Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Ma'ot Chitim – "Wheat Money"

In the opening paragraph of the Haggadah recited at the Seder, we declare: "All who are hungry, let them come and eat." Our nation is a singular entity, and in order to experience freedom ourselves, we must also ensure that our brothers and sisters have the means to celebrate freedom too. 

In reality, however, most of the people who are hungry will not be standing in our dining rooms as we begin our Seder, waiting for the invitation. As such, in preparation for the Passover holiday, it is age-old Jewish tradition to contribute generously towards funds that ensure that indeed everyone who is in need has the necessary provisions for the holiday—food, wine, matzah, festive clothing, etc. This special Passover fund, originally intended to provide the poor with matzah, is known as maot chitim, "the wheat fund," or kimcha d'pischa, "Passover flour." 

The collection of ma'ot chitim begins thirty days prior to the holiday, and the funds are distributed the Shabbat preceding the holiday. If one has not yet given by then, one should anyways give.  And when you help others to celebrate a joyous holiday, G‑d will certainly reciprocate in kind, and grant you and yours a happy and kosher, a meaningful and liberating Passover holiday!

Please click on the donate button below and I will personally distribute amongst families living in Jerusalem. Yasher Koach!!!


AishKodesh said...

Chag Kasher V'Sameach to you and your family! Beautiful blog you have here. Beracha v'hatzlacha v'kol tuv!

Please feel free to check out my blog at

May it be a Pesach to remember!

ELIAKIM said...

It is a Pesach to remember, I had a dream today of cut glass tumblers, in dream interpretation it indicates an increase in income. After I received the dream, I checked the lottery and I had won £25.00 on Friday night. What's also interesting is that this is the first Pesach that I have bought and cooked with Matzo meal.

Thank you for your prayers.


Yehoshua said...

Why keep wandering? Learn the truth about the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil with my latest post. The blog is about Revelation, Return, and Redemption. It is Jewish. Show it to your rabbis, families, and friends. Let them learn about true Wisdom and Understanding.

Yisrael Ben Eliezer said...


If anyone is interested in joining a secret society of Precious Neshamot preforming Yichudim in a Minyan located in Queens NY, please message me at

We will be interviewing Holy Neshamos for some minimum requirements:
- A Neshama that has revealed itself within the body to the extent that Pride and Anger have been minimized.
- A Neshama that recognizes the Value and Potential of other Neshamos.
- A Neshama that Knows Majority of Orach Chaim Halachot as required from the Hakdama of Eitz Chaim.
- A Neshama that has experience breaking the Difficulties of the world by learning Gemara with Tosfot.

The path laid out is the path of Rav Yisrael Ben Eliezer Baal Shem Tov z.l. Specifically the path of Rav Shnuer Zalman founder of Chabad.
SS main goal is to Hasten Moshiachs Arrival by:
- Unifying our minds via in depth Contemplation to the Upper Intellect. (Holy Meaningful Concepts)
- Unifiying our Minds so it can dominate our emotions and actions.
- Coming close to tasting what true Intellectual and Emotional Ecstasy feels like.
- Writing down our experiences of Visions, Dreams, and Miracles in our own personal private notebook.
- Spreading the Teachings to awaken other Neshamos

We will not be using Practical Kabbalah; Incantions of Names of God, Angels or Demons.
We are not a Meshichist group. We are not about magic and gematrias. We are about Desire, Intellect, Meaning, and material Change.


Unknown said...

Hi are you nava klein i need to talk to you about weiking up yosef pleas send me a email

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