Awakening Yosef
In the search to awaken Yosef, I've been going around our beautiful country telling the story of Devorah HaNevia and there's been an awesome interest and feedback, b'h. People are feeling the end is so near and are anxiously waiting for the final redemption. A group in Netanya filmed my story to be distributed in discs all over the country. You are getting the first glimpse... Enjoy! (It's in Hebrew)

Nava toda raba very interesting. What year it was happened?
Thank you, I appreciate your positive comment. It happened Dec. 2016.
I hope you will consider translating this to English. I thank you in advance and am looking forward to watching.
Nava, I'm a middle age women.After I made tshuva (2004?) i started to see dreams, I didn't know why I'm getting them, until the last part that I saw motze asara betevet 5776. Shortly after that my son (he is 11) join me. It was a shock? What? I'm not alone? The reality is nobody will understand our dreams or will understand,but wrongly. Because they do not see this dreams. It was too reveling. But why I'm saying you this? It just hard, it just hold the breath.
Thank you Nava. You are the one who influenced me with your posts at the beginning.
Forgot to say, all the dreams about mashiach and geulah.
Moriah, I wrote the story on the blog under Devorah Hanevia, a'h.
Anon, I think you should share. Please get a lot of strength and hope from the spiritual dreams!
can i have your email to send one of my son's dream?
Hi Nava! I'm so, so happy that you're back once again (or more than once again)!
And your video is great! I love the audio and visual enhancements. Even though my Hebrew has improved a lot in the last 10 years, it still was great to hear the dog barking when you said something like hakelev noveach, for example. I haven't heard that in a long time & I would have been scratching my head: What was that?
שהקב"ה יברך אותך בכל מה שאת עושה בעבודתו!
P.S. You may not remember me, but I almost found you an apartment when you arrived in 2009. Looks like you did better where you are.
Thank you sweet Chava.
Rav Ashlag of blessed memory used that principle to determine the year of 5778 as the time of the geula (final redemption), and the Arizal hinted at its use to determine a specific date within the year 5778