Start from the North
Wednesday's war breakout continues in the Northern front of Israel "coincides" with this Shabbat's Hafarah - Navi ירמיהו Yirmiyahu:
ויאמר ה' אלי מצפון תיפתח הרעה על כל יושבי הארץ
And HaShem said from the North the bad will open on all residents of Israel[+/-] show/hide text
כי שוקד אני על דברי לעשותו According to Chazal, it takes twenty-one days for the fruit of the almond tree to develop. This is symbolic - it is the same as the three-week period between the seventeenth of Tammuz and the ninth of Av. (Rashi)
כי הנני קורא לכל משפחות ממלכות צפונה. Hashem will encourage all the neighboring kingdoms to come and attack Jerusalem. (Metzudat David)
2. Hashem is calling to the nations to act as judges between Hashem and His people. (Malbim)
ובאו ונתנו איש כסאו פתח שערי ירושלים These countries will set up their armies at the gates of Jerusalem, and besiege the city. (Metzudat David)
2. It is as if the kings are setting up their courts around the city, in order to judge the people of the city. (Malbim)
לכן עוד אריב אתכם נאום ה' Before Hashem delivers the punishment to the Jewish people, He sends prophets to try and persuade them to recognize Him. (Metzudat David)
2. Aside from the rebuke that the prophets delivered in past generations, the present generation will also be rebuked. In addition to that, Hashem knows that future generations will also need to be rebuked. (Metzudat David)
עליו ישאגו כפירים נתנו קולם The nations will roar against the Jews to frighten them. (Metzudat David)
ירעוך קודקוד These countries will not be of help; rather, they will break the skull of the Jewish people.
הלוא זאת תעשה לך עזבך את ה' The reason for all the tragedies is that the Jews left Hashem. The tragedies did not happen by chance. (Metzudat David)
בעת מוליכך בדרך The Jews did not follow Hashem when He tried to lead them on the proper path. (Metzudat David)
תייסרך רעתך Yirmiyahu is telling the people, that if they don't want to listen to the prophets or to wise people, they should at least look at the punishments they are getting for their sins. (Me'am Lo'ez)
2. The Jews are responsible for the negative consequences of their sins. (Metzudat David)
3. Yirmiyahu is telling them to realize that the result of sin is punishment. (Abarbanel)
ואיך נהפכת לי סורי הגפן נוכרייה The Jews intermingled with other nations, and lost their dignity and their mark as a special nation. (Metzudat David)
נכתם עוונך The private sins of the Jews are like a great stain in front of Hashem, and cannot be cleansed through such public acts. (Metzudat David)
ובעת רעתם יאמרו קומה והושיענו However, when trouble comes, they turn to Hashem to save them. (Metzudat David)
ועמי שכחוני ימים אין מספר The people of Israel have forgotten Hashem for many days now - Hashem, who is the mainstay of their existence. (Metzudat David)
ותאמרי כי ניקיתי אך שב אפו ממני The Jews contend that they are innocent, and are no longer deserving of punishment from Hashem. (Metzudat David, Radak)
הנני נשפט אותך על אמרך לא חטאתי The Jews will get a double punishment: for their sins and for their denial that they sinned. (Metzudat David)
2. A crucial component of teshuvah is the recognition of the sin.
כי מאס ה' במבטחייך ולא תצליחי להם The Jews' reliance on outside forces is despicable to Hashem. Therefore these outside forces will be of no avail in helping the Jews in their struggle against their enemies. (Metzudat David)
האותי הם מכעיסים נאום ה' This statement should be read as a question: Do the people think they are angering Me? Hashem does not have any feelings of anger. (Radak)
ואשלח אליכם את כל עבדי הנביאים The people can't argue that they were not sufficiently directed to move forward rather than backwards. Hashem sent them many prophets to warn them. (Malbim)
ויקשו את ערפם It was as if their necks had become stiff, and they could not turn themselves back to the way of Hashem. It is similar to a person who does not want to turn his head to hear what his friend has to say. (Metzudat David)
2. They refused to learn from the miracles and the punishments that Hashem brought upon them. (Malbim)
קווה לשלום ואין טוב The Jews will hope for peace, but there will be no peace. (Metzudat David)
2. The people believe that it is proper to hope for peace, and therefore they wonder, why isn't there any good? (Malbim)
הה' אין בציון אם מלכה אין בה These questions are rhetorical. The people can't believe that Hashem who presides in Zion would allow the enemies to overrun the city. (Radak)
2. The prophet foresees that the Jews will cry out from foreign lands. He notes that this cry is really unnecessary, for if they return to Hashem (who is found in Zion), they will be saved. (Rashi)
3. The people believe that the presence of the Shechinah in the city of Jerusalem will ensure that it will be saved through a miracle. At the very least the city should be saved through natural means of victory in war. (Malbim)
הנני צורפם ובחנתים Hashem will bring punishment on the people in order to refine them from their sins. (Metzudat David)
(וארא ל"ב ,בתרגום):"ועתידים בני ישמעאל לעורר מלחמות חזקות בעולם ויתאספו בני-אדום עליהם ויתגרו מלחמה בהם,אחת על הים ואחת על היבשה,ואחת סמוך לירושלים
And in the future, Bnei Yishmael will awake to cause strong wars in the world and Edom (USA) will gather on them and will begin a war on water, one on land, and one close to Jerusalem
As we enter the Three Weeks, Israel's northern border has flared up. war clouds are not brooding; they have already exploded bringing their storm upon us. A lot can happen over the next three weeks. Regardless of whatever happens, however bad things come to appear, always remember and never forget, it is HaShem who is King.
The Sages of Torah have tried to warn the world of this for a long time. Yes, the Jews have long been warned to mend their ways, not for the sake of Heaven alone, but also for our own sake, as well.
However all our Torah words of wisdom and warning, morals and mission have usually fallen on deaf ears. After all, how long can one cry out and try to awaken a sleeping driver behind the wheel of a run-away car before the car is about to go over the cliff. We can cry and scream, yet once the car begins to go over the cliff, waking up too late is not really going to help a situation that is already in motion and cannot be turned back.
Welcome to war, world of sleepers. War has a terrible way of awakening even those who slumber deep. It is ultimately HaShem that has brought war to Israel. HaShem is in charge.
כי איך אעשה מפני בת עמי Hashem is unable to ignore the iniquities of the people since they are supposed to be a holy nation. Hashem is also unable to destroy them because they are His nation and He loves them. Therefore, He will cleanse them of their sins and purify them - through suffering. (Metzudat David)
ובחוצות ירושלים The people commit their sins in public, without any sense of shame. (Radak)
Some Jews that put on Tfillin daily and "look and dress" religious but are trapped deep by the Sitra Achra and it's mad, mad, mad. The people believe that the presence of the Shechinah in the city of Jerusalem will ensure that it will be saved through a miracle. BUT the filthy disgusting dirty parade of shame that Jews scheduled has angered HaShem more so.
הנה אפי וחמתי ניתכת אל המקום הזה Hashem's anger will rain down on the land. (Metzudat David)
ולא תכבה The anger/punishment will not subside, until everything is destroyed. (Metzudat David)
למען ייטב לכם It is the people who benefit from following Hashem, not Hashem himself.
גדולי ישראל בארץ ובעולם קובעים כי 'עת צרה היא ליעקב' וקוראים להתפלל ולומר תהילים להצלת עם ישראל
All Gedolim in Israel and in the world have stated TODAY that this is Time of Trouble for Yaakov (Bnei Yisrael) and are calling on us to pray and say Tehillim to save AM ISRAEL.
Yitkadal V'yitkadash Shemey Rabbah. - The Great Name shall be exalted and sanctified. Amen.
