Shema Israel
I dreamed both Friday and Motzei Shabbat - both dreams are connected to the Pasuk of the day and time of Moshiach's arrival, The hour was unclear to my mind. Let's say the hour is 5 pm. Is it 5 p.m. or 5 am? Is it 5 in Israel or 5 in Australia? Or 5 in NY? How can it be 5 in one side of the globe, daytime, and 5 on the other side of world, nighttime?[+/-] show/hide text
Friday night I was given the answer of my uncertainty about the hour of Moshiach Tzidkenu's arrival. I dreamed that on THE day of Moshiach's arrival, the hour will connect throughout the world, it will the same time for every continent, country, city and state and Shamayim. The day and hour will connect the universe to Shamayim and making the time of Moshiach's arrival universal - in all רקיעים firmaments and the 4 directions.
שמע ישראל ה' אלקינו ה' אחד - ECHAD
Aleph - HaShem is ONE
Chet - The 7 רקיעים and the earth
Daled - the 4 directions, North South East West
(BTW, when saying Shema, this must be thought in the mind)
ECHAD HASHEM, Melech Malchei Hamelachim, will unite the Chet and Daled of Moshiach's arrival day and time b'h.
Friday night I was given the answer of my uncertainty about the hour of Moshiach Tzidkenu's arrival. I dreamed that on THE day of Moshiach's arrival, the hour will connect throughout the world, it will the same time for every continent, country, city and state and Shamayim. The day and hour will connect the universe to Shamayim and making the time of Moshiach's arrival universal - in all רקיעים firmaments and the 4 directions.
שמע ישראל ה' אלקינו ה' אחד - ECHAD
Aleph - HaShem is ONE
Chet - The 7 רקיעים and the earth
Daled - the 4 directions, North South East West
(BTW, when saying Shema, this must be thought in the mind)
ECHAD HASHEM, Melech Malchei Hamelachim, will unite the Chet and Daled of Moshiach's arrival day and time b'h.
Labels: Dream

i was looking at the pasuk again with recent events in mind and noticed that 'shalit' (gilad) is found in the word 'plishtim' with a 'pey' and a 'mem' left over. don't know where that connects up (rashei tevot 'pnei
Is this dream conected with the ark?
Is that going to be found or it is just a metaphore conected with the Moshiach's presence?
I read your latest post with intense interest and trepidation. My fear is that the "missing" part of the A"K will not be found because who is it that is invading Gaza? Armilus(Olmert) the Rasha! Certainly HE has no interest in bringing the Geulah (if it ever even occured to him). Or might it be that the heilige neshomos of your loved ones are being shared by IDF soldiers that are Daati'im, and are directing them, while the search for the abducted soldier, to a place where the A"K can be found? After all, we learn that there are people who sometimes have a "Share" with another neshomoh for the purpose of helping that person accomplish a specific mission.
I soooooo long for the day of Moshiach Tzidkeinu. I do not fear Chevlei Moshiach because "Lo Omus Ki Echyeh". We are a part of Eloka MiMa'al Mammash. Even if the worst happens and I find myself facing Melech Malchei HaMelachim, HKB"H, and I don't have answers for the stains on my neshomoh, I KNOW that when asked "Tzipisa LiYeshuah?" I I will be able to answer a strong affirmative "AMein!!!!"
Didn't someone on the Moshiach forum tell about a dream that there were only two keilim missing from the BHM and when these are found Moshiach will come?
shevi of baltimore
I had a dream on Shabbos afternoon that there were a group of Israelis inside Gaza and dressed in arabic clothing and they were just relaxing near a street corner and every time a group of arabs came by they would quickly shoot them all and no Arabs were suspicious of them.
I thought this dream was similar to yours about the Jews in Gaza who speak perfect Arabic to get their way around.
I forgot to mention that my husband and his brother both were dressed in arab attire, including Kafias.
Nava,There seems to be a reoccuring theme of "2". In my dream two items were needed, and there were two days until Moshiach. In your dream, the 2 men went into Gaza, and the "barrel" had two holes. This also makes me remember the two young men that were kidnapped. What is the spiritual significance of the number two?
Shevi of Balto
I was just thinking the same thing. Also, Gaza keeps reoccuring.
1. The passuk ויהי ארון יהוה בשדה פלשתים, שבעה חדשים.
2. The GD of the Jews (in Gaza).
3. Deciphering Code of Moshiach's Arrival in Part 2, (the process will start in Gaza)
4. The Aaron of HaShem (there's a missing section of the Aaron HaShem in Gaza)
and it ties in with the 2 - but I don't know. Maybe I'll ask this at the Forum and someone will be able to decipher this.
on the recurrence of 2, does it fit, two
meshichim, ben yosef and ben dovid?
There is a new thread to discuss this posuk and its possible implications:
See the thread, it might give you some ideas.
The midrash connects the aron being in the land of the plishtim 7 months with the 7 sheep Avraham gave to Avimelech (melech Plishtim). And it connects it with a posuk in Tehillim (78:61), He delivered His might into captivity, and His glory into the hand of the adversary which speaks about captivity.
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לאורך הדורות. מאוד משמח ומרגש אותי שאחת כמוך קיימת
בדור הזה. לא כל אחד זוכה לחלומות אמיתיים כאלה
ובאופן רצוף.
אני אמשיך לעקוב עד הגאולה השלימה בע"ה.