The Ben Yehoyada explains that hurricanes are created by
loshon hora. The following is a short synopsis. See below for the original.
The connection between hurricanes and the sanctity of
speech can be seen in the pasuk in Amos (4:13) which says “Hashem creates
mountains and storms to teach a person what he has spoken.”
The posuk
starts with Hashem creating mountains and ends with mentioning the speech of
Hashem created giant mountains whose sole purpose is to diminish
the winds of His great storms. Without those mountains, chas v’shalom, when
hurricanes strike they would totally destroy all buildings and houses.
Instead Hashem first sends the winds to strike the mountains, which diminish
their great strength, before “allowing” them to strike places where people
But why,
asks the Ben Yehoyada, is there a need for such great hurricane winds in the
first place?
He answers
“Hurricanes are created by the aveira of improper speech, loshon hora.”
The Ben Yehoyada teaches us that after witnessing a great
hurricane, every person should learn great musar from it, to guard themselves from
the sin of improper speech.