ויאמר ה' אלי מצפון תיפתח הרעה על כל יושבי הארץ
And HaShem said from the North the bad will open on all residents of Israel[+/-] show/hide text
כי שוקד אני על דברי לעשותו According to Chazal, it takes twenty-one days for the fruit of the almond tree to develop. This is symbolic - it is the same as the three-week period between the seventeenth of Tammuz and the ninth of Av. (Rashi)
כי הנני קורא לכל משפחות ממלכות צפונה. Hashem will encourage all the neighboring kingdoms to come and attack Jerusalem. (Metzudat David)
2. Hashem is calling to the nations to act as judges between Hashem and His people. (Malbim)
ובאו ונתנו איש כסאו פתח שערי ירושלים These countries will set up their armies at the gates of Jerusalem, and besiege the city. (Metzudat David)
2. It is as if the kings are setting up their courts around the city, in order to judge the people of the city. (Malbim)
לכן עוד אריב אתכם נאום ה' Before Hashem delivers the punishment to the Jewish people, He sends prophets to try and persuade them to recognize Him. (Metzudat David)
2. Aside from the rebuke that the prophets delivered in past generations, the present generation will also be rebuked. In addition to that, Hashem knows that future generations will also need to be rebuked. (Metzudat David)
עליו ישאגו כפירים נתנו קולם The nations will roar against the Jews to frighten them. (Metzudat David)
ירעוך קודקוד These countries will not be of help; rather, they will break the skull of the Jewish people.
הלוא זאת תעשה לך עזבך את ה' The reason for all the tragedies is that the Jews left Hashem. The tragedies did not happen by chance. (Metzudat David)
בעת מוליכך בדרך The Jews did not follow Hashem when He tried to lead them on the proper path. (Metzudat David)
תייסרך רעתך Yirmiyahu is telling the people, that if they don't want to listen to the prophets or to wise people, they should at least look at the punishments they are getting for their sins. (Me'am Lo'ez)
2. The Jews are responsible for the negative consequences of their sins. (Metzudat David)
3. Yirmiyahu is telling them to realize that the result of sin is punishment. (Abarbanel)
ואיך נהפכת לי סורי הגפן נוכרייה The Jews intermingled with other nations, and lost their dignity and their mark as a special nation. (Metzudat David)
נכתם עוונך The private sins of the Jews are like a great stain in front of Hashem, and cannot be cleansed through such public acts. (Metzudat David)
ובעת רעתם יאמרו קומה והושיענו However, when trouble comes, they turn to Hashem to save them. (Metzudat David)
ועמי שכחוני ימים אין מספר The people of Israel have forgotten Hashem for many days now - Hashem, who is the mainstay of their existence. (Metzudat David)
ותאמרי כי ניקיתי אך שב אפו ממני The Jews contend that they are innocent, and are no longer deserving of punishment from Hashem. (Metzudat David, Radak)
הנני נשפט אותך על אמרך לא חטאתי The Jews will get a double punishment: for their sins and for their denial that they sinned. (Metzudat David)
