanuka.

Eighth Chanuka Candle in Mumbay
Rav Shimon Rosenberg, in his address to an Afula kinus on Tuesday after getting up from shiva, told participants that on the eighth night of Chanukah, he and



Friday, December 05, 2008

Israelis VS. Jews

Last week Thursday, terrorists terrorized Jews in Mumbai,
This week Thursday, Israelis terrorized Jews in Hevron.

After the violent evacuation of the Hevron Peace Home, loyal Jews, lovers of the holy land, protested in Yerushalayim the unneccessary evacution and the police used excess violence against the innocent Jewish protestors. To view, click here



Mission of Love

JEM presents a unique 18 minute movie on beloved directors of Chabad-Lubavitch of Mumbai, Rabbi Gavriel and Rivka Holtzberg and their guests, HI'D, יהי זכרם ברוך .



Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Reconnecting to Judaism

Judaism is not only cool but inspirational, spiritual, mystical and relevant to life. This short movie will show you why tapping into Torah is awesome and why people around the world are reconnecting to it. Courtesy of Pure Torah.



One Jew in India

Shabbat Parshat Lech Lecha in the year 5742, the revered Admor Sanz Klausenberg Rebbe, zs'kl, gave a shiur and during the shiur he foresaw the murder of the Kedoshim in Mumbay...

"Even one Jew that lives wherever in the world, amongst thousands, millions, or hundreds of million non-Jews, they know that there are Jews that do not believe in the the cross and neither in the bastard Muhammad, imach shemo. That in itself is a tremendeous thing.

"A Jew sanctifies HaShem wherever he is. Blessed HaShem wants all the non-Jews to know that there is one nation that does not belive in idols. The Gemara writes it explicitly and this is the purpose of the exile.

"Jews arrive everywhere, and one lone Jew lives in India! It is only one lone Jew and millions of non-Jews know about him. They speak about this Jew, and inquire... did they kill the Jew??? Is the Jew still alive???
כל זמן שהמשיח לא בא מדברים יותר מהיהודי!" "



והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו