Dreaming of Moshiach

Sunday, March 25, 2007

.....Says the Almighty Voice

It is a time of delight, for the Princes and Nobles come to praise the King of Kings of the Seven Heavens. They wait to hear the women of Israel interceding for the Jewish people. The forefathers, Tzaddikim, ministers, and the army of God, with all souls of Gan Eden are attending the palace. Everyone aligns in accordance to his dignity. The palace is crowded.

“Let's proceed!,” says the Almighty voice.
”Ve Kavod HaTzadika!,” respond the assembly.

Sarah Imenu appears sumptuous in her garment of light so luminous that some souls become sightless. She moves forward, her presence irradiates all worlds, and declares:

"HaKadosh Baruch Hu, Magen Avraham, God is ONE and IS the God of Israel. May HIS name be praised!. Here I stand before You, mother of all believers and God-fearing people. Here is my story coming from my heart thru my lips ... all the women of Israel will meet me somewhere in it , for it is a story we all share somehow at one time or another ...".

"I was old and yet, could not give a son to my husband Avraham. At that time, I had to overcome my shame and gave him my servant to ensure a posterity that would be named Israel . For that, I erased all jealousy and pride from my heart, to please my HaShem. Later on, when as I was blessed with a son, Yitzhak HaTzaddik, I was challenged and humiliated again, by that same servant.

The foreknowledge of the issue gave me strength to ask my husband to expel his first born from my son. I didn't plead for my honor, I did it for posterity.

I ask you, neshamot, ve Olam Shamayim, who can stand that shame and humiliation and while being physically alive feel grateful for it?. When the time came for Avraham to prove his obedience to HaShem, he took Yitzhak from me and went to tie and butcher him on the altar for HKB'H. Who can endure such pain and sadness of heart without succumbing? The will of HaShem and the will of my husband, I submitted myself to every test in life for a higher purpose.

By the merit of the higher soul that the Master of all Universes placed in me,
by the merit of being the wife of Avraham and the mother of Yitchak HaTzadik,
by the merit of my faith and obedience to HaShem,
I ask for Bnei Israel to be granted the accomplishment of HaShem's promise to Avraham, my husband, and be given the Holy land of Israel with no more war or dispute for their inheritance.

“We hear and concede the truth of your words for all Eternity,“
....says the Almighty Voice .

Myriads of lights escorts Sarah Imenu as she faints away, taking her royal seat among the Tzaddikot.

“Ve Kavod Ha Tzaddika,” says the Court.

Rivka Imenu, radiant as she was when Yitzhak saw her for the first time. She walks so gracefully in the center of the palace that she seems flying. She softly says:

“HaKadosh Baruch Hu, Ro'e Israel, I am coming in front of the court to inflect Your judgment.
I left the house of my father at a very young age, I followed Avraham 's servant with no claim, no lament, and no regret, in order to insure the will of God.
I had to choose one son over the other and sent Yaakov away in order to ensure the destiny of Israel . As my son left my house I knew he would stay away a long time. It was a long exile to endure... This was probably the most difficult test in my life." She sighed.

By the merit of the higher soul that the Master of all Universes placed in me,
by the merit of my husband Yitzhak and our son Yaakov, Hashem's beloved Israel,
I demand for His descendants, the people of Israel, to be granted to return to the Holy land of Israel forever, with no more postponement and with honor and glory.“

“We hear and concede the truth of your words for all eternity,“
...... says the Almighty Voice.

As softly as she entered the palace, she slights away gracefully to take place among the Tzaddikot.

“Ve Kavod ha Tzaddika,“ says the Assembly.

Another royal glow enters the palace. It is Lea Imenu, escorted by ten magnificent rows of color for every row. Her honor stands before her. Lea Imenu lifts up her arms and says:

“HaKadosh Baruch Hu, HaShem Nissi, those banners are Yaakov's children. They are your army, they are Israel banners, they are Your honor! Few women had the merit to give birth to such a lineage and a multitude.

By the merit of the highly soul that the Master of all Universes placed in me,
By the merit of Yaakov's sons: Reuven, Shimon, Levi, Yehuda, Issaschar, Zevulon, Dan, Naftali, Gad, and Asher: Ten tribes of Israel, I request for Yaakov's descendants to be granted the return to their Holy land as the accomplishment of HaShem's promise. May the Merciful let the Mitzvot and the merit of His sons and their progenitor rise and stand before them and plead for that cause.

“We hear and concede the truth of your words for all Eternity,“
......Says the Almighty Voice.

She faints away to sit among the Tzaddikot, escorted by murmurs of admiration and respect .

“Ve Kavod HaTzaddika,“ says the court.