2. A crucial component of teshuvah is the recognition of the sin.
כי מאס ה' במבטחייך ולא תצליחי להם The Jews' reliance on outside forces is despicable to Hashem. Therefore these outside forces will be of no avail in helping the Jews in their struggle against their enemies. (Metzudat David)
האותי הם מכעיסים נאום ה' This statement should be read as a question: Do the people think they are angering Me? Hashem does not have any feelings of anger. (Radak)
ואשלח אליכם את כל עבדי הנביאים The people can't argue that they were not sufficiently directed to move forward rather than backwards. Hashem sent them many prophets to warn them. (Malbim)
ויקשו את ערפם It was as if their necks had become stiff, and they could not turn themselves back to the way of Hashem. It is similar to a person who does not want to turn his head to hear what his friend has to say. (Metzudat David)
2. They refused to learn from the miracles and the punishments that Hashem brought upon them. (Malbim)
קווה לשלום ואין טוב The Jews will hope for peace, but there will be no peace. (Metzudat David)
2. The people believe that it is proper to hope for peace, and therefore they wonder, why isn't there any good? (Malbim)
הה' אין בציון אם מלכה אין בה These questions are rhetorical. The people can't believe that Hashem who presides in Zion would allow the enemies to overrun the city. (Radak)
2. The prophet foresees that the Jews will cry out from foreign lands. He notes that this cry is really unnecessary, for if they return to Hashem (who is found in Zion), they will be saved. (Rashi)
3. The people believe that the presence of the Shechinah in the city of Jerusalem will ensure that it will be saved through a miracle. At the very least the city should be saved through natural means of victory in war. (Malbim)
הנני צורפם ובחנתים Hashem will bring punishment on the people in order to refine them from their sins. (Metzudat David)
(וארא ל"ב ,בתרגום):"ועתידים בני ישמעאל לעורר מלחמות חזקות בעולם ויתאספו בני-אדום עליהם ויתגרו מלחמה בהם,אחת על הים ואחת על היבשה,ואחת סמוך לירושלים
And in the future, Bnei Yishmael will awake to cause strong wars in the world and Edom (USA) will gather on them and will begin a war on water, one on land, and one close to Jerusalem
As we enter the Three Weeks, Israel's northern border has flared up. war clouds are not brooding; they have already exploded bringing their storm upon us. A lot can happen over the next three weeks. Regardless of whatever happens, however bad things come to appear, always remember and never forget, it is HaShem who is King.
The Sages of Torah have tried to warn the world of this for a long time. Yes, the Jews have long been warned to mend their ways, not for the sake of Heaven alone, but also for our own sake, as well.
However all our Torah words of wisdom and warning, morals and mission have usually fallen on deaf ears. After all, how long can one cry out and try to awaken a sleeping driver behind the wheel of a run-away car before the car is about to go over the cliff. We can cry and scream, yet once the car begins to go over the cliff, waking up too late is not really going to help a situation that is already in motion and cannot be turned back.
Welcome to war, world of sleepers. War has a terrible way of awakening even those who slumber deep. It is ultimately HaShem that has brought war to Israel. HaShem is in charge.
כי איך אעשה מפני בת עמי Hashem is unable to ignore the iniquities of the people since they are supposed to be a holy nation. Hashem is also unable to destroy them because they are His nation and He loves them. Therefore, He will cleanse them of their sins and purify them - through suffering. (Metzudat David)
ובחוצות ירושלים The people commit their sins in public, without any sense of shame. (Radak)
Some Jews that put on Tfillin daily and "look and dress" religious but are trapped deep by the Sitra Achra and it's mad, mad, mad. The people believe that the presence of the Shechinah in the city of Jerusalem will ensure that it will be saved through a miracle. BUT the filthy disgusting dirty parade of shame that Jews scheduled has angered HaShem more so.
הנה אפי וחמתי ניתכת אל המקום הזה Hashem's anger will rain down on the land. (Metzudat David)
ולא תכבה The anger/punishment will not subside, until everything is destroyed. (Metzudat David)
למען ייטב לכם It is the people who benefit from following Hashem, not Hashem himself.
גדולי ישראל בארץ ובעולם קובעים כי 'עת צרה היא ליעקב' וקוראים להתפלל ולומר תהילים להצלת עם ישראל
All Gedolim in Israel and in the world have stated TODAY that this is Time of Trouble for Yaakov (Bnei Yisrael) and are calling on us to pray and say Tehillim to save AM ISRAEL.
Yitkadal V'yitkadash Shemey Rabbah. - The Great Name shall be exalted and sanctified. Amen.


Beautiful post, Nava! Lot's of love. :-)
Chaya Tova
Sorry, my words in my last post meant to say: lots of love "to you." :-) Thank you for working so hard to help klal yisrael. May we continue to do more tshuva!
Chaya Tova
"Before Hashem delivers the punishment to the Jewish people, He sends prophets to try and persuade them to recognize Him..."
Nava, please think deeply if you really want to choose the role of the chastiser of the Jewish nation. Consider the words of the Lubavitcher Rebbe (source):
Even the prophets of whom it is said that, 'The spirit of the L-rd spoke in them and His word was on their tongue,' are warned that, 'The A-lmighty does not desire one who speaks badly of His people.' We find that Yeshayahu, one of the greatest of the prophets, was punished when he said, 'and in the midst of a people of impure lips I dwell.'
