Process of Redemption
We are witnessing before our very eyes the unfolding of the conclusion of the Redemption.
There are three stages to the war of Gog U’Magog. The first two have already been completed through WWI and WWII. The third part will eventually reach Yerushalayim. In the third stage, Moshiach ben David, Eliyahu HaNavi (zachur latov), Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon HaKohen Gadol (a'h) and the other eleven anointed of Israel will be resurrected at the beginning of the days of Moshiach.
The duty of Moshiach ben Yosef is to fight and win the war against Amalek. The remnant of the original inhabitants of Israel are to be returned to the land of Israel. The wicked from among the non-Jews (specifically the hollalim, as mentioned in Tehillim 5:6; 75 and 76) are supposed to be aligned in this war with the remnant of Amalek. Likewise, Armilus HaRasha (the secular Jewish leader) is also aligned with them.
The hollalim are described as so completely evil that they are considered insane. If you look at the targum of the word "hollalim," you will discover that it is "talibanim" (the actual verb form is "m’talevin" or "m’talevun").
The commentaries of the Radak and the Meiri (a'h) discuss the conclusion of the war of Gog UMagog. They mention that the hollalim will reside in fortified mountain strongholds. Interestingly, the MeAm Loez, a'h, commenting on the Song at the Sea of Reeds, mentions in passing that these people (whom he identifies as the nation of Magog itself) were defeated and imprisoned in this region by Alexander the Great, and they won’t escape from there to wreak havoc on the world - until the time of the Redemption.
Furthermore, it is mentioned in the Tur, Orach Chaim 490, in the name of Hai Gaon, (Rav Hai ben Sherira, zs'l) that the war of Gog U Magog will break out during Chol HaMoed Sukkot, and the resurrection of the dead will be in Nissan. According to the book Chesed L’Avraham written by Rav MeKubal Avraham Azulai, zs'l, it says that the resurrection of the dead will follow the end of 5760 (latest 5769). It relates this whole process to the idea of the filling of a Mikva, and says this will be the process of "removing the impurities" from the world.
It is no surprise that the actual war started (the bombs started to drop) in Afghanistan at 9:30 p.m. on the night of Hoshana Rabba, the time when the final judgment on the nations of the world is sealed and execution begun. It is also worth noting that the Radak is specific in referring to this as "Gog MiGog" (Gog from Gog) and not "Gog UMagog" (Gog and Magog). It is also worth noting that Gog is a leader, described by the Radak as the Nasi of Meshech and Tuval. These two roots refer to extreme attraction; materialism and incredible material wealth. In other words, Gog MiGog is the leader of the most materialistic and wealthy nation on earth. Is there any question what nation that is?
In a broader context, the WTC disaster that precipitated the war occurred during the days of "cheshbon ha’nefesh" (soul accounting) at the end of the month of Elul. In Elul, the last 12 days of the month correspond with one month of the year. The first day of the 12 corresponds with Tishrei, the second with Cheshvan, and so on. These days are a time of reflecting on what was lacking in our avodat HaShem the previous year and what we will correct in the coming year.
The attack on the WTC happened on the 6th day during these 12 days of cheshbon ha’nefesh, which corresponds with the month of Adar. This is an allusion to the Gulf War, which concluded in Adar (5751/1991) on Purim. At that time, President Bush Sr. didn’t finish the job. Loose ends were left that developed into the current situation. In spite of this, President Bush Sr. recognized that as a result of that war, the entire world order had been changed.
The period of the Gulf War coincided with what is referred to in Torah, and in particular, in the Maamar HaGeula by RaMCHaL (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, zs'l) as the Pekida. The Pekida is a glimpse of how the final Redemption will unfold. The first stage is temporary, and the final and complete Redemption follows later in the final stage, which is called the Zechira.
The pekida comes before the zechira. The pekida is Moshiach ben Yosef and is related to the yesod (foundation) and is the tikkun of the soul. The zechira is Moshiach ben David and is related to tiferet and is the tikkun of the body. The RaMCHaL says that the biblical kingdom of Yehudah had two tribes while the kingdom of Israel (Yosef) had ten tribes. Moshiach ben Yosef comes to deliver the TWO tribes and Moshiach ben David comes to deliver the TEN tribes.
This is the meaning of the prophecy in Sefer Yechezkel HaNavi, zs'l, chapter 37;19
הנה אני לקח את עץ יוסף אשר ביד אפרים, ושבטי ישראל חברו; ונתתי אותם עליו את עץ יהודה, ועשיתם לעץ אחד, והיו אחד, בידי.
'I will take Yosef's stick, which is in Ephraim's hand, and the tribes of Israel associated with it, and I will put them with Yehudah's stick. I will make them into one stick. They will be one in My hand.'