The whole assembly remains silent when magnificent Rachel Imenu enters the palace. Buckets of tears are brought in front of the court, flooding the Heavenly floor like sea on earth. Everyone is silent. Some souls cry in the women's row. She approaches and says:

“HaKadosh Baruch Hu, HaShem Rapha. Here is my beauty, my robe, my wealth in the World to come! Rich I am in front of the eyes of my God, the God of Israel. My heart and eyes are crying... But even today as I still in seclusion, isolated, and lonely without my children, I come to pour out these tears infront of the Highly court as my constant offering to the Master of all Universes. I humbly ask that it should be a korban for the atonement of all the Children of Israel.

By the merit of the highly soul that HaShem placed in me,By the merit of all tears that I still cry cry in bitterness for my beloved children,By the merit of being Yaakov’s wife and the mother of Binyamin and Yosef HaTzaddik from whom will come Moshiach Ben Yosef, I demand from the Almighty to sweeten all judgments, hasten the Deliverance and send to Israel the King Mashiach, NOW.“

“We hear and concede the truth of your words for all Eternity,“
......Says the Almighty Voice.

Angels raise her above the tears until she takes place with her sisters.

“Ve Kavod HaTzaddika,“ says the Assembly.

Whisperings breaks the silence of the palace when Esther HaMalka steps in. All the color of the Orient, all perfumes of the world enter with her. Her royal presence imposes grandness. She holds in her hands the annulment of Achashverosh's decrees against the Jews, all the missives that were sent across his Kingdom to stop the pogroms, including Haman and his 10 sons' decree of death by hanging. She says:

“HaKadosh Baruch Hu, Tzour Israel. Here in my hand, the resort of the Jews: HaShem's benevolence, and the price to pay for the enemies of Israel: Death.
Here I am before You as a remembrance of the sacrifice and dedication of the people of Israel to the Melech HaMelachim. Here is the proof that in all time we always end up returning to our God and accept the Yoke of the Torah with a full heart to Hashem Yireh.

By the merit of the highly soul that HaShem placed in me,
By the merit of the sacrifice I made for the Jews,
By the merit of fasting, praying, and Teshuvah,
I ask again Avinu Malkenu and this court, to annul all harsh decrees that could hang over the people of Israel, and to free them with honor and joy.
Let them all be witnesses of the Justice of El HaGibor over the nations who oppress and threat Israel .

”We hear and concede the truth of your words for all Eternity,“
......says the Almighty Voice.

As she faints away, everyone can see the words following her "Cancellation of All Harsh Decree over Israel" in letters of fire.

“Ve Kavod haTzaddika!,” says the Assembly.

The last one to enter the palace is Devorah HaNevia. Angels sing the song of Devorah. Everyone listens with a joyful heart. She walks glumly; a scepter in one hand and a sword in the other. She imposes respect and glory. She says:

“HaShem Nissi. Nobles of this assembly.... Hear the song that defeated Sisra! Hear that song that will be sang again before the coming of Mashiach! Bless be the people of Israel who put total trust and faith in HaShem Tzidkenu.
When I was judging my people and fighting for them, never did I doubt that our God would continue to be faithful to us. Neither our brave warriors or our weapons gave us victory. We didn't need courage! We needed faith... Today we sing this song again to hasten the coming of Mashiach.

By the merit of the highly soul that HaShem placed in me,
By the merit of all the songs that praise HaShem and are a delight to Him,
By the merit of the victory of that day,
I ask HaKadosh Baruch Hu to remember that He fought for us and gave us victory.
I ask this court to not over-burden the people of Israel with more trials and pain.
Remember judges, no one can endure suffering and sing with a valiant heart.
May the Merciful One, fight the wars of Israel and give us victory over His enemies without removing one single life of Israel. Yehi Ratzon . Amen Ve Amen.“

“We hear and concede the truth of your words for all Eternity,“
.....says the Almighty Voice.

Glorious, she faints away, while her song is on every Jews' lips.

Moshe Rabbenu raises and says:
“There is no testimony more valuable and affecting that those we heard today. They have silenced all prosecution of all courts. The merit of the women will bring redemption... All women of this assembly also played a part in it, and share in this merit.
It should be declared here in Heaven and in the lower world, that the People of Israel have merited a complete and total Redemption, and that Mashiach Tzidkenu should be revealed
to them NOW with no more suffering and with gladness of heart."

The forefathers, Tzaddikim, ministers, and the army of God, with all souls of Gan Eden, together with Jews of the lower world, say:
“Yehi Ratzon. Amen Ve Amen.“

by Sara Y.




והיה השם למלך על כל הארץ, ביום ההוא יהיה השם אחד - ושמו אחד ישתבח שמו לעד לנצח נצחים בכל העולמות Blessed is His name for eternity in all worlds אין עוד מלבדו