Maimonides, in his famous epistle Iggeres HaShmad, writes: 'If the pillars of the world (i.e., the Prophets) were punished for speaking unfavorably of the people, how much more so less important personalities who loosen their tongue against communities of Israel to call them wicked....'
It is also important to bear in mind the warning the Torah gives us about 'not opening our mouth to the Satan.' Strong words can arouse the Divine attribute of judgment and bring about punishment, whereas with good words and seeking merit in the people, one causes that G-d accepts this merit. An example of this concept is found with Gideon, in whose days Israel was in great danger and the A-lmighty was looking for a person who would see merit in them.... As soon as Gideon saw merit in them an angel appeared to him. It was only in the merit of Gideon seeking merit in the people that they were redeemed.
Anyhow, see from today (erev Shabbos):
Message from Persian Kabbalist Chacham Z
Chacham Z comes from Mashad, Iran. He is an anonymous tzaddik reminiscent of the Chalban, one that looks like a fishmonger or a milkman on the outside. Don't let that fool you. If you want to feel true humility, then discuss Torah - Talmud or esoteric - with Chacham Z. His blessings are like money in the bank. Today, Chacham Z came to Ashdod. I couldn't believe what I saw - he was distributing free books of Psalms to passersby, ice cream for children (to relieve their worry), vegetables for the poor, and pastries to soldiers. He had an entire welcome wagon in his battered Fiat 127, model 1981. He called me over and blessed me, and said "Hashem will do tremendous miracles. Iran is in big trouble. If Israel does a warning strike on a secondary Iranian town, such as Isfahan or Mashad, they will succeed! Achmadinejad will see the strong arm of Hashem if he doesn't back off of Israel. The Torah says we shall dwell alone - we don't need America or anybody else's help! If the Iranians persist in attacking Israel, then Tehran will be hit with a nuclear weapon. Hashem wants us to do Tshuva, so He chastises us. But, He will protect us against Iran. Let the IDF fight fearlessly and with no restraint from the nations of the world. We must support our dear soldiers with tshuva and Torah!" He wished me "Shabbat Shalom" and drove away. If you're questioning Chacham Z's authenticity, an hour after I spoke to him, Achmedinejad came out with this statement. Iran is scared, but like other tyrants, he'll run to his own destruction. Wait and see, it's all comin' down.
Rav Elchanan concluded that one must suffer the pangs of Moshiach, but the wise man will quietly prepare himself during that time—perhaps he will be worthy of seeing the comforting of Tzion and Yerushalyim. (Lev Eliyahu, Shemos, p.172)
Parashas Bechukosai and Parashas Ki Savo tell us that even God’s patience has a limit — not for His good, but for our good. What is that limit? How do we know we haven’t yet reached it?
Navi Zacharia says 2/3 of the world will perish. Whomever wants to survive the War of Gog U Magog, occupy with Torah and charity. If he does this, HaShem will recompense measurement for measurement
WE, the Jews have not pleased HaShem and there's a threat in shamayim that Gogumagog will happen before Moshaich's arrival.
Monday nite I was shown the horrors of gogumagog (HaShem should save us and you and all Klal Yisrael - amen) and this decree is very hard to change BUT POSSIBLE, B'H.
I have taken parts of previous posts about Tshuva. This is not from nava
and you know, i keep thinking, it's our whole past we have to do tshuva about, not just recent events. even tho we've
done it before.
"v'chatasi k'negdi tamid" chassidus explains that
this is because the
tshuva only sufficed for the level we were on
then, but as to the new
level, the tshuva is lacking. as the garment gets
cleaner and cleaner,
the faint smudges show more and more.
so we have to be rigorous and go back to things
we thought we "resolved"
and re resolve them from this level to make a
more complete tshuva.
(as if there wasn't enough in the PRESENT for me
to do tshuva on!!!! )