The son of President Bush (George from George/Gog MiGog) is picking up where his father left off. Most of the players in the first administration are the actual players in the current situation. It is important to note that the President and most of the world (including the gentile nations) turned to HaShem in prayer and repentance following the WTC attack. It is also worth noting that it was exactly 26 days from the WTC attack to the beginning of the war on Hoshana Rabba. This number, 26, is an allusion to Whom is making the judgment. The judgment is coming from Hashem directly (the numerical value of HaShem's name is 26).
In the Zohar it says that the two towers are said to represent the forces of tuma'a, called Li**** and Sa****. They are both associated with the presence of death in the world. Every nation on earth appears to have had offices or representatives in the 2 towers. The financial power of every nation was represented in that structure. Economic markets around the globe have been impacted strongly by the collapse of the towers.
The Zohar continues that from this conclusion, the effect flows out to all the other gentile nations, each according to what they require. The text specifically mentions a physical impact as well as a spiritual impact.
Zohar (Parshat Balak 3:212b):
"On the sixth day, there will be seen a comet" [Commentaries explain it is not really a comet, but a fireball that will explode in mid-air}
1) The fall of the dominion of the gentile nations, and;
2) The transfer of authority to King Moshiach, who is about to be revealed, "on the 25th day of the 6th month" [25th of Elul/September 13th, 2001) "and this will conclude on the 7th day, at the end of 70 days".
"The first day [of this event] will be seen in a great (or high) city. Three high walls from this great city will fall on this day, a great palace will fall, and the dominion of this city will be nullified. Then this comet [meaning its result] will be seen to spread throughout the world, and in this time harsh wars will break out in all four corners of the earth. Faith will not be forgotten through them."
It goes on to explain that this process concludes when King Moshiach arises (the actual expression is "grows") from a cave in the land of Israel to be king over the entire world. Some people don’t like to look at the Zohar as literal or physical, but concerning this particular section, Rabbi Moshe Cordevero, zs'l, in his commentary, Ohr Yakar, says that all of these events happen on a spiritual level and a physical level.
As is discussed in many places within the Torah, and in particular, in the first Chassidic discourse given by the Rebbe Rayatz, zs'l, "Reishit Goyim Amalek," once the head of the nations Amalek is defeated, the rest of the nations will be uplifted. The conflict, the opposition to HaShem’s Will, and the establishment of His kingdom in a complete fashion, depends solely on Amalek and those connected to Amalek. We learn from Yehoshua bin Nun, zs'l, in the second paragraph of Aleinu that in the end we will all serve HaShem together; "And on that day, HaShem will be One and His Name One."
Partial source: Bet Moshiach
There are three stages to the war of Gog U’Magog. The first two have already been completed through WWI and WWII. The third part will eventually reach Yerushalayim. In the third stage, Moshiach ben David, Eliyahu HaNavi (zachur latov), Moshe Rabbeinu, Aharon HaKohen Gadol (a'h) and the other eleven anointed of Israel will be resurrected at the beginning of the days of Moshiach.
The duty of Moshiach ben Yosef is to fight and win the war against Amalek. The remnant of the original inhabitants of Israel are to be returned to the land of Israel. The wicked from among the non-Jews (specifically the hollalim, as mentioned in Tehillim 5:6; 75 and 76) are supposed to be aligned in this war with the remnant of Amalek. Likewise, Armilus HaRasha (the secular Jewish leader) is also aligned with them.
The hollalim are described as so completely evil that they are considered insane. If you look at the targum of the word "hollalim," you will discover that it is "talibanim" (the actual verb form is "m’talevin" or "m’talevun").
The commentaries of the Radak and the Meiri (a'h) discuss the conclusion of the war of Gog UMagog. They mention that the hollalim will reside in fortified mountain strongholds. Interestingly, the MeAm Loez, a'h, commenting on the Song at the Sea of Reeds, mentions in passing that these people (whom he identifies as the nation of Magog itself) were defeated and imprisoned in this region by Alexander the Great, and they won’t escape from there to wreak havoc on the world - until the time of the Redemption.
Furthermore, it is mentioned in the Tur, Orach Chaim 490, in the name of Hai Gaon, (Rav Hai ben Sherira, zs'l) that the war of Gog U Magog will break out during Chol HaMoed Sukkot, and the resurrection of the dead will be in Nissan. According to the book Chesed L’Avraham written by Rav MeKubal Avraham Azulai, zs'l, it says that the resurrection of the dead will follow the end of 5760 (latest 5769). It relates this whole process to the idea of the filling of a Mikva, and says this will be the process of "removing the impurities" from the world.
It is no surprise that the actual war started (the bombs started to drop) in Afghanistan at 9:30 p.m. on the night of Hoshana Rabba, the time when the final judgment on the nations of the world is sealed and execution begun. It is also worth noting that the Radak is specific in referring to this as "Gog MiGog" (Gog from Gog) and not "Gog UMagog" (Gog and Magog). It is also worth noting that Gog is a leader, described by the Radak as the Nasi of Meshech and Tuval. These two roots refer to extreme attraction; materialism and incredible material wealth. In other words, Gog MiGog is the leader of the most materialistic and wealthy nation on earth. Is there any question what nation that is?
In a broader context, the WTC disaster that precipitated the war occurred during the days of "cheshbon ha’nefesh" (soul accounting) at the end of the month of Elul. In Elul, the last 12 days of the month correspond with one month of the year. The first day of the 12 corresponds with Tishrei, the second with Cheshvan, and so on. These days are a time of reflecting on what was lacking in our avodat HaShem the previous year and what we will correct in the coming year.
The attack on the WTC happened on the 6th day during these 12 days of cheshbon ha’nefesh, which corresponds with the month of Adar. This is an allusion to the Gulf War, which concluded in Adar (5751/1991) on Purim. At that time, President Bush Sr. didn’t finish the job. Loose ends were left that developed into the current situation. In spite of this, President Bush Sr. recognized that as a result of that war, the entire world order had been changed.
The period of the Gulf War coincided with what is referred to in Torah, and in particular, in the Maamar HaGeula by RaMCHaL (Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato, zs'l) as the Pekida. The Pekida is a glimpse of how the final Redemption will unfold. The first stage is temporary, and the final and complete Redemption follows later in the final stage, which is called the Zechira.
The pekida comes before the zechira. The pekida is Moshiach ben Yosef and is related to the yesod (foundation) and is the tikkun of the soul. The zechira is Moshiach ben David and is related to tiferet and is the tikkun of the body. The RaMCHaL says that the biblical kingdom of Yehudah had two tribes while the kingdom of Israel (Yosef) had ten tribes. Moshiach ben Yosef comes to deliver the TWO tribes and Moshiach ben David comes to deliver the TEN tribes.
This is the meaning of the prophecy in Sefer Yechezkel HaNavi, zs'l, chapter 37;19
הנה אני לקח את עץ יוסף אשר ביד אפרים, ושבטי ישראל חברו; ונתתי אותם עליו את עץ יהודה, ועשיתם לעץ אחד, והיו אחד, בידי.
'I will take Yosef's stick, which is in Ephraim's hand, and the tribes of Israel associated with it, and I will put them with Yehudah's stick. I will make them into one stick. They will be one in My hand.'
The son of President Bush (George from George/Gog MiGog) is picking up where his father left off. Most of the players in the first administration are the actual players in the current situation. It is important to note that the President and most of the world (including the gentile nations) turned to HaShem in prayer and repentance following the WTC attack. It is also worth noting that it was exactly 26 days from the WTC attack to the beginning of the war on Hoshana Rabba. This number, 26, is an allusion to Whom is making the judgment. The judgment is coming from Hashem directly (the numerical value of HaShem's name is 26).
In the Zohar it says that the two towers are said to represent the forces of tuma'a, called Li**** and Sa****. They are both associated with the presence of death in the world. Every nation on earth appears to have had offices or representatives in the 2 towers. The financial power of every nation was represented in that structure. Economic markets around the globe have been impacted strongly by the collapse of the towers.
The Zohar continues that from this conclusion, the effect flows out to all the other gentile nations, each according to what they require. The text specifically mentions a physical impact as well as a spiritual impact.
Zohar (Parshat Balak 3:212b):
"On the sixth day, there will be seen a comet" [Commentaries explain it is not really a comet, but a fireball that will explode in mid-air}
1) The fall of the dominion of the gentile nations, and;
2) The transfer of authority to King Moshiach, who is about to be revealed, "on the 25th day of the 6th month" [25th of Elul/September 13th, 2001) "and this will conclude on the 7th day, at the end of 70 days".
"The first day [of this event] will be seen in a great (or high) city. Three high walls from this great city will fall on this day, a great palace will fall, and the dominion of this city will be nullified. Then this comet [meaning its result] will be seen to spread throughout the world, and in this time harsh wars will break out in all four corners of the earth. Faith will not be forgotten through them."
It goes on to explain that this process concludes when King Moshiach arises (the actual expression is "grows") from a cave in the land of Israel to be king over the entire world. Some people don’t like to look at the Zohar as literal or physical, but concerning this particular section, Rabbi Moshe Cordevero, zs'l, in his commentary, Ohr Yakar, says that all of these events happen on a spiritual level and a physical level.
As is discussed in many places within the Torah, and in particular, in the first Chassidic discourse given by the Rebbe Rayatz, zs'l, "Reishit Goyim Amalek," once the head of the nations Amalek is defeated, the rest of the nations will be uplifted. The conflict, the opposition to HaShem’s Will, and the establishment of His kingdom in a complete fashion, depends solely on Amalek and those connected to Amalek. We learn from Yehoshua bin Nun, zs'l, in the second paragraph of Aleinu that in the end we will all serve HaShem together; "And on that day, HaShem will be One and His Name One."
Partial source: Bet Moshiach
Labels: Prophecies

